VIRSAHR 530_710 installation with VIRSANH

I am installing VIRSANH 530_710 RTA with highest Support Stack 6, but I am not able to find VIRSAHR 530_710 RTA.
I can find VIRSAHR 530_700 with highest support stack 9  "and"  VIRSANH 530_710 with highest SP 11 on SAP Service Market place.
Based on the above, my query is as follows.
1- Can I install VIRSANH 530_710 RTA with highest Support Stack 6 and VIRSAHR 530_700 with highest support stack 9?
Will NH 710 and HR 700 create any conflicts?
2- What is recommended to be installed between the two i.e. VIRSANH 530_710 RTA or VIRSANH 530_700 RTA?
3- Where can I find the download location of VIRSAHR 530_710 RTA?

> 1- Should I install VIRSANH 530_710 or VIRSANH 530_700.
You should install VIRSANH 530_700 and VIRSAHR 530_700.
> 2- Also, is the SAP_basis SP level of 15 and SAP_HR 600 SP level of 29 sufficient for the VIRSANH and VIRSAHR RTAs?
Yes this is sufficient. Rest dependency you can check while downloading the package.

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    INFO 2008-05-14 22:53:59
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    ok here you go
    trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "620"
    Sat May 18 00:27:08 2030
    kernel runs with dp version 3(ext=1) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-3)
    length of sys_adm_ext is 304 bytes
    systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    relno      6200
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    674
    intno      20020600
    pid        2276
    ***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 2276) [dpxxdisp.c   978]
         shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 674 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 674 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 674 successfully loaded
    MtxInit: -2 0 0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)          9776     (752)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)          1690816     (8412)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)     18000     (60)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)     6000     (60)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)     192000     (384)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)     (22440/34344/56/100)
    DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY          (addr: 042F0040, size: 1974816)
    DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 042F0040
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 042F0560
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 042F2B90
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 042F2BB8
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 0448F878
    DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 04493EC8
    DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm_list at 04495638
    DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 04495650
    DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 044C4450
    DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 044C4458
    MBUF state OFF
    Sat May 18 00:27:09 2030
    EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    <ES> InitFreeList
    <ES> block size is 1024 kByte.
    Using implementation std
    <EsNT> Memory Reset enabled as NT default
    <EsNT> EsIUnamFileMapInit: Initialize the memory 307 MB
    <ES> 306 blocks reserved for free list.
    ES initialized.
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, NiPServToNo ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2599]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    ***LOG Q0L=> DpLoopInit, nomscon () [dpxxdisp.c   1451]
    Sat May 18 00:27:18 2030
    CCMS: Initalizing shared memory of size 20000000 for monitoring segment.
    Sat May 18 00:27:32 2030
    CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).
    Sat May 18 00:27:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    Sat May 18 00:27:50 2030
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:28:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:28:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:28:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:29:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    ERROR => W0 (pid 2328) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W0
    ERROR => W11 (pid 2416) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W11
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xbf --> 0xaf
    ERROR => MsIModTypes: not_attached [msxxi.c      1567]
    Sat May 18 00:29:30 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    ERROR => W5 (pid 2368) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W5
    ERROR => W6 (pid 2376) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W6
    ERROR => W7 (pid 2384) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W7
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xaf --> 0xad
    ERROR => MsIModTypes: not_attached [msxxi.c      1567]
    Sat May 18 00:29:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    ERROR => W2 (pid 2344) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W2
    ERROR => W8 (pid 2392) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W8
    ERROR => W10 (pid 2408) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W10
    ERROR => W12 (pid 2424) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W12
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xad --> 0x89
    ERROR => MsIModTypes: not_attached [msxxi.c      1567]
    Sat May 18 00:30:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    ERROR => W1 (pid 2336) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W1
    Sat May 18 00:30:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:30:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:31:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:31:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:31:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:32:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    ERROR => W3 (pid 2352) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W3
    ERROR => W4 (pid 2360) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W4
    ERROR => W9 (pid 2400) died [dpxxdisp.c   11523]
    force unlock of wp_adm mutex W9
    Sat May 18 00:32:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:32:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:32:51 2030
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndName () [dpxxdisp.c   3885]
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndAdmin () [dpxxdisp.c   3966]
    Sat May 18 00:33:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:33:11 2030
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndName () [dpxxdisp.c   3885]
    Sat May 18 00:33:13 2030
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndName () [dpxxdisp.c   3885]
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndAdmin () [dpxxdisp.c   3966]
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndAdmin () [dpxxdisp.c   3966]
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndName () [dpxxdisp.c   3885]
    Sat May 18 00:33:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:33:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:34:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:34:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:34:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:35:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:35:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:35:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:36:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:36:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:36:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:37:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:37:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:37:33 2030
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndName () [dpxxdisp.c   3885]
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndAdmin () [dpxxdisp.c   3966]
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndName () [dpxxdisp.c   3885]
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndAdmin () [dpxxdisp.c   3966]
    ERROR => MsISnd2: not_attached [msxxi.c      1139]
    ***LOG Q0N=> DpRqNoWpHandle, MsSndAdmin () [dpxxdisp.c   3966]
    Sat May 18 00:37:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:38:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:38:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:38:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:39:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:39:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:39:49 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:40:09 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:40:29 2030
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiPServToNo: getservbyname [ninti.c 428]
    ***LOG Q0A=> NiIServToNo, service_unkown ( sapmsDEV) [nixxi.c      2580]
    ERROR => MsIAttach: NiBufConnect to bw2003/sapmsDEV failed (rc=NIESERV_UNKNOWN) [msxxi.c      545]
    Sat May 18 00:40:30 2030
    caught signal 2
    Sat May 18 00:40:42 2030
    ***LOG Q05=> DpHalt, DPStop ( 2276) [dpxxdisp.c   7883]
    trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "620"
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1

    B Sat May 18 00:27:19 2030
    B  create_con (con_name=R/3)
    B  Loading DB library 'C:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' ...
    B  Library 'C:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' loaded
    B  Version of 'C:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' is "620.02", patchlevel (0.549)
    B  New connection 0 created
    M  systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    M  relno      6200
    M  patchlevel 0
    M  patchno    674
    M  intno      20020600
    M  pid        2328

    M  ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 0 2328) [dpxxdisp.c   1028]
    I  MtxInit: -2 0 0

    M Sat May 18 00:27:24 2030
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)          9776     (752)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)          1690816     (8412)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)     18000     (60)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)     6000     (60)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)     192000     (384)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)     (22440/34344/56/100)
    M  DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY          (addr: 04AF0040, size: 1974816)
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 04AF0040
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 04AF0560
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 04AF2B90
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 04AF2BB8
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 04C8F878
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 04C93EC8
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm_list at 04C95638
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 04C95650
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 04CC4450
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 04CC4458

    X Sat May 18 00:27:28 2030
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    M  <EsNT> Memory Reset enabled as NT default
    X  ES initialized.

    M Sat May 18 00:27:33 2030
    M  calling db_connect ...
    C  Got ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\ora92 from environment

    C Sat May 18 00:28:05 2030
    C  Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC

    C Sat May 18 00:28:06 2030
    C  Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPDEV's password
    C  Connecting as /@DEV on connection 0 ...
    C  Attaching to DB Server DEV (con_hdl=0,svchp=062414CC,svrhp=06243724)

    C Sat May 18 00:28:17 2030
    C  Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=062414CC,srvhp=06243724,usrhp=0624BEFC)

    C Sat May 18 00:28:33 2030
    C  Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    C  Got SAPDEV's password from table SAPUSER
    C  Got SAPDEV's password from OPS$-user
    C  Disconnecting from connection 0 ...

    C Sat May 18 00:28:34 2030
    C  Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=062414CC,usrhp=0624BEFC)
    C  Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    C  Connecting as SAPDEV/<pwd>@DEV on connection 0 ...
    C  Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=062414CC,srvhp=06243724,usrhp=0624BEFC)
    C  Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    C  Database NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    C  Database instance dev is running on BW2003 with ORACLE version since 20300518

    B Sat May 18 00:28:35 2030
    B  Connection 0 opened
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName          ConId     ConState     TX  PRM RCT Date     Time   DBHost
    B  000 000 R/3              000000000 ACTIVE       NO  YES NO  20300518 002733 BW2003

    M Sat May 18 00:28:36 2030
    M  db_connect o.k.

    I Sat May 18 00:29:01 2030
    I  MtxInit: 0 0 0

    X Sat May 18 00:29:02 2030
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    X  ES initialized.
    B  db_con_shm_ini:  WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 13
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL  (addr: 0C2000C8, size: 30000000, end: 0DE9C448)
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABLP (addr: 0DEA00C8, size: 10240000, end: 0E8640C8)
    B  Layout of EIBUF buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 276 = 276
    B  2: 13 * 20 = 260
    B  3: 4001 * 40 = 160040
    B  4: 2000 * 128 = 256000
    B  5: 4001 * 4 = 16004
    B  6: 1 * 100 = 100
    B  7: 65 * 4 = 260
    B  8: 29385 * 128 = 3761280
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0
    I  *** ERROR => [CreateOsShm] CreateFileMapping(54,4096 KB) failed with Err=1455
                  ERROR_COMMITMENT_LIMIT: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.  [shmnt.c      2055]
    I  *** ERROR => ShmCreate: Create (54,4194384,1) failed [shmnt.c      469]
    Memory diagnostic                                 *
    Processor-Typ             : Intel unknown
    Processor-Count           : 1
    Operating System          : NT 5.2, Build 3790
    Service Pack              : Service Pack 1
    NT Pagefile Informations
    Config. minimum size      : 589824 K
    Config. maximum size      : 1179648 K
    Avail.  maximum size      : 1179648 K
    589824 K
    1179648 K
    1179648 K
    1178900 K
    NT Task Manager Informations
    Total Handles             :        0
    Total Threads             :        0
    Total Processes           :        0
    Commit Charge Total       :  1670224 K
    Commit Charge Limit       :  1676596 K
    Commit Charge Peak        :  1670376 K
    Phys.Memory Total         :        0 K
    Phys.Memory Available     :        0 K
    File Cache                :        0 K
    Kernel Memory Total       :        0 K
    Kernel Memory Paged       :        0 K
    Kernel Memory Nonpaged    :        0 K
    Memory usage of current process
    Total virt.address space  :  2097024 K
    Avail.virt.address space  :  1133576 K
    Private Pages             :        0 K
    Total heap size           :    10729 K
    Virtual memory regions    :        0 K
    Uncommitted heap memory   :     4108 K
    Allocated heap memory     :     4406 K
    Moveable heap memory      :       24 K
    DDE shared heap memory    :        0 K
    Memory usage of all processes
    WS Peak
    PP Peak
    Pg Fault
    72 K
    2100 K
    0 K
    0 K
    212 K
    448 K
    144 K
    160 K
    996 K
    9048 K
    6188 K
    6580 K
    1276 K
    3136 K
    1436 K
    1564 K
    2148 K
    6544 K
    7048 K
    7048 K
    552 K
    2508 K
    832 K
    832 K
    4840 K
    22520 K
    13348 K
    19208 K
    712 K
    4060 K
    3220 K
    3228 K
    392 K
    1956 K
    476 K
    476 K
    948 K
    7720 K
    9128 K
    9128 K
    2432 K
    5720 K
    5764 K
    5776 K
    384 K
    1572 K
    1488 K
    1488 K
    122564 K
    135924 K
    203080 K
    205256 K
    2520 K
    13364 K
    14828 K
    14828 K
    928 K
    2164 K
    604 K
    604 K
    2240 K
    11312 K
    13608 K
    39264 K
    2928 K
    15120 K
    10200 K
    10332 K
    252 K
    1764 K
    432 K
    432 K
    724 K
    3144 K
    852 K
    888 K
    1376 K
    3284 K
    1032 K
    1048 K
    488 K
    3740 K
    1440 K
    21664 K
    800 K
    3708 K
    2788 K
    2788 K
    82868 K
    105272 K
    84324 K
    105292 K
    6944 K
    21272 K
    20396 K
    20896 K
    460 K
    1772 K
    748 K
    748 K
    1244 K
    3176 K
    1188 K
    1188 K
    [DP] DEV_00
    26740 K
    42464 K
    30176 K
    30176 K
    [GW] DEV_00
    1852 K
    6116 K
    3936 K
    8208 K
    56440 K
    60192 K
    75880 K
    75880 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    10700 K
    11516 K
    43684 K
    43788 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    6696 K
    13084 K
    42180 K
    42180 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    10896 K
    14092 K
    42180 K
    42180 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    10088 K
    14588 K
    42176 K
    42176 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    9320 K
    12960 K
    42184 K
    42184 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    9480 K
    13076 K
    42184 K
    42184 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    10060 K
    13220 K
    42180 K
    42180 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    10024 K
    15128 K
    42184 K
    42184 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    6576 K
    14752 K
    42180 K
    42180 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    8812 K
    13436 K
    42184 K
    42184 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    8552 K
    16140 K
    42180 K
    42180 K
    25744 K
    25972 K
    41644 K
    43788 K
    [WP] DEV_00
    6848 K
    11060 K
    42180 K
    42180 K
    460128 K
    1063904 K
    B  dbexpbuf[0]: Shm 54: create failed
    B  ***LOG BBF=> internal error in export/import buffer: object buf init fail   [dbexpbuf#4 @ 2611] [dbexpbuf2611 ]
    B  dbexpbuf: return code (sap_rc): 4
    B  Buffer 0 will not be available
    B  Unexpected returncode from db_exp_init(EXP_ATP) : 4
    B  db_objinit failed
    M  *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler db_init for event CREATE_SHM failed [thxxtool3.c  237]
    M  *** ERROR => ThIPCInit: hook failed [thxxhead.c   1656]
    M  ***LOG R19=> tskh_init, ThIPCInit ( TSKH-IPC-000001) [thxxhead.c   1159]
    M  in_ThErrHandle: 1
    M  *** ERROR => tskh_init: ThIPCInit (step 1, th_errno 17, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c   8437]

    M  Info for wp 0

    M    stat = 4
    M    reqtype = 1
    M    act_reqtype = -1
    M    tid = -1
    M    mode = 255
    M    len = -1
    M    rq_id = -1
    M    rq_source = 255
    M    last_tid = 0
    M    last_mode = 0
    M    rfc_req = 0
    M    report = >                                        <
    M    action = 0
    M    tab_name = >                              <

    M  *****************************************************************************
    M  *
    M  *  LOCATION    SAP-Server bw2003_DEV_00 on host bw2003 (wp 0)
    M  *  ERROR       tskh_init: ThIPCInit
    M  *
    M  *  TIME        Sat May 18 00:29:02 2030
    M  *  RELEASE     620
    M  *  COMPONENT   Taskhandler
    M  *  VERSION     1
    M  *  RC          17
    M  *  MODULE      thxxhead.c
    M  *  LINE        8569
    M  *  COUNTER     1
    M  *
    M  *****************************************************************************

    M  Entering TH_CALLHOOKS
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields< for event BEFORE_DUMP
    M  *** ERROR => ThrSaveSPAFields: no valid thr_wpadm [thxxrun1.c   672]
    M  *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrSaveSPAFields for event BEFORE_DUMP failed [thxxtool3.c  237]
    M  Entering ThSetStatError
    M  Entering ThReadDetachMode
    M  call ThrShutDown (1)...
    M  ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc 0 2328) [dpnttool.c   346]
    M  SemCleanup: Reset blocking on semaphore (Key:4/Slot:3)
    Thanks buddy

  • [Solved]Can't finish The Hobbit installation with virtual drive

    Is there any way that I could combine two iso files into one so that I could finish The Hobbit installation process.  I always get stuck at the point where it asks for the second disk and gnome-disk-utility won't unmount the first ISO because it's still in use by the installation process.
    I tried doing this
    $ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop disc1-mountpoint
    $ sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop disc2-mountpoint
    $ sudo mkisofs -l -J -R -o dvd.iso disc1-mountpoint disc2-mountpoint
    and here's what I got
    I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)
    Using BILBO000.ICO;1 for /bilbo.ico (bilbo.ico)
    Using AUTORUN000.INF;1 for /Autorun.inf (Autorun.inf)
    genisoimage: Error: '/media/dc/bilbo.ico' and '/media/live/bilbo.ico' have the same Rock Ridge name 'bilbo.ico'.
    genisoimage: Error: '/media/dc/Autorun.inf' and '/media/live/Autorun.inf' have the same Rock Ridge name 'Autorun.inf'.
    Unable to sort directory
    NOTE: multiple source directories have been specified and merged into the root
    of the filesystem. Check your program arguments. genisoimage is not tar.
    So here's what I'm currently trying right now.
    $ cat HobbitCD1.iso > The_Hobbit.iso
    $ cat HobbitCD2.iso >> The_Hobbit.iso
    Okay, so doing that didn't return any errors, now to see if I can finish the installation with the new ISO file.
    Nope it still asks for disk 2.  So the real question is how can I force the first disk to unmount so that I can replace it with the second disk?
    Last edited by lspci (2012-08-23 22:40:14)

    progandy wrote:Why don't you try this?
    Manually mount the first iso image, begin installation, forcibly unmount old iso, mount new iso, continue installation.
    Oh, you can forcibly unmount something?! 
    (read the manpage for umount)
    Oh, whaddaya know, you can. 
    from umount's manpage
    -f Force umount (in case of an unreachable NFS system). (Requires kernel 2.1.116 or later.)
    I dunno why I didn't think to check the manpage for umount.  Sorry, my bad.
    EDIT: Okay, so forcibly unmounting the iso didn't work.  I was able to force umount, but I couldn't disassociate the /dev/loop2 from the HobbitCD1.iso file.  losetup doesn't seem to support forcing.  I think that I better just install this under Windows and then copy and paste the installed files to my external hard drive and then move them onto my laptop from there.  =/ Not really what I was looking for, though.
    Last edited by lspci (2012-07-30 11:53:58)

  • Can Packagemaker create installer with content files outside the bundle?

    I'm trying to create an installer with Packagemaker, but the content files need to be outside the final bundle because they're shared with a Windows installer.
    I thought I could create a symbolic link to the external folder, but instead of linking from the installer, it copied the files into the bundle. Any idea how to do this, or if it's even possible? I need to be able to do this on 10.3+, if that's relevant.
    (I can give a more specific scenario if this isn't clear enough)

    zekel wrote:
    The main issue I'd be worried about is that the external files (which are quite large) won't have the appropriate progress bar. The external files are around 1GB, while the internal files are in the 30MB range.
    How about installing a secondary installer with progress bar that copies these files from the correct location. Your postflight script can just kick off the newly installed file copier.
    How's this sound for a hack...
    Have a launcher script copy the installer to /tmp, then modify the package to point my files. (I'm installing from read-only media.) It would then open the modified installer which would pull my files from the DVD. This would probably work better (read: at all) if the files aren't compressed inside the package. Do you know if that's an option?
    No, sorry. The internals of a package are quite specific. You need PackageMaker itself to build them.
    Things like the receipts are non-essential at this point, only because if I can't get this to work then we will continue to use our terrible installer which leaves none of those things. Those shouldn't be too much trouble if I can get the rest to work.
    There are some 3rd party installers like Installer VISE. The sad part is that they tend to make the MacOS X Installer look good.
    If the guy responsible for that is interested I'll show him Inno Setup, but we have a working Windows installer, so he probably won't want to mess with it.
    I agree, but tell him about it anyway. The next time you have to build a Windows installer, he could use Inno Setup and get it done in a couple of hours and then have time to help with the mess that is software deployment on MacOS X.

  • Oracle 11gR2 RAC installation with DNS

    Dear Guru's,
    I want to configure RAC on two node cluster with DNS(For SCAN) in my testing server.
    O.S: RHEL5.4(64 bit)
    Oracle Version: 11gR2(
    Note: Am creating nodes in VMware ESXi server.
    Just I want to know whether DNS should be configure in any one of those NODES or in separate machine.
    Bala :)

    Hi Bala,
    I want to configure my Database with & without DNS. (Will try both installation in different servers)I think, you have already received a link on very good article about Oracle RAC installation without DNS and DHCP (I mean Jeffrey Hunter's article).
    There is one more about Oracle RAC installation with DNS and DHCP (
    And want to know how it forwards the client connection if a node fails.. Can anyone update the URL for this..There are a lot of information about it:
    Very good videos:
    Hope it helps,
    Best regards,

  • It is possible to include the jre(not the installer) with the application?

    Is it possible to include the jre(not the installer) with the application, so that the application will run on its own jre.??
    If so please provide me instructions,how to do it.


  • HT5622 how can change apple id that software installation with another apple id?

    my software installation with another apple id , i want to update software for expample games, i cant do this , what can i do to change thats apple id?

    Delete them and then download them from the desired Apple ID. This may require repurchasing paid applications.

  • Problem with NW04s SR2 installation with MS SQL Server 2000 SP4

    I’m struggling with the NW04s installation with MS SQL Server 2000.
    The installation stops at the step “Create/modify database schema SAPJ2EDB”.
    The following error/info from log file,
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:02:33 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step doConfiguration of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_MSS_SRVCFG|ind|ind|ind|ind|6|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:02:35 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step doTempdb of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssDowntimeConfig|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:02:36 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step doSwitch of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssDowntimeConfig|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:02:36 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step doTempDBAnalyze of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssDowntimeConfig|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:02:37 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step doTempDBBeforeRestart of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssDowntimeConfig|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:02:38 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step doRestartServer of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssDowntimeConfig|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:02:58 [ianxbservi.cpp:697]
               CIaNtServices::stop(const map<iastring,iastring>&)
    The service 'MSSQLSERVER' stopped successfully on host 'GBCZ672C'.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:03:10 [ianxbservi.cpp:632]
               CIaNtServices::start(const map<iastring,iastring>&)
    The service 'MSSQLSERVER' started successfully on host 'GBCZ672C'.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:03:21 [ianxbservi.cpp:632]
               CIaNtServices::start(const map<iastring,iastring>&)
    The service 'SQLSERVERAGENT' started successfully on host 'GBCZ672C'.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:03:21 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step doTempDBAfterRestart of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssDowntimeConfig|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:03:22 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step doChangeTempSetNewSize of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssDowntimeConfig|ind|ind|ind|ind|7|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:03:39 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step CheckParameters of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssSchemaCreate|ind|ind|ind|ind|9|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:03:39 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step CreateDirectories of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssSchemaCreate|ind|ind|ind|ind|9|0.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:03:40 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:632]
    Execute step CreateDatabase of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssSchemaCreate|ind|ind|ind|ind|9|0.
    ERROR      2007-06-06 12:03:40 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:731]
    FCO-00011  The step CreateDatabase with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssSchemaCreate|ind|ind|ind|ind|9|0|CreateDatabase was executed with status ERROR .
    ERROR      2007-06-06 12:03:40
               lib=iamodmssql module=CIaNtMssDmo
    MDB-05053  Errors when executing sql command: <p nr="0"/> If this message is displayed as a warning - it can be ignored. If this is an error - call your SAP support.
    INFO       2007-06-06 12:04:04 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:774]
    An error occured and the user decided to retry the current step: "|NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssSchemaCreate|ind|ind|ind|ind|9|0|CreateDatabase".
    ERROR      2007-06-06 12:04:05 [iaxxgenimp.cpp:731]
    FCO-00011  The step CreateDatabase with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssSchemaCreate|ind|ind|ind|ind|9|0|CreateDatabase was executed with status ERROR .
    Please let me know if you can help or if there is any other way around.
    Many Thanks in advance.
    Ritin Jain

    Hi All,
    I was not able to solve the problem with MS SQL 2000, but I was able to resolve the issue with MS SQL 2005.
    You have to chhose the following settings while instalation,
    Service Account - Select one of the following options:
    1) Use the built-in System account for each service and choose Local system or Network Service.
    2) Use a domain user account, and enter the user name and password.
    Under Start services at the end of setup make sure that SQL Server and SQL Server Agent are selected.
    Authentication Mode      
    1) Select Mixed Mode (Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication).
    This mode is required for a Java or ABAP+Java system.
    If you choose this mode, you have to set the password for the sa login.
    Note: The password for the sa login must comply with the Windows password policy.
    Collation Settings      
    1) Select SQL collations (used for compatibility with previous versions of SQL Server).
    2) From the drop-down list select Binary order based on code point comparison, for use with the 850 (Multilingual) Character Set.
    I hope this helps!

  • Building installer with 8.5

    I have built an application with Labview 8.5 and am trying to build an installer with the 8.5 runtime engine for a stand alone program.  However the exe builds okay, but when I try to build the installer I get a message saying some components need to be load from real-time module 8.6.1 and it asks for the directory of the   I am not using any real time in my application.  It seems as though this started popping up after I installed Labview 8.6.  Anyone have any Ideas.

    Thanks for the Reply and link.  I just placed the Labview disk in the disk drive and selected that directory so the installer builder could locate the file it was looking for, and then cached it.  However I am curious as to why all of the sudden it needs the real time module 8.6.1. If my only additional installer is RT engine 8.5.  Before I upgrade to NI DAQ 8.8 that came with LV 8.6 I hadn't gotten this request for the RT Module components while only requesting the RT engine for an additional installer.  Anyways its no big deal now that I have the file cached.  It doesn't ask anymore.  Thanks.

  • SAP ECC6.0 installation with Oracle RAC

    Hi Expert,
    Current we working on SAP ECC6.0 installation with Oracle 10G RAC on AIX 5.3. The RAC are running on two nodes (servers). And we are using GPFS filesystem (not running on HACMP).
    Overall we had completed the Oracle RAC installation (CRS+RDBMS) and tested the oracle failover and it work find. Now we want to start with the SAP installation (with HA). In the SAP installation documentation, it did request to create a virtual hostname on the node and execute the sapinst scripts with below command line.
    #./sapinst SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME=ascs00
    But if we are running on Oracle RAC + GPFS do we need to specify the virtual hostname? If not, which hostname i should use to install the HA for SAP?  Please advice.

    And then I'd continue with the documentation at:
    SAP on Oracle => SAP on Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 
    There you can find several installation guides for windows/UNIX/Linux

  • Problem in building an Eclipse installation with oomph

    I am setting up an Eclipse distribution with several plugins needed to have a proper IDE for an Eclipse Project (GEF).
    When adding the plugins to Eclipse everything is Ok, until I install the Oomph Version Management Tool plugin.
    After installing the Oomph VMT Plugin, from the next startup I see the below error:
    Plugins contained in the Eclipse distribution.
    As specified in the GEF contributor guide, the GEF-IDE consists of
    Eclipse IDE for committers Mars R as base eclipse ( in my case is win32)
    API Tools Execution Environment Description v 1.0.1 from update site
    e(fx)clipse IDE - PDE version .2.0.0, from update site
    m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse - version 1.6.0, from update site
    Xtext Complete SDK - version 2.8.3, from update site
    Oomph Version Management Tool, from Oomph update site
    After installing the Oomph Version Management Tool plug-in, at the next Eclipse Startup I see the following error:
    An internal error occurred during: "Setup check".
    I was actually thinking my install was ok, but in bugzilla, I got that I did an "inconsistent installation" - see bug 473599.
    Indeed, I checked in the About eclipse features for the Oomph, and I saw the Version Management Tool version is not matching with Oomph Setup Core , but only for a small "delta"
    I tried to do an Update of the IDE using the Help > Check for updates, but I realized it is not a Complete IDE update , as suggested in the bug 473599.
    So, I have two questions:
    how to perform a Complete IDE Update ?
    how can I make a consistent installation, by assembling the five plugins above, including the Oomph version management ?
    Thank you very much for the time you're spending on my question.
    I hope my question does not seem impolite or excessively complex.

    Hi Patrik,
    The p2f file that you mentioned in seems totally useless to me. It
    locks in specific versions of the listed IUs, no matter whether the identified repositories will provide those versions
    in the future or not. For example:
    <iu id='' name='Oomph Setup' version='1.2.0.v20150720-0925'>
    <repositories size='2'>
    <repository location=''/>
    <repository location=''/>
    A P2Director task in an Oomph setup model for GEF seems like a better alternative.
    More comments below...
    Am 27.07.2015 um 22:44 schrieb Patrik Suzzi:
    > Hallo,
    > I am trying to build a complex eclipse installation needed for development of the Eclipse GEF project.
    > As specified in the GEF contributor guide, the GEF-IDE consists of
    > Eclipse IDE for committers Mars R as base eclipse ( in my case is win32)
    > API Tools Execution Environment Description v 1.0.1 from update site
    > e(fx)clipse IDE - PDE version .2.0.0, from update site
    > m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse - version 1.6.0, from update site
    > Xtext Complete SDK - version 2.8.3, from update site
    > Oomph Version Management Tool, from
    > During the installation everything is Ok, until I install the last plugin: the Oomph Version Management Tool.
    > After installing the Oomph Version Management Tool plug-in, at the next Eclipse Startup I see the following error:
    > An internal error occurred during: "Setup check".
    > I was actually thinking my install was ok, but in bugzilla, I got that I did an "inconsistent installation" - see
    > Indeed, I checked in the About eclipse features for the Oomph, and I saw the Version Management Tool version is not matching with Oomph Setup Core .
    > I tried to do an Update of the IDE using the Help > Check for updates, but I realized it is not a Complete IDE update , as suggested in the
    > So, I have two questions:
    > how to perform a Complete IDE Update ?
    I'm not 100% sure but I think you can't easily get out of this inconsistent state because the plugins that would do that
    for you are also impacted. I would recommend that you create a new installation with Oomph's Eclipse Installer.
    > how can I make a consistent installation, by assembling the five plugins above, including the Oomph version management ?
    I would suggest that you put pressure on the GEF people to provide a GEF project setup model, so that you can just add
    it to your install.

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