ALV Table and dynamic new column

I have a ALV table with tree in one column (reccuring context value).
I would like dynamically to add new columns. I know the method of IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE_INFO->ADD_NEW_CHILD_NODE, but this is used in another posts/blogs where whole table is generated dynamically. I have a table already and just want to add a new column.
Is that possible?
Thank you on advance, cheers.

Under normal circumstances you could use the Context API method ADD_ATTRIBUTE to create a dynamic attirubte:
Unfortunately this is not compatible with the ALV. The ALV only supports static attributes.  Therefore you will need to build up an entire RTTI based structure in memory and then dynamically re-create the entire context. This is a similar example:
         rootnode_info type ref to if_wd_context_node_info,
         dyn_node type ref to if_wd_context_node,
         dyn_node_info type ref to if_wd_context_node_info,
         tabname_node type ref to if_wd_context_node,
         current_tablename type string,
         tablename type string,
         struct_type type ref to cl_abap_structdescr,
          table_type  type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr,
          comp_tab    type cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
          comp        like line of comp_tab,
          my_table    type ref to data,
          my_row      type ref to data.
    loop at field_details assigning <wa_detail>.
* build a structure description from the list of single fields
          comp-name = <wa_detail>-field_code.
          comp-type ?= cl_abap_datadescr=>describe_by_name( 'STRING' ). "Replace with your dataType
        append comp to comp_tab.
struct_type = cl_abap_structdescr=>create( comp_tab ).
      dyn_node_info = rootnode_info->add_new_child_node(
         name                   = 'MDM_DATA'
         is_mandatory           = abap_false
         is_mandatory_selection = abap_false
         static_element_rtti    = struct_type
         is_multiple            = abap_true
         is_static              = abap_false ).

Similar Messages

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    But when we installed a new languaged the column name dissapeared.
    My question is:
    Where does the ALV get the column name from? Is there a standard method which I can search for which is used for this purpose in ALV?

    the field name comes from data element FIELD name you have specified when creating ur custom field..
    try to change that field name for that field..
    hope it works
    award points if helpful

  • Question about creating and updating new columns in a table

    Hi, I have a couple of questions that would love some answers to
    Please bear in min that questions relate to datawarehouse / Just large tables with say about 50 million records
    1) How do you create new columns in a big table
    2) how do you update the new columns
    3) would you create an index on a column in a table with 200m rows when the only two possible values are stored in the column (e.g.Y, N) - give your resason
    my aswers to these would be
    1) simple alter table ...
    2) simple update statements
    3) No need to create an index
    I might be wrong on these in the context of datawarehouse

    If the number of Y vs. N is about 50/50, you only have to parse through 50% of the
    overall amount of columns.Fnord. If the ratio of Y to N was 1:20 then the index would be useful for searching for values of Y only. Or if the column is nullable and the bulk of the entries were null then it might be useful. But a 50/50 split? FTS is much more effective.
    So, it does depend on the data distribution, but in most cases such an index would never be used (or should never be used).
    Cheers, APC

  • WD4A Dynamic ALV Table with dynamic tables

    Hi all,
    first I want give you the information what I try to do.
    I have an another WD4A application for administrative use in which I can assign certain tablefields to a certain user. You can say it's something like a customizing application.
    In the next application (with my issues) I will display the tables for the user, but these tables are not the complete table.
    I have a node in my context of the component controller which is bound to my ALV. I add during the runtime attributes to my node.
    * .... coding ....declaration
    * get the node
      lr_node = wd_context->get_child_node( 'M_TABLE' ).
      lr_node_info ?= lr_node->get_node_info( ).
    * remove the attributes, if exists
      lr_node_info->remove_dynamic_attributes( ).
    * .... coding ....
    *   add attributes
        LOOP AT l_t_m_table INTO l_s_m_table.
          CLEAR ls_attribute.
    *     name of the attribute
          MOVE l_s_m_table-NAME TO ls_attribute-NAME.
    *     DDIC type of the attribute
          MOVE l_s_m_table-TYPE_NAME TO ls_attribute-TYPE_NAME.
    *     If the DDIC has a gen namespace like /B135/ replace the / with _
          REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' IN ls_attribute-NAME WITH '_'.
    *     add the attribute
          lr_node_info->add_attribute( EXPORTING
                                         attribute_info = ls_attribute ).
    This coding works fine I get the columns in my ALV. Then I tried to fill my ALV table with data from a database table.
    I created dynamicly an internal table with the following coding:
    *   Create dynamic table
            IT_FIELDCATALOG = l_t_FLDCAT
            EP_TABLE = l_t_NEW_M_TABLE.
    *   assign the table
        ASSIGN l_t_NEW_M_TABLE->* TO <M_TABLE>.
    *   structure of table
        ASSIGN l_s_NEW_M_TABLE->* TO <l_s_m_table>.
    * get data from database
    With this coding I get the data from the database and only the required fields that means I have e.g. an itab with columns1, columns3, columns4 from the database.
    I also added e.g. these columns  (columns1, columns3, columns4 from the database) to the node as attribute. Now it should be possible to bind the table to the structure with this coding:
    lr_comp_usage_m = wd_this->wd_cpuse_usage_alv_M_table( ).
    *   create component if not active
        IF lr_comp_usage_m->has_active_component( ) IS INITIAL.
          lr_comp_usage_m->create_component( ).
    * set data if node exists
          l_ref_interfacecontroller = wd_this->wd_cpifc_usage_alv_M_table( ).
          l_ref_interfacecontroller->set_data( lr_node ).
    *   bind table
        lr_node->bind_table( <M_TABLE> ).
    Now, I get an error, which is caused by the table binding.
    In ST22 I get:
    Short text
        Line types of an internal table and a work area not compatible.
    What happened?
        Error in the ABAP Application Program
        The current ABAP program "CL_WDR_CONTEXT_NODE_VAL=======CP" had to be
         terminated because it has
        come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Error analysis
        The statement
           "INSERT wa INTO TABLE itab"
        requires the lines of the internal table "TABLE" and the
        work area " wa" to be compatible. Compatibility means
        equivalence in the context of ABAP/4 type checking.
        In this case, the condition is not satisfied because the internal table
        "TABLE" has the line type "u" and the length 28, but the work area " wa"
        has the type "C" and the length 2.
        (If the work area " wa" is the header line of the internal
        table "TABLE", the above inconsistency can arise if an internal
        table t with the line type T1 is passed to a subroutine (FORM or
        FUNCTION) as an actual parameter and the corresponding formal
        parameter p is declared in the subroutine by "TABLES p STRUCTURE T2".
        If then T1 and T2 are incompatible, the header line p
        has the type T2 (specifed by STRUCTURE), but the internal
        table p has the line type T1 (passed from the actual parameter)).
    Source Code Extract
    Line  SourceCde
        1 method if_wd_context_node~get_static_attributes_table .
        3   field-symbols:
        4     <element> like line of me->collection,
        5     <static_attributes> type data,
        6     <table> type index table.
        8 * check whether elements are supllied or not
        9   if me->elements_supplied = abap_false.
       10     me->supply_elements( ).
       11   endif.
       13   clear table.
       15   if me->table_ref is not initial.
       16     assign me->table_ref->* to <table>.
       17     table = <table>.
       18   else.
       19     loop at me->collection assigning <element> from from to to.
       20       assign <element>->static_attributes->* to <static_attributes>.
    error in line 21       insert <static_attributes> into table table.
       22     endloop.
       23   endif.
       25 endmethod.
    Any suggestions? Is it allowed to use bind_table() with a field symbol?
    Another strange thing is that if I try the same with static itab and attributes during runtime it works, but only if the fields of the itab has the same name as the attributes, which means that I can not use itabs with fieldnames like /BI0/S_CUSTOMER and if I can not use them it's difficult to read data from database with SELECT * FROM ... INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE itab.
    Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
    Best Regards,

    Hi Francois,
    I solve it with the RTTI and the method    
    lr_node_info = lr_node_info->add_new_child_node(
                          name = 'Dynamic_TABLE'
                          IS_MANDATORY = ABAP_false
                          IS_MULTIPLE = ABAP_true
                          STATIC_ELEMENT_RTTI = lr_struct_descr
                          IS_STATIC = ABAP_false
    I don't know why it doesn't work with adding attributes and binding the table after adding the attributes.
    Anyway thanks for your help.
    Best Regards,

  • How to find a specific word (from a list) in a sentence located in a different table, and build a column that contains the name

    Hi all, 
    I have 2 tables:
    1) Lookup table- "Names"- which contains ID# and product description (~100 names that can change).
    2) Data table- "Data"- which contains a column with sentences and within lies also the description. In addition, there is a quantity column.
    Names table-
    1 Glass
    2 Paper
    3 Alum'
    4 Metal for construction
    100 Hydro therapy products
    And Data table-
    Someone went to use the machine. 1.80 cm, Alum', for the rest of the day
    Metal for construction is the major component in our system
    <gs class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="ba668f16-4de8-41d9-af39-d1b17422d6fe" id="ae5b76e8-6897-46c8-823b-86a382087f83">Kandoo</gs>, Delgado,
    Glass 17
    Greece needs more paper, 200 ft.
    *there is no order where the lookup value can be found in the sentence*
    My purpose is to import the Data table while performing a calculation, that <gs class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="1941bde7-1595-40eb-9d64-c2e3b9fabdef" id="b60549fc-5b92-46ea-abc6-72cc8c4c093b">checks</gs>
    for each row what is the suitable lookup value and then add it to a new column "Name". 
    Meaning, this table should be the new data after import:
    <gs class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="f5d9da98-3ff6-4022-920d-8965a15730ee" id="580f945f-7822-4035-9b5b-542c74eff605">Description</gs>
    Someone went to use the machine. 1.80 cm, Alum', for the rest of the day
    6 Alum'
    Metal for construction is the major component in our system
    7 Metal for construction
    <gs class="GINGER_SOFTWARE_mark" ginger_software_uiphraseguid="365dd7f8-7ffc-4ef3-95bf-9bf03421c90d" id="c9ba8515-3dba-4a6b-929e-650510f70844">Kandoo</gs>, Delgado, Glass
    17 Glass
    Greece needs more Paper, 200 ft.
     45 Paper
    Appreciate all support! 
    I lost hope and I want to avoid macros as much as possible.

    Hi Amit,
    I updated the file. The solution uses the following query formula:
    Source = Excel.CurrentWorkbook(){[Name="DataTbl"]}[Content],
    #"Added Custom" = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Custom", each IndexTbl),
    #"Expand Custom" = Table.ExpandTableColumn(#"Added Custom", "Custom", {"Scope"}, {"Scope"}),
    #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(#"Expand Custom", each Text.Contains([Description], [Scope])),
    #"Grouped Rows" = Table.Group(#"Filtered Rows", {"Topic", "Component Code", "Project", "Date", "TotalQty", "TotalQtyActual", "ID", "SOW #", " SOW#(lf)Rev", "Scope Driver", "Scope Source", "Scope Source #", "Cost Code", "Type", "Bdg", "System Code", "IMF Number", "IMF Description", "WG", "C or NC", "C/e", "LLE", "Dwg Ref", "Comments ", "Description", "Size", "Qty", "Unit", "Materials Cost/Unit ", "Sub-Total per Unit €", "Unit Rate ", "Total", "DIV Code", "SYS Code", "HelperForDynfilter"}, {{"Scope", each Text.Combine([Scope], " | "), type text}})
    #"Grouped Rows"
    It is based on two queries. The first is the import from table of "IndexTbl", the second is the import of "DataTbl' which is then extended according to the expression above.
    Hope this helps.

  • Embeding ALV table in dynamically created view container UI element

    Hi ,
    I created a view container UI element dynamically .that is working fine . I am using standard ALV component . Now i want to embed ALV table in View container UI element dynamically > please help me in this .
    Thanks in advance ,
    Vijay vorsu

    I am not sure how to do add an ALV table dynamically but you can have a look at this blog which talks about creating and adding a TABLE ui element dynamically. And TABLE UI element may solve your problem.

  • Change "Date" From a Column in Table A, to New Column in Table B:

    I'm trying to pull a Date from TABLE_A, and change the year to a current date, and popluate this into a new table. I also want to pull the PK of TABLE_A over, so that I can create a link back to the master record.
    In my example I'm useing SYSDATE for my current date. Once I get the script working, I want to pull the Calander_Date from my "Current Calendar" in APEX.
    2. NAME_ID , (This is a Column FROM TABLE_A),
    3. DATE, (This is also a Colum From TABLE_A)
    4. TO_CHAR(DATE,'DD')||'-'||
    5. TO_CHAR(DATE,'MON')||'-'||
    6. TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YY') )
    Needless to say, this doesn't work!!! I'm very new to SQL and APEX. I've also tried embedding SELECT STATEMENTS, as shown below, but still now dice (Trying to figure out out to calculate the TO_CHAR FROM DUAL and from TABLE_A for the "DATE" Column)
    4. SELECT TO_CHAR(DATE,'DD')||'-'||
    5. SELECT TO_CHAR(DATE,'MON')||'-'||
    Depending on the modifications I make I usually get the following two errors:
    ORA-0933: SQL Command not properly ended (in the first example)
    ORA-00936: Missing Expression (in the second example).
    Appreciate any thoughts you all might have!!!

    So here's a question: are the different pieces of the day stored in the same column in Table A, or different columns? If they are the same, you can simplify a lot of your data copy procedure to:
      insert into TABLE_B (NAME_ID, SOME_DATE, NEW_DATE)
       values (select KEY_ID, to_date(ORIG_DATE,'DD-MM-YYYY') from TABLE_A
      where to_date(ORIG_DATE,'MM') = TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'MM'));If the dates are stored in individual fields in Table_A, use something like:
      insert into TABLE_B (NAME_ID, SOME_DATE, NEW_DATE)
       values (select KEY_ID, to_date(ORIG_DAY || '-' || ORG_MONTH || '-' || ORIG_YEAR,'DD-MM-YYYY') from TABLE_A
      where to_date(ORIG_DATE,'MM') = TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'MM'));An alternate for your where clause that uses a range of dates instead of a specific month is
      where to_date(ORIG_DATE,'DD-MM-YYYY') between TO_DATE('01-01-2007','MM-DD-YYYY') and TO_DATE('12-31-2007','MM-DD-YYYY');A couple of advantages: a date comparison is much faster than a string comparison and more accurate to what you want. Convert the strings to dates rather than the dates to strings. In my opinion, dealing with dates can be one of the biggest headaches for those learning SQL. There are a lot of good helps out there, but you will want to familiarize yourself with the TO_DATE() and TO_CHAR() functions, because you will use them a lot!
    Also, store dates as DATE datatypes! Do NOT store them as text! You will save yourself a lot of headaches and your queries will run much faster if you use DATE datatypes.

  • Dynamic internal table and dynamic read statements.

    My Scenario :
    I have two dynamic internal tables.
    I am looping at one internal table and trying to read another table.
    In the read statement how do I mention the key dyamically.
    Example code below :
      LOOP AT <dyn_table> ASSIGNING <dyn_wa>.
    read second  dynamic internal table.
    The key which I want use for reading say it is keyed in the selection criteria....
    Also based on the value I read I want to modify the first internal table field value.
    Remember I dont want to explicity mention the key
    How do I do that?

    U need to use the field-symbol, but u can't use a WHERE option, but u need to use the CHECK statament into the second loop:
    LOOP AT <dyn_table> ASSIGNING <dyn_wa>.
            CHECK <FS> IN (=) .......
                <FS2> = .......

  • I use Function Sum to add a column and a new column pops up filled with 0s

    In one of my spreadsheets, every time I try to add a column of numbers using the Sum Function, a new column is added filled with 0s. What's happening? And How do I get it to just add the column?

    can't you just write an SQL script to update the new column?
    Perhaps you can use the integration_id for this? or just another column(s)..

  • Query to Find all the Tables and their corresponding columns,dataType in DB

    Hi all,
    I need a query which can give me all the Tables existing in my DB and their corresponding Columns existed for those tables and Datatype for each column .
    Thanks in Advance,

    For your user tables you can use USER_TAB_COLUMNS.
    Just give DESC USER_TAB_COLUMNS at your SQL> prompt.
    You will know on that object.

  • Drag and Relate__2 New Columns

    Hi all,
    Is it possible to add a new column in the forms that are used in the drag & relate functionality?.
    In Drag abd relate "Sales Order Details", will be perfect to view de BP code, and the remain units per Order......where can i modify the query?
    Thanks in advance

    I am not sure what you mean when you say "what about service?".  Exposing Drag & Relate functionality will hopefully at some point be available via the Business One SDK as it is something that we are asked about often from the field and developmet is aware of the need.

  • Insert data from an tabular to a temp table and fetching a columns.

    Hi guys ,
    I am working in apex 3.2 in which in a page i have a data's fom various tables and displays it in tabular form. Then i have to insert the tabular form data to a temp table and fetch the data from the temp table and insert into my main table. I think that i have to use a cursor to fetch the data from the temp table and insert into the main table but i didnt get the perfect example for doing this. Can any one help me to sort it out.
    Thanks With regards

    Follow this scenario.
    Your Query:
    SELECT t1.col1, t1.col2, t2.col1, t2.col2, t3.col1
    FROM table1 t1, table2 t2, table3 t3
    (where some join conditions);On insert button click call this process
    temp1 VARCHAR2(100);
    temp2 VARCHAR2(100);
    temp3 VARCHAR2(100);
    temp4 VARCHAR2(100);
    temp5 VARCHAR2(100);
         FOR i IN 1..apex_application.g_f01.COUNT
              temp1    := apex_application.g_f01(i);
              temp2    := apex_application.g_f02(i);
              temp3    := apex_application.g_f03(i);
              temp4    := apex_application.g_f04(i);
              temp5    := apex_application.g_f05(i);
              INSERT INTO table1(col1, col2) VALUES(temp1, temp2);
              INSERT INTO table2(col1, col2) VALUES(temp3, temp4);
              INSERT INTO table3(col1) VALUES(temp5);
         END LOOP;
    END;You don't even need temp tables and cursor to make an insert into different tables.
    Ramesh P.
    *(If you know you got the correct answer or helpful answer, please mark as corresponding.)*

  • Dynamic internal table and dynamic field catalog

    i need to decide the number of fields of the internal table at runtime
    and then need to pass value to this internal table.
    then i need to create the field catalog for this internal table (so here
    field catalog is also dynamic) to display in alv.
    how to achieve this dynamic internal table creation and dyanmic field catalog generation

    Hi Ajay,
      U can use the below code to create a dynamic internal table.
    *adding the field names only once for the dynamic table     .
          MOVE 'PRCTR' TO gw_component-name.
          gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_string( ).
          INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.
          MOVE 'RCNTR' TO gw_component-name.
          gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_string( ).
          INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.
          MOVE 'RACCT' TO gw_component-name.
          gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_string( ).
          INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.
          MOVE 'RYEAR' TO gw_component-name.
          gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_string( ).
          INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.
          MOVE 'YTDBAL' TO gw_component-name.
          gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_string( ).
          INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.
          MOVE 'OBAL' TO gw_component-name.
          gw_component-type ?= cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_string( ).
          INSERT gw_component INTO TABLE gt_components.
    *get structure descriptor -> GR_STRUCTDESCR
              gr_structdescr ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>create( gt_components ).
    create work area of structure GR_STRUCTDESCR -> GR_WA
              CREATE DATA gr_wa TYPE HANDLE gr_structdescr.
              ASSIGN gr_wa->* TO <gw_wa>.
    determine key components -> GT_KEYS
              MOVE lv_value1 TO gw_key-name.
              INSERT gw_key INTO TABLE gt_keys.
    create descriptor for internal table -> GR_TABLEDESCR
              gr_tabledescr ?= cl_abap_tabledescr=>create( p_line_type  = gr_structdescr
                                                           p_table_kind = cl_abap_tabledescr=>tablekind_hashed
                                                           p_unique     = abap_true
                                                           p_key        = gt_keys
                                                           p_key_kind   = cl_abap_tabledescr=>keydefkind_user ).
    create internal table -> GR_ITAB
              CREATE DATA gr_itab TYPE HANDLE gr_tabledescr.
              ASSIGN gr_itab->* TO <gt_itab>.
              CREATE DATA gr_itab LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF <gw_wa>.
              ASSIGN gr_itab->* TO <gt_sttab>.
    Now u r internal table named <gt_sttab> has been created with fields like RCNTR, PRCTR,RACCT, RYEAR etc whatever the field u need u can go ahead and create dynamically.
    then by using the table <gt_sttab> u can create u r field catalog.

  • Inserting existing records to table and getting new identity ID for each row

    I have an issue that I inherited where I need to insert some data to  12 tables related by FK  for about 40 records to an existing database through TSQL, SSIS is not an option..
    Essentially the situation is that many weeks ago someone deleted a bunch of data and I cant do a restore of the database as new data has been entered so I need to "reconstruct" the data and reinsert it back. I cant just reinsert the data with the
    same Primary keys as they are autogenerated. I restored a backup of the database taken prior to the deletion and have got all of my data I need loaded to temp tables. Now the issue I am running across is how to insert my "Main" table data row by
    row and get the new identity and then update the corresponding row to the source temp table so that it can be used for the next 11 tables that need that Foreign Key.

    How do I loop through the 40 records I am attempting to insert into the "Parent" table though?
    You don't. That is, you don't loop.
    You do:
    MERGE target t
    USING source s ON 1 = 0
       INSERT (col1, col2, ...)
          VALUES(col1, col2, ...)
    OUTPUT (t.JobId, s.JobId) INTO @idmap(newid, oldid)
    UPDATE source
    SET    newjobdid = i.newid
    FROM   source s
    JOIN   @idmap i ON s.jobid = i.jobid
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Fixing width of a rtf table having dynamically rendered columns.

    Hi All,
    We have a rtf table where we are showing/hiding columns conditionally (using 'if@column').
    But this is resulting in reduction of table width as well, based on number of columns getting hidden.
    Is there any way, so that we can keep the overall width of table fixed, irrespective of its columns shown/hidden dynamically ?
    Basically, we want to get same experience as of ADF tables, where we can set a certain column (say last column) to adjust its width (based on other no. of columns shown or hidden), so that overall table width remains fixed.

    Thanks for the quick response.
    I tried to fix the width of a column by putting 20% ,30% ....suggested by you.But it's not reflecting in the report.
    is there any other way?

Maybe you are looking for