Voyager connections to Cognos Cubes

Hi All,
Can anyone please give me some info on the following:
1) Can we connect to Cognos Cubes through Voyager? If yes what is the procedure? Do we need to have any additional Addin's or installations?
2) Can we create a Universe directly connecting to an existing Cognos Cube just as we do with SAP BI Cubes?
Any answers on this will be really helpful.

We cannot connect to Cognos cubes using Voyager. Voyager doesnu2019t support Cognos cubes.
I am not sure if we can create universe directly connecting to an existing Cognos Cube as there is no option in it for us to do it.

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    We have SAP BW7.1 patch5.
    Only ABAP stack is installed.
    Xcelisus2008 SP2, Crystal Reports2008, Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP00, SAP Integration Kit, are installed in the specified order.
    BW and BO are integrated. I have admin access to the BO system.
    When I try to create a Voyager connection, I face a common error.
    When I log into the  CMC,  to create a new voyager connection, it is throwing me some error.
    I tried to explain my landscape as clear as possible.
    I found out that there is a need of some driver or BAPI or some Function Module to bring the data from SAP BW/BI cubes in to Voyager.
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    Hi all,
            The problem got resolved.
    WHen we go to the CMC Home, and select the last option is "Voyager connections".
    When we select that option, we used to get an error with the
    red cross mark saying that the MDAS Client has to be installed on the server.
    1. We reinstalled BO Enterprise completely on the server.
    It worked out.
    But there is a BAPI called OLAP BAPI which actually has all the methods to bring the data from BW/BI to Voyager.
    This BAPI has been remote enabled and after the reinstallation everything worked fine.
    Did not know that this was an installation issue.
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    But for SAP BW data sources, it was the installation which actually caused the problem.
    Thank you all.

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    Hi John,
    I think that's not possible. I've never seen that, there is no information about it anywhere.
    But, why would you like to connect BEx to another tool? As you said, you can connect Cognos to BW (as well as Microstrategy, Business Objects and ohters). And this is because all these tools are better in front end desing (even after BI7, i think BEx reporting tools are awful).

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    Hi Suma,
    Please check if you have released the BW query for OLE DB for OLAP. Goto properties of the Query and on the Advanced tab see if the check box for "Allow External Access to this Query" is checked or not. If it is not checked then please check that box for the query to appear in your Universe Designer.

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    With ADOMD.Net how do you provide windows user/password in the connection string ?
    Hello Vincent,
    See MSDN Connection String Properties (Analysis Services) for all available properties; addtitional: AdomdConnection.ConnectionString
    Property  =>
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    Msg 7373, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
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    Hi Mr P,
    According to your description, you get the error 7373 with message "Cannot set the initialization properties for OLE DB provider "MSOLAP" for linked server "SSASServer01"." when connecting a SSAS cube via linked server.
    In this scenario, based on the error code 7373, it points to the issue of MSOLAP provider, please firstly check the properties setting for MSOLAP. Make sure the "Allow Inprocess" is selected. You may also have other options selected depends on
    your query.
    Also check if ports for your server (1434 and 2383) are listening proper locally and externally. Please refer to a similar thread below:
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou
    TechNet Community Support

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    Is that any other solution we can do with?
    Please help.

    As this question is more related to PowerView Report, I suggest you can create a new post in the PowerView forum, you will get more helpful information from there.
    PowerView Forum:
    Best Regards
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Jerry Guo
    TechNet Community Support

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    so it's not a versioning issue.
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    on the same server, and the second is an unsuccessful attempt that produces and error with "Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred.".
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    Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.AdomdTestConnectionException: Internal error: An unexpected exception
    This cube was working the previous day, but it has since been edited and it no longer works now but there's no clear reason why. It can still be queried directly through SSMS with MDX queries, and produces no errors.
    Any help is much appreciated,

    Hi Ryan Myers,
    According to your description, when you tried to connect to an Analysis Services Cube in SharePoint 2013 through BI Semantic Model, you get the error message: Internal error: An unexpected exception occurred. But the MDX queries works fine in SSMS.
    It's hard to give you the exact reason that cause this issue based on the limited information, please validate if the connection string is correct. Besides, we can troubleshoot this issue by using the Windows Event logs and msmdsrv.log.
    We can access Windows Event logs via "Administrative Tools" --> "Event Viewer".  SSAS error messages will appear in the application log.
    The msmdsrv.log file for the SSAS instance that can be found in \log folder of the instance. (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS11.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Log)
    Data collection for troubleshooting Analysis Services issues
    Data Connection For a Power View Report
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

  • SSRS report connecting SSAS 2014 cube not returning measure value

    Hi all
    Recently we migrated SSAS from 2008r2 to 2014 in Dev environment. when we are testing  SSRS reports which are connecting to that cube is having issue. the measure value is returning as [Measures].[LSM Count] instead of numeric value.
    when we connect to old cube in prod environment the report is working as expected and even the mdx query is working fine in  Management studio of new cube.  what would be the issue.
    WITH -- Daily Graphic
    MEMBER SelectedIndicator1 AS '[Measures].[LSM Count]'
    MEMBER SelectedIndicator2 AS '[Measures].[LSM Count]'
    MEMBER SelectedIndicator3 AS '[Measures].[LSM Count]'
    MEMBER SelectedIndicator4 AS '[Measures].[LSM Count]'
    SELECT NON EMPTY {SelectedIndicator1, SelectedIndicator2, SelectedIndicator3, SelectedIndicator4} ON COLUMNS,
    ([Date].[Date].[Date].ALLMEMBERS *EXCEPT([Time].[Time Hierarchy].[Twelfth Of Hour].ALLMEMBERS,[Time].[Time Hierarchy].[Twelfth Of Hour].&[00:00])*[Source 2013].[METRIC GROUP].[METRIC GROUP]*
    [Source 2013].[LocalDn].members)
    } ON ROWS
    FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET('[Date].[Date].[Date].&[2015-01-26T00:00:00]:[Date].[Date].[Date].&[2015-01-27T00:00:00]') ) ON COLUMNS
    FROM ( SELECT ( STRTOSET('{[Source 2013].[LOCALDN].&[PGMS1]&[LSM],[Source 2013].[LOCALDN].&[PMES1]&[LSM]}') ) ON COLUMNS
    FROM [IMS]))
    Surendra Thota

    Hi Surendra_Thota,
    According to your description, there are SSRS reports with SSAS data source, after you migrated SSAS from 2008 R2 to 2014, the measure value returned string instead of numeric value.
    I tried to reproduce the issue in my local machine of SQL Server 2014, but it works fine for me. As a workaround, please modify the query like below:
    [Measures].[Internet Order Quantity],
    [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
    [Customer].[Education].[Education].ALLMEMBERS *
    [Customer].[Home Owner].[Home Owner].ALLMEMBERS
    ) } ON ROWS
    FROM [Adventure Works]
    If the problem remain unresolved, i would appreciate it if you could sample data and screenshot of the report, it will help us move more quickly toward a solution.
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Can we export metadata & data from Cognos in a format which can be loaded to Essbase w/o much tedious manual task?
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Srinivas,
    Thank you for quick reply.
    could you explain me process little bit clearly.
    can you explain how to extract the data from cognos cubes to the relational layer?are there any third party tools for doing the same?
    How do you compute complex calculation in cognos.can we do scripting in cognos as we do it is essbase using calculation scripts.
    for eg :do you incorparate if else st in cognos(thinking in terms of reusability).
    How can a security be migrated from cognos to essbase.
    Have you used any third party tools for migration.
    What is "report matrix " I don't have idea about cognos.
    and some more things you followed

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    Is there any way to integrate cognos cubes+ into OBIEE and use them in OBIEE..?
    Thanks in Advance..

    No direct one for the time being. You can't import Cognos metadata into the rpd like you would for Essabse or MS Analysis Services.
    Check this post Cognos to OBIEE

  • Used driver for the Voyager connection

    Hi everybody.
    I just want to know which driver is used to connect to the SAP BW, when I create a new Voyager connection in the CMC.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sebastian,
    i think that the connection goes over the OLAP processor on the SAP BW side (MDX). Voyager is an OLAP tool. I am not sure if there's some shared code (DLL,lib) among the BOBJ tool portfolio (CR, Webi, Voyager) or if we are can talk about a standalone driver (BO side). But even in this case this should not be a safe information since it can change in future versions.
    Hope this helps.

  • Issue with Voyager connection to MS Analysis Services 2000

    I get the following message -
    Login failed.Please check that your username and password are valid.
    OS - Windows 2003 server sp2
    BOXI R2 - sp4
    MS Analysis Services - 8.0.2039
    When I set up the Voyager connection
    name - test
    Provider - MS OLE DB Provider for OLAP Services 8.0 (only one in the drop down)
    Server type - server
    server  - name of the server (bo2k3test)
    authentication - prompt
    I then put in a uid and pwd for a user that is part of the OLAP Administrators group
    Any ideas?

    The username needs to be fully qualified, ie DOMAIN\Username.
    So if the username is "Anne" and this is a local account on the MSAS server then you enter ".\Anne" (without the quotes).

  • Voyager connection / Licenses  error

    Hi ,
    I am using BO XI 3.1. I have MDAS server (Multi dimensional Analytical Service server) Enable and running.
    As per my knowledge if MDAS server is installed and running means I have licenses which should cover voyager.
    When I tried to make new Voyager connection I am getting below error.
    "You do not have a license to create new Voyager objects. Please update your license or contact your system administrator". 
    Anybody has any views on this

    Hello Joseph
    Open the CMC and click on "Licence Keys" (find this on the right hand side of the screen, under the "Manage" heading). If you have a Voyager licence then you will see a separate "BusinessObjects Voyager" licence key.
    If you confirm you have a licence, try deleting it and adding it again. Also remember that you need to install connectivity middleware on the same machine as the MDAS server (eg OLE DB for MSAS connectivity). Details are in the Administration Guide.

  • How to connect to Essbase cubes from Cognos

    We have Cognos 8.4 installed in Server A & Essbase 9.3.1 in Server B.
    How do I access the essbase cubes from Cognos?
    Do I have to install smartView or Excel add on the cognos server?
    Can I install Framework manager in the Essbase server and have this done?
    Any suggestions?

    We have Cognos 8.4 installed in Server A & Essbase 9.3.1 in Server B.
    How do I access the essbase cubes from Cognos?
    Do I have to install smartView or Excel add on the cognos server?
    Can I install Framework manager in the Essbase server and have this done?
    Any suggestions?

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