Wasteful re-rendering after making minor chages

Why does iDVD waste so much time re-rending a DVD when there is only a minor change made?
For example, I have a iDVD 6 project containing two movies. If I change the music on the title menu, iDVD will render that again, but also spend hours rerending the two movies. Is there a way to avoid this?
I always Save as Disk Image, and, of course, "Best Quality."
And, does 6 hours+ to render a 2-hour DVD on a 2 GHz G5 sound about right?

To continue this thread: iDVD6 rerenders the menus even when I have not made any changes to the project, every time, all the time.
For example,
Save as disc image ...
Renders what it needs to, always including menus etc. Finishes successfully, if I then:
Burn DVD ...
It renders the menus again.
This makes burning multiple dual layer discs in iDVD6 rather slow and time consuming.
I believe it is still true that one should burn DL discs in iDVD rather than Disk Utility to ensure a working layer change-over point.
Do other people see this? If not, what can I do to prevent it?
Thanks in advance,
PowerMac G5 Single CPU + AL PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

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    Before answering your question, you have to make sure you understand the difference between the different track types in GarageBand.
    Tracks, you record your music on
    There are three types of those Tracks.
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    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

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    Based on your description, I have done a test and I can’t reproduce your issue.
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    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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