Visio 2010 activation error

I installed Visio 2010 premium on my laptop (win8.1). When I try to activate, I receive a message which says my product key is illegal. I do have a legal license and it was already installed on another computer with Win7 on it, without any errors.

Please see the "Office Product Key Card FAQ", I copy the question here:
How many licenses /installations do Office Product Key Cards allow?
Each Product Key Card allows one user to activate one Office 2010 suite on one preloaded PC.
If you want to transfer the Visio 2010 premium to a new PC, you'd better uninstall it from preloaded PC, and reinstall it. Then, we can connect the Microsoft Product Activation Center to activate it.
George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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    For the error message, the issue may be caused by some reasons.
    The Visio 2010 installation source was damaged.
    The installation source for the language pack did not contain all the necessary files.
    Please try the following methods:
    1.Change an installation source.(Click
    here to re-download)
    2.Extract all sv-se files necessary for the language pack installation and installed the language pack successfully.  
    3.Unzip the installation source and double-click the setup.exe to install.
    If we had tried the all above methods, we need to try that uninstall Office, install Visio, re-install office.  It’s important to always install earlier versions of Office first.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Did you updates X or have 10.0.0? The updates are required for use with OFFICE 2010.

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    You need to complete your install by editing th tnsnames.ora file which can be found under %ORACLE_HOME%\netwrok\admin folder.
    A simple tnsnames.ora entry would look like:
    ORCL =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <machine_name or ip_address where the database & listener is running>)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = ORCL)
      )Or simpler, go to the start menu, and start the Oracle Net Manager to configure your tnsnames.

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    Can anyone help? Thanks!

    Did you receive the error "An unspecified error has occurred. Your request cannot be processed at this time. Please try again later. (0x80070190)"?
    This activation error is currently being investigated. 
    To activate Office 2010, please use one of the following workarounds in the article below:
    Tylor Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    I got the same error. Everything seemed to work just fine, except Save As PDF.
    At last I found that removing an imported picture (copy from other Visio drawing and originaly extracted from a screenshot) from de drawing
    solved the problem. Suddenly I could Save As PDF again.
    I tried to save older drawings with the same inserted pictures, and the problem returned.
    Strangely, there are also other pictures inserted and they do not cause any problems.
    Somehow the picture isn’t recognized as a Visio object.
    A little workaround fixed the problem:
    I copied the picture into MS Word. Than right-click the picture and chose: Visio object/convert.
    Chose Convert to Visio object and apply. You get a message like “object is definitely converted to a Visio object”.
    When finished, copy the picture back into the Viso-drawing. It’s no problem saving it as a PDF anymore.

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    That same CD installed OK on a previous Win 8.1 machine that I had to clean and return.
    Any idea?

    have you tried these articles?
    Best regards,

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    checked: Hinweis 944221 - Fehleranalyse bei Problemen in der Formularprozessierung
    checked with repords:

    the exeption is:
    #1.5^ J2EE Engine JTA
    Transaction : [12465520176ffffff93]
    _33##0#0#Error#1#/System/Server#Plain###Processing exception during
    a "CalculateFieldHashes" operation.
    Request start time: Wed Apr 07 15:47:04 CEST 2010
    com.adobe.ProcessingException: com.adobe.ProcessingException: Class not
    found exception while loading class SAPForm,
    classpath: /usr/sap/W40/DVEBMGS01/exe/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/W40/DVEBMGS01/exe/jvmx.jar:./bin/boot/boot.jar:./bin/boot/jaas.jar:./bin/system/bytecode.jar:.
    Exception Stack Trace:
    com.adobe.ProcessingException: com.adobe.ProcessingException: Class not
    found exception while loading class SAPForm,
    classpath: /usr/sap/W40/DVEBMGS01/exe/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/W40/DVEBMGS01/exe/jvmx.jar:./bin/boot/boot.jar:./bin/boot/jaas.jar:./bin/system/bytecode.jar:.
    at Source)
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesEJB.processRequest(Unknown
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesEJB.rpData(Unknown Source)
    at com.adobe.AdobeDocumentServicesLocalLocalObjectImpl0_0.rpData(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at SoapServlet.doPost(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    Caused by: com.adobe.ProcessingException: Class not found exception
    while loading class SAPForm,
    classpath: /usr/sap/W40/DVEBMGS01/exe/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/W40/DVEBMGS01/exe/jvmx.jar:./bin/boot/boot.jar:./bin/boot/jaas.jar:./bin/system/bytecode.jar:.
    at Source)
    ... 31 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:^M
    Found in negative cache^M
    Loader Info -
    ClassLoader name: [ejbGencom.adobe/AdobeDocumentServices]^M
    Parent loader name: [com.adobe/AdobeDocumentServices]^M

  • Bug Report: [VIsio 2010] whenever I try to save a diagram to JPEG and then close Visio using the X button, Visio hangs

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    and I have this problem:
     whenever I try to save a diagram to JPEG (save as>JPEG) and then close Visio using the X button on the upper right corner, then Visio hangs.
    The jpeg pic is saved ok, but Visio hangs permanently: I have to close it using task manager.
    On the other hand, if after I save into jpeg, I press whatever other button in Visio (from ribbon) then it works ok, and afterwards I can close Visio with the X button
    - but, if I try to close Visio with the X button  right after saving to JPEG, Visio will surely hang.
    Thank you
    PS. Visio 2010 is fully updated (File>Help reports:
    Visio 2010 Premium (v14.0.6111.5000) SP1 MSO (14.0.6112.5000) 32bit)

    The problem reappeared/wasn't completely solved:
    So, I also went to Control Panel>add/remove programs, rightclick on Adobe Acrobat X> change installation and untick the PDFMaker item, in order to uninstall it:
    that's because initially, even after I had unticked "PDFMaker for Visio AddIn" in COM Add-Ins,
    in File>Options>Add-Ins tab, on the Active Application Add-Ins part (yes, on ACTIVE Add-Ins)
    I was still seeing about 5-6 lines, all having items containing PDFMaker for Visio AddIn" [PDFMVisio.vsl].
    In other words, the PDFMVisio.vsl file was loaded even if unticked!!
    Then, after uninstalling the add-in, the problem was finally fixed at last!
    Thank you so much for this additional information!  I was having the same problem.  I did what you instructed, and the problem has now disappeared!

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    on SCCM and Management server. The only difference on the machine is the deployment method of the AppV application. Any suggestions on why this is?

    See this topic;
    Nicke Källén | The Knack| Twitter:

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  • 0IC_C03: 2LIS_03_BF Transformation Start Routine Activation error

    Hi all,
    Iam getting activation error (Start Routine) while activating the transformation for the 2LIS_03_BF (Material Movements) data source for 0IC_C03 INFO CUBE. Iam getting an error for the Start Routine  and the error message is as follows:
    + E:In PERFORM or CALL FUNCTION "ROUTINE_9998", the actual parameter "SOURCE_PACKAGE" is incompatible with the formal parameter "DATA_PACKAGE".+
    Scenario: As per my client requirment i have tried to add on info object in to the existing info cube i.e., Movement Type which is an existing field in the info source and the data source and i have tried to map the same in the transformations between the info source and the info cube and activated the transformation. Then iam getting the above said start routine error, so to avoid this i have removed that object i.e., movement type from the info cube and tried to reactivate the transformations still iam getting the same routine error.
    Please suggest me th approach to resolve this issue.

    Hi Chandu,
    Please find below is the routine:
    PROGRAM trans_routine.
          CLASS routine DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_transform DEFINITION.
    *-    Instance for getting request runtime attributs;
        Available information: Refer to methods of
        interface 'if_rsbk_request_admintab_view'
                TYPE REF TO if_rsbk_request_admintab_view READ-ONLY.
        TYPE-POOLS: rsd, rstr.
      Rule specific types
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1,
         InfoObject: 0STORNO Reversal Indicator.
            STORNO           TYPE /BI0/OISTORNO,
         InfoObject: 0RT_PROMO promotion.
            RT_PROMO           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_PROMO,
         InfoObject: 0VAL_CLASS Valuation  class.
            VAL_CLASS           TYPE /BI0/OIVAL_CLASS,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_DATE Document Date.
            DOC_DATE           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_DATE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE StockType.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Stock  Categories.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0PSTNG_DATE Posting date in the document.
            PSTNG_DATE           TYPE /BI0/OIPSTNG_DATE,
         InfoObject: 0COMP_CODE Company Code.
            COMP_CODE           TYPE /BI0/OICOMP_CODE,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Application component.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0MOVETYPE movement Type (Inventory Management).
            MOVETYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVETYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Relevance to Stock.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Purchase Value in Local currency.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPSVLC BW: Sales Value in Local currency.
            CPSVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPSVLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPSTLC BW: Sales Value in Local currency.
            CPSTLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPSTLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Amount in base unit of Measure.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0VAL_TYPE Valuation Type.
            VAL_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIVAL_TYPE,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW: Transaction Key.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0BATCH Batch number.
            BATCH           TYPE /BI0/OIBATCH,
         InfoObject: 0MATMREA Reason for Goods Movement.
            MATMREA           TYPE /BI0/OIMATMREA,
         InfoObject: 0BUS_AREA Business Area.
            BUS_AREA           TYPE /BI0/OIBUS_AREA,
         InfoObject: 0COSTCENTER Cost Center.
            COSTCENTER           TYPE /BI0/OICOSTCENTER,
         InfoObject: 0SOLD_TO Sold-to Party.
            SOLD_TO           TYPE /BI0/OISOLD_TO,
         InfoObject: 0WHSE_NUM Warehouse Number / warehouse complex.
            WHSE_NUM           TYPE /BI0/OIWHSE_NUM,
         InfoObject: 0STOR_LOC Storage Location.
            STOR_LOC           TYPE /BI0/OISTOR_LOC,
         InfoObject: 0STRGE_BIN Storage Bin.
            STRGE_BIN           TYPE /BI0/OISTRGE_BIN,
         InfoObject: 0STRGE_TYPE Storage Type.
            STRGE_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTRGE_TYPE,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR  Vendor.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
         InfoObject: 0MATERIAL Material.
            MATERIAL           TYPE /BI0/OIMATERIAL,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_NUM BW: Document Number.
            DOC_NUM           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_NUM,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Base Unit of Measure.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_YEAR BW: Document Year.
            DOC_YEAR           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_YEAR,
         InfoObject: 0PROFIT_CTR Profit center.
            PROFIT_CTR           TYPE /BI0/OIPROFIT_CTR,
         InfoObject: 0DCINDIC Debit/Credit Indicator.
            DCINDIC           TYPE /BI0/OIDCINDIC,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Local currency.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
         InfoObject: 0PLANT Plant.
            PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIPLANT,
         InfoObject: 0FISCVARNT Fiscal year variant.
            FISCVARNT           TYPE /BI0/OIFISCVARNT,
         InfoObject: 0CPNOITEMS BW: Number of activities.
            CPNOITEMS           TYPE /BI0/OICPNOITEMS,
         InfoObject: 0CO_AREA Controlling Area.
            CO_AREA           TYPE /BI0/OICO_AREA,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_ITEM BW: Document Line Number.
            DOC_ITEM           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_ITEM,
         InfoObject: 0VALUE_LC Amount in local currency.
            VALUE_LC           TYPE /BI0/OIVALUE_LC,
         InfoObject: 0QUANT_B Quantity in base units of Measure.
            QUANT_B           TYPE /BI0/OIQUANT_B,
         InfoObject: 0MOVE_PLANT Receiving Plant/Issuing Plant.
            MOVE_PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVE_PLANT,
         InfoObject: 0RECORDMODE BW Delta Process: Update Mode.
            RECORDMODE           TYPE RODMUPDMOD,
         InfoObject: 0RT_RMAPIDA RMA Physical Inventory Date.
            RT_RMAPIDA           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_RMAPIDA,
         InfoObject: 0BWCOUNTER Additional Key Field Revaluation Document
            BWCOUNTER           TYPE /BI0/OIBWCOUNTER,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Indicator: Valuation of Special stock.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Source System for  R/3 Entity.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVINV movement Type is Physical Inventory.
            RT_MOVINV           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVINV,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVADJ movement Type is Stock Adjustment.
            RT_MOVADJ           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVADJ,
         InfoObject: 0RSL_STMAT Structured  Article.
            RSL_STMAT           TYPE /BI0/OIRSL_STMAT,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVRET movement Type is Return.
            RT_MOVRET           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVRET,
         InfoObject: 0RSL_STAUTO Automatically Completed Component.
            RSL_STAUTO           TYPE /BI0/OIRSL_STAUTO,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVTRAN movement Type is Stock Transfer.
            RT_MOVTRAN           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVTRAN,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MATPOST Transfer Posting from  Article to Article
            RT_MATPOST           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MATPOST,
         InfoObject: 0RT_SASTSV Share of Business Volume for Set Sales Val
    *ue in Local crcy.
            RT_SASTSV           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_SASTSV,
         InfoObject: 0RT_SASTST Share of Business Volume for Set with Tax
    *in Local currency.
            RT_SASTST           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_SASTST,
         InfoObject: 0COORDER order number.
            COORDER           TYPE /BI0/OICOORDER,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_LNK RMA Stock Transfer Reference Item.
            RMA_LNK           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_LNK,
         InfoObject: 0RMA_RFLG RMA Relevance Flag.
            RMA_RFLG           TYPE /BI0/OIRMA_RFLG,
         InfoObject: 0RTHFEES Stock Transfer Fees.
            RTHFEES           TYPE /BI0/OIRTHFEES,
         Field: RECORD.
            RECORD           TYPE RSARECORD,
          END   OF tys_SC_1.
    tyt_SC_1        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tys_SC_1
                            WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY.
    $$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line  -
    ... "insert your code here
    $$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line   -
              request                  type rsrequest
              datapackid               type rsdatapid
              monitor                  type rstr_ty_t_monitors
              SOURCE_PACKAGE              type tyt_SC_1
              i_th_fields_outbound         TYPE rstran_t_field_inv
              i_r_selset_outbound          TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set
              i_is_main_selection          TYPE rs_bool
              i_r_selset_outbound_complete TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set
              i_r_universe_inbound         TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_universe
              c_th_fields_inbound          TYPE rstran_t_field_inv
              c_r_selset_inbound           TYPE REF TO cl_rsmds_set
              c_exact                      TYPE rs_bool.
    ENDCLASS.                    "routine DEFINITION
    $$ begin of 2nd part global - insert your code only below this line  *
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1_full,
         InfoObject: 0STORNO Stornokennzeichen.
            STORNO           TYPE /BI0/OISTORNO,
         InfoObject: 0RT_PROMO Aktion.
            RT_PROMO           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_PROMO,
         InfoObject: 0VAL_CLASS Bewertungsklasse.
            VAL_CLASS           TYPE /BI0/OIVAL_CLASS,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_DATE Belegdatum.
            DOC_DATE           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_DATE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0PSTNG_DATE Buchungsdatum im Beleg.
            PSTNG_DATE           TYPE /BI0/OIPSTNG_DATE,
         InfoObject: 0COMP_CODE Buchungskreis.
            COMP_CODE           TYPE /BI0/OICOMP_CODE,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0MOVETYPE Bewegungsart (Bestandsführung).
            MOVETYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVETYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPSVLC BW: Verkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPSVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPSVLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPSTLC BW: VerkWmS Hauswährung.
            CPSTLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPSTLC,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0VAL_TYPE Bewertungsart.
            VAL_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIVAL_TYPE,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0BATCH Chargennummer.
            BATCH           TYPE /BI0/OIBATCH,
         InfoObject: 0MATMREA Grund für die Warenbewegung.
            MATMREA           TYPE /BI0/OIMATMREA,
         InfoObject: 0BUS_AREA Geschäftsbereich.
            BUS_AREA           TYPE /BI0/OIBUS_AREA,
         InfoObject: 0COSTCENTER Kostenstelle.
            COSTCENTER           TYPE /BI0/OICOSTCENTER,
         InfoObject: 0SOLD_TO Auftraggeber.
            SOLD_TO           TYPE /BI0/OISOLD_TO,
         InfoObject: 0WHSE_NUM Lagernummer/Lagerkomplex.
            WHSE_NUM           TYPE /BI0/OIWHSE_NUM,
         InfoObject: 0STOR_LOC Lagerort.
            STOR_LOC           TYPE /BI0/OISTOR_LOC,
         InfoObject: 0STRGE_BIN Lagerplatz.
            STRGE_BIN           TYPE /BI0/OISTRGE_BIN,
         InfoObject: 0STRGE_TYPE Lagertyp.
            STRGE_TYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTRGE_TYPE,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Lieferant.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
         InfoObject: 0MATERIAL Material.
            MATERIAL           TYPE /BI0/OIMATERIAL,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_NUM BW: Belegnummer.
            DOC_NUM           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_NUM,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_YEAR BW: Belegjahr.
            DOC_YEAR           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_YEAR,
         InfoObject: 0PROFIT_CTR Profit Center.
            PROFIT_CTR           TYPE /BI0/OIPROFIT_CTR,
         InfoObject: 0DCINDIC Soll-/Haben-Kennzeichen.
            DCINDIC           TYPE /BI0/OIDCINDIC,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
         InfoObject: 0PLANT Werk.
            PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIPLANT,
         InfoObject: 0FISCVARNT Geschäftsjahresvariante.
            FISCVARNT           TYPE /BI0/OIFISCVARNT,
         InfoObject: 0CPNOITEMS BW: Anzahl Vorgänge.
            CPNOITEMS           TYPE /BI0/OICPNOITEMS,
         InfoObject: 0CO_AREA Kostenrechnungskreis.
            CO_AREA           TYPE /BI0/OICO_AREA,
         InfoObject: 0DOC_ITEM BW: Belegpositionsnummer.
            DOC_ITEM           TYPE /BI0/OIDOC_ITEM,
         InfoObject: 0VALUE_LC Betrag in Hauswährung.
            VALUE_LC           TYPE /BI0/OIVALUE_LC,
         InfoObject: 0COORDER Auftragsnummer.
            COORDER           TYPE /BI0/OICOORDER,
         InfoObject: 0QUANT_B Menge in Basismengeneinheiten.
            QUANT_B           TYPE /BI0/OIQUANT_B,
         InfoObject: 0MOVE_PLANT Empfangendes/Abgebendes Werk.
            MOVE_PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVE_PLANT,
         InfoObject: 0RECORDMODE BW Deltaverfahren: Update Modus.
            RECORDMODE           TYPE RODMUPDMOD,
         InfoObject: 0RT_RMAPIDA RMA Inventurdatum.
            RT_RMAPIDA           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_RMAPIDA,
         InfoObject: 0BWCOUNTER Zusätzliches Schlüsselfeld Umbewertungsbel
            BWCOUNTER           TYPE /BI0/OIBWCOUNTER,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Quellsystem der R/3 Entität.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVINV Bewegungsart ist Inventur.
            RT_MOVINV           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVINV,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVADJ Bewegungsart ist Bestandskorrektur.
            RT_MOVADJ           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVADJ,
         InfoObject: 0RSL_STMAT Strukturierter Artikel.
            RSL_STMAT           TYPE /BI0/OIRSL_STMAT,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVRET Bewegungsart ist Retoure.
            RT_MOVRET           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVRET,
         InfoObject: 0RSL_STAUTO Automatisch ergänzte Komponente.
            RSL_STAUTO           TYPE /BI0/OIRSL_STAUTO,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MOVTRAN Bewegungsart ist Umlagerung.
            RT_MOVTRAN           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MOVTRAN,
         InfoObject: 0RT_MATPOST Umbuchung Artikel an Artikel.
            RT_MATPOST           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_MATPOST,
         InfoObject: 0RT_SASTSV Umsatzanteil am Set Verkaufswert in Hauswä
            RT_SASTSV           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_SASTSV,
         InfoObject: 0RT_SASTST Umsatzanteil am Set Verkaufswert mit Steue
    *r in Hauswährung.
            RT_SASTST           TYPE /BI0/OIRT_SASTST,
         Field: RECORD.
            RECORD           TYPE RSARECORD,      END   OF tys_SC_1_full.
    tyt_SC_1_full        TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tys_SC_1_full
                            WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY.
          BEGIN OF tys_TG_1_full,
         InfoObject: 0CHNGID Änderungslauf ID.
            CHNGID           TYPE /BI0/OICHNGID,
         InfoObject: 0RECORDTP Satztyp.
            RECORDTP           TYPE /BI0/OIRECORDTP,
         InfoObject: 0REQUID Request ID.
            REQUID           TYPE /BI0/OIREQUID,
         InfoObject: 0CALDAY Kalendertag.
            CALDAY           TYPE /BI0/OICALDAY,
         InfoObject: 0CALMONTH Kalenderjahr / Monat.
            CALMONTH           TYPE /BI0/OICALMONTH,
         InfoObject: 0CALWEEK Kalenderjahr / Woche.
            CALWEEK           TYPE /BI0/OICALWEEK,
         InfoObject: 0CALYEAR Kalenderjahr.
            CALYEAR           TYPE /BI0/OICALYEAR,
         InfoObject: 0MATERIAL Material.
            MATERIAL           TYPE /BI0/OIMATERIAL,
         InfoObject: 0PLANT Werk.
            PLANT           TYPE /BI0/OIPLANT,
         InfoObject: 0STOR_LOC Lagerort.
            STOR_LOC           TYPE /BI0/OISTOR_LOC,
         InfoObject: 0BATCH Chargennummer.
            BATCH           TYPE /BI0/OIBATCH,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0GN_VENDOR Lieferant.
            GN_VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_VENDOR,
         InfoObject: 0RECVS_VAL Zugangswert Bewerteter Bestand.
            RECVS_VAL           TYPE /BI0/OIRECVS_VAL,
         InfoObject: 0ISSVS_VAL Abgangswert Bewerteter Bestand.
            ISSVS_VAL           TYPE /BI0/OIISSVS_VAL,
         InfoObject: 0ISSBLOSTCK Abgangsmenge Gesperrter Bestand.
            ISSBLOSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSBLOSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSCNSSTCK Abgangsmenge Konsignationsbestand.
            ISSCNSSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSCNSSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSQMSTCK Abgangsmenge Qualitätsbestand.
            ISSQMSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSQMSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSTRANSST Abgangsmenge Transitbestand.
            ISSTRANSST           TYPE /BI0/OIISSTRANSST,
         InfoObject: 0RECBLOSTCK Zugangsmenge Gesperrter Bestand.
            RECBLOSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECBLOSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0RECCNSSTCK Zugangsmenge Konsignationsbestand.
            RECCNSSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECCNSSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0RECQMSTCK Zugangsmenge Qualitätsbestand.
            RECQMSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECQMSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0RECTRANSST Zugangsmenge Transitbestand.
            RECTRANSST           TYPE /BI0/OIRECTRANSST,
         InfoObject: 0ISSSCRP Abgangsmenge Ausschuss.
            ISSSCRP           TYPE /BI0/OIISSSCRP,
         InfoObject: 0ISSVALSCRP Abgangswert Ausschuss.
            ISSVALSCRP           TYPE /BI0/OIISSVALSCRP,
         InfoObject: 0RECTOTSTCK Zugangsmenge Gesamt Bestand.
            RECTOTSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECTOTSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSTOTSTCK Abgangsmenge Gesamtbestand.
            ISSTOTSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSTOTSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0ISSVALSTCK Abgangsmenge Bewerteter Bestand.
            ISSVALSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIISSVALSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0RECVALSTCK Zugangsmenge Bewerteter Bestand.
            RECVALSTCK           TYPE /BI0/OIRECVALSTCK,
         InfoObject: 0VENCONCON Verbrauchswerte Lieferantenkonsignationsbe
            VENCONCON           TYPE /BI0/OIVENCONCON,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
         Field: RECORD Nummer des Datensatzes.
            RECORD           TYPE RSARECORD,
          END   OF tys_TG_1_full.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_9,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_9.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_10,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_10.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_11,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Quellsystem der R/3 Entität.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Lieferant.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_11.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_12,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_12.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_13,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_13.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_15,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Quellsystem der R/3 Entität.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Lieferant.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_15.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_19,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_19.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_20,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_20.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_21,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_21.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_22,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0INDSPECSTK Kennzeichen Bewertung Sonderbestand.
            INDSPECSTK           TYPE /BI0/OIINDSPECSTK,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_22.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_25,
         InfoObject: 0GN_R3_SSY Quellsystem der R/3 Entität.
            GN_R3_SSY           TYPE /BI0/OIGN_R3_SSY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0VENDOR Lieferant.
            VENDOR           TYPE /BI0/OIVENDOR,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_25.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_31,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_31.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_37,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_37.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_38,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_38.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_39,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_39.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_40,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_40.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_41,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKCAT Bestandstypen.
            STOCKCAT           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKCAT,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_41.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_42,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0PROCESSKEY BW:Vorgangsschlüssel.
            PROCESSKEY           TYPE /BI0/OIPROCESSKEY,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKRELEV BW: Best.Relevanz.
            STOCKRELEV           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKRELEV,
         InfoObject: 0STOCKTYPE Bestandsausprägung.
            STOCKTYPE           TYPE /BI0/OISTOCKTYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_42.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_43,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPQUABU BW: Menge in Basismengeneinheit.
            CPQUABU           TYPE /BI0/OICPQUABU,
         InfoObject: 0MOVETYPE Bewegungsart (Bestandsführung).
            MOVETYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVETYPE,
         InfoObject: 0BASE_UOM Basismengeneinheit.
            BASE_UOM           TYPE /BI0/OIBASE_UOM,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_43.
          BEGIN OF tys_SC_1__RULE_51,
         InfoObject: 0BWAPPLNM Anwendungskomponente.
            BWAPPLNM           TYPE /BI0/OIBWAPPLNM,
         InfoObject: 0CPPVLC BW: Einkaufswert in Hauswährung.
            CPPVLC           TYPE /BI0/OICPPVLC,
         InfoObject: 0MOVETYPE Bewegungsart (Bestandsführung).
            MOVETYPE           TYPE /BI0/OIMOVETYPE,
         InfoObject: 0LOC_CURRCY Hauswährung.
            LOC_CURRCY           TYPE /BI0/OILOC_CURRCY,
          END   OF tys_SC_1__RULE_51.
    Additional types for start routine interface
        data_package_structure type tys_SC_1_full.
    Additional declaration for update rule interface
        MONITOR       type standard table of rsmonitor  WITH HEADER LINE,
        MONITOR_RECNO type standard table of rsmonitors WITH HEADER LINE,
    global definitions from update rules
    INCLUDE rsbctgn_top.
    INCLUDE rsbctgn_update_rules.
    FORM routine_9998
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    init variables
    fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
    see OSS note 571669
        IF DATA_PACKAGE-stockcat EQ 'V' OR
           DATA_PACKAGE-stocktype EQ 'V'.
    if abort is not equal zero, the update process will be canceled
      ABORT = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "routine_9998
    FORM routine_0012
        COMM_STRUCTURE type tys_SC_1__RULE_9
        RESULT         TYPE tys_TG_1_full-ISSCNSSTCK
        RETURNCODE     LIKE sy-subrc
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    init variables
    fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
    only goods issue is considered
      IF ( COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '100'   "Other Issues
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '101'   "Returns / Vendor
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '104'   "Material Transfer
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '105'   "Stock Adjustment InvD
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '106'   "Stock Adjustment Other
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '110' ) "Issue from Stock Transfer
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-bwapplnm EQ 'MM'
    only movements which are relevant for stock control
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-stockrelev EQ '1'
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu <> 0.
    only consignment stock is considered
        CASE COMM_STRUCTURE-stockcat.
          WHEN 'K'.
            RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu.
            RETURNCODE = 0.
          WHEN space.
            IF COMM_STRUCTURE-stocktype CA 'KLM'.
              RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu.
              RETURNCODE = 0.
              RETURNCODE = 4.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            RETURNCODE = 4.
    if the returncode is not equal zero, the result will not be updated
        RETURNCODE = 4.
    if abort is not equal zero, the update process will be canceled
      ABORT = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "routine_0012
    FORM routine_0014
        COMM_STRUCTURE type tys_SC_1__RULE_10
        RESULT         TYPE tys_TG_1_full-RECCNSSTCK
        RETURNCODE     LIKE sy-subrc
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    init variables
    fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
    only goods receipt is considered
      IF ( COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '000'   "Other Receipts
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '001'   "Goods Receipt / Vendor
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '004'   "Material Transfer
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '005'   "Stock Adjustment InvD
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '006'   "Stock Adjustment Other
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '010' ) "Receipt from Stock Transfer
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-bwapplnm EQ 'MM'
    only movements which are relevant for stock control
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-stockrelev EQ '1'
       AND COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu <> 0.
    only consignment stock is considered
        CASE COMM_STRUCTURE-stockcat.
          WHEN 'K'.
            RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu.
            RETURNCODE = 0.
          WHEN space.
            IF COMM_STRUCTURE-stocktype CA 'KLM'.
              RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-cpquabu.
              RETURNCODE = 0.
              RETURNCODE = 4.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            RETURNCODE = 4.
    if the returncode is not equal zero, the result will not be updated
        RETURNCODE = 4.
    if abort is not equal zero, the update process will be canceled
      ABORT = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "routine_0014
    FORM routine_0041
        COMM_STRUCTURE type tys_SC_1__RULE_11
        RESULT         TYPE tys_TG_1_full-GN_VENDOR
        RETURNCODE     LIKE sy-subrc
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    init variables
    fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
    ... determine consolidated key
      IF COMM_STRUCTURE-stockcat EQ 'K'.
        PERFORM  gn_get_global_key TABLES MONITOR
                              USING    COMM_STRUCTURE-gn_r3_ssy
                              CHANGING RESULT
    if the returncode is not equal zero, the result will not be updated
      RETURNCODE = 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "routine_0041
    FORM routine_0010
        COMM_STRUCTURE type tys_SC_1__RULE_12
        RESULT         TYPE tys_TG_1_full-ISSVS_VAL
        RETURNCODE     LIKE sy-subrc
        ABORT          LIKE sy-subrc
    init variables
    fill the internal table "MONITOR", to make monitor entries
    only goods issue is considered
      IF ( COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '100'   "Other Issues
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '101'   "Returns / Vendor
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '104'   "Material Transfer
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '105'   "Stock Adjustment InvD
        OR COMM_STRUCTURE-processkey EQ '106

  • SharePoint 2010 Search Error: "Internal server error exception"

    We have a SharePoint 2010 Farm with 5 servers:
    1 SQL Server Cluster
    2 WFE
    1 Index Server
    1 Search Server
    Please see bellow a more detailed specification.Our DNS is using a Load Balancer
    It turns out that when it uses one WFE (SERVWFE05) it throws this error:
    SharePoint 2010 Search Error: "Internal server error exception"
    when it uses the other one (SERVWFE06) it works.
    What can be wrong?
    SharePoint Products Installed
    Services Running
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Portuguese/Português 
     Central Administration 
     Upgrade Available  Remove Server  
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Russian/русский 
    Claims to Windows Token Service 
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Spanish/Español 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-Mail 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Portuguese/Português
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Russian/русский 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Spanish/Español 
    Secure Store Service 
    Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 
    SharePoint Server Search 
    Web Analytics Data Processing Service 
    Web Analytics Web Service 
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Portuguese/Português
     Central Administration 
     Upgrade Available
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Russian/русский 
    Claims to Windows Token Service 
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Spanish/Español 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-Mail 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Portuguese/Português
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Russian/русский 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Spanish/Español 
    Search Query and Site Settings Service 
    Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 
    SharePoint Server Search 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Database 
     No Action Required 
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Portuguese/Português 
     Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-Mail 
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Russian/русский 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application 
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Spanish/Español 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Portuguese/Português
     Upgrade Available  Remove Server  
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Russian/русский 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Spanish/Español 
    Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 
    EMBWFEPRD06  Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Portuguese/Português
     Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Incoming E-Mail 
     Upgrade Available
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Russian/русский 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application 
    Language Pack for SharePoint Foundation 2010 - Spanish/Español 
    Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Workflow Timer Service 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Portuguese/Português
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Russian/русский 
    Language Pack for SharePoint, Project Server and Office Web Apps 2010 - Spanish/Español 
    Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 
    Server Name
     Administration Component
     Crawl Component 1
     Administration Database : Search_Service_Application_DB1
     Crawl Database : Search_Service_Application_CrawlStore_DB2
     Property Database : Search_Service_Application_PropertyStore_DB3
    Index Partition - 0
     Query Component 1
    Many thanks

    Ensure that the IIS Admin service is running
    Ensure that the ApppPool related to the service is running
    Ensure that the DB server that application is located is running and have enough space.
    Ensure that the Apppool is set with the correct credentials and password.
    Do you see any correllation ID while search or any error.If its a correlation ID,please check the below site to get the exact error from where its generating.
    - See more at:
    Anil Avula[Partner,MCP,MCSE,MCSA,MCTS,MCITP,MCSM] See Me At:

  • My iPod says it needs to be activated and then says Activation Error, also won't connect to iTunes. Help?

    My iPod Touch says it needs to be activated. I go to activate it using wifi and it comes up with Activation Error: this device is not registered as part of the iPod Developer Program. I'm not a memeber of that. I'm not even an developer, I'm 14. My iPod has worked normally for months now. Then I go to connect it to iTunes to reset it (I have checked and iI have the latest version) The computer recognises the iPod is connected Tand it charges but nothing appears up on iunes. It worked fine yesterday

    You say you have iOS 7. If you are a developer you have access to the private OS 7 developer's forum
    iOS 7 Developer forum- Apple Developer
    Otherwise you are on your own
    PSA: iOS 7 If you're not a developer, don't install developer betas on your iPhone | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

  • Visio 2010 Link a Stencil to Telnet

    Good morning everyone,
    I have been searching Google for two days now on how to link a Visio 2010 Stencil to Telnet so that when you hold control and click the stencil it brings you to the telnet login prompt for that router or switch.
    I went to insert hyperlink, then chose local file, and linked to telnet.exe for starters. When I ctrl+click on a stencil I get a security warning asking if I want to continue; I clicked yes, but nothing happened. For kicks, I even tried clicking No and
    still nothing happens.
    I then tried creating a shortcut to telnet and pointing the hyperlink to that local file with no luck.
    Lastly I wrote a .bat file and tried to get the .bat file to launch telnet to my router/switch, and that works if I directly open the .bat file but does not link from Visio.
    Does anyone know how I can simply make Visio 2010 so that I can click on the stencil and it auto opens telnet prompt allowing me to login to that device?
    Thank you

    The technique the example uses requires modifications to the shape (thus making them unique on the page) and the code then calls an executable that accepts command line options and enters the appropriated operands to the call (ip address, port, etc.).
    This is the 'easy' way to accomplish calling the telnet session. Be aware that as of Win7 calling command line executables via a browser was modified to make it more difficult.
    al edlund
    Al Edlund Visio MVP

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