We should call itunes to remove the 100 song limit on the slvr

Hi all,
Who can we talk to/ email/ bug to get the 100 song limit removed on the SLVR? I feel that it is a cheap misrepresentation to advertise that the SLVR is also an mp3 player without mentioning the 100 song cap. And when you call the tech support for Motorola or Itunes, they both say they have NOTHING to do with the limit and it's the "other guy" who imposes the limit. This must be the corporate response. How slimy!
pc Windows XP

Well, i cant understand it from a user point of view. Its a company telling me what i can and cant do with my property. I own this SLVR and i own the music i want to put on it (some of it even purchased from apple.) I just called tech support and (obviously) they couldnt offer tech support for the SLVR but when i asked them about itunes they said it would cost 50 dollars to raise an issue/ask a question. Thats right... 50 dollars to ask a question about free software. It just doesnt make any sense. The worst part is i actually just purchased a 5g 60gb ipod recently and had ongoing video problems nobody wanted to address. I think the best thing for me to do is to round up all my Apple ipods, phones, cases, cords, car-kits and head-phones (as well as their reciepts) and decide if it is worth the headaches.

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    jayne_cobb wrote:
    My concern with this is I also want to be able to manage my songs manually on my IOS Devices. Will I still be able to sync my iPhone to my iMac at home and just add one or two songs?
    Simply do not enable iTunes Match on the iOS devices and syncing behavior will not change.
    jayne_cobb wrote:
    Are the songs on my iMac still there?
    Yes. The files on the computer are not touched.
    jayne_cobb wrote:
    I guess it all comes down to this. iTunes works perfect for me right now. When I add songs to my iMac, when I sync to iPhone or iPad. I really only want this so I can listen from the cloud on my Air.....but if it changes how I do everything else. I'm less sure I want this.
    Enable iTM on the MBA and  you will be able to stream from the cloud as long as you have a network connection.

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    Well, i cant understand it from a user point of view. Its a company telling me what i can and cant do with my property. I own this SLVR and i own the music i want to put on it (some of it even purchased from apple.) I just called tech support and (obviously) they couldnt offer tech support for the SLVR but when i asked them about itunes they said it would cost 50 dollars to raise an issue/ask a question. Thats right... 50 dollars to ask a question about free software. It just doesnt make any sense. The worst part is i actually just purchased a 5g 60gb ipod recently and had ongoing video problems nobody wanted to address. I think the best thing for me to do is to round up all my Apple ipods, phones, cases, cords, car-kits and head-phones (as well as their reciepts) and decide if it is worth the headaches.

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    A bunch of MacWorld advice suggested that it would leave the tunes on there that were there already.
    http://www.macworld.com/article/163607/2011/11/toggle_between_itunes_match_and_l ocal_syncing.html
    Always pays to believe what you read.

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    java -classpath ORACLE_HOME_DIR\discoverer\lib\disco-config.jar;ORACLE_HOME_DIR\oui\jlib\OraInstaller.jar;ORACLE_HOME_DIR\opmn\lib\iasprovision.jar -Djava.library.path=ORACLE_HOME_DIR\oui\lib\win32 oracle.disco.install.config.DiscoUtil -oraclehome ORACLE_HOME_DIR -tnsadmin TNS_ADMIN_DIR
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    Your podcast is in the iTunes Store:
    You also have another podcast with the same title at
    using a feed at http://thislittleparent.podbean.com/feed

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    - IE 8
    - Itunes
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    thank you for the help

    You need to first disable your antivirus and security programs and see if you can load the itunes store then. If so you know its antivirus blocking you.
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  • Calling an RFC without the code being present on the destination system

    Hi All,
    Here is my problem.
    I want to execute a piece of code on a system from a program currently running on another system,
    get the data and return back.
    E.G. I am having a subroutine on development system. Let's say there is a select query inside the subroutine to get PARTNER from BUT000 based on certain parameters. The program should call an RFC get the data for the select query from the Production system and return the result back to the development system.
    Please note : Here, I don't want to write the same piece of code on the production system.
    <b>Is there any function module for the same or any idea on how to go about it.</b>
    <b>Helpful answers would be rewarded.</b>
    Amit Mishra

    Sending system side(SEND--800)
    Create function module by using Tcode SE37 or SE80
    goto attributes select remote function
    Receiving system side(RECE--000)
    goto Tcode SM59
    here select the R/3 Connections-->click on Create Button
    give RFC Desstination : TESTRFC
         Connection Type  : 3 for Connecting two systems
         Description      : Some meaningful Description
    Press enter
    give Target system Name : SEND
              Language      : EN
              Client        : 800
              user Name     : sapuser
              Password      : xxxxxx
    save this connections & click on test connections(f8)
                          & Remote logon(f7)---> it will open a session
                            with client 800 that is your sending system
                            then only your RFC is correct
    create a report in SE38 Tcode
    data : c1 type i.
    data : itab like mara occurs 0 with header line.
    call function 'ZRFCFM' destination 'TESTRFC' --->Function Module 'ZRFCFM' your just create at Sending system
    Thanks & regards

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    You are not addressing Apple here. We are all just users like yourself
    No app on the iOS device is required.                           
    - If you previously turned on FIndMyiPod/iPhone/iPad on the iOS device in Settings>iCloud and wifi is on and connected or cellular data is on and connected for, on a computer browser go to iCloud: Find My iPhone, sign in and go to FIndMyiPhone. If the iPod has been restored it will never show up or continue to show off-line.
    - You can also wipe/erase the iOS device and have the device play a sound via iCloud.
    iCloud: Erase your device
    iCloud: Use Lost Mode
    - If not shown, then you will have to use the old fashioned way, like if you lost a wallet or purse.
    - Change the passwords for all accounts used on the device and report to police and carrier if iPhone or cellular iPad
    - There is no way to prevent someone from restoring the erase (it erases it) using it unless you had iOS 7 or later on the device. With iOS 7 or later, one has to enter the Apple ID and password to restore the device.
    - Apple will do nothing without a court order                                               
    Reporting a lost or stolen Apple product                                              
    - iOS: How to find the serial number, IMEI, MEID, CDN, and ICCID number

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    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on? Background information for now. Is it fully activated so that you are not getting Buy or Continue Tryout every time you open the program?
    What are you trying to remove the Adobe watermark from - a project file (project.prel) from the tryout or an export from the tryout?
    You cannot remove the Adobe watermark from an export from the tryout, be the export an export to a file saved to the computer hard drive or a burn to disc.
    You should be able to remove the Adobe watermark from a project file (project.prel) created in the tryout by opening that project.prel in the purchased product and then the Timeline Menu/Delete Rendered Files. Some of us have found that just opening the tryout project file in the purchased product automatically removes the Adobe watermark.
    Please give us more details on your situation.
    Thank you.

  • I keep getting "could not complete your iTunes  store request. the iTunes store is temporarily unavailable" at the tail end of trying to sync all my music to MATCH.

    can someone please help with this? thank you!

    Called iTunes support with the same problem this evening after renewing iMatch.  iTunes support connected me to Apple Support.  Helpful people everywhere, but no one seems to know how to fix the problem.  From what I am seeing above, there is a glitch in the most recent OS X Yosemite update that keeps iMatch from working correctly with iTunes.  I received a message that most of my podcast library is not available.  I didn't check on exactly how much music &/or podcasts were missing but about 40 % of my podcasts are still available.  Apple needs to make sure their software actually works with the rest of their software before they release updates!

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    I'm assuming that my MacBook won't start because it's been spilled on... It's happened once before and when I brought it in, all that was needed was a battery replacement. I have a brand new MacBook Pro and all I really want is my pictures, videos, music & other documents from my old MacBook.. Is there a way of getting all of that without buying a new battery, and then using Mavericks to switch over everything? A friend suggested that I just get all of it from the hard drive, but I don't really know much about that. Help?

    If you can take the computer to somewhere or someone who has a known-good battery, and if the MacBook is dry, you could tell in quick order if a replacement battery would be worth it. Likely, you won't have been as fortunate more than once; electricity and water don't mix well, and short circuited or fried electronics result.
    {There used to be a way to access one Mac from another if you could get the bad one to boot into Target Disk mode, but Intel-based macs didn't always work; they both needed FireWire ports & correct cable. If In an enclosure, you may be able to use a migration assistant utility.}
    An authorized service tech with Apple certification in portable computers should be able to remove the internal hard disk drive, install it into an external enclosure, & test it, for a fee; once in an enclosure it may be accessed to see if the hard drive's data files on the drive, or at least sees them. Labor + parts?
    Once the hard disk drive is removed, your user files would still have whatever account password protection needed to access them, but there are ways to migrate data from drives into another computer; in some cases the information on this may be tilted toward using a device you don't have, such as a Time Machine. If the data had been backed up on a Time Machine, it may have been possible to get it from that device using a method available in a Support article and put directly into another Mac.
    If the computer has failed due to contact with moisture or a drink pouring over it, more than once, it may require more than a new battery to see if it'd work well enough to run and get data from its hard disk drive. You may pay quite a bit of money to have someone do anything at all.
    How long ago did the MacBook get wet again? If several weeks ago, it may be dry inside. But may be damaged and the main logic board short-circuited or toast. So, it may not work even with the MagSafe attached due to other damages beyond a new battery. That could be a waste of money to buy one.
    There are repair guides at http://ifixit.com which may help you determine if you can extract the HDD from the failed MacBook, but even then you'd have to install it into a suitable USB enclosure to gain access to data. Some drive enclosures already have a hard disk drive inside, so try and get one that would work with the MacBook's SATA hard disk drive, and with no HDD installed. One less thing to do.
    So I know only enough about it to be dangerous.
    And to troubleshoot the old MacBook may not
    be worth the cost, if logicboard now is toasted.
    Maybe someone else can say it direct w/ less words? LOL
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    is there any to deleate songs from the iphone than from itunes, a real pain

    You can't delete it directly from the phone unless you erase all of the content off the phone.  You don't need to delete it from your iTunes library, but it does need to be connected to iTunes to remove the song(s) from the phone.

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