Virgin media super hub and apple time capsule

Hi - I'm just about to take delivery of a virgin media super hub ( as Virgin are currently increasing our Speed) - but currently have a Time Capsule, how would this work with the new Hub? I still want to use the TC but as the new hub is both Router and Modem? Can anyone give me some "laymens" guidance please?
Many thanks

I am still following the thread! I am very interested to read your findings, since I am running an old-style non-wifi 20mb ntlworld cable modem and a newly acquired TC and I have been wondering if the TC was up to the job of distributing the data flow on a 100 mbps line (which I thinking of upgrading to).
In theory the TC is well up to the speed required.. wan to lan throughput of the latest gen or previous one should be same as the 5th generation AEBS which is tested around 430mbps..
See reme-gen-5-reviewed
They use the same processor and basic functions. 1.2ghz processor should be well up to the speed.
In reality lots of people are reporting problems.. there is some issue that needs fixing with firmware or OS upgrade. It doesn't hit everyone, but the TC has enough reports of issues to be wary.
I know that in practice the Virgin service can only serve data as quickly as the websites/game sites you are connected to, but I wonder if the TC will be a 'throttle' on the Virgin network. If so, maybe it's best to operate 2 separate home networks, on different channels: (1) Virgin router and (2) TC. What do you think is the best way to handle this issue? 
On my home wifi network, we currently use 2 macbook pros, 1 macbook that can only use 802.11g at best, 3 ipads and 2 PS3s. The PS3s are the most connection speed-sensitive (gaming) but any of the others might be used for streaming video at any time.
You can setup two networks.. just bridge the TC.. and set its wireless to a fixed channel different from the virgin router. There is no problem with doing that, and you are not double NATting doing it. Try to avoid double NAT as that would really give you two networks and the one will be hidden from the other.

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    I would recommend you stick to using the superhub in full router mode.. the reason for this is xbox uses upnp which is not supplied by TC. Unless you want to manually port forward every port required then it is best to use TC bridged.
    .I also put the tc into bridge mode but still it will not work.
    Ok, you need to troubleshoot this some more and telling us.. it doesn't work is unhelpful.
    So first of all put the superhub back into full router mode. Turn off and disconnect the TC completely.
    Get everything running. Or as much as possible.
    What doesn't work? (Other than TM backups of course).
    Are you mainly using wireless? Does that work ok on all the computers and xbox?
    Please list as much detail as possible of any issues with the TC completely disconnected.
    Now plug the TC into a single computer by ethernet.. no other connection to the computer or the TC, so turn off wireless in the computer. Run the airport utility and manual setup. Go to the internet tab, and change connection sharing to off, bridged mode. Go to the wireless page, and turn off wireless.
    Update the settings of the TC, then unplug it, and plug it into the superhub with ethernet. (on the computer that you used change back to previous settings).
    A reboot of everything is now a worthwhile thing to do.. so turn off everything.. restart modem.. TC.. computers with a 2min gap between them.
    On a computer open the airport utility and see if it can find the TC. Setup TM to use the TC.
    Explain in as much detail as possible if this fails.

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    Sadly my 'technical' discussions with ATT have never been helpful.  Whether it is Uverse, or the phone.  The take there is that I bought the product, it isn't theirs and so its not really their responsibility.  Which I suppose has its place, they can't be responsible for every form of product out there.  They don't sell this. 

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    Thank you

    Sadly my 'technical' discussions with ATT have never been helpful.  Whether it is Uverse, or the phone.  The take there is that I bought the product, it isn't theirs and so its not really their responsibility.  Which I suppose has its place, they can't be responsible for every form of product out there.  They don't sell this. 

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    I tried [email protected] as my username but it would not work. It works with my username. It is all over the internet that you leave the password blank, otherwise if you put a password in, again it doesn't work.
    You do NOT get an option on the Time Capsule to have DNS set to auto. You only have the option to put in your primary and secondary DNS.

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    Hi Johny have you resolved this? I just caught your post looking for something else today. If you have NOT resolved it, it's highly likely this is a NETWORKING issue and is simple to resolve.
    Look first in the diagnostic logs by launching /applications/utilities/ and look for SYSTEM LOGs in the side bar of the UI. If the problem is persistent there will be some messages in here.
    SELECTIVELY post these in this thread. Please don't flood it with any lines of noise. Try and be selective (surgical) of your error messages.
    I'm sure others reading this post will also help you get this working.
    Post your results for others to see.
    Hong Kong

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    The Mac operating system has very good firewall built-in to Apple menu -> System Preferences -> File Sharing.
    That said, if your hub has 802.11g or higher WiFi, be sure to use WPA2 security, and see if there are settings to prevent ping attacks.
    If your hub is only ethernet, find out what settings to ues to prevent ping attacks.
    802.11b WiFi is fairly insecure, and you are better to use ethernet instead, if that's all it provides.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    The Time Capsule is clearly announced as a router with a hard drive to make backups, not to store anything and share it with your Apple TV.
    To access to movies and music from the Time Capsule, note that the Apple TV can only access to them if they are stored in your iTunes library, so you will have to put your movies and music into iTunes to access to them, and then, put your iTunes library on the Time Capsule in order to access to your data from there

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    My original setup was using an apple time capsule providing my WIFI network, and then using the previous ISP router just acting as a modem. I would like to do the same with the BT home hub 3 as I have a reasonable complicated WIFI network for which the time capsule is already set up and working fine and I do not want to change this.
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    Hey Tommy,
    I anticipate being in a similar situation to Roger, in that I’ve three WiFi computers [1] that I need to migrate...
    • from – Virgin Media FTTP modem » ethernet cable » Apple Time Capsule
    • to – BT Infinity FTTC Openreach modem » ethernet cable » Apple Time Capsule
    ...during or after the BT engineer’s BT Infinity installation visit next Thursday.
    Thanks for your tips on integrating an existing Apple Time Capsule into a BT Infinity set-up. As I understand you, you’re suggesting swapping from the regular BT Infinity set-up...
    The regular BT Infinity set-up (source image page)
    ...for an Apple Time Capsule based BT Infinity set-up, like this:
    An Apple Time Capsule based BT Infinity set-up (source – tommybobbins suggestion in the post above this one)
    But AFAIK, it’s the BT Home Hub 3 that provides support for the mutual aid BT FON network; am I correct in thinking this Apple Time Capsule based BT Infinity set-up would deprive other BT customers of a BT FON WiFi hotspot?
    I notice that the Openreach modem actually has what looks like two identical LAN ethernet ports side by side:
    BT Openreach modem, illustrating dual ethernet LAN ports (source image)
    So is it feasible to set up both the BT Home Hub 3 AND an Apple Time Capsule with just the addition of a second ethernet cable?
    For instance:
    A dual Apple Tim Capsule + BT Home Hub 3 Infinity set-up
    Would this set-up work?
    If so, would it provide a seamless migration for my three WiFi computers (once the Time Capsule’s been reconfigured with Airport Utility to use PPPoE, as per your instructions), AND a mutual aid BT FON network WiFi hotspot?
    [1] Three WiFi computers:
    • Apple MacBook Pro 17-inch notebook, running OS X 10.5.8
    • Notion Ink ADAM 10.1 inch tablet, running Linux (Android 2.2)
    • Nokia N900 3.5 inch tablet, running Linux (Maemo 5 v21.2)

  • Apple Time Capsule and Comcast Internet.. a Relationship from HE77

    I cannot believe I have waited this long to ask for help from you guys, but here I am pleading for advice..
    I have Comcast Internet, and Direct TV television service.  I've been experiencing major issues with both but I think that I've realized the issue.  My wifi signal with Comcast All in One or the seperate modem.router they tried SUCKED!!! But I'm pretty sure that the issue is the fact that I have 2 digital baby monitors that run on a 2.4ghz frequency, which is exactly the frequency that Comcast wifi runs on. 
    The reason why I brought up the Direct TV thing is bc I've had them at my house several times because my Whole Home Media Center simply would not stay online, and when it did, its speeds were so slow downloading on demand content.  But, everything in my house is slow, not just Direct Tv.  This week the Direct Tv people hardwired their equipment directly to the Arris All in One Comcast router so that shoule alleviate that issue. 
    My thoughts are this. I know that my Apple Time Capsule can put off 2.4 as well as 5ghz frequency.  So my questions are:
    Can i have both the all in one AND the time capsule putting off their own wifi signals.. The all in one using their standard 2.4ghz for some things, and the Time Capsule putting of the 5.0ghz for others.. If so, how do I do this and not have any issues such as double NAT, and things like that?
    Should I just put the All in One in Bridge mode, and simply use the 2.4ghz and 5.0ghz from the Time Capsule to address this issue?  How do i do that? Also, would having the direct tv equipment plugged into one of the 4 ehternet ports on the All in One still allow it to pull internet from it, or should I just plug that into the time capsule as well?
    Are there devices that for whatever reason will NOT be able to log onto the 5ghz frequency? 
    I keep hearing about bandwith this, and bandwith that.. I know I have a lot of devices pulling internet at once including, 5 direct tv recievers that somehow always need to be online, 3 iphones, 2 ipads, imac, apple tv, smart tv, laptop, xbox 360 (which really isnt ever even plugged in)  Is there any reason to be fearful that the bandwith the Time Capsule puts out may not be able to handle this load any better or worse than the all in one?
    I will but lunch and/or dinner for anyone that can help me get this working, i swear!!

    But I'm pretty sure that the issue is the fact that I have 2 digital baby monitors that run on a 2.4ghz frequency, which is exactly the frequency that Comcast wifi runs on.
    That will sure as anything mess up your wifi.
    This week the Direct Tv people hardwired their equipment directly to the Arris All in One Comcast router so that shoule alleviate that issue.
    Ah.. hard wired.. that is the solution. Do not use wireless for media streaming.. it is destined to fail.
    Can i have both the all in one AND the time capsule putting off their own wifi signals.. The all in one using their standard 2.4ghz for some things, and the Time Capsule putting of the 5.0ghz for others.. If so, how do I do this and not have any issues such as double NAT, and things like that?
    You cannot turn off 2.4ghz in the TC.. but that is unlikely to be an issue.
    Bridge the TC.
    Setup wireless to create a wireless network.. Use the same SSID as the Comcast all in one. Same security.. but use a different channel.. how you will do that with baby monitors x 2 I am not sure.. you may have to accept some overlap. There are only three non-overlapping channels, 1, 6, 11 .. pick the least signal one where you setup the TC.
    Should I just put the All in One in Bridge mode
    No you cannot do that. You can turn the wireless off though.
    Also, would having the direct tv equipment plugged into one of the 4 ehternet ports on the All in One still allow it to pull internet from it, or should I just plug that into the time capsule as well?
    That is why the unit cannot be bridged.. you will mess up the TV.
    Are there devices that for whatever reason will NOT be able to log onto the 5ghz frequency?
    Most old stuff.. only the most recent iphone and ipad are 5ghz. Most stuff requires 2.4ghz.
    And there is an issue.. range of the 5ghz is poor.. you need high power wireless devices.. and none of the apple routers rate above mediocre. Even high power ones suffer dropoffs.
    I keep hearing about bandwith this, and bandwith that.. I know I have a lot of devices pulling internet at once including, 5 direct tv recievers that somehow always need to be online, 3 iphones, 2 ipads, imac, apple tv, smart tv, laptop, xbox 360 (which really isnt ever even plugged in)  Is there any reason to be fearful that the bandwith the Time Capsule puts out may not be able to handle this load any better or worse than the all in one?
    To be honest it is not going to fix the basic problem.. you probably do not have enough internet bandwidth share.. but the more devices connected the lower time slice each one gets .. that isn't the main trouble though.. it is the efficiency also drops off. Apple routers have no QoS.. this is important.. some things need real time connections.. streaming media, voip, etc.
    Other stuff doesn't .. uploading or downloading email or updates. It is important that a choked system has a way of getting the best out of limited resources.. and that is QoS Quality of Service.
    Look at a better router.. I recommend Asus RT-N66U as having far superior range and handling QoS.
    You should also do a proper site survey to see how much wireless signal you really have.. but again you run into trouble.. the baby monitors are not going to show up unless they are wifi based, which is unlikely.
    Sorry but until you can finish with the baby stuff you are going to have to live with non-ideal world.

  • How to setup apple time capsule with FIOSinternet and VZ router?)

    I have Apple time capsule and the VZ Router MI424WR. I current set up:
    1. VZ router - wireless off, the rest is standard
    2. Time capsule: Wireless on in Bridge mode
    Result: Internet works but the wireless network is very in-stable. Airtunes is nearly not usable.
    I searched in the Internet and there was several comments that is is not a good combination. Therefore it is recommended to convert the VZ router in a modem mode and use only the Time capsule as the router. I tried this several times I do not get it to work. I followed this procedure ( but then I need the PPPoE Account number and password. But there do I get this? The Verizon support was not really helpful.
    Please, is there a good and complete description to solve that issue?
    Thanks in advance

    Go back to your first setup ...
    Verizon router with wireless turned off
    Apple Time Casule with wireless turned on
    Method 1:
    With the Time Capsule in "Bridge Mode", if I remember correctly, you should connect the WAN port to one of the open ports on the Verizon router (I believe bridge mode also turns off the DHCP server on the Time Capsule, if not, find that and turn if off as well).   Change the addressing mode for the Time Capsule to "static" and assign it an address on the LAN which is not in use (choose something you know is out of the way but on the LAN -- I suggest to start -- you can change it once you get everything working).
    If it doesn't work this way for you, move the cable from the WAN port on the Time Capsule to Port 1 and try again.
    Method 2:
    This results in a router behind a router setup, but unless you have devices connected directly to the Verizon router, it shouldn't be a problem.  
    With the Time Capsule disconnected from the Verizon router, turn on "Connection Sharing" (not bridge mode) and make sure DHCP is enabled on the Time Capsule.  You need to change the address range being used by the Time Capsule (which I think defaults to 192.168.1.x to another network -- I suggest, 192.168.2.x with a netmask of and give the router an address of on the LAN side.  Now, connection the WAN port to one of the Verizon router LAN ports.  If you had anything connected to the Verizon LAN ports, move those over to the LAN ports on the Time Capsule and reboot them.
    Method 3:
    This is the least desirable of the scenarios because it relies on Verizon's crappy radio in their router (the Time Capsule has a much better radio and support 802.11n as well as b and g) whereas Verizon's only support b/g.    Go back to the configuration for Method 1, but also turn OFF wireless on the Time Capsule and turn on wireless on the Verizon router.   Try both bridge scenarios described -- using the WAN port first and if that didn't work, then moving the connection to port 1.
    There is no scenario where you can place the Verizon router behind the Time Capsule -- since I believe Verizon is using all MoCA connections for the WAN side of their connection (you'd have to get Verizon to convert you to ethernet WAN and then they would not support you most likely for any STB issues with your FiOS if the Time Capsule was between the ONT and their router ... so don't even bother wasting time there ... more headaches than it would be worth.
    If you're still not sure exactly what each configuration screen on the time capsule should say, post some screen snaps (or the configuration settings/choices which you are unsure about and someone will likely know the answer here).

  • HT203177 I have a MacBook OSX 10.5.8 and a Time Capsule 500GB since July 2008. My problem is (for the 4th time in 4 yrs) the backup gets stuck in "preparing" indefinitely (hours). In the past, wile still under apple care warranty, tech support had me redo

    I have a MacBook OSX 10.5.8 and a Time Capsule 500GB since July 2008. My problem is (for the 4th time in 4 yrs) the backup gets stuck in "preparing" indefinitely (hours). In the past, wile still under apple care warranty, tech support had me redo backup (loosing previous backups). Now I'm out of warranty and still having this problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    I have a MacBook OSX 10.5.8 and a Time Capsule 500GB since July 2008. My problem is (for the 4th time in 4 yrs) the backup gets stuck in "preparing" indefinitely (hours). In the past, wile still under apple care warranty, tech support had me redo backup (loosing previous backups). Now I'm out of warranty and still having this problem. Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • I have a 2T apple time capsule and router. I bought a Hauppauge WinTV extender which allows regular TV to be broadcasted on a PC. The program allows streaming to a Mac or iPad, iPhone, etc. I need to open a port on the router to allow this to work.

    I have a 2T apple time capsule and router. I bought a Hauppauge Win TV extender which allows TV to be broadcasted on a PC. The program allows for the TV to be streamed on a Mac, Iphone, Ipad. I need to access the router set up options to open a port on the router to allow this program to stream the TV to the Mac and Iphone. I do not know how to access the apple time capsule router to change the settings to open a port on the router. help please.

    Firstly you do not need to open ports to stream locally.. there is no port block in local LAN.. only WAN to LAN. So there is a good chance it is not needed at all..
    Opening ports on the TC I strongly recommend a v5 airport utility.. you can download one for windows if you don't have a Mac.. iOS version of the utility I am not sure but it will not work to do complex things.
    In the v5 utility go to the NAT area, and click on port mappings.
    Sorry I don't have a screen shot at the moment of the actual mapping page.. but simply put the IP of the device you want opened and the port.
    There are plenty of posts with this info if you google.
    But as noted.. this is purely WAN to LAN.. nothing else.

Maybe you are looking for