VirtualBox OSE for 64 bit

Why there is no x86_64 build of virtualbox in repo? Is there a some issue with 64bit build of it?

hokum_rus wrote:Thank you for explanation. And yes, I do really need some free app for virtualization, and I cannot use VirtualBox-bin for free because of its license. Anyway, thanx, I can always buy vmware workstation or virtualbox commercial license.
You can use the gcc-multilib package from AUR:, that should make it possible to build VirtualBox on x86_64. The trick is that you actually need the gcc-multilib packages installed in order to build gcc-multilib... To solve that chicken/egg problem you can download (a sligthly outdated) pre-built package from a link in the comments on the AUR page.
Hope this helps

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  • Support for 8-bit pseudocolor visuals on Solaris 10 u8 Virtualbox guest

    I am running Solaris 10 u8 x86 as a Virtualbox (3.0.8) guest on a WinXP host with a NVIDIA Quadro FX 3500 vcard. I use JDS for the Solaris guest, and only 24-bit truecolor visuals are available for the desktop. I desperately need to run Xnest in 8-bit pseudocolor mode for an application. The video driver supplied with the Vbox Solaris guest additions has limited capability, and I think that until that driver is upgraded, I am out of luck. Does anyone have any different thoughts about that?
    Is there a way to edit xorg.conf to get support for 8-bit pseudocolor overlay graphics? Wouldchanging the video driver in that file from vboxvideo to either VGA or VESA help? Any advice from an X expert would be GREATLY appreciated.
    I've also tried to use svcadm to get the guest to open in 8-bit mode (default depth), but I think that the Vbox video driver (standard and VESA) only support 16- and 32-bit color modes. Is there some other way to get JDS or CDE in the guest to run in 8-bit color?

    sparcmaster wrote:
    Regarding expense, I was referring to the dual-headed card you suggested, not Xming.ah. my bad. Though most cards nowadays have dual outputs.
    Here is a Vbox report documenting the whole situation, including Sun's replies regarding DirectColor:
    it looks like you guys were talking past each other.
    Note my outputs of xdpyinfo in there: no Pseudocolor visuals in 24-bit mode in the guest (the cause of my problem). My host NVIDIA card has dual DVI outputs, and I have two monitors; are you saying that I set one monitor in Windows to run in 8-bit, and then run Xming on that monitor, and then set up a remote display for my guest, and try and get the guest to display to that remote display? If so, that could be worth a try. If not, maybe I did not fully understand the idea from your first post. I'd rather not have to go out and buy a new dual-headed card unless absolutely necessary.The problem you have is that virtualbox needs a 8 bit display somewhere to send the output to. Send your end display is a windows display in 24 bit mode, it's a lose since windows won't (at least the last time I looked) allow an 8 bit window in a 24 bit desktop. You could try running the main windows display in 8 bit mode and then starting virtual box, but odds of things going in your favor is not great.
    Your new idea of running a vnc server in 8-bit mode within Solaris is very interesting indeed. I am unfamiliar with vnc. I saw this page:
    It says that VNC comes with Solaris 10 u5, on the companion CD. I assume that u8 has it also.Somewhere along the line, sun began do bundle vnc as a part of solaris proper. It should be in /bin/vncserver.
    I'll look into that. If you know of any other source of info on vnc, please let me know. Thank you VERY MUCH for the suggestion!!!Here's more or less what you should do:
    1) login to your virtual solaris box
    2) Start up a 8 bit vnc server by typing "vncserver -depth 8 :1"
    3) After the setup questions (if I remember, you need to at least set a password), you can connect to the vncserver by
    typing "vncviewer :1" and entring the password.
    You could also get a windows VNC viewer and connect to the solaris vnc server. This may render faster, since you aren't running the vncviewer in a virtual session.
    4) In the vnc viewer display (which may look funny because the default setup is usually a horriffic twm session), start your Xnest.
    If you want cde, edit your .vnc/xstartup to look like:
    xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
    xsetroot -solid grey
    dtterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
    dtwm &
    If you want jds, replace the dttterm/dtwm with gnome-panel.

  • Can't start virtualbox windows 7 32 bit image anymore please h[SOLVED]

    Hello guys,
    Just recently, I upgraded my system by executing "sudo pacman -Syu". It upgraded my kernel and kernel header files and mesa devu etc... including virtualbox-ose 3.2.10-3.
    Someoutputs that could be useful:
    (Please note I picked up only installed ones from the output)
    pacman -Ss virtualbox
    community/virtualbox-additions 3.2.10-1 [installed]
        Guest additions for VirtualBox
    community/virtualbox-ose 3.2.10-3 [installed]
        Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use (Open Source Edition)
    pacman -Ss kernel26
    core/kernel26 (base) [installed]
        The Linux Kernel and modules
    core/kernel26-headers [installed]
        Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26
    core/linux-firmware 20101108-1 [installed]
        Firmware files for Linux
    extra/nvidia 260.19.21-2 [installed]
        NVIDIA drivers for kernel26.
    I also recompiled the new virtualbox modules by doing:
    sudo /etc/rc.d/vboxdrv setup
    :: Unloading VirtualBox kernel modules                                                                                                                                    [DONE]
    :: Removing old VirtualBox netadp kernel module                                                                                                                           [DONE]
    :: Removing old VirtualBox netflt kernel module                                                                                                                           [DONE]
    :: Removing old VirtualBox kernel module                                                                                                                                  [DONE]
    :: Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules                                                                                                                                  [DONE]
    :: Reloading VirtualBox kernel modules                                                                                                                                    [DONE]
    On my archlinux (64-bit) system, I installed windows 7 (32-bit) using virtualbox-ose. It was working fine before I did the upgrade. Now, whenever I try to start the windows 7 (32-bit), it starts the windows 7 until the windows logo comes (just before the login mask of windows 7 comes), my computer restarts itself without giving any error or something. My pc just restarts itself. I think this is only related to virtualbox. When I do not try to start virtualbox, arch linux itself is working fine so far. Only when I try to start the windows 7, my pc gets restarted. Have you guys had any problem of this kind? First, I will wait for your responses. The options that I could think of right at the moment are:
    1. Downgrade the kernel back (I do not know how to and do not see it as a good choice)
    2. Downgrade the virtualbox-ose only (I also do not know how to do that.)
    3. Uninstall the virtualbox-ose and reinstall it again without removing my windows 7 OS (32-bit) (I hope I can continue using it)
    4. Delete the existing windows 7 OS and try to install freshly new Windows 7 OS again
    Guys, please help me. I really need to use windows 7 sometimes. I would be really grateful if some of you guys can help me.
    And again thanks for reading my long post.
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Archie_Enthusiasm (2010-12-08 19:25:30)

    Hi guys, thanks for your responses.
    What is this vboxnetflt for? Which modules are the essential modules for virtualbox? What I mean is: do those nice features like mouse point integration, full screen supportment etc... rely on vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp?
    What I have in my configuration file is:
    #MOD_BLACKLIST=() #deprecated
    MODULES=(vboxdrv vboxnetflt vboxnetadp)
    I think vboxnetadp is used for networkiing. and vboxnetflt sounds like network filtering stuff. Can someone please confirm me? I think the problem was the sequence of upgrading. Firstly it updated the kernel and then installed the new version of virtualbox. I think if it could install the new version of virtualbox first and then the kernel, it would go without any problem, just my opinion as I said.
    Let's keep tracked on this. Maybe someone will find a solution before virtualbox developers :-)

  • Pacman not finding virtualbox-ose?

    I am fairly new to Linux and VERY new to Arch but so far, I haven't had any problems that I couldn't solve.  I am especially enjoying using pacman.  I'm really surprised at how powerful & easy to use it is.  However, I am having a problem trying to install virtualbox-ose from the repositories.  I looked it up and it says it's available from the community repo (which I do have enabled) and it says it was just updated in Oct. but when I 'pacman -Ss virtualbox-ose' it's not found in the db.  I have also done -Sy and -Syu to make sure everything is synced.  All I can find so far is virtualbox-modules.
    I'm really sorry if this is a no-brainer and I'm asking a stupid question.  I love virtualbox, tho, and can't wait to try out the newest eLive cd so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.  :-)
    Many thks,

    No, I haven't.  I assumed (maybe incorrectly) that mirrors were identical in their contents.  Is this not the case?  I'll try changing that right now and see if that solves it.
    Thx for the suggestion, Allan.  :-)
    Well, I've tried 3 other mirrors and no luck.  Just not showing up.  I know I can d'load the source from the virtualbox website but I'm not sure I'm ready to try to install something like that manually.
    Ok.  Duh.  I'm running 64 bit and virtualbox only runs on i686.  :-(  It's all there in the i686 directories although I'm not sure why virtualbox-modules is available in the x86_64 directories.  That's a mystery.
    Sorry for wasting forum space and people's time but thx for the help!
    Last edited by 5x5 (2007-12-16 14:02:00)

  • X86_64 virtualbox-ose

    does anyone know why the open-source virtualbox-ose in the community repo has not been compiled for arch64? I would love to have that...

    I tryed doing so but failed. It is kind of tricky, because it needs 32 bits libraries for building.
    Here's a pkgbuild I've been working on:
    # $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.3 2007/10/24 10:51:49 Romashka Exp $
    # Maintainer: Roman Kyrylych <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: Michal Krenek <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: niQo
    pkgdesc="Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use (Open Source Edition)"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    depends=('virtualbox-modules' 'libidl2' 'libxslt' 'xalan-c' 'e2fsprogs' 'xerces-c' 'libxcursor')
    makedepends=('bin86' 'dev86' 'iasl' 'libstdc++5' 'pkgconfig' 'qt' 'sdl' 'sdl_ttf' 'alsa-lib')
    source=(${pkgver}/VirtualBox-${pkgver}_OSE.tar.bz2 \
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/VirtualBox-${pkgver}_OSE
    # remove additions and vboxdrv
    patch -p0 < ../virtualbox-remove-splitted-stuff.patch
    [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ] && export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS /opt/lib32/usr/lib/ /opt/lib32/lib/"
    ./configure --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR || return 1
    source ./
    kmk all || return 1
    cd out/linux.$BUILD_PLATFORM_ARCH/release/bin
    rm -rf sdk src tst* testcase vboxdrv.ko SUPInstall SUPUninstall
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/{bin,lib/virtualbox,share/virtualbox}
    install -m644 *.so $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/
    install -m644 *.gc *.r0 *.xpt ../obj/src/VBox/VMM/tstVMM/tstVMM \
    # if you move the binaries in /usr/share the sky will fall on your head
    for each in vditool VBoxManage VBoxSVC VBoxSDL VirtualBox VBoxBFE VBoxXPCOMIPCD VBoxTunctl; do
    install -m755 $each $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/virtualbox/$each
    ln -fs /usr/lib/virtualbox/$each $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/$each
    # I like lowercase binaries :)
    ln -fs /usr/lib/virtualbox/$each $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/$( echo $each | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] )
    cp -R components $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/virtualbox/
    cp -R nls/ $startdir/pkg/usr/share/virtualbox/
    cd $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/virtualbox/; ln -s ../VBox* .
    # desktop stuff
    install -D -m644 $startdir/src/VirtualBox-${pkgver}_OSE/src/VBox/Installer/linux/VirtualBox.desktop \
    install -D -m644 $startdir/src/VirtualBox-${pkgver}_OSE/src/VBox/Installer/linux/VBox.png \
    # udev rule
    install -D -m644 $startdir/src/60-virtualbox.rules \
    configure fails with :
    ***** Checking 32-bit support *****
    compiling the following source file:
    #include <stdint.h>
    int main(void)
    return 0;
    using the following command line:
    gcc -m32 -O -Wall -o .tmp_out .tmp_src.c
    /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.2.2/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc
    /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/4.2.2/libgcc.a when searching for -lgcc
    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

  • [VirtualBox] - OSE vs Bin

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to choose right VirtualBox version. I have been working with OSE version a long time, and this version was suitable for me all the time.
    But now I have found the virtualbox-ose 2.0.4 version and the virtualbox_bin 2.10 version.  Why  OSE version is older then BIN version?

    Yeah it sucks a bit that the OSE is outdated, especially because it depends on kernel <2.6.28. eg you can't update your kernel
    I tried to compile it myself with ABS but failed...  It's probably not as easy as it looks to update this package.
    Fwiw , page is here
    I think I'll wait a bit longer and see if I can help Geoffrey.  I don't like closed source stuff.

  • Can't pacman virtualbox-ose [SOLVED]

    I'm trying to install virtualbox-ose. I've never used it before (as well as any other virtual machine). But the problem is that I can't install it via pacman. It says:
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: klibc-extras: requires klibc-jfflyAahxqaliwAofrf_fdf5upI
    :: klibc-kbd: requires klibc-jfflyAahxqaliwAofrf_fdf5upI
    :: klibc-module-init-tools: requires klibc-jfflyAahxqaliwAofrf_fdf5upI
    :: klibc-udev: requires klibc-jfflyAahxqaliwAofrf_fdf5upI
    wtf? What is wrong?
    Last edited by Axell (2009-01-30 01:33:19)

    Ok, it helped Thank you!

  • [solved] virtualbox-ose-additions-modules and pacman -Syu

    I get the following error from my VM (Oracle VM VirtualBox) under Windows when doing a pacman -Syu:
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    :: Replace kernel26-firmware with core/linux-firmware? [Y/n]
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
    :: virtualbox-ose-additions-modules: requires kernel26<2.6.34
    pacman -Qs kernel26 =
    local/kernel26 (base)
    The Linux Kernel and modules
    local/kernel26-firmware (base)
    The included firmware files of the Linux Kernel
    Header files and scripts for building modules for kernel26
    Please help.d
    Last edited by tpfkanep (2010-06-22 09:00:51)

    find a more up to date mirror. virtualbox-ose-additions-modules 3.2.4-3 has the proper dependencies

  • VirtualBox Image for OBIEE - Sample Applications v107

    I've downloaded the VirtualBox Image for OBIEE - Sample Applications v107.
    I have Windows 7 64 bit in one partition and Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition in another partition.
    1. Which OS is good for installing this VirtulalBox Image?
    2. When I install VirtualBox software, should I select the Networking features? I'm not sure if I need it since I will only be running this in my computer for evaluation and learning. It seems it will create network adapters and I don't want it to mess up other settings in my PC.

    I don't know if it helps since it was posted long time ago but I'd suggest to use windows 7 (64 bit) since it the virtual box with the sample App seems to work quite well on it. Also I am not too sure what you mean with the network features but certainly the virtual box would create a network called Virtual Box Host but it doesn't mess up (change at all) your other network connections.

  • [Solved] VirtualBox-ose no run GUI

    I has installed VirtualBox, but don't work. In bash appears this:
    VirtualBox: Error -10 in SUPR3HardenedMain!
    VirtualBox: Effective UID is not root (euid=1000 egid=1000 uid=1000 gid=1000)
    VirtualBox: Tip! It may help to reinstall VirtualBox.
    With qt yes work, but with sdl says that I executed with root!! ¿Is normal?
    Nom            : virtualbox-ose
    Versió         : 3.2.8-2
    URL            :
    Llicències     : GPL  custom
    Grups          : Cap
    Proporciona    : virtualbox=3.2.8
    Depen de       : libxml2  libxcursor  libidl2  libxinerama  sdl  libxmu  curl
                     kernel26-headers  gcc  make
    Dep opcionals  : libxt: for shared clipboard
                     libvncserver: for VNC support in VBoxHeadless
                     pulseaudio: for pulseAudio support
                     python: for python support
                     qt: for VirtualBox GUI
    Requerit per   : Cap
    Conflictes amb : virtualbox-modules<=3.1.6-2
    Substitueix    : virtualbox-modules
    Mida instal.   : 39548,00 K
    Empaquetador   : Ionut Biru <[email protected]>
    Arquitectura   : x86_64
    Data de constr.: dl 23 ago 2010 13:43:39 CEST
    Data instal.   : dv 27 ago 2010 16:53:41 CEST
    Raó instal.    : Instal·lat explícitament
    Script instal. : Sí
    Descripció     : Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use
                     (Open Source Edition)
    Last edited by igallart (2010-08-27 15:03:13)

    I think that is necesary qt to GUI. Before working with sdl, with the version of AUR, but now it seems that no. Thanks

  • Is there any Ipcommunicator software for 64 bit OS???

    Is there any Ipcommunicator software for 64 bit OS ??? or same setup in CISCO site is working with with 64 bit os's?

    IP Communicator supports 64 bit OSes.  I'm running CIPC 8.6 on 64 bit Windows 7.
    Thanks, Jeff

  • [Solved]virtualbox-ose-additions needs virtualbox-ose-additions

    Hello everybody. I noticed that mayor updates were released some time ago but I couldn't update because of my exams. Anyway, now I'm trying to update (pacman -Syu) and I recieve the following error:
    :: virtualbox-ose-additions-modules: needs kernel26<2.6.28
    So, that package is out of date, I don't mind if I have to remove it and install virtualbox after updating again, so I tried to remove it and what I get is this;
    :: virtualbox-ose-additions: needs virtualbox-ose-additions-modules
    Even if I do a ~$ pacman -R -f virtualbox-ose-additions-modules get the same error.
    How can I remove it and update?
    Last edited by endless_dark (2009-02-16 21:02:41)

    pointone wrote:
    Remove virtualbox-ose-additions first?
    pacman -Syu --ignore virtualbox-ose-additions*
    Omg it was as easy as that. -1 for me
    Thank you very much!

  • Virtualbox-ose, virtualbox-modules 2.2.0 on kernel 2.6.29

    Anyone managed to get virtualbox-ose and virtualbox-modules 2.2.0 working on kernel 2.6.29?
    I tried editing the virtualbox-modules PKGBUILD like so:
    < _kernver=2.6.28-ARCH
    < pkgver=2.1.2
    > _kernver=2.6.29-ARCH
    > pkgver=2.2.0
    < depends=('kernel26>=2.6.28' 'kernel26<2.6.29')
    < makedepends=('bin86' 'dev86' 'iasl' 'libstdc++5' 'qt3' 'sdl_ttf' 'libxt'
    > depends=('kernel26>=2.6.28' 'kernel26<2.6.30')
    > makedepends=('bin86' 'dev86' 'iasl' 'libstdc++5' 'qt3' 'qt4' 'sdl_ttf' 'libxt'
    < md5sums=('ce1360945d65a79dbea1bec997c25c00')
    > md5sums=('37bd7d58cf7b6c46998cfd82c1b70573')
    to get the makedeps in place I did
    pacman -Sy --asdeps dev86 iasl qt3 qt4 sdl_ttf pulseaudio gcc34 xalan-c
    But when I run makepkg it can't find Qt4

    schuay wrote:isn't qt4 just called qt?
    actually qt provides qt4. so If you call pacman -S qt4 it will install qt (which is at version 4.something)
    I have qt and qt3 installed.
    schuay wrote:
    and you'll also probably need this:
    #get virtualbox working with 2.6.29
    in /opt/virtualbox/src/vboxdrv/Makefile, uncomment VBOX_USE_INSERT_PAGE and recompile module - should be fixed by
    for -ose i'm not sure where the Makefile is, but i guess you can find it with grep
    I don't think so. I'm running

  • I can't load VirtualBox OSE additions modules

    Hi to everyone:
    I have VirtualBox (OSE) installed on my system:
    [glsadmin@researchlinux ~]$ pacman -Qs virtualbox
    local/virtualbox-modules 3.0.12-1
    Kernel modules for VirtualBox
    local/virtualbox-ose 3.0.12-1
    Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use (Open Source Edition)
    local/virtualbox-ose-additions 3.0.12-1
    Guest Additions for VirtualBox (Open Source Edition)
    local/virtualbox-ose-additions-modules 3.0.12-1
    Kernel modules for VirtualBox Guest Additions
    I can't load the modules of OSE additions:
    [root@researchlinux ~]# modprobe vboxadd
    FATAL: Error inserting vboxadd (/lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/misc/vboxadd.ko): No such device
    [root@researchlinux ~]# modprobe vboxvfs
    FATAL: Error inserting vboxvfs (/lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/misc/vboxvfs.ko): No such device
    [root@researchlinux ~]#
    But they're on the system:
    [root@researchlinux ~]# pacman -Ql virtualbox-ose-additions-modules
    virtualbox-ose-additions-modules /lib/
    virtualbox-ose-additions-modules /lib/modules/
    virtualbox-ose-additions-modules /lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/
    virtualbox-ose-additions-modules /lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/misc/
    virtualbox-ose-additions-modules /lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/misc/vboxadd.ko
    virtualbox-ose-additions-modules /lib/modules/2.6.31-ARCH/misc/vboxvfs.ko
    [root@researchlinux ~]#
    Someone else with the same problem ... anyone knows how to fix it?

    wonder wrote:
    do you have virtualbox-additions installed?
    pacman -Qs virtualbox
    No, I don't.
    [glsadmin@researchlinux ~]$ pacman -Qs virtualbox
    local/virtualbox-modules 3.1.0-1
    Kernel modules for VirtualBox
    local/virtualbox-ose 3.1.0-1
    Powerful x86 virtualization for enterprise as well as home use (Open Source Edition)
    local/virtualbox-ose-additions 3.1.0-1
    Guest Additions for VirtualBox (Open Source Edition)
    local/virtualbox-ose-additions-modules 3.1.0-1
    Kernel modules for VirtualBox Guest Additions
    I remember that program's package (virtualbox-additions) is under PUEL license, but I can't use the package in one enterprise environment; by that reason I thought that the virtualbox-ose-additions package could be useful for my main target: change between the guest system and the host system without to use the CTRL key for to release the mouse pointer.

  • Creation of Add-on package for 64 bit and 32 bit SAP Business One Client

    Please help me creating package for 64 bit and 32 bit SAP Business One. If Add-on executable is compiled with x86 option then there is no issue of connecting Add-on with 32 bit SAP Business one and if Add-on executable is compiled with Any CPU option then there is no issue of connecting Add-on with 64 bit SAP Business one. Problems are mentioned as below
    1. My Add-on uses MS ACCESS connection and the connection is read using Jet OLEDB 4.0 provider. It works fine for x86 compile mode but not when compile mode is Any CPU. I searched for the issue on Google and found a solution to change MS ACCESS connection provider to ACE.OLEDB.12.0 but again ACE provider is installed according to the Office version i.e. 32 bit or 64 bit office suite. If I install 32 bit ACE provider then Add-on executable compiled with x86 version is working fine but with Any CPU option throws error as provider is not registered on current machine.
    2. Secodly, our license validation activex dll is build using vb 6.0 and therefore when Add-on executable is compiled using Any CPU option, Add-on EXE cannot read from license dll. Any suggestion, how the activeX dll can be compiled whose component can be created from for X86 compiled exe and any cpu compiled exe.
    Please help because we are stuck in this issue and cannot move forward.

    Hi Alejandro,
    That is one solution but did your add on used ms access connection? if you used Jet oledb to connection string or ace oledb connection string? what if 32 bit office is installed and what if 64 office is installed? how did you found the office version in install script? after determining the office version how did you installed Microsoft redistributable for ace oledb (32 bit or 64 bi )?
    I am sorry that I asked many questions but these are the problems where I am stuck with the addon installer?

Maybe you are looking for