Want to connect server ftps filezilla by PI 7.0

I want to connect server ftpes explicite from PI 7.0 , I installed Java cripto. toolkit.
iand i have probleme when importing certificat to keystorage. CAtrusted.
is there anyone who used this succesfully.
i am gratefuul for a good answer.

1-I loaded certificate into TrustedCAs.
2- I configured my adapter
like this:
connection security: ftps (ftp using ssl/TLS) control and data security
command order: AUTH TLS, USER, PASS, PBSZ, PROT
when i test my adapter: i obtain this message error:
Message processing failed. Cause: com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.RecoverableException: Error when getting an FTP connection from connection pool: com.sap.aii.af.service.util.concurrent.ResourcePoolException: Unable to create new pooled resource: iaik.security.ssl.SSLCertificateException: Peer certificate rejected by ChainVerifier
please help me. i pased lot of time without resolving this.

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    Hello everyone, I have a question about connection using ftp.
    Normally when I want to connect through ftp, everything is provided such as the ftp name and username and password by my hosting service. But now I don't have all these details about a local server in my company office because the server is actually not hosting
    any sites. It's just a server where documents are stored.
    But I need a way to connect to this server through my web application.
    All I know are:
    It is possible to connect through remote desktop to that server
    There is an ip address for that server ( The server machine is in my company office)
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    When I configure my outlook email using microsoft exchange server, this is how my settings look like (example.net.au is just for example sake):
    Server: server1.example.net.au
    User name: [email protected]
    Does the ftp detail exist for this server? How do I find out?

    Thanks for the reply, Dave. The problem is the admin is not working here anymore. I wonder if there is a way i could figure that out. Out of curiosity how do ftp details created? If I want to set up FTP details from scratch, what do I need? 
    you need to ask anyone from your company who is familiar in your IT infrastructure.
    starting FTP from scratch, is okay but security is one thing.
    you might end up an FTP server that is free or open to the internet, make sure you exactly know what you are doing.
    even though there's a lot of guide on the internet, make sure also you understand what you are following in the guide.
    Please check with someone who is quite familiar on this kind of things.
    Every second counts..make use of it. Disclaimer: This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees and confers no rights.
    IT Stuff Quick Bytes

  • Setting up router for ftp filezilla server

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    What I am having problems with is getting a complete port forwarding circle back to the client software. I have port 21 forwarded
    to the computer that is acting as a server. However under passive mode i cannot complete this return. How do I set up my actiontec router to do this?
    I am using the routers external address and the client is coming into my computer but the port (I think) needs to change on the return route. Can anyone help me?
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
    Go to Solution.

    Is this correct?
    Port Forwarding
    This feature enables applications (Games, Webcams, IM & Others) by opening a tunnel between remote (Internet) computers and a specific device port inside your local area network(LAN). 
    Networked Computer / Device Network Address Public IP Address Remote Host IP Address Protocols WAN Connection Type Status Action localhost localhost     Verizon FiOS Service – TCP Any -> 4567 All Broadband Devices Active   Basement-2dc128a87
        Basement FTP - TCP 20-22 -> Any All Broadband Devices Active Add              
    The TCP settings ?   Many thanks !

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    Hello Els,
    it's well known, that in all these cases you describe I'm not a friend of a detailed Troubleshooting (I see Nancy#s smile already).
    To be able to be independent in all this things It is one of the reasons why I prefer an external FTP program. The difficulties with which you have to fight encourage me in this opinion, not least because we always search for experts, we don't charge a "jack of all trades".
    To manage several websites or to upload my files and sometimes for the opposite way, for a necessary download from my server or to use a "a site-wide synch", I'm using FileZilla. It simply looks easier for me to keep track of all operations precisely and generate or reflect easily the desired tree structure.
    Above all, FileZilla has a feature (translation from my German FileZilla) called "compare file list". Here it's possible to use file size or modification time as a criterion. There is also the possibility to "hide identical files", so that only these files which you want to redact remain visible.
    And even if it means you have to install a new program, I am convinced that there is an advantage. Here is the link to get it and where you can read informations about how it works:
    http://filezilla-project.org/ and http://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Tutorial#Using_the_site_manager
    Mac: Mac OS X (Use: Show additional download options)
    Of course, you also need all the access data to reach your server and for MIME issues, you should contact your web host/provider.
    Good luck!
    Since I use two screens, the whole thing became even more comfortable.

  • Failure to connect to FTP server using FTP Adapter?

    Attempting to setup a SOA 11g composite app to demo the use of a FTP Adapter. Composite used a File Adapter (Read, opaque schema) wired to a mediator which was wired to a FTPAdapter (ASCII-Put, opaque schema). The routing rule in the mediator maps the File-Read opaque schema to the FTP ASCII-Put opaque schema.
    In the document "+User's Guide for Technology Adapters 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)+" I followed the steps in 4.2.21 Securing Enterprise Information System Credentials to set username/password (ftpuser/oracle) for the eis/Ftp/FtpAdapter connection. This is the default JNDI name for the FTP Adapter.
    For the FTP server installed Filezilla server. Configured the home directory to appropriate folder.
    Installed Filezilla client to test the server using ftpuser/oracle - as the created user on the server. No problem here – can see the appropriate folders and ftp files to/from the folders.
    Used a similar composite using a File Adapter-Write (opaque schema) instead of the FTPAdapter (ASCII-Put - opaque schema). This composite works with no issues. FYI – using JDev, SOA Suite 11g.
    Was not using VPN.
    When placed the required file in its directory (for the File-Read) it was read but the ASCII-Put file from Filezilla server did not appear.
    Based on error/fault messages seems to be a login issue. However, have no idea as to where the issue as all usernames/passwords are correct. But then - isn't that always the case?
    After having worked on this for a couple of days - need some help - please.
    The following error messages appeared:
    Filezilla Server:
    +(000004)11/3/2010 14:06:54 PM - (not logged in) (> Connected, sending welcome message...+
    +(000004)11/3/2010 14:06:54 PM - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.37 beta+
    +(000004)11/3/2010 14:06:54 PM - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse ([email protected])+
    +(000004)11/3/2010 14:06:54 PM - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/+
    +(000004)11/3/2010 14:06:54 PM - (not logged in) (> USER+
    +(000004)11/3/2010 14:06:54 PM - (not logged in) (> 501 Syntax error+
    +(000004)11/3/2010 14:07:53 PM - (not logged in) (> disconnected.+
    Fault message from WLS enterprise manager for the composite
    Nov 3, 2010 2:06:54 PMonCase "FTPPut.Put"
    Nov 3, 2010 2:06:54 PMTransformed message part "opaque" using "xsl/opaqueElement_To_opaqueElement_3.xsl"
    Nov 3, 2010 2:06:54 PMError during invoking 1-way operation "Put" on target service "FTPPut"
    Exception occured when binding was invoked. Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'Put' failed due to: Error in logging in. Error in logging in. Unable to log in to the server. ". The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception. Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.
    Output from SOA Server console window
    Nov 3, 2010 2:06:54 PM oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.log.LogManagerImpl log
    SEVERE: JCABinding=>  FileR FileRAdapter Service FileR was unable to perform delivery of inbound message to the composite default/Project1!1
    +.0*03f979cb-4a66-4c89-8a68-cce43fcdef88 due to: BINDING.JCA-12563+
    Exception occured when binding was invoked.
    Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'Put' failed due to: Error in logging in.
    Error in logging in.
    Unable to log in to the server.
    +The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.+
    +Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.+
    +Nov 3, 2010 2:06:54 PM oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.log.LogManagerImpl log+
    +WARNING: File Adapter Project1 InboundTranslatorDelegate caught Generic Exception , the Resource Adapter will ignore this+
    +Nov 3, 2010 2:06:54 PM oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.log.LogManagerImpl log+
    +WARNING: File Adapter Project1+
    +Unable to post inbound message.+
    +Unable to post inbound message to Composite.+
    +The JCA Listener of the JCA Binding Component was unsuccessful in delivering an inbound message from the endpoint FileR due to the following+
    +reason: oracle.fabric.common.FabricInvocationException: BINDING.JCA-12563+
    +Exception occured when binding was invoked.+
    +Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'Put' failed due to: Error in logging in.+
    Error in logging in.
    Unable to log in to the server.
    +The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.+
    +Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.+
    +Please examine the log file for any reasons. Make sure the inbound XML messages sent by the Resource Adapter comply to the XML schema defini+
    +tion of the corresponding inbound WSDL message element.+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.mdb.AdapterServiceMDB.onMessage(AdapterServiceMDB.java:552)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.onMessage(MessageEndpointImpl.java:376)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.Publisher.publishMessage(Publisher.java:377)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.InboundTranslatorDelegate.xlate(InboundTranslatorDelegate.java:455)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.InboundTranslatorDelegate.doXlate(InboundTranslatorDelegate.java:116)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessorDelegate.doXlate(ProcessorDelegate.java:252)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessorDelegate.process(ProcessorDelegate.java:157)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessWork.run(ProcessWork.java:349)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.executor.WorkManagerExecutor$1.run(WorkManagerExecutor.java:77)+
    +at weblogic.work.j2ee.J2EEWorkManager$WorkWithListener.run(J2EEWorkManager.java:171)+
    +at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)+
    +Caused by: oracle.fabric.common.FabricInvocationException: BINDING.JCA-12563+
    +Exception occured when binding was invoked.+
    +Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'Put' failed due to: Error in logging in.+
    Error in logging in.
    Unable to log in to the server.
    +The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.+
    +Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.EndpointInteractionException.getFabricInvocationException(EndpointInteracti+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.getFabricInvocationException(AdapterReference.java:294)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.post(AdapterReference.java:281)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.AsynchronousMessageHandler.doPost(AsynchronousMessageHandler.java:142)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MessageRouter.post(MessageRouter.java:194)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MeshImpl.post(MeshImpl.java:204)+
    +at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)+
    +at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)+
    +at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)+
    +at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:296)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:177)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:144)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.metrics.PhaseEventAspect.invoke(PhaseEventAspect.java:71)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:166)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204)+
    +at $Proxy195.post(Unknown Source)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.serviceEngine.MediatorServiceEngine.post2Mesh(MediatorServiceEngine.java:870)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.service.BaseActionHandler.requestProcess(BaseActionHandler.java:200)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.service.BaseActionHandler.requestProcess(BaseActionHandler.java:94)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.service.BaseActionHandler.requestProcess(BaseActionHandler.java:74)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.service.OneWayActionHandler.process(OneWayActionHandler.java:47)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.service.ActionProcessor.onMessage(ActionProcessor.java:64)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.MessageDispatcher.executeCase(MessageDispatcher.java:121)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.InitialMessageDispatcher.processCase(InitialMessageDispatcher.java:467)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.InitialMessageDispatcher.processCases(InitialMessageDispatcher.java:366)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.InitialMessageDispatcher.processCases(InitialMessageDispatcher.java:272)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch.InitialMessageDispatcher.dispatch(InitialMessageDispatcher.java:138)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.serviceEngine.MediatorServiceEngine.process(MediatorServiceEngine.java:655)+
    +at oracle.tip.mediator.serviceEngine.MediatorServiceEngine.post(MediatorServiceEngine.java:481)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.AsynchronousMessageHandler.doPost(AsynchronousMessageHandler.java:142)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MessageRouter.post(MessageRouter.java:194)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.mesh.MeshImpl.post(MeshImpl.java:204)+
    +at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)+
    +at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)+
    +at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)+
    +at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils.invokeJoinpointUsingReflection(AopUtils.java:296)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:177)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:144)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.metrics.PhaseEventAspect.invoke(PhaseEventAspect.java:59)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(ReflectiveMethodInvocation.java:166)+
    +at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(JdkDynamicAopProxy.java:204)+
    +at $Proxy195.post(Unknown Source)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.mdb.AdapterServiceMDB.onMessage(AdapterServiceMDB.java:509)+
    +... 10 more+
    +Caused by: BINDING.JCA-12563+
    +Exception occured when binding was invoked.+
    +Exception occured during invocation of JCA binding: "JCA Binding execute of Reference operation 'Put' failed due to: Error in logging in.+
    Error in logging in.
    Unable to log in to the server.
    +The invoked JCA adapter raised a resource exception.+
    +Please examine the above error message carefully to determine a resolution.+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAInteractionInvoker.executeJcaInteraction(JCAInteractionInvoker.java:427)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAInteractionInvoker.invokeJcaReference(JCAInteractionInvoker.java:530)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAInteractionInvoker.invokeAsyncJcaReference(JCAInteractionInvoker.java:49+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAEndpointInteraction.performAsynchronousInteraction(JCAEndpointInteractio+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.AdapterReference.post(AdapterReference.java:244)+
    +... 52 more+
    +Caused by: BINDING.JCA-11439+
    +Error in logging in.+
    +Error in logging in.+
    +Unable to log in to the server.+
    +Please ensure userid and password specified to login to the server is correct.+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPClient.regularLogin(FTPClient.java:1614)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPClient.login(FTPClient.java:1561)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPAgent.login(FTPAgent.java:1094)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPAgent.preCall(FTPAgent.java:1515)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.FTPAgent.validateOutputDir(FTPAgent.java:1154)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteraction.validateDirectory(FileInteraction.java:2726)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.file.outbound.FileInteraction.executeFileWrite(FileInteraction.java:548)+
    +at oracle.tip.adapter.ftp.outbound.FTPInteraction.execute(FTPInteraction.java:238)+
    +at oracle.integration.platform.blocks.adapter.fw.jca.cci.JCAInteractionInvoker.executeJcaInteraction(JCAInteractionInvoker.java:297)+
    +... 56 more+

    I've an ftp adapter configured to read from windows server(SOA server running on IBM AIX, filezila on Windows server). I've provided the hostname,username,password, accountname,ftpAbsolutePathBegin as /, port as 21.
    I've set listParserKey to WIN.
    Still FTPAdapter is unable to read from Windows server.
    I'm able to get, delete etc from ftp commands through putty.Port 21 is open.
    Any clue?

  • How to connect connect server through FTP?

    hi all,
    i am new to FTP protocol. i want to develop a program using FTP. can any one give me a correct suggestion or give me correct link for my reference or if u have any code then pls give me that code.i want to connect with intranet server.i had tried many ways but i cant connect to the server. pls help me.........

    randy_ortan wrote:
    i want to develop a program using FTP.Sorry, does this mean "I want to use FTP to develop a program" or does it mean "I want to develop a program that uses FTP"?
    Assuming the latter, I agree with Chester, just download Apache Commons Net and use that for your FTP client.

  • Can't connect to FTPS server

    I have problem with connection to FTPS servers. When I try to connect to my testing virtual server, i get:
    GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received.
    I am using current Filezilla, server software is vsftpd from Debian Squeeze (last version there). I tried connecting to another server with Pure-ftpd (also from Squeeze), same error. I also tried lftp, same error.
    I tried downgrading gnu-tls package to 3.0.4-2 and also downgrading filezilla to 3.5.2-1, still same error.
    I do not even know what could cause such error. I tried googling but with no success (there were some errors with GnuTLS, they have been corrected). What could be the cause?
    Last edited by lyco (2012-01-20 08:22:06)

    SFTP and FTPS are two different things...
    * FTP — File Transfer Protocol. Popular and fast way of moving files between a client and a server. The problem with FTP is that it’s not secured by encryption, leaving files at risk of being compromised during transport.
    * FTPS — File Transfer Protocol over SSL. FTPS is an encrypted flavor of the FTP protocol (kind of like how HTTPS is an encrypted flavor of HTTP).
    * SFTP — SSH File Transfer Protocol. SFTP uses the Secure Shell (ie: SSH) protocol to encrypt all file transfer communications. SFTP is a bit more firewall friendly because it uses only 1 port and it’s also a bit more secure than FTPS. SFTP is gaining steam as the most preferred method of secure file transfer, particularly in infrastructures that favor unix but SFTP is quickly gaining steam in Windows environments as well.
    http://www.codeguru.com/csharp/.net/net … php/c14329
    Last edited by pyther (2012-01-18 15:31:12)

  • I want to Connect my Mac Mini as a Slave to a Mac pro Server while at the same time using the Mac mini's thunderbolt ports peripherals ( ie monitor, Sound Card, Hard drives) Creating a poor man's new mac Pro. Can this be Done?

    I want to Connect my Mac Mini as a Slave to a Mac pro Server while at the same time using the Mac mini's thunderbolt ports peripherals ( ie monitor, Sound Card, Hard drives) Creating a poor man's new mac Pro. Can this be Done?

    Well, I really would love the new unreleased mac pro however , I'm not sure of the expected cost , Everyone speculates from $3,000 to $8,000, in which I may have to wait a while to purchase.
    To the point .... I want fully functional thunderbolt ports to be on the current mac pro's .... wonder if anyone had workarounds yet?...  or could I chain the the current mac pro to a mac mini to make that happen?

  • How to connect to FTP server with out hardcoding the Password?

    HI experts,
    IN my SAP R3 i neeed to send a small file to FTP server from SAP application server using abap program.
    I found out many FMS which can connect ot FTP , but password need to be stored in Program.
    As per security issues i am not allowed to hardcode or keep the Password as constant , as my clinet will change the password weekly.
    Please suggest me a solution. How can we give the Password dynamically to the system.

    hi sivaram,
    You can keep the id password in a Batchfile and create a external command which doesnot need anyput just call external command from program and transfer file.

  • Error connecting to ftp server

    Dear All,
             I'm doing file to file scenario through XI. The receiver communication channel is a normal file adapter and it is working perfectly fine . My sender communication channel is a FTP adapter. I'm trying to send a file from FTP to a folder on my integration engine. When i went into adapter monitoring, i got the error in the sender file adaper for ftp. The error is - " Error connecting to ftp server ".
             normally, i'm able to do the ftp from integration server to my ftp server, but through XI , it is giving me the above mentioned error. I think some of my properties are not specified correctly. Kindly advise . The properties that i have specified in the ftp adapter are -
    adapter type - file
    transport protocol - ftp
    message protocol - file
    adapter engine -  integration server
    server - ip address of the ftp host
    port - 21
    username - username of the ftp server
    password - password of the ftp user
    connect mode - per file transfer
    transfer mode -  binary
    folder - name of the folder created on the ftp root directory ( without the path ) Do i need to give the full path here ?
    file name - file in the above specified folder
    Kindly let me know.

    HI Naveen,
    This link explains all the parameters that need to be entered for a file adpater. Just check it out and compare it with your values and your FTP settings.
    //folder - name of the folder created on the ftp root directory ( without the path ) Do i need to give the full path here ?
    Yes, i think you should specify the full path here.

  • Server with 3 NICs wants to connect to 2 switches

    I have two 6509 on the distro layer ( distro 1 and distro2 ), running layer 2 only. They are connected to two 6509s on the core layer. One of the server admins has a 3 port NIC on his server bundled together to increase bandwidth. He wants to connect it to 2 ports on the distro1 and 1 port on the other distro2 switch. All 3 distro ports he is connecting to are in the same VLAN and the VLAN is allowed on all port channel connections between distro and core switches.
    Will this even work since he is connected on different switches?

    Those stating that a NIC channel is not allowed to two individual switches should know that a NIC teaming is usually not a link aggregation (port-channel). If it is an active-standby-standby NIC team then all you need is to make sure all 3 ports belong to the same VLAN. Traffic will leave the server on the active link and the switches will learn that the MAC address is on this port. No Port-channel config is necessary on the switches.
    Load-balanced NIC teaming usually requires Port-channel if the same src MAC address can appear on multiple ports. In this case multichassis link aggregation is mandatory and you cannot connect to individual switches.

  • Problem with AppleWorks documents when connecting via ftp to my server

    When I connect over the internet using ftp to my mac mini server (using OS X server 10.4.10) from my iMac G4 (using 10.4.10) all my AppleWork docs will only appear as .bin instead of .cwk.
    If I download one to my G4, it will try to open using stuffit expander but cannot be opened. It comes up with “An error ocurred attempting to expand name.bin unspecified Stuffit Engine internal error” Error #17999
    However Microsoft Word docs show correctly and can be downloaded and opened without problem.
    When I try directly on the server or try from any computer on the local network conected to the server, everthing views correctly and can be opened.
    Could it be to do with any settings on the server when connecting by ftp.
    Thanks for the help.

    One problem still remains that when I download minicad files (which uses OS 9) they show up as .exe and will not open or recognisable by the programme
    I imagine the file is transferring without a suffix and your computer is trying to guess what it is; hence the .exe. Delete this and append the suffix for the correct program and it should open (or use File>Open within the program).

  • Want to connect MDM server

    hi friends,
    I want to connect MDM server using JCO
    can you please provide me the sample java code for that.

    Hi Venki:
    Check the blog below:
    Using MDM5.5 Java Connector with  SAP Enterprise Portal 6.0

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    Hi Guys. I have an ipad version 5.1.1 that I want to connect to my office PC server via wifi. Any ideas.

    You can only import photos from the camera roll into the computer. Is that the album that you are seeing?
    Any albums that you create on the device itself (the iPad that is) cannot be transferred to your computer. iPad created albums do not contain copies of your photos but merely pointers to those photos so they do not actually exist in those albums.

  • Cannot connect to FTP from NetCam thru Router

    I have a netcam from another vendor (AirLink SkyIPCam250) that I access thru my home network (WRT54G). I can access the live feed from outside of the network fine. Now I'm trying to auto-post pics from the netcam to my FTP site, which is hosted by GoDaddy.
    After setting up the cam with my FTP info, when I try a test post, the netcam reports "can not connect to FTP server".
    I've sent messages to the support departments for AirLink and GoDaddy and they indicate the settings should work. Since the netcam is going thru the WRT54G router, I'm wondering if I have to do any special port settings there (or even thru Windows XP firewall) in order to have the camera push images thru the network. When entering FTP settings on the cam, it indicates that it wants to use port 21.
    If it matters, I've flashed the latest firmware for the router and camera. I can also access my FTP site from a web browser using the same name/password. 
    Most of this is new to me. Thanks in advance for any ideas,
    - Tom

    If you can access ftp site from computer, then you don't need port forwarding. It is needed to host ftp site. Make sure you have set proper ftp address, and correct user name and password, on camera's setup

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