Visual Sample Entry Box question

I have been going through f4f files generated by Adobe's f4fpackager. I am writing code to translate from MPEG-2 TS streams directly to .f4f so I need to understand the contents of this file as generated by the f4fpackager. I have read the f4v spec and have already encountered many inconsistencies/errors in that spec.  The latest thing I'm encountering is the following :
Whenever there is a VisualSampleEntryBox in the Sample Description Box, there is the  data defined in the box and then in the "additional boxes" area there are the following bytes :
00 00 00 32 61 76 63 43 01 64 00 1e ff e1 00 19 67 64 00 1e ac d9 40 a0 2f f9 70 11 00 00 03 03 e9 00 00 ea 60 0f 16 2d 96 01 00 06 68 eb e3 cb 22 c0
which looks like it is a box type but I cannot find what type it is.
It looks like box type : 61 76 63 43 which is avc3.  The description count in the Sample Description box is 1, so this must be one of the "additional boxes as specified for the media type, or encryption". Where do I find the format of that box?  It looks like it could contain NALs from the PES packets, but I'm not sure.  This is not specific to one file, I encountered the same box in an .f4f file generated from an .f4v file. This one had the following bytes :
00 00 00 3a 61 76 63 43 01 64 00 1e ff e1 00 21 27 64 00 1e ac 2c ac 0a 02 db ff 00 2c 00 2d 10 00 00 3e 90 00 0e a6 0e 48 01 79 00 be 6f 7b e0 a0 01 00 06 28 ea c1 83 32 c0 00 00 00 14 62 74 72 74 00 00 2f 20 00 01 79 00 00 01 77 00
What I need to know is, are these NAL's and if so, which ones are required and what else is in the box format?

Hi Ravi,
Thanks for your response.  The "on focus lost" is set to "No action" and the AS version is AS2.  If it helps I think the problem is actually related to people navigating back to a slide that has a text entry box on it (my e-learning modules allow people to navigate back to previous slides).  So, for now, I've disabled the back buttons where a back button would lead you back to a slide containing a TEB.
Does this make sense?

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    M. Anderson

    Hi M. Anderson
    The first question may be accomplished if (and only if) the
    last letter the user is supposed to type is unique among all the
    letters. For example, BOFFO would not work. O occurs twice. But
    LIFE would work, because E is unique. You could then configure the
    letter E to be the shortcut for the Text Entry Box.
    For the button, it's pretty easy. Click the Options tab and
    look at your choices. Make sure the "Button" option contains a
    check mark. After you dismiss the dialog, you end up with a rather
    generic looking button. But once you enable the button, you may
    then double-click it to edit its properties. You could choose an
    image, or you could make it invisible and position the invisible
    button over another image you placed on the slide as a simple image
    Hopefully this helps some... Rick

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    In the future, Swing related questions should be posted in the Swing forum.
    The code you posted is of little use since it uses custom classes so we can't see the behaviour of your code.
    In general if you add a component to a Container at run time then you just use
    This will invoke the LayoutManager and repaint the components in the container based on the new layout.

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    In desperation,

    Ok, I think I've sussed it!
    I've been pulling my hair out for weeks on this and after posting on here, I decided to try something and I think I may have found the problem.
    I work with a laptop as I am a Trainer and therefore quite mobile. When I'm in the office, I dock my laptop and use the Extended Desktop functionality of Windows so I have my laptop screen and a second 19" monitor which i find incredibly useful as screen real estate is always at a premium. And this is where I believe the problem lies.
    I performed a simple test and have repeated this test with identical outcomes everytime. Here is what I did. I fired up Captivate and Outlook and opened up a new mail window in Outlook. I then set Captivate to record the new mail window and hit record. I typed some text into the To field and the Subject field and then stopped the recording. I then previewed the results. When the new mail window was on my primary screen, (i.e the laptop) the Text Entry Box recording worked 100% fine. However, if the new mail screen was residing on my secondary screen, i.e. the monitor, the Text Entry Box recording failed!
    So it would seem that Captivate 4 has an issue with seeing the text entered on a secondary monitor when Windows is running in Extended Desktop mode. I am absolutely certain this wasn't an issue with Captivate 3 as I created plenty of content without any of these problems and I was using the Extended Desktop back then.
    So, if anyone else is having the same issue, and you are running an Extended Desktop, try what I did above.
    In the meantime, I am raising this issue with Adobe in the hope they can get this fixed, but at least now I can carry on with my content creation

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    Message was edited by: Suzanne Petty

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    Sorry, this is a known bug with no fix available yet, but the makers of SwiftKey are aware of it and we will work with them to fix it:
    For now, the only solution is to use a different keyboard when using Firefox.

  • How to hide the cursor in text entry boxes

    I didn't see this answer in the forum, and it took a while to figure this out so I thought I'd post my
    The issue is that a question requires that the user know where to click before typing, then type the correct value.
    The problem is that a text entry field shows the cursor; a dead give-away as to where the user is supposed to type.
    My solution is:
    1) Hide the text entry box (give it a name and uncheck 'Visible' in the options).
    2) Add a transparent button (with default text if needed) over the area where the user must click.
         - Set the 'Success' option to 'Show', and make the 'Show' item the name of your text entry box.
         - Disable all captions (unless they get points for clicking in the right place).
    3) Set the object timing so the button displays until clicked, then end the button display.  Start the display of the text entry field immediately after the end of the button display.
    The effect is that the user clicks the correct area, then the cursor displays in the correct location, ready for the text entry.

    You get a gold star for this idea.  Very original thinking.

  • Text Entry Box - Different Results based on Different Entries?

    I'm trying to figure out a way to use the Text-Entry Box (if there's a better tool to go about this, let me know) in order to bring up a particular caption box with a particular response. So for example, in a standard text-entry box, I have listed 4 possible "correct" answers, and for this example, I'll just say answer 1, answer 2, answer 3, and answer 4. I would like each answer to bring up a different caption box with a different statement based on which answer they type in. Basically:
    Answer one -> Caption 1
    Answer two -> Caption 2
    All I can ever get is for each answer to just respond to the same standard buttons, Success, Failure, etc. I can't seem to add a new button that would pop up like the standard ones, or, as I would like better, Captions instead. Any ideas?

    Perhaps it is a problem with terminology, but as the 'proclaimed' advanced actions freak I have to ask what you mean by your latest answer 'captions did not come as variables to use'. A button is not a variable in my mind, but you mean perhaps the object ID? Which statement did you use in the advanced actions where the object ID of the captions do not show? AFAIK that is only the case with the statements Assign and Expression if you use variables, but there the button will not be in the list as well.
    Do you understand why I'm puzzled?
    My work flow would be this one:
    Create the Text captions TC_one, TC_two... and set them to invisible
    Create the Advanced conditional action that checks which (correct) answer was chosen, this action will have one decision for each correct answer; the action to be executed is to show TC_one in case answer1 was chose, TC_two for answer2 etc. If you allow the user to change his answer, hide at the same time the other captions
    Attach this action as Success action to the TEB, and have a shortcut or the Submit button like you wish.
    In case you allow also a Retake functionality, where the user returns to this slide, you'll need sort of a Reset that hides all Text Captions when entering the slide
    Please, I hope you'll take the time to answer my question in the first paragraph.

  • Text entry box actions based on value

    Hi there..
    I am currently working on a software simulator where users search for orders by typing an order number in a search field... In Captivate I have created a Text Entry box with "submit" button, what I am trying to achieve in is if the user type specific value (numbers) and click "submit" button it will take them to a specific slide in the project BUT if they type difference value (in the same text entry box) and click "submit" button it will take them to different slide in the project ?
    hope I have explained the question clearly.. btw I am using Captivate v5

    OK, you know how to add the correct entries. Set attempts to infinite, and create this conditional action to trigger by Success for the TEB:
    I created a user variable to associate with the TEB instead of the generic one, it is labeled v_order.  I labeled the slides to jump to as well, makes it easier to use in an advanced action. Screenshots are from CP8, so will look bit different for you, but what you hneed is the same.

  • Submit All button for all text entry boxes at end of exam in Captivate 7

    Hi everyone,
    I am new to this forum, and I was hoping that someone could help me out with a problem that has been eating my lunch for the last week.
    I have a captivate 7 project that I am setting up as a virtual workbook, with text entry boxes asking true/false, yes/no, and short essay questions through out the most part of the workbook, and then at the end it has a series of multiple choice questions that are set up on question slides. Is there a way to have all of the text entered in the text entry boxes submited along with the quiz questions at the end, to my LMS? And if at all possible, still inform the user if there are any questions that have not been answered? Like I said, I am new to this forum, so if I forgot to include any important information, I apologise, but if anyone could help me ouot, I would be extreemly thankful!

    thenks for the reply Lilybiri! As far as I have been able to find, there is no way to associate a submit all button with TEBs, so I am not sure if this is something that I am overlooking, or if I am misunderstanding the recomemendation.
    What I am trying to do is set up a bunch of TEBs to be answer entry boxes for questions throughout the workbook, which will lead up to an exam. The exam, I am good on, because it has the submit all button attached. But the TEBs that I am using as the answer entry boxes, I can't seem to find a way to link them all to the same submit button.
    I hope I am being pretty clear about it, but I've been pounding away at this for a while, so I fear it might come out a but rambly. So, please let me know if I need to clarify anything.

  • White borders around Firefox entry boxes

    Hi. I'm trying to fix / work around a quirky cosmetic bug that occurs in Firefox (OpenOffice, too) with Murrine SVN and, unfortunately, other GTK engines. There are white borders around entry boxes, that disappear if I mouse-over them, but reappear when I do, well, anything. I was going to work around it by theming the entry boxes with Clearlooks instead of Murrine, but it suffers from the same problem (it's more glaring there, actually). Standard Murrine from community, and Murrine from Ubuntu (aur package) do not suffer from this problem, but unfortunately, it cannot co-exist with Murrine SVN.
    Here's a screenshot of the problem in question:
    How would you suggest I work around, or preferably, fix this problem?
    Last edited by TiZ (2009-02-27 03:22:57)

    It appears to be a bug in the SpryMenuBar.js v0.12 after all.
    I found an acceptable solution by commenting out line 163
    , this.isieClass);
    // this.addClassName(items, this.isieClass);
    Now the menu is rendered correctly without the white
    I guess it is not always IE's fault ;-)
    Something for the Adobe crew to pick up for their next

  • Advanced action: jump to next slide if all text entry boxes are filled out. If not, pause project and show error message

    Hi there
    Working with captivate 4 and advanced actions, which is a great new feature, I encounter the following problem:
    I have a sign-in slide, where the user has to insert his name and several other data. For user-friendly handling, I have the text entry boxes appearing one after another, so when the user confirms his entry, the next text entry box appears and has the focus.
    The button for jumping to the next slide works with an advanced action:
    Only if the user has filled out all the text entry boxes, the action "jump to the next slide" is performed.
    If not, an error message is shown.
    It works well so far.
    Now, I want the project to pause there, and not to jump back to the beginning of the slide (as suggested in another Thread in this forum), because then the text entry boxes dissappear again.
    I tried to set the movie control variable rdcmndPause to 1 in order to make the movie pause, but nothing happens.
    I tried it with an external playback control bar and without, it didn't work in either case.
    I found the hint:
    To control the project through the skin file, add the prefix cpSkinLoader_mc to the variables. This might be the solution.(?)
    But how can I change the name of a MovieControl Variable?
    If anyone knows, how this is supposed to work or has another suggestion to solve the problem, please let me now.
    Thanks a lot.

    Hi Petra,
    I believe I can help you, but from a completely different angle than anything you've tried yet.  I try to find simple solutions to complex problems.  No advanced actions will be needed, just a little creative timing.  First, I need to be sure I correctly understand what it is you're hoping to accomplish.
    If I understand you correctly, you've got a single welcome slide.  On this slide you've got several TEB's (text entry boxes), set up with variables to make your project more personal or gather some required information.  These TEB's have no right or wrong answers, they simply require an entry: such as an address which begins with a numeric key.  The TEB's are set to appear one after another, as one is completed the next one appears.  Once all have been completed a next button, set to "jump to next slide" takes them  to the next slide and on through your course.  You want the project to pause until the user clicks this button, and only proceed if all TEB's have been entered.  If not, you wish an error message to appear.
    If the above description is correct, I'd do the following:
    Leave your TEB's to show up one at a time as the previous is submitted, as you've described. (each one pauses the slide till info is submitted, then "continues" the slide and the next TEB displays)
    Set each TEB to "display for rest of slide".
    For the next button:  In the properties dialog box, options tab, name the button "Next_button" and uncheck the visibility box.
    Open the properties for the final TEB that students will fill in and set the on success property to "show" then choose the Next_button by clicking the drop down arrow beside the "show" field.  This will hide the Next button until all TEB's have been filled in.
    There is no error message, because there is no possibility of error.  Why tell a student they've messed up, just eliminate that possibility!    All TEB's only display after the previous is entered, and the Next button is hidden until the last TEB is entered.
    I've tested this in a simple 3 slide project and it all worked fine, including some variables.  If you need more detailed info, or would like to see the sample proj. I created let me know.
    Hope this helps.

  • Text Entry Box Always On Top Captivate 7

    I have a Captivate 7 slide that has nine text entry boxes all grouped together.
    I've used advanced actions to show another group contained within my slide but when the second group is opened it sits beneath the text entry boxes (see screen grab).
    Is the most efficient way to prevent this to hide the text entry boxes when I show the second group and subsequently show them again when the second group is hidden?
    My project is going to be published using HTML5 output.
    Thanks in advance for taking the time to read my question.

    Hi Lilybiri, here is the advanced action that is triggered when a hotspot (click1) on the main slide is clicked. The second line to hide the text_entry_fields group is what I've added to solve the problem but I'd be happoer if this particular line wasn't necessary.
    Here is the timeline:
    Once the rugbyPop is closed by clicking Button_153 this advanced action is triggered:

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