WD4A Dynamic ALV Table with dynamic tables

Hi all,
first I want give you the information what I try to do.
I have an another WD4A application for administrative use in which I can assign certain tablefields to a certain user. You can say it's something like a customizing application.
In the next application (with my issues) I will display the tables for the user, but these tables are not the complete table.
I have a node in my context of the component controller which is bound to my ALV. I add during the runtime attributes to my node.
* .... coding ....declaration
* get the node
  lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'M_TABLE' ).
  lr_node_info ?= lr_node->get_node_info( ).
* remove the attributes, if exists
  lr_node_info->remove_dynamic_attributes( ).
* .... coding ....
*   add attributes
    LOOP AT l_t_m_table INTO l_s_m_table.
      CLEAR ls_attribute.
*     name of the attribute
      MOVE l_s_m_table-NAME TO ls_attribute-NAME.
*     DDIC type of the attribute
      MOVE l_s_m_table-TYPE_NAME TO ls_attribute-TYPE_NAME.
*     If the DDIC has a gen namespace like /B135/ replace the / with _
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' IN ls_attribute-NAME WITH '_'.
*     add the attribute
      lr_node_info->add_attribute( EXPORTING
                                     attribute_info = ls_attribute ).
This coding works fine I get the columns in my ALV. Then I tried to fill my ALV table with data from a database table.
I created dynamicly an internal table with the following coding:
*   Create dynamic table
        EP_TABLE = l_t_NEW_M_TABLE.
*   assign the table
*   structure of table
    ASSIGN l_s_NEW_M_TABLE->* TO <l_s_m_table>.
* get data from database
With this coding I get the data from the database and only the required fields that means I have e.g. an itab with columns1, columns3, columns4 from the database.
I also added e.g. these columns  (columns1, columns3, columns4 from the database) to the node as attribute. Now it should be possible to bind the table to the structure with this coding:
lr_comp_usage_m = wd_this->wd_cpuse_usage_alv_M_table( ).
*   create component if not active
    IF lr_comp_usage_m->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL.
      lr_comp_usage_m->create_component( ).
* set data if node exists
      l_ref_interfacecontroller = wd_this->wd_cpifc_usage_alv_M_table( ).
      l_ref_interfacecontroller->set_data( lr_node ).
*   bind table
    lr_node->bind_table( <M_TABLE> ).
Now, I get an error, which is caused by the table binding.
In ST22 I get:
Short text
    Line types of an internal table and a work area not compatible.
What happened?
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "CL_WDR_CONTEXT_NODE_VAL=======CP" had to be
     terminated because it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
Error analysis
    The statement
       "INSERT wa INTO TABLE itab"
    requires the lines of the internal table "TABLE" and the
    work area " wa" to be compatible. Compatibility means
    equivalence in the context of ABAP/4 type checking.
    In this case, the condition is not satisfied because the internal table
    "TABLE" has the line type "u" and the length 28, but the work area " wa"
    has the type "C" and the length 2.
    (If the work area " wa" is the header line of the internal
    table "TABLE", the above inconsistency can arise if an internal
    table t with the line type T1 is passed to a subroutine (FORM or
    FUNCTION) as an actual parameter and the corresponding formal
    parameter p is declared in the subroutine by "TABLES p STRUCTURE T2".
    If then T1 and T2 are incompatible, the header line p
    has the type T2 (specifed by STRUCTURE), but the internal
    table p has the line type T1 (passed from the actual parameter)).
Source Code Extract
Line  SourceCde
    1 method if_wd_context_node~get_static_attributes_table .
    3   field-symbols:
    4     <element> like line of me->collection,
    5     <static_attributes> type data,
    6     <table> type index table.
    8 * check whether elements are supllied or not
    9   if me->elements_supplied = abap_false.
   10     me->supply_elements( ).
   11   endif.
   13   clear table.
   15   if me->table_ref is not initial.
   16     assign me->table_ref->* to <table>.
   17     table = <table>.
   18   else.
   19     loop at me->collection assigning <element> from from to to.
   20       assign <element>->static_attributes->* to <static_attributes>.
error in line 21       insert <static_attributes> into table table.
   22     endloop.
   23   endif.
   25 endmethod.
Any suggestions? Is it allowed to use bind_table() with a field symbol?
Another strange thing is that if I try the same with static itab and attributes during runtime it works, but only if the fields of the itab has the same name as the attributes, which means that I can not use itabs with fieldnames like /BI0/S_CUSTOMER and if I can not use them it's difficult to read data from database with SELECT * FROM ... INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE itab.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Best Regards,

Hi Francois,
I solve it with the RTTI and the method    
lr_node_info = lr_node_info->add_new_child_node(
                      name = 'Dynamic_TABLE'
                      IS_MANDATORY = ABAP_false
                      IS_MULTIPLE = ABAP_true
                      STATIC_ELEMENT_RTTI = lr_struct_descr
                      IS_STATIC = ABAP_false
I don't know why it doesn't work with adding attributes and binding the table after adding the attributes.
Anyway thanks for your help.
Best Regards,

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  • Here's how to do ALV (OO) with dynamic fcat, int table and editable data

    Hi everybody
    Here's a more useful approach to ALV grid with OO using dynamic table, data NOT from DDIC, dynamic FCAT and how to get changed lines from the grid when ENTER key is pressed.
    It's really not too dificult but I think this is more useful than the ever present SFLIGHT methods from the demos.
    This also defines a subclass of cl_gui_alv_grid so you can access the protected attributes / methods of that class.
    You don't need to add the class via SE24 -- done fron this ABAP.
    When you run it click Edit for the first time.
    After editing data press ENTER and the break point should bring you into the relevant method.
    Code developed on NW2004S trial version but also works on rel 6.40 on a "Real" system.
    The code should work without any changes on any system >=6.40.
    All you need to do is to create a blank screen 100 via SE51  with a custom container on it called CCONTAINER1.
    The rest of the code can just be uploaded into your system using the SE38 upload facility.
    When running the program click on the EDIT button to enable the edit functionality of the grid.
    Change your data and when you press ENTER you should get the break-point where you can see the original table and changed rows.
    This program is actually quite general as it covers Dynamic tables, building a dynamic fcat where your table fields are NOT in the DDIC, intercepting the ENTER key via using an event, and accessing the protected attributes of the cl_gui_alv_grid by defining a subclass of this class in the abap.
    I've seen various questions relating to all these functions but none in my view ever answers the questions in a simple manner. I hope this simple program will answer all these and show how using OO ALV is actually quite easy and people shouldn't be scared of using OO.
    Have fun and award points if useful.
    <b>PROGRAM zdynfieldcat.
    Simple test of dynamic ITAB with user defined (not ddic) fields
    Build dynamic fcat
    use ALV grid to display and edit.
    *When edit mode set to 1 toolbar gives possibility of adding and
    *deleting rows.
    *Define subclass of cl_gui_alv_grid so we can use protected attributes
    *and methods.
    Add event handler to intercept user entering data and pressing the
    *ENTER key.
    When enter key is pressed get actual value of NEW table (all rows)
    rather than just the changed data.
    *use new RTTI functionality to retrieve internal table structure
    Create a blank screen 100  with a custom container called CCONTAINER1.
    James Hawthorne
    include <icon>.
    define  any old internal structure  NOT in DDIC
    types: begin of s_elements,
           anyfield1(20) type c,
           anyfield2(20) type c,
           anyfield3(20) type c,
           anyfield4(20) type c,
           anyfield5(11) type n,
           end of s_elements.
    types:  lt_rows  type lvc_t_roid.
    Note new RTTI functionality allows field detail retrieval
    at runtime for dynamic tables.
    data:   wa_element type s_elements ,
            wa_data type s_elements,
            c_index type sy-index,
            c_dec2 type s_elements-anyfield5,
            wa_it_fldcat type lvc_s_fcat,
            it_fldcat type lvc_t_fcat,
            lr_rtti_struc TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,    "RTTI
            lt_comp TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,"RTTI
            ls_comp LIKE LINE OF lt_comp,                     "RTTI
            zog  like line of lr_rtti_struc->components,      "RTTI
            struct_grid_lset type lvc_s_layo,
            l_valid  type c,
            new_table type ref to data.
    field-symbols: <dyn_table> type standard table,
                   <actual_tab> type standard table,
                   <fs1> type ANY,
                   <FS2> TYPE TABLE.
    data: grid_container1 type ref to cl_gui_custom_container.
    class lcl_grid_event_receiver definition deferred.
    data: g_event_receiver type ref to lcl_grid_event_receiver.
    data: ls_modcell type LVC_S_MODI,
          stab type ref to data,
          sdog type  s_elements.      .
    class lcl_grid_event_receiver definition.
      public section.
             for event data_changed of cl_gui_alv_grid
                 importing er_data_changed,
           toolbar for event toolbar of cl_gui_alv_grid
                     importing e_object
          user_command for event user_command of cl_gui_alv_grid
                     importing e_ucomm.
    *implementation of Grid event-handler class
    class lcl_grid_event_receiver implementation.
    method handle_data_changed.
    code whatever required after data entry.
    various possibilites here as you can get back Cell(s) changed
    columns or the entire updated table.
    Data validation is also possible here.
    perform check_data using er_data_changed.
    Method for handling all creation/modification calls to the toolbar
      method toolbar.
        data : ls_toolbar type stb_button.
    Define Custom Button in the toolbar
        clear ls_toolbar.
        move 0 to ls_toolbar-butn_type.
        move 'EDIT' to ls_toolbar-function.
        move space to ls_toolbar-disabled.
        move 'Edit' to ls_toolbar-text.
        move icon_change_text to ls_toolbar-icon.
        move 'Click2Edit' to ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        append ls_toolbar to e_object->mt_toolbar.
        clear ls_toolbar.
        move 0 to ls_toolbar-butn_type.
        move 'UPDA' to ls_toolbar-function.
        move space to ls_toolbar-disabled.
        move 'Update' to ls_toolbar-text.
        move icon_system_save to ls_toolbar-icon.
        move 'Click2Update' to ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        append ls_toolbar to e_object->mt_toolbar.
        clear ls_toolbar.
        move 0 to ls_toolbar-butn_type.
        move 'EXIT' to ls_toolbar-function.
        move space to ls_toolbar-disabled.
        move 'Exit' to ls_toolbar-text.
        move icon_system_end to ls_toolbar-icon.
        move 'Click2Exit' to ls_toolbar-quickinfo.
        append ls_toolbar to e_object->mt_toolbar.
      method user_command.
        case e_ucomm .
          when 'EDIT'.          "From Tool bar
            perform set_input.
             perform init_grid.
          when 'UPDA'.          "From Tool bar
            perform refresh_disp.
            perform update_table.
          when 'EXIT'.          "From Tool bar
            leave program.
    class zcltest definition inheriting from  cl_gui_alv_grid.
    define this as a subclass so we can access the protected attributes
    of the superclass cl_gui_alv_grid
    public section.
    methods: constructor, disp_tab.
    need this now to instantiate object
    as we are using subclass rather than the main cl_gui_alv_grid.
    class zcltest implementation.
    METHOD constructor.
    CALL METHOD super->constructor
            exporting i_appl_events = 'X'
               i_parent = grid_container1.
    method disp_tab.
    break-point 1.
    mt_outtab is the data table held as a protected attribute
    in class cl_gui_alv_grid.
    ASSIGN me->mt_outtab->* TO <outtab>.  "Original data
    do whatever you want with <outtab>
    contains data BEFORE changes each time.
    Note that NEW (Changed) table has been obtained already by
    call to form check_data USING P_ER_DATA_CHANGED
    Entered data is in table defined by <fs2>
    In this method you can compare original and changed data.
    Easier than messing around with individual cells.
    do what you want with data in <fs2>  validate / update / merge etc
    data :
        ok_code like sy-ucomm,
        save_ok like sy-ucomm,
        i4 type int4,
    Container Object [grid_container]
    now created via method constructor
    in the subclass zcltest.
    Control Object [grid]
    grid1 type ref to zcltest,
    Event-Handler Object [grid_handler]
    grid_handler type ref to lcl_grid_event_receiver.
    call screen 100.
    module status_0100 output.
    now display it as grid
    if grid_container1 is initial.
        create object grid_container1
              container_name = 'CCONTAINER1'.
        create object grid1.
         break-point 1.
        create object grid_handler.
        set handler:
           grid_handler->user_command for grid1,
           grid_handler->toolbar for grid1,
           grid_handler->handle_data_changed for grid1.
    perform create_dynamic_fcat.
    perform create_dynamic_itab.
    perform populate_dynamic_itab.
    perform init_grid.
    perform register_enter_event.
    set off ready for input initially
    i4 = 0.
      call method grid1->set_ready_for_input
               i_ready_for_input = i4.
    module user_command_0100 input.
    *PAI not needed in OO ALV anymore as User Commands are handled as events
    *in method user_command.
    *we can also get control if the Data entered and the ENTER is pressed by
    *raising an event.
    Control then returns to method handle_data_changed.
    form create_dynamic_fcat.
    get structure of our user table for building field catalog
    Use the RTTI functionality
    lr_rtti_struc ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( wa_data ).
    Build field catalog just use basic data here
    colour specific columns as well
    loop at lr_rtti_struc->components into zog.
    c_index = c_index + 1.
    clear wa_it_fldcat.
      wa_it_fldcat-fieldname = zog-name .
      wa_it_fldcat-datatype =  zog-type_kind.
      wa_it_fldcat-inttype =   zog-type_kind.
      wa_it_fldcat-intlen =    zog-length.
      wa_it_fldcat-decimals =  zog-decimals.
      wa_it_fldcat-lowercase = 'X'.
      if c_index eq 2.
      wa_it_fldcat-emphasize = 'C411'.
        if c_index eq 3.
      wa_it_fldcat-emphasize = 'C511'.
      append wa_it_fldcat to it_fldcat .
    form create_dynamic_itab.
    Create dynamic internal table and assign to field sysmbol.
    Use dynamic field catalog just built.
    call method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
                    it_fieldcatalog = it_fldcat
                    ep_table        = new_table.
    assign new_table->* to <dyn_table>.
    form populate_dynamic_itab.
    load up a line of the dynamic table
    c_dec2 = c_dec2 + 11.
    wa_element-anyfield1 = 'Tabbies'.
    wa_element-anyfield2 = 'ger.shepards'.
    wa_element-anyfield3  = 'White mice'.
    wa_element-anyfield4 =  'Any old text'.
    wa_element-anyfield5 =  c_dec2.
    append  wa_element to <dyn_table>.
    form check_data USING P_ER_DATA_CHANGED
    Get altered data back
      ASSIGN   p_er_data_changed->mp_mod_rows TO <FS1>.
    stab =       p_er_data_changed->mp_mod_rows.
    ASSIGN STAB->* TO <FS2>.
    LOOP AT <FS2> INTO sdog.
    ALV grid display with altered data is now in <fs2>.
    do any extra processing you want here
    now display new table
    call method grid1->disp_tab.
    form exit_program.
      call method grid_container1->free.
      call method cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
      leave program.
    form refresh_disp.
      call method grid1->refresh_table_display.
    form update_table.
    The dynamic table here is the changed table read from the grid
    after user has changed it
    Data can be saved to DB or whatever.
    loop at <dyn_table> into wa_element.
    do what you want with the data here
    switch off edit mode again for next function
    i4 = 0.
      call method grid1->set_ready_for_input
              i_ready_for_input = i4.
    form set_input.
    i4 = 1.
      call method grid1->set_ready_for_input
           i_ready_for_input = i4.
    form switch_input.
    if i4 = 1.
    i4 = 0.
    i4 = 1.
      call method grid1->set_ready_for_input
           i_ready_for_input = i4.
    form init_grid.
    Enabling the grid to edit mode,
         struct_grid_lset-edit = 'X'. "To enable editing in ALV
         struct_grid_lset-grid_title  = 'Jimbos Test'.
         call method grid1->set_table_for_first_display
             is_layout           = struct_grid_lset
             it_outtab             =  <dyn_table>
             it_fieldcatalog       =  it_fldcat.
    form register_enter_event.
    call method grid1->register_edit_event
                      i_event_id = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_evt_enter.
    Instantiate the event or it won't work.
    create object g_event_receiver.
    set handler g_event_receiver->handle_data_changed for grid1.

    Hi there
    IE7 doesn't give me the add new page option and I get 404 error when trying to access the "How to contribute" section.
    I'll load up Firefox later (this browser usually works when IE7 doesn't always work properly).
    I'll copy the stuff to the wiki when I've got the browser sorted out.

  • Manipulate Layout on ALV Grid with dynamic table

    Dear all
    i'm generating a dynamic table depending of a date selection. That means that I show columns for weeks and the quantity of weeky migh change.
    Now the users wants to have a specific layout of the ALV grid with totals. When he saves the layout, only the weeks at this selection will show the next time he runs the programm with a larger selection.
    a) Is it possible to modify the layout during runtime by programming?
    b) Do you have any other ideas how to solve this problem?
    Thank you

    You don't know the names of your columns? hmm you do, because before you created dynamic table you had to create field catalog, so the structure and column names of newly (dynamically) created table will be the same like defined in the field catalog.
    The last loop also does not look good, in my opinion should be something like:
    LOOP AT lt_datatable +(my first table)+ ASSIGNING <ls_data4>.
        AT NEW pernr.
          APPEND initial line to <fs_1> assigning <fs_2>.
          <fs_2>-pernr = <ls_data4>-pernr.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT <ls_data4>-wage_type OF STRUCTURE <fs_2> TO <fs_5>.
        <fs_5> = <ls_data4>-amount.
    also keep in mind that number of calls of method cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table is limited to 36 (?) calls within one program session because it uses dynamic subroutine pool behind so you will have short dump if you will execute that 37 times.

  • ALV Table and dynamic new column

    I have a ALV table with tree in one column (reccuring context value).
    I would like dynamically to add new columns. I know the method of IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_INFO->ADD_NEW_CHILD_NODE, but this is used in another posts/blogs where whole table is generated dynamically. I have a table already and just want to add a new column.
    Is that possible?
    Thank you on advance, cheers.

    Under normal circumstances you could use the Context API method ADD_ATTRIBUTE to create a dynamic attirubte:
    Unfortunately this is not compatible with the ALV. The ALV only supports static attributes.  Therefore you will need to build up an entire RTTI based structure in memory and then dynamically re-create the entire context. This is a similar example:
             rootnode_info type ref to if_wd_context_node_info,
             dyn_node type ref to if_wd_context_node,
             dyn_node_info type ref to if_wd_context_node_info,
             tabname_node type ref to if_wd_context_node,
             current_tablename type string,
             tablename type string,
             struct_type type ref to cl_abap_structdescr,
              table_type  type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr,
              comp_tab    type cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
              comp        like line of comp_tab,
              my_table    type ref to data,
              my_row      type ref to data.
        loop at field_details assigning <wa_detail>.
    * build a structure description from the list of single fields
              comp-name = <wa_detail>-field_code.
              comp-type ?= cl_abap_datadescr=>describe_by_name( 'STRING' ). "Replace with your dataType
            append comp to comp_tab.
    struct_type = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( comp_tab ).
          dyn_node_info = rootnode_info->add_new_child_node(
             name                   = 'MDM_DATA'
             is_mandatory           = abap_false
             is_mandatory_selection = abap_false
             static_element_rtti    = struct_type
             is_multiple            = abap_true
             is_static              = abap_false ).

  • How to create alv table dynamically by performing action on the button.

    Hi all,
    my requirement is to create alv table dynamically.
    that is i will create two buttons
    1) show alv table
    2) close alv table
    if user selects show alv table then the alv table should be displayed.
    and if user selects clsoe alv table then the alv table should be closed.
    to create alv table dynamically  i have followed this procedure.
    under view properties i have added salv_wd_table component. then under the action of showalvbutton i went to code wizard and i have selected instantiate used component component use salv_wd_table. the following code will be generated
    with this code i am unable to display alv table dynamically correct me where i went wrong kindly send me the necessary steps how to create alv table dynamically
    data lo_cmp_usage type ref to if_wd_component_usage.
    lo_cmp_usage =   wd_this->wd_cpuse_salv_wd_table( ).
    if lo_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) is initial.
      lo_cmp_usage->create_component( ).
    to close table i have used the following code. with this code i am able to achieve the functionality to delete the alv table
    data lo_cmp_usage type ref to if_wd_component_usage.
    lo_cmp_usage =   wd_this->wd_cpuse_salv_wd_table( ).
    if lo_cmp_usage->has_active_component( ) is initial.
      lo_cmp_usage->Delete_component( ).
    Thanks & Regards,
    Edited by: naveen.webhelp on Feb 10, 2011 5:52 AM

    ALV table will be shown in the viewcontainerUI element.
    it is shown there empty if you dont fill the node bound to the data node of the interface controller of the comp usage
    and if you are not getting the table filled in the first place.
    then check have you mapped the DATA node to some node in the comp controller
    wht basically is your requirment is that you want to show ALV gird on click of one button and delete it on click of other button.
    there are many ways to do so.
    best way is control the visiblity of the viewcontainer UI element which containes the TABLE view of SALV_WD_table comp.
    create an attribute of type WDUI_VISIBILITY name say VIS.
    now go to the layout and bound hte visible property of the viewcontainer to this attribute VIS.
    then in the showalv grid button's eventhandler write
    name = 'VIS'
    value = '02'
    and in the wddoinit and delete alv grid button's event handler write
    name = 'VIS'
    value = '01'
    sarbjeet singh

  • Embeding ALV table in dynamically created view container UI element

    Hi ,
    I created a view container UI element dynamically .that is working fine . I am using standard ALV component . Now i want to embed ALV table in View container UI element dynamically > please help me in this .
    Thanks in advance ,
    Vijay vorsu

    I am not sure how to do add an ALV table dynamically but you can have a look at this blog which talks about creating and adding a TABLE ui element dynamically. And TABLE UI element may solve your problem.

  • Colors in Dynamic ALV table display

    Hello All,
    I have dynamic ALV table display in which i created the columns dynamically and finally binded that created node and diplayed the table ..
    Now what i want to do is depending on some condition i need to change the colors in the table display..
    I tried to set the color in this way inside the loop .
                     if lv_phase  = '3'.
                   lr_column->set_cell_design( CL_WD_TABLE_COLUMN=>E_CELL_DESIGN-badvalue_medium ).
                    lr_column->set_cell_design( CL_WD_TABLE_COLUMN=>E_CELL_DESIGN-standard ).
    This piece of code either changes all the coloumns into one color only why it is not changing the color based upon the condition . I am unable to understand..
    Please help me in this...Do i need to some thing else..

    Solved by creating a new column called cell design ... and settign the set_cell_design_fieldname ...
    This solved my Problem ..

  • ALV report with dynamic columns, and repeated structure rows

    Hey Guys,
    I've done some ALV programming, but most of the reports were straight forward. This one is a little interesting. So here go the questions...
    Q1: Regarding Columns:
    What is the best way to code a report with columns being dynamic. This is one of the parameters the user is going to enter in his input.
    Q2: Regarding Rows:
    I want to repeat a structure(say it contains f1, f2, f3) multiple time in rows. What is the best way to do it? The labels for these fields have to appear in the first column.
    Below is the visual representation of the questions.
    Jan 06  , Feb 06, Mar 06....(dynamic)
       material 1
    Current Stock
    current required
    $Value of stock
       material 2
    Current Stock
    current required
    $Value of stock
       material 3
    Current Stock
    current required
    $Value of stock
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Sumit,
    Just check this sample from one of the SAP site
    ABAP Code Sample for Dynamic Table for ALV with Cell Coloring
    Applies To:
    ABAP / ALV Grid
    Article Summary
    ABAP Code Sample that uses dynamic programming techniques to build a dynamic internal table for display in an ALV Grid with Cell Coloring.
    Code Sample
    REPORT zcdf_dynamic_table.
    * Dynamic ALV Grid with Cell Coloring.
    * Build a field catalog dynamically and provide the ability to color
    * the cells.
    * To test, copy this code to any program name and create screen 100
    * as described in the comments. After the screen is displayed, hit
    * enter to exit the screen.
    * Tested in 4.6C and 6.20
    * Charles Folwell - [email protected] - Feb 2, 2005
    r_dyn_table TYPE REF TO data,
    r_wa_dyn_table TYPE REF TO data,
    r_dock_ctnr TYPE REF TO cl_gui_docking_container,
    r_alv_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
    t_fieldcat1 TYPE lvc_t_fcat, "with cell color
    t_fieldcat2 TYPE lvc_t_fcat, "without cell color
    wa_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF t_fieldcat1,
    wa_cellcolors TYPE LINE OF lvc_t_scol,
    wa_is_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    <t_dyn_table> TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
    <wa_dyn_table> TYPE ANY,
    <t_cellcolors> TYPE lvc_t_scol,
    <w_field> TYPE ANY.
    * Build field catalog based on your criteria.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FIELD1'.
    wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
    wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '10'.
    wa_fieldcat-coltext = 'My Field 1'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FIELD2'.
    wa_fieldcat-inttype = 'C'.
    wa_fieldcat-outputlen = '10'.
    wa_fieldcat-coltext = 'My Field 2'.
    wa_fieldcat-seltext = wa_fieldcat-coltext.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    * Before adding cell color table, save fieldcatalog to pass
    * to ALV call. The ALV call needs a fieldcatalog without
    * the internal table for cell coloring.
    t_fieldcat2[] = t_fieldcat1[].
    * Add cell color table.
    * CALENDAR_TYPE is a structure in the dictionary with a
    * field called COLTAB of type LVC_T_SCOL. You can use
    * any structure and field that has the type LVC_T_SCOL.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'T_CELLCOLORS'.
    wa_fieldcat-ref_field = 'COLTAB'.
    wa_fieldcat-ref_table = 'CALENDAR_TYPE'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO t_fieldcat1.
    * Create dynamic table including the internal table
    * for cell coloring.
    CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
    it_fieldcatalog = t_fieldcat1
    ep_table = r_dyn_table
    generate_subpool_dir_full = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    * Get access to new table using field symbol.
    ASSIGN r_dyn_table->* TO <t_dyn_table>.
    * Create work area for new table.
    CREATE DATA r_wa_dyn_table LIKE LINE OF <t_dyn_table>.
    * Get access to new work area using field symbol.
    ASSIGN r_wa_dyn_table->* TO <wa_dyn_table>.
    * Get data into table from somewhere. Field names are
    * known at this point because field catalog is already
    * built. Read field names from the field catalog or use
    * COMPONENT <number> in a DO loop to access the fields. A
    * simpler hard coded approach is used here.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'FIELD1' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
    <w_field> = 'ABC'.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'FIELD2' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
    <w_field> = 'XYZ'.
    APPEND <wa_dyn_table> TO <t_dyn_table>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'FIELD1' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
    <w_field> = 'TUV'.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'FIELD2' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
    <w_field> = 'DEF'.
    APPEND <wa_dyn_table> TO <t_dyn_table>.
    * Color cells based on your criteria. In this example, a test on
    * FIELD2 is used to decide on color.
    LOOP AT <t_dyn_table> INTO <wa_dyn_table>.
    ASSIGN COMPONENT 'FIELD2' OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field>.
    * Get access to internal table used to color cells.
    OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <t_cellcolors>.
    CLEAR wa_cellcolors.
    wa_cellcolors-fname = 'FIELD2'.
    IF <w_field> = 'DEF'.
    wa_cellcolors-color-col = '7'.
    wa_cellcolors-color-col = '5'.
    APPEND wa_cellcolors TO <t_cellcolors>.
    MODIFY <t_dyn_table> FROM <wa_dyn_table>.
    * Display screen. Define screen 100 as empty, with next screen
    * set to 0 and flow logic of:
    * MODULE initialization.
    CALL SCREEN 100.
    * MODULE initialization OUTPUT
    MODULE initialization OUTPUT.
    * Set up for ALV display.
    IF r_dock_ctnr IS INITIAL.
    CREATE OBJECT r_dock_ctnr
    side = cl_gui_docking_container=>dock_at_left
    ratio = '90'.
    CREATE OBJECT r_alv_grid
    EXPORTING i_parent = r_dock_ctnr.
    * Set ALV controls for cell coloring table.
    wa_is_layout-ctab_fname = 'T_CELLCOLORS'.
    * Display.
    CALL METHOD r_alv_grid->set_table_for_first_display
    is_layout = wa_is_layout
    it_outtab = <t_dyn_table>
    it_fieldcatalog = t_fieldcat2.
    ELSE. "grid already prepared
    * Refresh display.
    CALL METHOD r_alv_grid->refresh_table_display
    i_soft_refresh = ' '
    finished = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    ENDMODULE. " initialization OUTPUT

  • WD4A : Displaying images in ALV table

    Does anyone know how to display images in ALV tables in Webdynpro?

    You can define an attribute in the context with the type CHAR 30 and define it value like an icon from WDA (like ~Icon/GreenLed). And then you need to create an method to define the attributes of the column that will have the image like follows:
    METHOD display_alv .
      DATA: lr_alv_usage       TYPE REF TO   if_wd_component_usage,
            lr_config          TYPE REF TO   cl_salv_wd_config_table,
            lr_col_header      TYPE REF TO   cl_salv_wd_column_header,
            lr_function_wd     TYPE REF TO   cl_salv_wd_function,
            lr_button          TYPE REF TO   cl_salv_wd_fe_button,
            lr_image           TYPE REF TO   cl_salv_wd_uie_image,
            lr_header          TYPE REF TO   cl_salv_wd_header,
            lr_uie_link        TYPE REF TO   cl_salv_wd_uie_link_to_action,
            lr_if_controller   TYPE REF TO   iwci_salv_wd_table,
            lr_function_set    TYPE REF TO   if_salv_wd_function_settings,
            lr_table_settings  TYPE REF TO   if_salv_wd_table_settings,
            lr_column_settings TYPE REF TO   if_salv_wd_column_settings.
      DATA: lt_columns         TYPE          salv_wd_t_column_ref,
            ls_column          TYPE          salv_wd_s_column_ref,
            lv_text            TYPE          string.
    * Instantiate ALV Component
      lr_alv_usage = wd_this->wd_cpuse_all_alv( ).
      IF lr_alv_usage->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL.
        lr_alv_usage->create_component( ).
    * get reference to model
      lr_if_controller = wd_this->wd_cpifc_all_alv( ).
      lr_config        = lr_if_controller->get_model( ).
    * modify visible rows
      lr_config->if_salv_wd_table_settings~set_visible_row_count( iv_rows ).
                                           wd_assist->co_alv_selmode ).
    * create function
      lr_function_set ?= lr_config.
      lr_function_wd = lr_function_set->create_function(
                       wd_assist->co_func_det_nfe ).
      CREATE OBJECT lr_button.
    *read text
      lv_text = wd_assist->read_text( iv_key = '002' ).
      lr_button->set_text( lv_text ).
      lv_text = wd_assist->read_text( iv_key = '001' ).
      lr_button->set_tooltip( lv_text ).
      lr_button->set_image_source( wd_assist->co_icon_seldet ).
      lr_function_wd->set_editor( lr_button ).
    * set table header
      lr_table_settings ?= lr_config.
      lr_header = lr_table_settings->get_header( ).
      lv_text = wd_assist->read_text( iv_key = '003' ).
      lr_header->set_text( lv_text ).
      lv_text = wd_assist->read_text( iv_key = '004' ).
      lr_header->set_tooltip( lv_text ).
      lr_header->set_image_source( wd_assist->co_icon_list ).
      lr_column_settings ?= lr_config.
      lt_columns = lr_column_settings->get_columns( ).
      LOOP AT lt_columns INTO ls_column.
        CASE ls_column-id.
          WHEN 'ICON'.
            CREATE OBJECT lr_image.
            lr_image->set_source_fieldname( ls_column-id ).
            lr_image->set_tooltip_fieldname( 'ICON_TOOLTIP' ).
            ls_column-r_column->set_cell_editor( lr_image ).
          WHEN 'ID'.
            CREATE OBJECT lr_uie_link.
            lr_uie_link->set_text_fieldname( ls_column-id ).
            ls_column-r_column->set_cell_editor( lr_uie_link ).
          WHEN 'ICON_TOOLTIP' or 'LOGSYS'.
                               cl_wd_uielement=>e_visible-none ).
    *set header binding of medium description, otherwise title
        lr_col_header = ls_column-r_column->get_header( ).
                            if_salv_wd_c_column_settings=>ddic_bind_medium ).
    Here will be showed an icon (column ICON) and an link (column ID).

  • Replacing SAP Object Selector with Radio Button in ALV table in WD ABAP

    Hi All,
    I have a view in Webdynpro ABAP which displays data in an ALV table view (using SALV_WD_TABLE component).
    By default we have the SAP Object Selector for selecting a particular row of the table. This has to be replaced with radio buttons.
    I mean instead of using the SAP Object Selector, I need radio buttons at the start of each row.
    What I have thought of is to make the SAP Object Selector Invisible and create another attribute for the radio button in the node which contains ALV output data.
    Can you please let me know how to remove the SAP Object Selector from ALV output table and also how to include a column with radio button in the ALV output table.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sayan Ghosh

    Hi Lekha,
    I am working with HRASR00_PROCESS_EXECUTE WD component of MSS application. In order to generate the data, this in turn calls another component called DATAOBJECTPROVIDER. I need to make the table selection as none and replace the SAP Object Selector with the radio button.
    Do you know under which method in DATAOBJECTPROVIDER do we need make the changes. I tried to search all the methods but couldnt understand a suitable one.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sayan Ghosh

  • DropdownByKey inside ALV Table - Problem with Value set

    I have Component A which has a custom controller that uses the interface controller of the ALV Component.
    Custom controller has node ITAB.. that has certain attributes...
    I want DropdownByKey inside the ALV Table column. I am populating the corresponding attribute of ITAB node with the value set that I want the drop down to have.
    However when I execute the application..I get error
    " Key XXX not present in Value Set and is not initial"
    XXX is present in the Value Set table of the attribute.
    <b>Following is my code in the methods of CUSTOM CONTROLLER</b>
    <u>Generate Value Set</u>
    nodeinfo_context = wd_context->get_node_info( ).
    nodeinfo_ITAB= nodeinfo_context->get_child_node( wd_this->wdctx_ITAB ).
    <u> Populate the Value Set</u>
    data ls_valueset type wdy_key_value.
    data it_valueset type wdy_key_value_table.
    ls_valueset-key = 'FRA'.
    ls_valueset-value = 'FRANCE'.
    Append ls_valueset to it_valueset.
    ls_valueset-key = 'SFO'.
    ls_valueset-value = 'SAN FRANCISCO'.
    Append ls_valueset to it_valueset.
    <u>Set the Value Set for the Attribute</u>
    call method nodeinfo_ITAB->SET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SET
                     NAME = <b>'ATTR1'</b>
                     VALUE_SET = it_valueset.
    <u>Changing ALV Column</u>
    Get the ALV Configuration Model
      ifc_alv2 = wd_this->wd_cpifc_alv2( ).
      itab_alv2_config = ifc_alv2->get_model( ).
      itab_alv2_config->IF_SALV_WD_TABLE_SETTINGS~SET_READ_ONLY( abap_false ).
    <u>Get the Column reference for ATTR1</u> 
    ref_alv2_colset = itab_alv2_config->if_salv_wd_column_settings~get_column( <b>'ATTR1'</b> ).
    <u>Create the DropDownByKey Object</u>
    CREATE OBJECT ref_dropdownkey
              exporting SELECTED_KEY_FIELDNAME = ref_alv2_colset->id.
      ref_dropdownkey->SET_SELECTED_KEY_FIELDNAME( <b>ref_alv2_colset->id</b> ).
      ref_alv2_colset->SET_CELL_EDITOR( <b>ref_dropdownkey</b> ).
    <u>Check the value set</u>
      ref_attr_info = nodeinfo_flight_details2->get_attribute( ref_alv2_colset->id ).
    I do get back the value set if I see ref_attr_info->value_set.
    SO the Value Set is getting set for attribute ATTR1, but still I get Error
    <b>"The value selectedKey = "SFO" in DropDownByKey "_8C" does not exist in the value list and is not initial either "</b><u></u>
    SAP  User

    You have forgotten to set a cell variant. I had the same with setting a ProgressIndicator cell-editor to a table column as default editor. This causes the column to be hidden on the table while it did show up in the settings dialog. I removed the set_editor( lr_progressindicator) and created a cell variant instead with this lr_progressindicator. You then need to add this cell variant to your column. By default it will select the standard viewtext-cell-editor (which can only be textview and inputfield, like when you create a table yourself in a view), but if you use a cell variant, it will display the required cell editor if you set it (last line of the code).
    <b>In your case, replace lr_progressindicator by your ref_dropdownkey.</b>
      DATA: lr_column_settings    TYPE REF TO if_salv_wd_column_settings,
            lr_column             TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column,
            lr_column_header      TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column_header,
            lr_cellvar            TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_cv_standard,
            l_cellvar             TYPE string,
            lr_progress_indicator TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_uie_progr_indicator.
      lr_column_settings ?= wd_this->mr_table.
      lr_column = lr_column_settings->get_column( 'STATUSBAR' ).
      lr_column_header = lr_column->get_header( ).
      lr_column_header->set_text( 'Completed' ).
    CREATE OBJECT lr_cellvar.
      l_cellvar = 'CV_SB'.
      lr_cellvar->set_key( l_cellvar ).
      CREATE OBJECT lr_progress_indicator.
      lr_progress_indicator->set_percent_value_fieldname( 'STATUSBAR' ).
      lr_progress_indicator->set_tooltip( 'completed' ).
      lr_cellvar->set_editor( lr_progress_indicator ).
      lr_column->add_cell_variant( lr_cellvar ).
      lr_column->set_selected_cell_variant( l_cellvar ).
    I hope this will solve your issues.

  • ALV Table with Business Graphics

    Hi All,
    In one of my Scenarios, I have to display the Employee details in a table with the Business Graphics. I have to do this with alv.As I am new to alv so if any one is having any tutorials on this topic or any application according to it then tell it along with description.
    Thanking you all in advance.

    This is very simple to get the ALV table with graph.
    check the below code..
      l_value = l_ref_interfacecontroller->get_model(
    call this method in your code you will get table with graph.
         value = '02'
    Edited by: suman kumar chinnam on Sep 17, 2008 9:06 AM

  • Problem with ALV-Table: attruibut not found

    Hello experts,
    I've created an input-view with an alv-table as output list.
    I've mapped the alv-table called 'daten' with the component controller 'daten'.
    Check is ok, but when I start the application I get shortdump:
    attribut 'daten' not found.
    Has anybody an idea what this could be  ?

    this is all code I've yet written:
    METHOD wddoinit .
    data lr_node type ref to if_wd_context_node.
    Data lt_el_datensaetze type wdr_context_element_set.
    lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'DATENSAETZE' ).
    lt_el_datensaetze = lr_node->get_elements( ).
      DATA: ls_smot005t TYPE smot005t,
            lt_smot005t TYPE TABLE OF smot005t.
      DATA lo_nd_laender TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
      navigate from <CONTEXT> to <OPPORTUNITY_STATUS> via lead selection
      lo_nd_laender = wd_context->get_child_node( name =
      wd_this->wdctx_laender ).
    Länderkennzeichen auslesen und an Context übergeben
      SELECT * FROM smot005t INTO ls_smot005t WHERE spras = 'DE' ORDER BY
    landx ASCENDING.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          APPEND ls_smot005t TO lt_smot005t.
      lo_nd_laender->bind_table( new_items = lt_smot005t ).
      lo_nd_laender->set_lead_selection_index( index = 40 ).

  • Binding ALV GRID with Deep Internal Table

    Hello all,
    I am looking for a way to display ALV Grid with the Deep ITAB.
    My ITAB is not too complex.
    It has One Structure which gets whole DB table + One extra field.
    Therefore my Itab looks as follows.
            ZPM_UPLOAD LIKE ZDBTABLE, "ZDBTABLE is custom database table.
           END OF TY_TRIP.
    Now i am able to populate data into Deep ITAB.
    If i call ALV Grid with ITAB then i get error. So how to call 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY' with this ITAB?
    Thanks in advance.

    My senior asked me to use the below definition.
           END OF TY_TRIP.
    If anyone else is looking to print in ALV, they can use this type of ITAB definition though it gives you the flexiblity to create ITAB and also making it FLAT and not DEEP.
    But i am still looking for an answer for my first post.

  • ALV Table: DROPDOWN-Column with different valuesets per row

    I tried to create a dropdown by index cell in a table with different valuesets in each row. So I created an attribute VALUESET of type WDR_CONTEXT_ATTR_VALUE_LIST in my node to provide different valuesets per element. In my ALV-table I bound the property "valueset_fieldname" of the dropdown-cell to the context-attribute VALUESET:
      lo_column = lo_alv_model>if_salv_wd_column_settings~get_column( id = 'PRICE').
      CREATE OBJECT lo_drop_down_idx
          selected_key_fieldname = u2018PRICEu2019.
      lo_drop_down_idx->set_valueset_fieldname( value = u2018VALUESETu2019 ).
      lo_column->set_cell_editor( lo_drop_down_idx ).
    Now I have the problem, that the list of the dropdown-cell displays the proper amount of values but not the proper texts . My valueset looks for example like this:
    Value: A
    Text:  A
    Value: B
    Text:  B
    Value: C
    Text:  C
    Value: D
    Text:  D
    But my Dropdown-cell shows these values:
    Could you please help?
    Edited by: Developer on Feb 2, 2010 5:32 PM

    Hello Lekha,
    thank you for your answer. I think there might be an other reason for this problem. When I debug the view with the Webdynpro-Debugger the valueset in the context contains the correct values but the dropdown shows wrong values.
    You also sent me a link with a codesample. In this coding you use the following statement:
    lr_drp_idx->set_texts( 'VALUESET'   ). This is a method of the class CL_WD_DROPDOWN_BY_IDX. I used the class cl_salv_wd_uie_dropdown_by_idx as I'm working with an ALV-Table. This class doesn't have the method set_texts. Instead it has a method called 'set_valueset_fieldname'. Maybe this method has a bug?

Maybe you are looking for

  • Material Description is not getting updated in IC-WebClient ERP Sales Order

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