Warning while displaying Material Doc

Hi Friends,
  I have copied a Standard Warehouse no and assigned to my plant and storage location.
Warehouse No: xyz copied from 001
Assignment: ZXYZ, ZXYZ, XYZ (Plant, Storage Loc, Wh No)
I created a material with warehouse views.
Now i created a PO, and did the migo, the sys displays msg i.e. 6XX mat doc has been created and gives a dump error
I wanted to display the mat doc but the system displays mat doc does not exists....
Go through the issue and give me the suggestions for the future steps...

What's the error issued in the shortdump?
Sinéad Curran

Similar Messages

  • Not showing Excise invoice tab in Migo while Display

    Dear SAPient's,
    While displaying material document in MIGO. No Excise Invoice tab is showing altough it is there while creating GRN.
    please Do needful.
    warm Regards,
    Bijay jha

    As you want to see "Excise "Tab in MIGO while displaying material document in MIGO t.code, 1st check do you have authorization to view Excise document, If yes, You can view the excise details in MIGO t.code.
    2ndly check, During goods receipt , did the excise duties are captured in MIGO t.code.If yes , you can view all details if you have authorization.
    Also check did that material which is excisable have  CIN master data in J1ID t.code.
    NOTE: To capture excise duties  in t.code:MIGO, you need to do following settings:(check did you have such in your system,,,)
    Select check boxes of "EI capture" & "Post EI in MIGO" in MIGO Settings segment in Maintaining Excise Group setting in following path:
    SPRO --- >Logistics general - > tax on Goods Movements- >India --- >Basic setting --- >Maintain Excise Groups
    Also set entry of 101 Movement Type for capturing Excise Duties in following path:
    SPRO --- >Logistics general - > tax on Goods Movements- >India - >Business Transactions->Specify Which Movement Types Involve Excise Invoices
    Biju K

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    this message ensues when there is a missing customisation for the pernr, For example :
    message is being displayed due to rule group customizing is missing
    for a leave '0560' for which a leave record exists on the date
    '14th March 2008'.
      One possible solution would be to create a record in the customizing or delete the record from the application.
    So please check the customisation of the absences, Quotas, rule group etc for this particular employee

  • Material Doc Showing Twice in ZSTO PO while uploading BDC

    Dear Gurus,
    For STO(Stock Transfer Order) PO we are uploading a BDC. After executing the BDC , it will generate material doc also.
    For E.g:
    we uploading a BDC for 50 materials.It will generate a material doc for 50 materials but for one or two materials, it is showing the material documents 2 times(twice).
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    thx in adv..........

    Check the movement type for those material where material document is coming twice. It is more of Movement type 301 or 303 or 305 or 311 313 or 315.
    this is standard behavior of SAP at database level for such movement type.

  • Unable to post the excise through J1IG w.r.t material doc....

    Please need your inputs....
    We are configuring the trading import scenario.
    We created the material doc through MIGO and the user need not to capture in the exicse during the MIGO they need to capture the excise entries through J1IG.
    But I am unable to capture excise through J1IG with reference to material doc
    System will not capture all values.
    I can able to capture the excise during the MIGO but I am unable to capture the excise with material doc through J1IG
    Please give your valuable suggestion.
    Edited by: K. Raghuram on Dec 6, 2011 7:47 AM

    Thanks for your promt reply Nagarajan.
    We are using serial no functionality for that perticular material.
    While doing Goods issue wrt STO (351) we select serial nos for eg (10001 to 10105), qty-105.
    While doing GR wrt PO i.e. STO (in Rec Plant) those serial nos are not reflected.
    So we needed GR wrt Mat doc.
    Sachin Narvekar

  • Displaying Material Characteristic data in MD04

    Hi there,
    I have a requirement to display Material Characteristic information in the "Additional Data" tab for a given material in transaction MD04. (Screen 100 of Function Group M61K in se80)
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    MD_ADD_COL_EZPS to achieve this? (from looking in forum, this appears to be an option)
    Will I need to modify the screen? - hoping to achieve this without modification...
    Any responses are appreciated.

    Explore the methods ACTIVATE_ADD_COLUMNS and FILL_ADD_COLUMNS of this BADI.
    Example: This code adds a button on tool bar of MD04 and when clicked populates delivery column
      button1_ez = "DELIVERY".
      ez1_mode = '2'.
    Populate the column
      DATA: lv_column1    TYPE mdez-usex1,
            lv_ebeln      TYPE ekbe-ebeln,
            lv_ebelp      TYPE ekbe-ebelp.
    Get Delivery Doc# for corresponding PO/STO
      lv_ebeln = ie3mdpslx-delnr.
      lv_ebelp = ie3mdpslx-delps.
      SELECT SINGLE belnr
             FROM ekbe
             INTO lv_column1
             WHERE ebeln = ie3mdpslx-delnr
             AND   ebelp = ie3mdpslx-delps.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        MOVE lv_column1 TO emdezx_usex1.

  • Batch management error while creating material

    Hi All,
    My client does not want to have qty updating and only value udating for his all materials. we are managing thro by removing qty updating tick for plants.
    Now issue is while craeting material master for semi finished material and while activating batch management tick we are getting below error. While selecting display error icon message read as follows
    " Batch management may not be defined for value-only materials."
    Need all of your help to fix this

    Batches are used to manage stocks not only at material level, you do Batch managment because you require more details for the stock.
    Value-only materials are just the oposite of this:
    Represents a group of articles whose inventory is to be managed on a value basis, but not on an article basis.
    So value-only articles with batch managment does not make any sense.

  • Issue while doing material posting through Usage Decision

    Hi all,
    I have an issue while doing material posting through Usage Decision. Please find below the details.
    Inspection Lot  10000604689
    Material        1730PCPBS.0031
    Batch           QP611097      GQ02
    Out of total qty of 2100 we need to post the following
    To unrestricted use                     2,098
    To sample usage                         2
    Following error appears,
    Deficit of SL Stck.in qual.insp 1,638 NO : 1730PCPBS.0031 62GQ GQ02 QP611097
    Message no. M7021
    Shortfall below the specified stock level or quantity amounting to 1,638 NO.
    System Response
    If the message is an error message (E), the above is not allowed.
    If the message is a warning message (W), the system will allow your input, but the warning is intended to prevent you entering a wrong quantity.
    In the case of a warning message, check the quantity entered.
    In the case of an error message, change the quantity or terminate processing.
    I have checked that quantity 2100 of material 1730PCPBS.0031 is in QI stock. Kindly advice what is the issue and why we are getting the error?

    Hi Brijesh,
    What is the status of inspection lot?
    One of the possibilities I think could be inconsistencies between MM and QM.
    Have a look on SAP note 48815- Checking possible inconsistencies between MM and QM.
    Anand Rao

  • Transfer posting with reference to Material Doc and PO

    Dear all,
    Any Idea on how to use this function Transfer Posting wrt Material Doc/PO.
    Basically there is a genuine requirement from client which seems quite logical. There are two PO to different Vendors. Goods are receipt and sent to Quality Inspection. Once visual inspection is done, material from one Vendor is sent to Unrestricted and other still lying to be inspected. Material is transferred to Unrestricted. How does we tag that Stock of Vendor 1 is sent to unrestricted and Stock from vendor 2 is still on Inspection.
    There may be multiple Vendor in this case.
    Secondly, there are more than 50 line items in the PO, I have checked all the items and decide to sent it to unrestricted. And, to save time and confusion, I need to refer the GR/PO.
    No batch
    Any input. And how does this new function (attached image) is helpful. It is not possible to refer the PO/Mat doc during TP though the option is there.

    Hello ,
    Case 1- Remining quantity will not be taken and sent back to vendor.
    you can just reject the quantity if you don`t want it any more.So only one invoice will be happened for the quantity which you have transfer
    if you will be returning the remaining quantity then do the config for auto return in  SPRO.
    So steps will be like this,
    1) create po for 100
    2) do GR in Quality
    3) post 90 in unrestricted and 10 in return while doing the UD in QA11
    4) do the invoice it will be done for 90.
    case 2 - remaining quantity will be taken in afterwards
    if you want partial UD then it wont be possible , And you have to either plan your receipts to accommodate full quantity of item in single lot .
    you can either do a enhancement to restrict the MIRO before UD is done using LMR1M001
    hope this help.Search on net you will get thread for this requirement.

  • We r using os 10.6.8 and 7.0.3 fcp,in that rendering with unlimited option out of memory warning is displayed Final Cut Pro 7, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 10gb RAM.no stills are there.there are hd standard

    we r using os 10.6.8 and 7.0.3 fcp,in that rendering with unlimited option out of memory warning is displayed, 10gb RAM.no stills are there.there are hd standard videos

    What format are your sources and what are your sequence settings?  I'd guess that you're working with h.264 material which is not fcp friendly.  If so, use compressor to conver to prores422

  • Material doc, accounting doc, and profit center doc in vl03n

    Hi All,
    In VL03N how can i see Material doc, Accounting doc, and Profit Center doc.
    thanks in advance,

    yes he meant the exact same thing which you have understood my friend, you can have any sales document number with you f& rom that you can trace all the documents relavant to that, say you have inquiry which lead to quotation then to order, delivery, invoice & finally the accounting document so by simply entering VA13 you will get the inquiry display screen where you enter your inquiry number & click on the document flow, you will get all the details which i just mentioned, double click on the particular document number which you want to see in details
    Reward Points if it helps

  • Invoice referening reversed GR material doc

    Hi All,
    Our client is using a scenario, where the invoice will check delivery note on the GR document and will add the material doc number as 'Reference Doc' in IR doc. It is working fine for a single GR scenario. When a GR is revered due pricing reason and a new GR has been done with a reference to the same delivery note, the incoming EDI invoice is still picking the first GR, which is actually reversed and sitting in the system with blocked state with pricing difference. Is there anyway we can make changes in the system by config or ABAP to make the invoice point to the right material doc?? Please help.

    The answer is there in your question only.Since you used  a proram for doing the iv with the reference document ,have a debug for the prog while posting and find the problem for the same and fix the same.

  • Print out of Material Doc

    What is the process of configuring Std Print program for Material Document
    What are the steps
    Niti Narayan

    Hi Niti,
    Chk your setting as below to get GR print out.
    . Maintain the Printer Name in MM->Inv Mgmt and Phy Inv->Print Control-> Gen Settings-> Printer Setting Enter the local printer where you want to print your Goods posting document
    2. Ensure that in MM->Inv Mgmt and Phy Inv->Print Control->Gen Settings->Item Print Indicator, 1 stands for Matl Doc print out
    3. In MM->Inv Mgmt and Phy Inv->Print Control->Gen Settings->Print Version, maintain Print Version 2
    4. In MM->Inv Mgmt and Phy Inv->Print Control->Maintain Print Indicator for Goods Receipt/GI/Transfer Posting Documents
    Here for Particular mvt type 101,201,121,311,313,501,521,561 etcu2026 Maintain the Print item as 1--Material document printout
    5. In MM->Inv Mgmt and Phy Inv->Output Determination->Maintain Output Types, for the Output types WE01, WE02 and WE03, ensure the following--
    Select the particular Output type then goto Details
    a. Default Values: Dispatch Time is 3 or 4 as per reqmt. and Transmission medium is 1
    b. Print Parameter is 7
    6. In MM->Inv Mgmt and Phy Inv->Output Determination->Printer Det->Printer Determination by Plant/Str Loc , Maintain the Output device for all your Plants
    7. Go to MN21, for Tr Type WE, Print Version 3, maintain Print Item as 1.
    Now the settings are ready for Printing Material doc
    8. While doing MIGO, ensure that in General Tab, you get "3 Collective Slip" beside the Print Indicator and you tick mark the field.
    9. Now depending on the setting in 5a, the Matl doc is printed. If it is 3, you have to print it using MB90. If it is 4, it is printed immediately.

  • Cancellation of Invoice, Material doc, Inbound delivery and TO

    I have run the following business ME21N->VL31N->LT03(TO)->LT12(TO confirmation)->Material doc is created->MIRO.
    Now i want to reverse the whole process. I have cancelled the Invoice then cancelled the Material document (MIGO), after the material document is cancelled a TR(LB11) is created, then i have created a TO from the TR created(LT04) ->TO confirmation. After this the quants are reversed from the bin to the GR area external reciepts.(nullifying with the first TO)
    My question here is how to post the stock again i.e. from where should i start ? When i am trying to create TO wrt VL32n its not happening because the status showing as completed and is it possible to cancel the inbound delivery created, If yes how to do that.
    The reason for this scenario is that the customer for some reason entered incorrect values and want to cancel the documents created.Everything should be cancelled except PO

    Scenario 1
    While creating the customer master my client forget to give the account assignment group in the billing tab of the sales area data. Because of this it did not hit the proper G/L Account. Automatically it went to some other accounts.
    My question is weather we want to cancel only the invoice or we want to reverse the delivery
    If your GL accounts will be determined based on the customer account assignment group and material account assginment group combination then you can enter manually in Billing document (if accounting document is not created), No need to reverse the invoice and delivery.
    Second Scenario 2
    My client taken the invoice without calculating the TAX and the same also released to accounts.
    Now he wants to Add the TAX
    You can cancel the previous invoice and create new invoice with taxes.


    We have a requirement of printing Delivery challen which is Material document of 541 movement type.
    Now I have to link the Material document line item to P.O line item. for this I was referring MSEG table where I have P.O No but not the line item no. Without which I am not able to link P.O with material document.
    I am taking this linking  to display the receiving material (Subcontracted material) on Delivery challen.
    Can anybody tell me how to link this.

    For subcontracted material we issue input material to vendor through MB1B (Mov type-541)
    My client want take printout of this material document which should have the material issued to vendor and the receiving material against this issued material (Which is subcontracting material / Converted material).
    Now To fetch the subcontracting material / Converted material code having material document with me I use MSEG where I will get P.O no but line item no is not available which is required to link material doc with P.O.
    Is there any other way fetch the subcontracted material code based on MB1B material doc.
    Hope it is more clear.

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