Waveburner audio in pauses question

First of all why is there no dedicated waveburner forum and so little support for this software. Apple should step it up on this thing! Anyway, I need to figure out how to put audio between songs in a waveburner master. I need the audio to not have a track marker and have a countdown to the next track. In wavelab this was called "audio in pauses" but I'm not even sure if waveburner can pull this off. Anybody know?

Say you have 3 tracks
1. Track one
2. Audio for pause
3. Track two
Pop them all into WB
Delete the track ID that will be created automatically for the middle audio
Pull the pause flag from track two to the left (expanding the pause) over the middle audio
When you build the CD
Track one will play, followed by the audio in the middle which will show a pause countdown to track 2 (whilst playing)

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    Say you have 3 tracks
    1. Track one
    2. Audio for pause
    3. Track two
    Pop them all into WB
    Delete the track ID that will be created automatically for the middle audio
    Pull the pause flag from track two to the left (expanding the pause) over the middle audio
    When you build the CD
    Track one will play, followed by the audio in the middle which will show a pause countdown to track 2 (whilst playing)

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    I believe this issue occurs only between songs that iTunes has converted to a lower bitrate for you during transfer to your iOS device and songs that it has not done this for. Take this Between the Buried and Me album, for instance. I have marked all of the transitions that should have been gapless but probably aren't in red. I know for sure that most of these marked transitions are indeed broken and that the most of the transitions not marked in red work flawlessly... I honestly can't remember whether or not some of these transitions were gapless or not, but the many transitions I do remember working or not working match up exactly with whether or not the songs on either side of the transition were also on other sides of the 256kbps threshold, the threshold at which I enabled iTunes to convert tracks to 256kbps AAC.
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  • Audio clips on question slides?

    I am new to captivate and so far, I love it.  However, I am working on a drill and practice tutorial in Captivate 5 and need to add audio clips to my questions slides. 
    I have tried adding a roll over text as was suggested in an earlier thread, however, when I play the project, the audio doesn't play.  My audio clips are about 1-3 seconds long and I need them to be repeatable (not just once as the slide opens). 
    I haven't had any trouble with the audio on the regular slides, just on the question slides.  This is a quiz and I would like to use the random questions feature so it (the quiz) doesn't become predictable. If you have any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate any help. 
    Thanks so much!

    Looping the audio on a question slide might not be the best strategy unless you are using this for some gentle background music that you wanted to play while the learner was answering the question.
    For instructional voiceover, the rollover caption would be the better choice.  There are two parts to a rollover object.  The rollover area is the hit area that your mouse must roll over.  Audio attached to this part will play once when the slide loads.  So it's a good choice if all you want to do is tell the learner where to find more info. E.g. "Roll your mouse over the Info button if you don't know what to do."
    The other part of a rollover object is the caption or image that will appear when the mouse is rolled over the rollover area.  Audio attached to this part will play each and every time the mouse event occurs.  This is the best choice for adding audio if you think the learner may need to hear the instructions more than once but you want to leave them in control of when they hear it.
    As soon as they roll the mouse off the rollover area, any audio attached to the caption or image will cease to play.

  • Audio keeps pausing

    I have a macbook pro running leopard. My missus has a macbook also running leopard. we have an Airport express 'plugged' into our stereo. iTunes recognises the airport express, and plays our terrible old tunes but the audio keeps pausing. this happens randomly between every 7 & 60 seconds. It's VERY annoying! anybody got any pointers?

    This is one of the most commonly reported frustrations with the use of the Airport Express, and I have to tell you that not everyone manages to solve the problem no matter what they do. That being said, start by taking a look at what Apple has to say about this issue in the article titled "AirTunes audio stream drops or cuts out" found at:

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    I don't have this problem.
    But your question about restoring your phone to it's current state, yes. When you plug your iPhone into iTunes, right click on the phone in the column on the left and select "backup phone". (That is if iTunes doesn't automatically start syncing/backing up.) After that you perform a restore which erases the phones and updates to the current version. At that point, iTunes should prompt you to install the backup.

  • IPod 5.5G Video, 30GB, No Sound Audio, Play/Pause Won't Shut Down, etc.

    Even though I have marked this topic as a question, it is more of a heads up for those having problems with Sound and Audio on the 5th Gen (Video) iPods.
    I was having audio problems like many others are describing and took it upon myself to look into the cause. I found that there is a problem with a flat ribbon cable that connects to the main board of the iPod. The issue is that there are very thin, gold plated traces of copper on a somewhat thin plastic backing which fits into a ZIF (i.e. Zero-Insertion-Force) connector.
    At issue is the amount of bending of the plastic cable when a clip on this ZIF connector is 'locked'. It seems that on some of these plastic ribbon cables, these small gold plated copper traces will crack and break, causing sound to come only from one channel or the other, or for scratchy sound, and even possible problems with the Hold switch. (I removed my Hold/Headphone Jack cable assembly and confirmed this under a microscope.)
    I don't know if the cracking is immediate upon the connector being locked, or if there is some length of time before cracking will occur. I also cannot say if this is truly a problem with the ZIF connector force, or the copper on the ribbon cable. There are different problems if the copper is too thin or too thick. Other problems can cause the copper to break, have problems adhering to the plastic 'ribbon', etc.
    Since this cable not only includes Left/Right Audio, but the Hold switch, units with this problem may not only have audio problems, but apparently have problem with the Hold switch not functioning properly and issues with Holding down the Play/Pause part of the Click-Wheel to power down an iPod. Another issue appears to be that the 'Clicking' noise of the Click-Wheel either becomes quiet or disappears altogether.
    Ok, here's the question part...
    Apple, do you have any knowledge of this issue? Is it systemic, or just several isolated units? Since the 5.5G is not in production, is it out of the question to hope to get a discounted repair or replacement part? What would your typical response be?
    (Note: I had an AppleCare contract that apparently doesn't run out until October of this year, but because I took it upon myself to open the unit I understand that this is now voided.)
    At this point I am thinking of buying a replacement Hold/Audio ribbon cable to install myself, but am very concerned that the part I purchase may also have these issues.

    After all my worry, concern, and consternation, I took my own advice and went to see the Genius Bar at the local Apple store this afternoon on my way home from work, just to see if they knew about this issue. At least I was expecting they would tell me I was out of luck for opening the iPod, at most I thought they would take it in for service and then let me know they found I had opened it and that I'd have to either pay for service, buy a new one, or that they'd simply be returning it as is. Instead they offered to replace my iPod.
    I don't know if this was because I was starting to make other customers nervous (talking loud is a habit when I get anxious), and they said they don't work in individual parts like the flex ribbon cable which I told them in detail was defective - I even mentioned that I had tried to fix it by applying solder to fill in the breaks in the gold traces. But after 20 minutes of them listening to me and continually offering to exchange the iPod (not one, but two Genius' at the Genius Bar were offering me an exchange) - I gave in.
    I have to say parting with it was a bit of an emotional thing - I still had all my podcasts, songs, photos, etc, on the iPod (I would have wiped it, but I really didn't expect much - I don't know what I was expecting). Maybe I was thinking of all the Smart Playlists I would loose (again), and have to recreate (again), or maybe it wasn't wanting to part with it because I figured it would be my mod-ing unit (I had seen what some did to add 32GB Compact Flash to their iPods and was tempted to do this myself). It was a very lonely 30 min drive back home.
    I am still a bit gob-smacked with a 'New' 5.5Gen Video iPod. Part of me wants to thank Apple, and part of me wants to cry at loosing an old friend. (And I am sure there is a part that is sad that it wasn't me that fixed it.) I was also pretty well put in my place by the Genius when she said not to open the replacement. (If you've ever seen those TV shows where the actor becomes smaller and smaller when being scolded, that was me in the store.)
    The moral of my story is - *do not hesitate to take your product to Apple if you think it needs to be fixed!* It all definitely made me feel like Apple employees really do understand the value of 'Customer Service', even when the customer isn't always right. I hope others will learn from my mistakes.

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    If I hook an ATV to my TV with HDMI, and also use the Right and Left (red and white component) audio out cables to my stereo (which does not have TOS link digital audio capability), will I get sound delivered to BOTH units at the same time? Basically, I'd like sound to go to my TV and my stereo.
    I see in the ATV manual that it is possible to use HDMI and digital audio out. DVI video and component audio out, but I need HDMI video/audio AND component audio out.

    The easiest way to accomplish this is to use the HDMI cable from the ATV to the TV and then export the sound from the TV with with either RCA, toslink, or digital audio out cables to your stereo. That is what I do at home. I have a DVR cable box, DVD player, and PS3 Blue Ray player and a HD video camera all hooked up via HDMI to a HDMI hub to the TV and then I can switch the stereo from either the TV audio out (all of the above) or the airport express where I stream music to the Stereo. There is no doubt that the sound quality from the BR HDMI cable of the PS3 has a superior sound.
    A tech at curcuit city told me there is a difference in sound between, a expensive Monster HDMI cable and the less expensive cables now available on line, but I have not tried a A/B comparison yet, but am planing to do so. $50-60$ vrs. a few dollars on line aftermarket.
    Hope this helps.

  • Mystery Audio added to question slide

    I am working in Captivate 4.
    Whilst creating a series of question slides I came across a problem whereby one or two of the question slides would not move on after the correct answering of the question.
    Turns out that the slides that would not advance had somehow got a short audio file attached (see under Slide 10 bottom left in screenshot).
    Luckily I spotted this quickly, otherwise I could have been spending hours trying to resolve this.
    I have not added any audio to any of my question slides so wonder;
    a. What caused the small audio to attach itself to the slide ?
    b. Is this a known problem with Captivate 4 or others ?
    c. Do I have a problem with my version of Captivate ?

    To do something like this in Captivate 5 you're probably going to need to create something in AS3, e.g. a Static Widget that does something similar to what you accomplished before in AS2.
    If you already know AS2 then learning AS3 shouldn't be all that difficult for you.  There are plenty of resources on the web.

  • Can you sync audio books pause points between devices

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    Is there a way to keep the pause points synced between devises. i.e. listening to an audio book in car on iPhone, getting home, going to your desktop and resuming where you left off on your iPhone.

    Well I feel a little ridiculous now. I don't know why I didn't think of that, thanks

  • Videos and Audio keeps pausing

    Ive had this probelm for a little while. Any video I play (YouTube, iTunes, Realplayer) the video will be playing then the audio will stop, with the video still playing. It will then pause and the audio will catch up and then they will both start playing again. This started happening after I updated to flash player 11.6. Also my spotify music keeps pausing and my itunes videos do the same. Whats wrong? I run safari and the newest mac software.

    TandyMan wrote:
    This started happening after I updated to flash player 11.6.
    The current Mac version is "11.6.602.167."  Is this the version you actually installed?  Did you use the Flash Player Uninstaller to remove all previous versions?  Repaired permissions and restarted your computer after updating? 

  • Does iPod not auto power-off when audio is paused?

    I fully recharged the iPod. I played about an hour and a half of audio. i am called to dinner, so I hit the Pause button. 2 hours later, I come back to the iPod, and the battery guage shows almost empty. And the screen was still on. (Backlight was off). The hold switch was at the off position.
    Doesn't the iPod auto-power off (screen goes off) a few minutes after pressing the pause button?I'm afraid that it's because my iPod's display was still on that the battery was depleted.
    (Then again, I may be wrong in saying that the screen was still on when I got to the iPod 2 hours later, maybe my finger touched the scrollwheel upon holding the iPod. I'm not sure. If this was the case, I still don't know why the battery level shows empty.)
    For you guys, how long does it take for your iPod's screen to auto-power-off?
    I have a theory.
    The iPod won't auto-power-off (and therefore save battery life) if an audio is set to pause.
    Is this theory correct or not?

    My 30 Gig 5G iPod did the exact same thing the other day, which would've been shortly after I updated it to 1.2. I did a reset and after that it's been behaving normally, shutting down after being paused for awhile. So, try a reset and see how it goes.

  • Captivate audio not pausing in LMS after bookmarking relaunch.

    My course is in Captivate 5.5.  I have audio attached to each slide and each slide has a "Next" text button to pause the slide at the end.  We use SumTotal LMS.  The course works fine if you launch and complete it in one sitting. If I close out and bookmark my place, then relaunch the course it will start where it left off and the slides pause at the "Next' button, however the audio keeps going. I have looked this up and down from both sides and cannot resolve this issue.  Multiple users have had this issue.  Any help would be appreciated as I need to get this course live.

    Thank you very much!  I added the audio slide by slide and I do have it at the start of each slide.  I will try moving it a tenth or two out.
    I appreciate the help.
    cid:[email protected]
    Terry Bradford
    Technology-Based Learning Supervisor, Global Learning Center
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    cid:[email protected]

  • PE2 - Timeline thumbnail renders, but monitor and burned DVD video is blank for one section. Also audio export quality question

    I split a clip to get rid of a few seconds of something else, and everything looked OK. I set it rendering overnight, and this morning, I found most of the DVD was fine, but this one section at the end is black on the DVD. I went back to the project, and although the timeline looks OK with thumbnails generated, it's showing black for that same section in the preview monitor. How can I "regenerate" this clip without re-adding and making the cuts?
    The video details look OK though...
    Video: MPEG2 Video 720x576 (4:3) 25.00fps 6802Kbps [Video]
    Next up, seeing as I gave only one hours captured video to a whole DVD, I was wondering why the video was quite blocky.
    Then I saw the audio....
    Audio: Dolby AC3 48000Hz 6ch 192Kbps [AC-3] < what the?!? This is mono video captured off an old tape, so at most it could be 44k 96k mono, not 6ch! But despite FAQ-ing myself silly, I can't see where you change the audio properties...
    Help on these two would be greatly appreciated.
    Before anyone asks (and they will!) why I don't upgrade, well, V2 does what I want (which is about 2 DVDs per year!) and when I tried V4 trial, on my old 3GHz PC with 3.5Gb RAM it was TOOOO slow

    I found the solution to the blank error - what had happened was that when I was trying to make the background, it said "drag media here to make thumbnail" (or something) so I did, but although it didn't work, what I didn't realise was when I dragged the preview image to the thumbnail, I had actually dragged the image right off the screen! But when I did "undo", it looked OK, so I didn't notice it hadn't undone the move. If that makes sense.
    As that was the last thing I did, it didn't bother checking before burning. I found this because I started a new project to convert it, and thought "well, if it plays OK here..." and started experimenting. I only saw the video offset by accident!
    As for the question about Audio, I was previewing in MPC Home Cinema, but you're right. because when I preview in Windows Media Player, it appears to be OK and says Dolby 2.0
    Thanks for your help!

  • ALSA issue: stuttering audio on pause (mplayer, audacious, et al.)

    I have the following problem with ALSA on my laptop: When I try to pause a video or an audio file in mplayer or audacious, both mplayer and audacious begin to stutter and repeat the last bit (probably the last sample) over and over again. The same happens in firefox, when I try to close a tab (or window) which plays some audio (both html5 and flash).
    Firefox and mplayer do not give me any information on the command line, but audacious reports:
    alsa.c:356 [alsa_open_audio]: Opening PCM device default for S16_LE, 2 channels, 44100 Hz.
    alsa.c:391 [alsa_open_audio]: Buffer: hardware 255 ms, software 250 ms, period 21 ms.
    alsa.c:244 [pump_start]: Starting pump.
    output.c:177 [set_gain]: Replay Gain info:
    output.c:178 [set_gain]: album gain: 0,000000 dB
    output.c:179 [set_gain]: album peak: 0,000000
    output.c:180 [set_gain]: track gain: 0,000000 dB
    output.c:181 [set_gain]: track peak: 0,000000
    mpg123.c:372 [mpg123_playback_worker]: starting decode
    alsa.c:263 [start_playback]: Starting playback.
    ALSA lib pcm.c:7339:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
    ALSA lib pcm.c:7339:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
    ALSA lib pcm.c:7339:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred
    alsa.c:606 [alsa_pause]: Pause.
    alsa: snd_pcm_pause failed: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler.
    alsa.c:627 [alsa_pause]: Trying to work around broken pause.
    I'm only using ALSA for audio playback, not pulseaudio or any other soundserver, so I guess that the problem is probably due to some misconfiguration in ALSA. 
    aplay -l gives me:
    **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
    card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC262 Analog [ALC262 Analog]
    Subdevices: 1/1
    Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
    card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 6: Si3054 Modem [Si3054 Modem]
    Subdevices: 1/1
    Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
    I have the following audio-related modules loaded:
    snd_hda_codec_realtek 92495 1
    snd_hda_codec_si3054 2898 1
    snd_hda_intel 20112 1
    snd_hda_codec 79405 3 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec_si3054,snd_hda_codec_realtek
    snd_pcm 60499 3 snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec_si3054
    snd_page_alloc 5901 2 snd_pcm,snd_hda_intel
    snd_hwdep 4970 1 snd_hda_codec
    snd_timer 15158 1 snd_pcm
    snd 45013 9 snd_timer,snd_hwdep,snd_pcm,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec_si3054,snd_hda_codec_realtek
    soundcore 4986 1 snd
    Any ideas of how to fix this? Thanks in advance.

    For some strange reason the problem has begun recurring after about 20 minutes. I did not upgrade or change any files. This is truly strange.
    Any other recommendations?
    0 [Intel ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
    HDA Intel at 0xdb320000 irq 49
    # Use PulseAudio by default
    pcm.!default {
    type pulse
    fallback "sysdefault"
    hint {
    show on
    description "Default ALSA Output (currently PulseAudio Sound Server)"
    ctl.!default {
    type pulse
    fallback "sysdefault"
    # vim:set ft=alsaconf:
    aplay -L
    Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
    PulseAudio Sound Server
    Default ALSA Output (currently PulseAudio Sound Server)
    HDA Intel, AD198x Analog
    Default Audio Device
    HDA Intel, AD198x Analog
    Front speakers
    HDA Intel, AD198x Analog
    4.0 Surround output to Front and Rear speakers
    HDA Intel, AD198x Analog
    4.1 Surround output to Front, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
    HDA Intel, AD198x Analog
    5.0 Surround output to Front, Center and Rear speakers
    HDA Intel, AD198x Analog
    5.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Rear and Subwoofer speakers
    HDA Intel, AD198x Analog
    7.1 Surround output to Front, Center, Side, Rear and Woofer speakers
    Last edited by ArchMed (2012-02-26 18:20:11)

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