WE57 - for inbound transactions, outbound transactions, or both?

Can anyone tell me if WE57 is used for inbound transactions only or is it used for both inbound & outboud? It seems in the documentation I have looked at, it states it is only for inbound.  Why, then, when I try to create a new entry in WE57, does it ask for a direction (inbound or outbond)?
Any help would be great because I'm getting confused...thank you!!

The documentaiton below is very misleading then.  Do you know why it only mentions WE57 for direct inbound?

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    Sorry to be rude but the last answer is not quite correct.
    You do create the TO but one of the point missing is that once the product has been located you must confirm the TO
    Once this is done and you 'post goode receipt; in VL32N then that is it. There is no MIGO transcation required.
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    I think this is due to the underlying mechanism of weblogic classloading..
    You can contact oracle support @ https://support.oracle.com to report issues. Roughly this is the process .
    1- get the Oracle Customer Support Identifier (CSI) for the client you are working for.
    2- Create a user profile quoting the CSI. This will send an approval request to oracle support admins at your client.
    3- Get the oracle support admins at your client site to approve your request for support access.
    4-Once they approve , you can access the support site and raise service requests.

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    Blog |
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    As you begin to experiment with web services you should take a look at SoapUI. It is a freeware program that makes it a breeze to test both inbound an outbound web service calls. The bonus is that it can also be used to trace what HTTP is going back and forth along with giving you the ability to chain calls together. That is particularly useful for example if you are learning how to do web service calls within the context of a session. http://www.soapui.com/

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    Registered Inbound Service should work either from 'XAI Dynamic Submission' or 'XAI Submission'.
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    3 - BDC code for VL31N  tx.
    Edited by: Srinivas on Jul 29, 2008 1:47 PM

    1 - Is this VL31N is Okay for BDC, bcoz, some where I red that, since its a ENJOY tx, its NOT recommended?
    yes you can do that .
    2 - Is there any other FM, BAPI to create INBOUND deliveries from POs, which can take care of BATCH SPLIT functionality?
    using BDC we can achieve the  Barch split functionality.
    3 - BDC code for VL31N tx.
    Record using SHDB it will give you.

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    Hi Heena...
    please check the fields present corresponding to the messagetype "HRMD_A" in trnsaction BD52. keep only the reuired fields and delete the remaining fields in BD52 trnsaction. if any changes happened in the required fields then change pointers will trigger an idoc. So, please check the fields present in BD52 transaction.
    please let me know if you need any clarifications further.

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