Want to buy N75 for T-Mobile in USA. Will work fin...

Hi all,
I want to buy a Nokia N75 to connect to T-Mobile provider here in Chicago, USA.
I was looking at the Cingular models on eBay. If i buy a Cingular and connect to T-mobile, will the warranty still be valid?
Are the Cingular models any good(i read that they have problems with batteries overheating)?
Any other places to buy N75 for the US?
Other than that, the phone will be a gift. My concern is wether i will receive NOKIA Warranty if i buy off eBay? What other options do i have if i want a decent Nokia around: US $200 ?
My Nokia history: 6340, 6200, 5500, 6300, E61i, E51, E71, N79, N97 and finally E72-2.
(bought the N97, tried it for 2 days and sold immediately. I was Very disappointed with this device, NOKIA ! ) Proud Nokia shareholder.

The cingular phone will be network locked so it won't accept your sim card.
A nice low priced smartphone is the 6120 classic, but it's around $260.
It's available sim free and unlocked here: http://www.mobileplanet.com/p.aspx?i=156049
They also sell the N75 sim free but it's around $370.
Always be careful when buying phones from ebay, a lot of people are using it to get rid of "B" grade and faulty stock.

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