Visualizer Screen saver

I have seen where a non RSS feed as the screen saver for Visualizer.
Any ideas as to how to make that happen. I saw it at the Apple store.
Ok this is the only thing that seemed to work, including all sorts of cache, database checking, net connection checks, etc.
I had the desktop/screensaver pref screen open... nothing but squirly blue clouds which was the problem I was having....
Clicking any of the feeds did not bring the 'swinging rss' feed titles... as usual for my problem... clicked all over the preview window, nothing...
blah blah blah I moved the Start S.Saver slider from 9 min. start to 5 min. start and that seemed to get it going again!!!
I clicked back to Apple Hot News and nothing there, but almost all the other RSS feeds seem to work fine in both preview, test, and hot corner operation now...
I know the blue clouds was nice, but the Feeds add something to it... so i guess now I can use the Apple Hot News feed as a pretty cloud S.Saver background now... oh well

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    PS I have made a submission through the Mac OSX feedback page.
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.4)
    Ok this is the only thing that seemed to work, including all sorts of cache, database checking, net connection checks, etc.
    I had the desktop/screensaver pref screen open... nothing but squirly blue clouds which was the problem I was having....
    Clicking any of the feeds did not bring the 'swinging rss' feed titles... as usual for my problem... clicked all over the preview window, nothing...
    blah blah blah I moved the Start S.Saver slider from 9 min. start to 5 min. start and that seemed to get it going again!!!
    I clicked back to Apple Hot News and nothing there, but almost all the other RSS feeds seem to work fine in both preview, test, and hot corner operation now...
    I know the blue clouds was nice, but the Feeds add something to it... so i guess now I can use the Apple Hot News feed as a pretty cloud S.Saver background now... oh well

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    tell application "System Events" to
    "ScreenSaverEngine" is in name of processes
    if the result is true then
    tell application "ScreenSaverEngine" to quit
    tell application "Terminal"
    if not (exists window 1) then do script ""
    do script
    Engine -background &" in front window
    end tell
    end if
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    AppleProductUser101 wrote:
    Hello, I am wondering if there is any way to get a "Visualizer" for my Apple TV, like iTunes has that is basically a screen saver that wavers with the pitch and beat of the music. Similar to those on Windows Media Player, xBox 360, PS3, etc... Or is there at least a way to get/buy an alternative "Screen Saver" besides the floating pictures?
    no - the "visualiser" is not an option on the appletv.
    you only have the screensaver options.

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    I don't know about easy, but delving into the power of OS X is a good idea. Automator actions seem to need a double click or input--in this case from screensaver.
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    Perhaps you might share your script so that others might try your diagnosis.

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    Have done as suggested
    Macintosh HD/ System / Library /Screen Savers / ( right click or File/ Get Info .saver) Show Package Contents / Contents /Resources
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    Nature Pat…slideSaver
    Paper Shadow.slideSaver
    RSS Visualizer.qtz
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    What one is it? the ones Apple supplies are:
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    • Computer Name
    • Flurry
    • iTunes Artwork
    • RSS Visualizer
    • Shell
    • Spectrum
    • Word of the Day
    Those should all be under the "Apple" category in the Screen Saver system preferences. Third-party ones should be in the "Other" category.

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    Thanks, I thought there was going to be something like the visualizer (I knew windows has something) that’s why I asked....
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  • Hot News Screen Saver

    Apple Fans,
    Here is the setup and followup question.
    I have my powerbook screen saver set up to display the "Hot News"/RSS Visualizer. Therefore, when it is time to switch over to the screen saver the news pops up on, I quess what you would call, a rotating type of display and if i want to access the information shown at that time I touch the coresponding number (ex. Apple launches Quicktime 8... press "2" for more info), blah, blah, blah, you know.
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    Thanks in advance for any helpful hints!
    17' g4 powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    no, i didn't know that. thanks for the info. i think the rss feed/screensaver was a great idea that apple came up with. i'm sure its got a few fans out there.
    i must admit though that i am a bit suprised that i can't change the color. oh well.
    thanks for the help anyway.
    17' g4 powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  
    17' g4 powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

  • RSS Screen Saver Limit

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    You're most welcome. Glad to help.
    PS: I suggest you mark my post here as Solved as it solved your problem and may help others with the same problem that find your topic know the post that contains the answer.
    Marking posts that are helpful or solve the problem as Helpful or Solved, respectively, helps others find answers and awards points to those who take the time to respond. See "Why reward points?".
    Marking a topic as Answered indicates the question is resolved, but only you, as the person who asked the question, can mark posts as Helpful or Solved. Answered neither awards points nor provides an indication to others of the posts that were either helpful or solved the problem.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • Screen Saver Disappearance bug/glitch

    This post is more of a reassurance that this bug didn't just happen to me and would like to see how many other people have encountered this "bug". (I am not sure if I should call this a bug or glitch.)
    I have my screensaver set to the Word of the Day, and it usually works 95% of the time. The problem is sometimes it will start out as the word of the day screensaver but go black and have, in white letters, "Quartz Composer" (or something along those lines). I would go into system preferences, go under the screen savers, and find that these screen savers missing as options:
    Word of the Day
    iTunes Artwork
    RSS Visualizer
    Flurry and Computer Name were the only two options left. At first I was a little concerned that somehow the missing screen savers got deleted. Then I tried my luck by restarting my Mac. I go back to the screen saver tab and all of the missing ones reappear. As I stated earlier, I don't have a problem 95% of the time, but this weird glitch has appeared three times. I worry this will become a reoccurring problem.
    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Yes, this just happened to me this morning. I ran software update and also restarted my computer and they were all back. I was also wondering if this was just me and that's why I came here to look if it happened to anyone else.

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    Kluv32 wrote:
    Then, I checked the new sharing preferences and closed out Aperture.  I opened up the System Preferences for Screen Saver, and after waiting about 1-2 minutes, Aperture popped up in there as an option.
    Can you please explain what you mean about "checked the new sharing preferences?" I see no way of setting any "sharing" preferences in Preferences or anywhere else in Aperture. Do you mean you just looked at the sharing preferences?
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    Have you tried creating a hot corner (System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver > Screen Saver - Hot Corners) to disable the screen saver by parking mouse pointer in the "hot corner."
    I'm assuming Lion still has this function.

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