Volume differnces in playlist songs

How can I get my playlists songs to be at the same volume so there are not "loud" songs and "soft" songs on the same burned CD? Thanks! PJWalt

Actually, I tried adjusting the volume through Get Info, and it affected the volume of the songs when I played them through iTunes, but not the volume of the songs as they were burned onto the CD. When I make a CD of my playlist, and then play that CD on a separate boom box, the songs I've purchased from iTunes are still louder than ones I've transferred from other CDs.
I tried taking the burned CD to a different computer, copying the songs into iTunes there, and then burning a new CD, but that didn't solve anything.
Any other ideas?

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    cujoftw wrote:
    wow ... I get a headache just trying to read what you just said. I went and read how to migrate my library and found that you can only migrate purchased media.
    No, you can easily migrate your entire library from one working compter to another.
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    Hello jamie,
    Thank you for contacting Apple Support Communities.
    You can use the following articles to troubleshoot the battery life on your iPhone.
    iPod nano (7th generation): Hardware troubleshooting
    Accurately determine your iPod battery life
    Jeff D.

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    We want you to be able to enjoy all your music! Were all the songs downloaded from the same source? Are all the songs that play at the low volume from the same place? Is the music you are listening to stored on your device or a 3rd party application?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    If that's the best you can do why don't you get on another forum?

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