Weblogic.ejbc compiler

Hi, i've a problem with the boot of the entity beans.
My entity beans extends a class in which there is a definition of a public variable Long which there isn't defined in the bean but it is in the ejb-jar.xml as cmp-field and in the weblogic-ejb-extensions as attribute map.
The weblogic.ejbc -i ejb-jar.xml -x weblogic-ejb-extensions.xml doesn't give me exception, but when i boot the application (tmboot -y) i've this log :
ERROR: While deploying bean it.sella.anagrafe.evento.EventoEJB
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: id
174943.dcsv01!JavaServer.7981: main: EJB_CAT:28: ERROR: While deploying bean it.sella.anagrafe.evento.EventoEJB
: The EJB Container received weblogic.ejb.common.DeploymentException: EJB_CAT:28: ERROR: While deploying bean
it.sella.anagrafe.evento.EventoEJB :
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: id while setting container managed persistence.
Could you help me?

Mary Ann Slavin <[email protected]> wrote:
Error 28 indicates that there is a problem with the deployment descriptor. Check that -- ERROR 28: Make sure the deployable JAR contains a compliant deployment descriptor.
There are following the two xml files, The EventoBean class, the EntityBeanAdapter class extended by EventoBean and the primary key class DefaultPK
This is, i think,the better way to an help.
The problem is in the boot of the application( the same works fine with WLS5.1)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1//EN' 'http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/ejb-jar_1_1.dtd'>
<!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-extensions SYSTEM "weblogic-ejb-extensions.dtd" >
<!-- <max-beans-in-free-pool>20</max-beans-in-free-pool>-->
<!-- <max-beans-in-cache>1000</max-beans-in-cache>-->
<!-- JNDI name that is associated with this EJB;used for lookup -->
<!-- This is CMP EJB. Specify persistence information -->
<!-- Pool name is looked up by the EJB source -->
<!-- Default password URL is for Oracle 8i-->
<!-- Default driver URL is for Oracle 8i,
and default instance Beq-Local is used
<!-- Default user URL is for Oracle 8i-->
<!-- CMP Fields and database table column mapping-->
<!-- Finder Specifications -->
Find method to get accounts with balance over the parameter.
findBySoggettoId(Long long1)
(= soggettoId $long1)
EventoBean class
package it.sella.anagrafe.evento;
import it.sella.ejb.EntityBeanAdapter;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
public class EventoBean extends EntityBeanAdapter
public Long soggettoId;
public Long compatibleInstanceId;
public Long compatibleTypeId;
public String value;
public Timestamp dateValue;
public Long rightPk;
public EventoBean()
protected Long getCounterInitVal()
return new Long(1000L);
public Timestamp getDateValue()
throws RemoteException
return dateValue;
public Long getInstanceId()
throws RemoteException
return compatibleInstanceId;
public Long getRightPk()
throws RemoteException
return rightPk;
public Long getSoggettoId()
throws RemoteException
return soggettoId;
public Long getTypeId()
throws RemoteException
return compatibleTypeId;
public String getValue()
throws RemoteException
return value;
public void setDateValue(Timestamp timestamp)
throws RemoteException
dateValue = timestamp;
public void setInstanceId(Long long1)
throws RemoteException
compatibleInstanceId = long1;
public void setRightPk(Long long1)
throws RemoteException
rightPk = long1;
public void setSoggettoId(Long long1)
throws RemoteException
soggettoId = long1;
public void setTypeId(Long long1)
throws RemoteException
compatibleTypeId = long1;
public void setValue(String s)
throws RemoteException
value = s;
EntityBeanAdapter class
package it.sella.ejb;
import it.sella.ejb.counter.Counter;
import it.sella.ejb.counter.CounterGenerationException;
import it.sella.ejb.counter.CounterHome;
import it.sella.ejb.counter.CounterPK;
import it.sella.ejb.link.ILink;
import java.beans.*;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
// Referenced classes of package it.sella.ejb:
// EnterpriseBeanAdapter, IEJBView, IEJBEntityObject, DefaultPK,
// IEntityBean, IPrimaryKey
public abstract class EntityBeanAdapter extends EnterpriseBeanAdapter
implements IEntityBean
public Long id;
private EntityContext entityContext;
private transient boolean isModified;
private static transient String counterHomeName = "CounterHome";
private static transient CounterHome counterHome;
private transient boolean beanRemovable;
private transient Counter counter;
private Class ejbViewClass;
public EntityBeanAdapter()
beanRemovable = false;
protected Long getCounterInitVal()
return new Long(-1L);
public void ejbActivate()
throws RemoteException
log(3, "ejbActivate (" + this + ")");
public void ejbLoad()
throws RemoteException
log(3, "ejbLoad: (" + this + ")");
public IPrimaryKey ejbCreate(IEJBView ejbView)
throws RemoteException, CreateException
log(3, "ejbCreate: (" + this + ") from (" + ejbView + ")");
return getPrimaryKey();
public void ejbPostCreate(IEJBView ejbView)
throws RemoteException, CreateException
log(3, "ejbPostCreate: (" + this + ") from (" + ejbView + ")");
public IPrimaryKey ejbCreate()
throws RemoteException, CreateException
System.out.println("inside ejbCreate");
log(3, "ejbCreate: (" + this + ")");
System.out.println("After setPrimaryKeyID in EBA");
System.out.println("before defaultvalue setting in EBA with pk val" + getPrimaryKeyID().toString());
System.out.println("before return in ejbCreate() in EBA with pk val" + getPrimaryKeyID().toString());
return getPrimaryKey();
public void ejbPostCreate()
throws RemoteException, CreateException
log(3, "ejbPostCreate: (" + this + ")");
public void setAttributesWithDefaultValues()
throws CreateException
public void setAttributesFromEJBView(IEJBView ejbView)
throws CreateException
catch(InvocationTargetException e)
throw new CreateException(e.getMessage());
catch(IntrospectionException e)
throw new CreateException(e.getMessage());
catch(IllegalAccessException e)
throw new CreateException(e.getMessage());
protected void setEJBEntityPropertiesFromEJBView(IEJBView ejbView)
throws IllegalAccessException, IntrospectionException, InvocationTargetException
Class ejbViewClass = ejbView.getClass();
BeanInfo ejbViewInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(ejbViewClass);
PropertyDescriptor ejbViewProps[] = ejbViewInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
for(int n = 0; n < ejbViewProps.length; n++)
Method ejbViewGetMethod = ejbViewProps[n].getReadMethod();
if(ejbViewGetMethod == null)
StringBuffer setMethodName = (new StringBuffer("set")).append(ejbViewProps[n].getName());
setMethodName.setCharAt(3, Character.toUpperCase(setMethodName.charAt(3)));
Method ejbEntityObjectSetMethod = getClass().getMethod(setMethodName.toString(), new Class[] {
Object args[] = new Object[1];
args[0] = ejbViewGetMethod.invoke(ejbView, new Object[0]);
ejbEntityObjectSetMethod.invoke(this, args);
log(3, "method " + setMethodName);
catch(NoSuchMethodException e)
log(3, "NoSuchMethodException: " + e.getMessage());
protected void setEJBViewPropertiesFromEJBEntity(IEJBView ejbView)
throws IllegalAccessException, IntrospectionException, InvocationTargetException
Class ejbViewClass = ejbView.getClass();
BeanInfo ejbViewInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(ejbViewClass);
PropertyDescriptor ejbViewProps[] = ejbViewInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
for(int n = 0; n < ejbViewProps.length; n++)
Method ejbViewSetMethod = ejbViewProps[n].getWriteMethod();
if(ejbViewSetMethod == null)
StringBuffer getMethodName = (new StringBuffer("get")).append(ejbViewProps[n].getName());
getMethodName.setCharAt(3, Character.toUpperCase(getMethodName.charAt(3)));
Method ejbEntityObjectGetMethod = getClass().getMethod(getMethodName.toString(), new Class[0]);
Object args[] = new Object[1];
args[0] = ejbEntityObjectGetMethod.invoke(this, new Object[0]);
ejbViewSetMethod.invoke(ejbView, args);
log(3, "method " + getMethodName);
catch(NoSuchMethodException e)
log(3, e.getMessage());
public void ejbPassivate()
throws RemoteException
log(3, "ejbPassivate (" + this + ")");
public void ejbRemove()
throws RemoveException, RemoteException
log(3, "ejbRemove (" + this + ")");
log(3, "<EBA>In ejbRemove : Bean is removable -> going to remove the linked beans(if any)");
log(3, "<EBA>In ejbRemove : links are removed(if any)");
} else
throw new RemoveException("Could not Remove EJBean. Possible Cause -> IsBeanRemovable env-entry Property for this bean or its linked beans(Aggregated) in their ejb-jar xml file not set or set as False");
public void ejbStore()
throws RemoteException
log(3, "ejbStore (" + this + ")");
public final boolean isModified()
return isModified;
public final void setModified(boolean modified)
isModified = modified;
protected final EntityContext getEntityContext()
return entityContext;
public final void setEntityContext(EntityContext context)
throws RemoteException
InitialContext ctx = null;
log(3, "setEntityContext (" + this + ")");
entityContext = context;
log(3, "In setEntityContext - context set and = " + entityContext.toString());
ctx = new InitialContext();
String beanRemovableFlag = (String)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/isBeanRemovable");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not take the environment entry for IsBeanRemovable ");
catch(NamingException ne)
log(3, "Naming Exception Default Exception");
catch(Exception exception1) { }
public final void unsetEntityContext()
throws RemoteException
log(3, "unsetEntityContext (" + this + ")");
entityContext = null;
protected String getEJBViewClassName(IEntityBean entity)
String ejbEntityClassName = entity.getClass().getName();
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(ejbEntityClassName);
tmp.replace(ejbEntityClassName.lastIndexOf("Bean"), ejbEntityClassName.length(), "View");
return tmp.toString();
private Class getEJBViewClass(IEntityBean entity)
throws ClassNotFoundException
if(ejbViewClass == null)
ejbViewClass = Class.forName(getEJBViewClassName(entity), true, entity.getClass().getClassLoader());
return ejbViewClass;
public final IEJBView getEJBView()
IEJBView ejbView;
ejbView = (IEJBView)getEJBViewClass(this).newInstance();
catch(Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
return ejbView;
public final String getEJBViewString()
return getEJBView().toString();
public String toString()
return super.toString();
public final IEJBEntityObject getEJBObject()
return (IEJBEntityObject)getEntityContext().getEJBObject();
private Counter getCounter()
throws CounterGenerationException
if(counter == null)
counter = (Counter)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(getCounterHome().findByPrimaryKey(new CounterPK(getHomeInterfaceClassName())), Class.forName("it.sella.ejb.counter.Counter"));
catch(RemoteException nex)
throw new CounterGenerationException("Remote exception in getCounter() during findByPrimaryKey" + nex.getLocalizedMessage());
catch(NamingException nex)
throw new CounterGenerationException("Naming exception in getCounter() during findByPrimaryKey" + nex.getLocalizedMessage());
catch(FinderException fex)
counter = (Counter)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(getCounterHome().create(getHomeInterfaceClassName(), getCounterInitVal()), Class.forName("it.sella.ejb.counter.Counter"));
catch(CreateException cex)
throw new CounterGenerationException("Create exception in getCounter() during create - Counter could not be created!!!" + cex.getLocalizedMessage());
catch(RemoteException nex)
throw new CounterGenerationException("Remote exception in getCounter() during create - Counter could not be created!!!" + nex.getLocalizedMessage());
catch(NamingException nex)
throw new CounterGenerationException("Naming exception in getCounter() - during create - Counter could not be created!!!" + nex.getLocalizedMessage());
return counter;
private static CounterHome getCounterHome()
throws NamingException
if(counterHome == null)
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
counterHome = (CounterHome)ctx.lookup(counterHomeName);
return counterHome;
private Long getNextId()
throws CounterGenerationException
Long long1 = getCounter().getNextId();
return long1;
catch(RemoteException nex)
throw new CounterGenerationException("Remote exception while calling counter.getNextId()" + nex.getLocalizedMessage());
public IPrimaryKey getPrimaryKey()
System.out.println("in getPrimaryKey():" + getPrimaryKeyID());
return new DefaultPK(getPrimaryKeyID());
private void setPrimaryKey(IPrimaryKey pk)
throws IllegalAccessException
throw new IllegalAccessException("This method cannot be called directly.");
private String getHomeInterfaceClassName()
throws RemoteException
return getEntityContext().getEJBHome().getEJBMetaData().getHomeInterfaceClass().getName();
public Long getPrimaryKeyID()
System.out.println("id in getPrimaryKeyId :" + id);
return id;
private void setPrimaryKeyID(Long id)
System.out.println("<<Eba>>setPrimaryKeyID:" + id.toString());
this.id = id;
public String getCounterHomeName()
return counterHomeName;
private void setCounterHomeName(String newCounterHomeName)
counterHomeName = newCounterHomeName;
private Collection getLinks()
throws RemoveException
String prefix = "get";
String suffix = "Link";
Vector links = new Vector();
Method beanMethods[] = null;
beanMethods = getClass().getMethods();
for(int i = 0; i < beanMethods.length; i++)
log(3, "<EBA> beanMethods: " + beanMethods.getName());
if(beanMethods[i].getName().endsWith(suffix) && beanMethods[i].getName().startsWith(prefix))
ILink curLink = (ILink)beanMethods[i].invoke(this, null);
log(3, "<EBA> ILink object " + curLink);
catch(Exception e)
log(3, "<EBA> Error in in getLinks()-> " + e.getMessage());
throw new RemoveException("Error in in getLinks()" + e.getMessage());
return links;
protected boolean isBeanRemovable()
return beanRemovable;
private void setBeanRemovable(boolean removeFlag)
beanRemovable = removeFlag;
private void removeLinks()
throws RemoveException
log(3, "<EBA> in removeLinks() -> before getLinks()");
Collection links = getLinks();
log(3, "<EBA> in removeLinks() -> linked objects exists");
ILink linkToDestroy;
for(Iterator it = links.iterator(); it.hasNext(); linkToDestroy.destroyLink())
linkToDestroy = (ILink)it.next();
DefaultPK class
package it.sella.ejb;
// Referenced classes of package it.sella.ejb:
// IPrimaryKey
public class DefaultPK
implements IPrimaryKey
public Long id;
public DefaultPK()
public DefaultPK(Long id)
public Long getId()
return id;
protected void setId(Long id)
this.id = id;
public String toString()
return "Id=" + getId();
public int hashCode()
return getId() == null ? 0 : getId().hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if(obj != null && (obj instanceof DefaultPK))
return getId() != null && getId().equals(((DefaultPK)obj).getId());
return false;

Similar Messages

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    Tried to deploy the entity bean[CMP] with the following folder structure.
    examples [package]
    created a jar..with the following command
    1.jar cvf rgegcmp.jar examples META-INF
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    is it indicating an error in my code(bean); .....
    i dont know how to fix the error.
    find the deployments descriptors which i have written for deployment.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC
    '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 7.0.0 EJB//EN'
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE ejb-jar PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN"
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    <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM ProductBean AS a WHERE description
    = ?1]]>
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    <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM ProductBean AS a WHERE basePrice >
    <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM ProductBean AS a WHERE basePrice < ?1]]>
    <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM ProductBean AS a WHERE productID
    IS NOT NULL]]>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-rdbms-jar PUBLIC
    '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 7.0.0 EJB RDBMS Persistence//EN'

    If you can have a look at a cmp example in the samples that ship with the server. My guess is that the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file is missing the <persistence-use> element which for 810 would look like:
    I seem to recall that the elements might be slightly different in structure for the wls700 version of the DTD, so please check that (I cannot, I'm at home and don't have everything here).
    Give that a try and see if it doesn't solve your compilation failure.
    Also, the compilation should not be throwing a null pointer exception in a case like that, I consider that to be a bug.

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    WARNING: Checking to see if there is anything new to build...
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    [Info:] Creating C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\/wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build/../wlw_ejb_crc//ejbgentemp\Book\BookHome.java
    [Info:] Creating C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\/wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build/../wlw_ejb_crc//ejbgentemp\META-INF\ejb-jar.xml
    [Info:] null [Bean] MAKE CLASS NAME G:BookHome P:Book N:BookHome
    [Info:] null [Bean] MAKE CLASS NAME G:Book P:Book N:Book
    [Info:] Creating C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\/wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build/../wlw_ejb_crc//ejbgentemp\META-INF\weblogic-ejb-jar.xml
    [Info:] Creating C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\/wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build/../wlw_ejb_crc//ejbgentemp\META-INF\weblogic-cmp-rdbms-jar.xml
    [Info:] Creating C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\/wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build/../wlw_ejb_crc//ejbgentemp\ejbgen-build.xml
    Copying 7 files to C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build
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    Compiling 3 source files to C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build
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    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:76: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class BookBean
    location: interface Book.Book
    public final class Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS extends Book.BookBean
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:760: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book_5wlu3i_Intf
    location: interface Book.Book
    Book.Book_5wlu3i_Intf beanIntf)
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i_Intf.java:39: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book_5wlu3i_Intf
    location: interface Book.Book
    (java.sql.ResultSet rs, java.lang.Integer offset, Object __WL_pk, Book.Book_5wlu3i_Intf var)
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i_ELOImpl.java:15: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book
    location: interface Book.Book
    implements Book.Book, weblogic.utils.PlatformConstants, java.io.Serializable
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i_LocalHomeImpl.java:13: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class BookHome
    location: interface Book.Book
    implements Book.BookHome, weblogic.utils.PlatformConstants
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i_LocalHomeImpl.java:76: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book
    location: interface Book.Book
    public Book.Book create (java.lang.Integer arg0)
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i_LocalHomeImpl.java:101: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book
    location: interface Book.Book
    public Book.Book findByPrimaryKey(java.lang.Integer arg0)
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:244: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:257: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:269: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:490: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    location: interface Book.Book
    Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = null;
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:566: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    location: interface Book.Book
    __WL_bean = (Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)__WL_pm.getBeanFromRS(__WL_pk, __WL_rsInfo);
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:763: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    location: interface Book.Book
    Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = (Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)beanIntf;
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:763: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    location: interface Book.Book
    Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS __WL_bean = (Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)beanIntf;
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:922: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:936: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:950: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1051: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    location: interface Book.Book
    case 0: __WL_loadGroup0FromRS(rs, offset, __WL_pk, (Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS)eb); break;
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1167: reference to + is ambiguous, both method +(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) in and method +(java.lang.String,int) in match
    if(__WL_verbose) Debug.say("setting("+this+") 'author' using column " __WL_num ". Value is " + this.author);
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1178: reference to + is ambiguous, both method +(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) in and method +(java.lang.String,int) in match
    if(__WL_verbose) Debug.say("setting("+this+") 'isbn' using column " __WL_num ". Value is " + this.isbn);
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1189: reference to + is ambiguous, both method +(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) in and method +(java.lang.String,int) in match
    if(__WL_verbose) Debug.say("setting("+this+") 'name' using column " __WL_num ". Value is " + this.name);
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1200: reference to + is ambiguous, both method +(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) in and method +(java.lang.String,int) in match
    if(__WL_verbose) Debug.say("setting("+this+") 'publisher' using column " __WL_num ". Value is " + this.publisher);
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1663: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    super.ejbCreate( arg0);
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1702: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    super.ejbPostCreate( arg0);
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1847: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1907: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:1938: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS.java:2072: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : variable super
    location: class Book.Book_5wlu3i__WebLogic_CMP_RDBMS
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i_LocalHomeImpl.java:80: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book
    location: interface Book.Book
    return (Book.Book) super.create(md_ejbCreate_I,
    C:\DOCUME~1\NICHOL~1.LAB\LOCALS~1\Temp\wlw_LibraryEJBProject_build\Book\Book_5wlu3i_LocalHomeImpl.java:105: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : class Book
    location: interface Book.Book
    return (Book.Book)
    30 errors
    ERROR: ERROR: Error from ejbc: Compiler failed executable.exec
    ERROR: ERROR: ejbc couldn't invoke compiler
    ERROR: ERROR: Error from ejbc: Compiler failed executable.exec
    ERROR: ERROR: ejbc couldn't invoke compiler
    What would be the cause of the error, would it be related to the way I create the datasource and the table? Or other causes, please help. Thank you.
    Nicholas Lok

    It's difficult to tell solely by the messages. One there seems to be a problem finding a base class. One thing that I notice is that the package seems to contain 'book' with a lower case 'b' as in:
    EJB name: BookBean.EJB under LibraryEJBProject\book
    Whereas all the error messages are saying that they are having trouble finding something with a package name like 'Book' with a capital 'B'.
    Perhaps that is the problem, the package has to be consistently 'book' or 'Book' and can't be both.
    Hope I'm right and hope this helps.

  • Urgent pls ! Error during Container code generation using weblogic.ejbc

    HI all,
    Iam using weblogic6.1 and EJB 2.0. I have to communicate session and entity ejb's and iam using local interfaces for entity beans and access the entity beans thru session ejb's. After creating my programs and jar files, when i use java weblogic.ejbc code.jar Containercode.jar, i get the following error....
    --------- Error -------------
    0: cannot resolve symbol
    symbol : constructor EJBException (java.lang.String,java.lang.Exception)
    location: class javax.ejb.EJBException
    throw new javax.ejb.EJBException("Unexpected exception in " +
    1 errors
    Exec failed .. exiting
    Can anyone say why this error is occuring......

    In J2EE 1.3, EJBException added a third constructor of the form:
    EJBException(java.lang.String, java.lang.Exception)
    WebLogic contains a file called j2ee12.jar in the lib directory that when placed in front of the classpath, disables J2EE 1.3 features and replaces them with J2EE 1.2. In J2EE 1.2 this constructor did not exist.
    So in order to compile using J2EE 1.3 features, you must make sure that j2ee12.jar is not in your classpath.

  • Error running weblogic.ejbc with Toplink 10G

    I'm making some tests in order to move to Weblogic 8.1 and Toplink 10g in the near future, but I'm having some problems with my tests:
    I have built a simple entity bean based on the AccountBean used in the singlebean example from Oracle and I'm seeing this error:
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception [EJB - 10036]: Error during code generation: [Exception [TOPLINK-14016] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException
    Exception Description: An error occurred while setting up the project: [Exception [TOPLINK-43] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: Missing class for indicator field value [toplink:ejbql-call] of type [class java.lang.String].
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.queryframework.Call --> [DatabaseTable(call)])]
    Internal Exception: Exception [TOPLINK-43] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: Missing class for indicator field value [toplink:ejbql-call] of type [class java.lang.String].
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.queryframework.Call --> [DatabaseTable(call)])]
    server stacktrace is:
    Local Exception Stack:
    Exception [TOPLINK-14016] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException
    Exception Description: An error occurred while setting up the project: [Exception [TOPLINK-43] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: Missing class for indicator field value [toplink:ejbql-call] of type [class java.lang.String].
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.queryframework.Call --> [DatabaseTable(call)])]
    Internal Exception: Exception [TOPLINK-43] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: Missing class for indicator field value [toplink:ejbql-call] of type [class java.lang.String].
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.queryframework.Call --> [DatabaseTable(call)])
    at oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException.errorCreatingProject(DeploymentException.java:111)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.CmpProjectReader.readProject(CmpProjectReader.java:76)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.ProjectDeployment.readProject(ProjectDeployment.java:219)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.ProjectDeployment.getProject(ProjectDeployment.java:208)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.PersistenceManagerBase.generateBeanSubclass(PersistenceManagerBase.java:176)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.wls.WlsCMPCodeGenerator.codeGenSubclass(WlsCMPCodeGenerator.java:51)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.processAt(CodeGenerator.java:648)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.parse(CodeGenerator.java:587)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.parse(CodeGenerator.java:519)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generateCode(CodeGenerator.java:336)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(CodeGenerator.java:238)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(CodeGenerator.java:197)
    at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJB20CMPCompiler.generatePersistenceSources(EJB20CMPCompiler.java:88)
    at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.doCompile(EJBCompiler.java:245)
    at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.compileEJB(EJBCompiler.java:476)
    at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.compileEJB(EJBCompiler.java:397)
    at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(ejbc20.java:519)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:146)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:103)
    at weblogic.ejbc.main(ejbc.java:29)
    This is the part of the XML that I think causes the problem:
    <opm:query name="findMessageByMessageKey" xsi:type="toplink:read-object-query">
    <opm:argument name="1">
    <opm:argument name="2">
    <toplink:call xsi:type="toplink:ejbql-call">
    <toplink:ejbql>SELECT OBJECT(menssage) FROM MessageBean message WHERE menssage.codMessage = ?1 AND mensaje.codIdiom = ?2</toplink:ejbql>
    Of course I don't see any problem with it.
    After that I tried to run the examples but I'm seing the same error.
    I must say that I'm not using the ANT scripts but doing it "by hand" building classes and making the naked jar for the bean in order to run ejbc on it, I'm pretty confident I am not missing anything.
    I would like to know where the "ejbql-call" definition is as I have tried to find it with a grep in all the Toplink structure tree with no success. It is not clear to me how the xsd processor would find it's definition with just the: xmlns:toplink="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ias/xsds/toplink" instruction present in the header of my Message.xml file (modified based on the Account.xml of the examples).
    I'm using Sun's JDK 1.4.2 and my $CLASSPATH is:
    Any idea?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks I tried it and I don't get no more that message. Instead I get this stack trace:
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception [EJB - 10036]: Error during code generation: [Exception [TOPLINK-14016] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException
    Exception Description: An error occurred while setting up the project: [Exception [TOPLINK-106] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: The method [setAllQueries] on the object is throwing an exception.
    Argument: [[ReadObjectQuery(test.datos.MensajeBean), ReadObjectQuery(test.datos.MensajeBean)]]
    Internal Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    Target Invocation Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Mapping: oracle.toplink.ox.CompositeCollectionMapping[queries]
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DescriptorQueryManager --> [DatabaseTable(query-policy)])]
    Internal Exception: Exception [TOPLINK-106] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: The method [setAllQueries] on the object is throwing an exception.
    Argument: [[ReadObjectQuery(test.datos.MensajeBean), ReadObjectQuery(test.datos.MensajeBean)]]
    Internal Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    Target Invocation Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Mapping: oracle.toplink.ox.CompositeCollectionMapping[queries]
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DescriptorQueryManager --> [DatabaseTable(query-policy)])]
    server stacktrace is:
    Local Exception Stack:
    Exception [TOPLINK-14016] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException
    Exception Description: An error occurred while setting up the project: [Exception [TOPLINK-106] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: The method [setAllQueries] on the object is throwing an exception.
    Argument: [[ReadObjectQuery(test.datos.MensajeBean), ReadObjectQuery(test.datos.MensajeBean)]]
    Internal Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    Target Invocation Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Mapping: oracle.toplink.ox.CompositeCollectionMapping[queries]
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DescriptorQueryManager --> [DatabaseTable(query-policy)])]
    Internal Exception: Exception [TOPLINK-106] (TopLink (WLS CMP) - 10g (10.0.3) Developer Preview (Build 030902.1548)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DescriptorException
    Exception Description: The method [setAllQueries] on the object is throwing an exception.
    Argument: [[ReadObjectQuery(test.datos.MensajeBean), ReadObjectQuery(test.datos.MensajeBean)]]
    Internal Exception: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    Target Invocation Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
    Mapping: oracle.toplink.ox.CompositeCollectionMapping[queries]
    Descriptor: XMLDescriptor(oracle.toplink.publicinterface.DescriptorQueryManager --> [DatabaseTable(query-policy)])
    at oracle.toplink.ejb.DeploymentException.errorCreatingProject(DeploymentException.java:111)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.CmpProjectReader.readProject(CmpProjectReader.java:76)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.ProjectDeployment.readProject(ProjectDeployment.java:219)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.ProjectDeployment.getProject(ProjectDeployment.java:208)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.PersistenceManagerBase.generateBeanSubclass(PersistenceManagerBase.java:176)
    at oracle.toplink.internal.ejb.cmp.wls.WlsCMPCodeGenerator.codeGenSubclass(WlsCMPCodeGenerator.java:51)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.processAt(CodeGenerator.java:648)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.parse(CodeGenerator.java:587)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.parse(CodeGenerator.java:519)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generateCode(CodeGenerator.java:336)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(CodeGenerator.java:238)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(CodeGenerator.java:197)
    at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJB20CMPCompiler.generatePersistenceSources(EJB20CMPCompiler.java:88)
    at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.doCompile(EJBCompiler.java:245)
    at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.compileEJB(EJBCompiler.java:476)
    at weblogic.ejb20.ejbc.EJBCompiler.compileEJB(EJBCompiler.java:397)
    at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(ejbc20.java:519)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:146)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:103)
    at weblogic.ejbc.main(ejbc.java:29)
    What I don't understand is: if examples include that toplink:ejbql-call it should be declared into the xsd isn't it? It will be included in the future (final) release then?
    Thanks again.

  • Exception from weblogic.ejbc trade.jar, help for that please.

    I am using weblogic 7.0.4 and this is the exception thrown out when I use weblogic.ejbc
    to generate container classes before building web services:
    C:\Java\test>java weblogic.ejbc trader.jar
    Exception in thread "main" java.io.InvalidClassException: javax.management.MBean
    AttributeInfo; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 704
    3855487133450673, local class serialVersionUID = 8644704819898565848
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.initNonProxy(ObjectStreamClass.java:454)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:151
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1425)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:151
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1425)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:151
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1425)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1264)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readArray(ObjectInputStream.java:1593)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1261)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:18
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1756)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1264)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:322)
    at weblogic.management.internal.Helper.getMBeanInfo(Helper.java:281)
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.BaseXMLElementMBeanImpl.<init>(BaseXM
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.toplevel.EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.<init
    (EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.java:94)at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processEjbJarXML(DDUtils.java:212)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejbc20.getDescriptorFromJar(ejbc20.java:670)
    at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(ejbc20.java:425)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:126)
    at weblogic.ejbc.main(ejbc.java:29)
    --------------- nested within: ------------------
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: - with nested excepti
    [java.io.InvalidClassException: javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo; local class
    incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 7043855487133450673, local cl
    ass serialVersionUID = 8644704819898565848]
    at weblogic.management.internal.Helper.getMBeanInfo(Helper.java:286)
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.BaseXMLElementMBeanImpl.<init>(BaseXM
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.toplevel.EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.<init
    (EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.java:94)at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processEjbJarXML(DDUtils.java:212)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejbc20.getDescriptorFromJar(ejbc20.java:670)
    at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(ejbc20.java:425)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:126)
    at weblogic.ejbc.main(ejbc.java:29)
    --------------- nested within: ------------------
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationError: No MBeanInfo found for MBe
    an with name = null, type = EJBDescriptor, Class = weblogic.management.descripto
    rs.toplevel.EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl - with nested exception:
    [weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException:  - with nested except
    [java.io.InvalidClassException: javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo; local class
    incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 7043855487133450673, local cl
    ass serialVersionUID = 8644704819898565848]]
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.BaseXMLElementMBeanImpl.<init>(BaseXM
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.toplevel.EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.<init
    (EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.java:94)at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processEjbJarXML(DDUtils.java:212)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejbc20.getDescriptorFromJar(ejbc20.java:670)
    at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(ejbc20.java:425)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:126)
    at weblogic.ejbc.main(ejbc.java:29)

    I don't know...but the good folks that monitor the EJB newsgroup [1]
    would have a better shot at an answer.
    CottonXu wrote:
    I am using weblogic 7.0.4 and this is the exception thrown out when I use weblogic.ejbc
    to generate container classes before building web services:
    C:\Java\test>java weblogic.ejbc trader.jar
    Exception in thread "main" java.io.InvalidClassException: javax.management.MBean
    AttributeInfo; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 704
    3855487133450673, local class serialVersionUID = 8644704819898565848
    at java.io.ObjectStreamClass.initNonProxy(ObjectStreamClass.java:454)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:151
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1425)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:151
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1425)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readNonProxyDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:151
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readClassDesc(ObjectInputStream.java:1425)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1264)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readArray(ObjectInputStream.java:1593)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1261)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.defaultReadFields(ObjectInputStream.java:18
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readSerialData(ObjectInputStream.java:1756)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readOrdinaryObject(ObjectInputStream.java:1
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject0(ObjectInputStream.java:1264)
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream.readObject(ObjectInputStream.java:322)
    at weblogic.management.internal.Helper.getMBeanInfo(Helper.java:281)
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.BaseXMLElementMBeanImpl.<init>(BaseXM
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.toplevel.EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.<init
    (EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.java:94)at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processEjbJarXML(DDUtils.java:212)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejbc20.getDescriptorFromJar(ejbc20.java:670)
    at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(ejbc20.java:425)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:126)
    at weblogic.ejbc.main(ejbc.java:29)
    --------------- nested within: ------------------
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: - with nested excepti
    [java.io.InvalidClassException: javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo; local class
    incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 7043855487133450673, local cl
    ass serialVersionUID = 8644704819898565848]
    at weblogic.management.internal.Helper.getMBeanInfo(Helper.java:286)
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.BaseXMLElementMBeanImpl.<init>(BaseXM
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.toplevel.EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.<init
    (EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.java:94)at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processEjbJarXML(DDUtils.java:212)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejbc20.getDescriptorFromJar(ejbc20.java:670)
    at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(ejbc20.java:425)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:126)
    at weblogic.ejbc.main(ejbc.java:29)
    --------------- nested within: ------------------
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationError: No MBeanInfo found for MBe
    an with name = null, type = EJBDescriptor, Class = weblogic.management.descripto
    rs.toplevel.EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl - with nested exception:
    [weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException:  - with nested except
    [java.io.InvalidClassException: javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo; local class
    incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 7043855487133450673, local cl
    ass serialVersionUID = 8644704819898565848]]
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.<init>(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.XMLElementMBeanDelegate.<init>(XMLEle
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.BaseXMLElementMBeanImpl.<init>(BaseXM
    at weblogic.management.descriptors.toplevel.EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.<init
    (EJBDescriptorMBeanImpl.java:94)at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.processEjbJarXML(DDUtils.java:212)
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejb20.dd.xml.DDUtils.createDescriptorFromJarFile(DDUtils.jav
    at weblogic.ejbc20.getDescriptorFromJar(ejbc20.java:670)
    at weblogic.ejbc20.runBody(ejbc20.java:425)
    at weblogic.utils.compiler.Tool.run(Tool.java:126)
    at weblogic.ejbc.main(ejbc.java:29)

  • WebLogic.ejbc vs weblogic.rmic


    Aseem Rastogi <[email protected]> writes:
    See examples/iiop/ejb/stateless/cppclient for an example of how to get
    this to work. You have to jump through hoops with VisiBroker.
       I have deployed a stateless EJB in WLS6.1sp1 / NT and I am trying to write a CPP
    Visibroker 4.5 client to acces it...
    The steps i took:
    While doing the ejbc i have given the option -idl by using
    java weblogic.ejbc -iiop -idl -idlDirectory d:\idls -idlVerbose -compiler javac
    d:\lib\my.jar -d d:\testjava\my.jar
    This file generates two IDL files xHome.idl and x.idl, x.idl contains the business method
    of my bean
    and xHome contains the ejbCreate method...
    According to documentation i can use weblogic.rmic to get these same idls however when i
    java weblogic.rmic -idl -idlVerbose -idlDirectory .\idls xBean
    It creates an idl which has no business method in it but has all private variables
    defined in my bean....
    I am confused which idl file i should be using....??? as i understand if there is no
    business method in IDL my client can't call those methods on EJB..The first two are the right ones.
    I thought of going another step and try using both the idls one by one and see but
    while compiling the idl by command
    idl2cpp -I . -namespace -gen_included_files -root_dir .\corba x.idl
    i get
    idl2cpp: (warning)::CORBA::Environment declared ("orb.idl", line 28) but never defined
    idl2cpp: (warning)(references to it will be permitted, but no code will be generated for
    this definition)
    idl2cpp:IDL native type ::CORBA::AbstractBase has no known translation; generated code
    will not be valid
    ******************This is a VisiBroker bug - but I think you can safely ignore them.
    The orb.idl i am using is from VisibrokerFor C++ 4.5
    i tried compiling the orb.idl alone but got the same things..
    has anyone else seen this behaviour or i am doing smthg wrong.???andy

  • EJB archive passes ejbc compilation but fails deploy on WLS7

    I'm attempting to migrate several functional
    EJBs from WLS6.1 to WLS7.0. I've made the
    deployment descriptor changes and created an
    archive containing the EJBs. The ejbc compilation
    tool successfully processes the archive so long
    as I don't specify the -iiop option.
    However, the WLS7.0 server fails to deploy
    the archive. No messages or exceptions are
    provided. I've tried deployment both as an ear and jar file. Any clues or suggestions?

    Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
    ken wallis wrote:
    Rob Woollen <[email protected]> wrote:
    ken wallis wrote:
    I'm attempting to migrate several functional
    EJBs from WLS6.1 to WLS7.0. I've made the
    deployment descriptor changes and created an
    archive containing the EJBs. You actually don't need to change any descriptors to migrate from 6.x
    (or even 5.1) to 7.0. Just deploy the ejbs in the new server.
    Of course, many people will upgrade their descriptors to take advantage
    of new 7.0 options, but I'd first ensure your beans work without
    changing anything.I tried deploying the same archive on WLS 7.0 that I've already deployedto WLS
    6.1. It faired exactly the same as the previous version.
    The ejbc compilation
    tool successfully processes the archive so long
    as I don't specify the -iiop option.
    However, the WLS7.0 server fails to deploy
    the archive. No messages or exceptions are
    provided. I've tried deployment both as an ear and jar file. Anyclues or suggestions?
    Hmmm. That's odd. How are you deploying it, and how do you know it
    didn't deploy?
    I've copied the archive into the mydomain directory then used the Adminpages
    to select it for deployment. It works its way to a page stating thatits 'Activating'
    the archive and reports the start time. However, this process neverdisplays
    the end time or returns. Instead, the WLS server merely exits andthe Admin console
    suddenly displays the imfamous 'page not found' page.WLS should never just exit. It sounds like the JVM crashed. Are you
    using the JVM bundled with WLS? What platform are you on? Is there
    core file or any *.log files left over from the jvm?Win 2000 w/ JDK 1.3.1_03 but I've not altered the WLS basic configuration so it
    should still be using its own.
    I attempted to redirect out and err to log files, but nothing gets captured and
    WLS leaves nothing that I've found. I even placed a 'pause' at the bottom of
    the start command file; the WLS window exitted without waiting for it.
    You might also try just copying the jar/ear to the server's applications
    directory. I'd be interested to see if this works.
    I tried. The Admin server never starts.
    I've located the following error message in the mydomain\logs\wl-domain.log,although
    it provides no real information.
    <Sep 13, 2002 5:56:59 PM CDT> <Error> <Deployer> <CI069311> <myserver><ExecuteThread:
    '10' for queue: 'default'> <kernel identity> <> <149233> <Unexpectederror was
    encountered during the deployment process.>
    Incidentally, before I can attempt to restart the WLS, I have to manuallyremove
    the archive from the config.xml.

  • Weblogic.appc compiler for Weblogic 9 and higher version

    We had problem precompiling the jsp's using weblogic.jspc compiler after migrating the project from 8.1 to 9.2. From the edocs weblogic documentation we see that jspc compiler is deprecated from weblogic 9 onwards and they recommend using weblogic.appc for precompiling the jsp's.
    Please note if you are passing runtime expression values in the name attribute of the jsp param tag, you will have to explicitly enabke "<rtexprvalue-jsp-param-name>" to true in weblogic.xml deployment descriptor (format shown below).
    Below is the edocs link which has JSP descriptors information for Weblogic 9,2
    - - Tarun

    The solution given in the below link worked for me .

  • Weblogic.ejbc wants weblogic.home sysproperty in ant - why

    I found that I had to add the following 'sysproperty' line to an ant target which
    runs weblogic.ejbc:
    <target name="ejbjar" depends="jar">
    <mkdir dir="${java.class.dir}/${package.dir}/tmp"/>
    <java classname="weblogic.ejbc" fork="true" failonerror="true">
    <sysproperty key="weblogic.home" value="c:/bea70/weblogic700/server"/>
    <path refid="classpathWL"/>
    <arg line="${java.class.dir}/${archive}.jar ${java.class.dir}/ejb-${archive}.jar"/>
    If the line is not there I get an error:
    [java] ERROR: Error from ejbc: error in finding weblogic.Home
    If the line is there and points to an invalid weblogic.home directory the error is:
    [java] ERROR: Error from ejbc: Installation file c:\temp\lib\persistence\persistence.install
    does not exist. Could not initialize EJB container managed persistence.
    However the file contains only one line:
    Question: is there a way to specify this value directly to weblogic.ejbc without
    the look-up to the file? In my case I would like to do a build on a machine where
    weblogic is not installed (but of course weblogic.jar is available). It is trivial
    to add the file to the FS somewhere but why bother?

    here is my Ant target looks like...
    <property name="classpath" value="${lib.ext.dir}/j2ee12.jar;${lib.ext.dir}/weblogic.jar;${lib.ext.dir}/log4j-1.2.9.jar;${lib.ext.dir}/struts.jar;${dest.dir}/${ant.project.name}.jar"/>
    <target name="testjar">
    <javac srcdir="${src.dir}" destdir="${ejbc.dir}" classpath="${classpath}"/>
    <ejbjar srcdir="${dest.dir}" descriptordir="${desc.dir}" basejarname="test" classpath="${classpath}">
    <weblogic destdir="${lib.dir}" classpath="${classpath}" oldCMP="false"/>
    <include name="**/ejb-jar.xml" />
    <exclude name="**/weblogic*.xml" />
    <dtd publicid="-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN" location="${lib.dir}/dtd/ejb20-jar.dtd"/>
    <dtd publicid="-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic 6.0.0 EJB//EN" location="${lib.dir}/dtd/weblogic-ejb-jar.dtd"/>
    I a not sure where to specify <sysproperty....>
    Please revert back if u know the answer.

  • Usage of weblogic.ejbc

    Hi Guys,
    Well i am trying to use weblogic.ejbc to generate the ejb container specific code and create a new jar file which i can deploy.
    But this command is throwing the following error shown below
    The jar file contains the ejb class files and the 2 xml files [ejb-jar.xml and weblogic-ejb-jar.xml].
    ERROR: ejb-jar file: /opt/.../frbom.jar could not be opened
    Could anyone please let me know the possible reason for this error....
    Thanking you

    Thanks for the immediate reply
    I used the weblogic.ejbc command on a jar file containing my ejb classes[home,remote,bean],other classes and the required descriptors[ejb-jar.xml,weblogic-ejb-jar.xml]
    to be precise i used the following command
    prompt> java weblogic.ejbc /opt/.../frbom.jar output.jar
    but this is throwing me an error
    ERROR: ejb-jar file: /opt/.../frbom.jar could not be opened
    What could be the possible reason??
    Thank you

  • Weblogic rmic compiler

    Hello, I'm trying to use the weblogic rmic compiler to generate stub/skeleton code, but no output can be generated. I don't get any error messages either so I assume the command completed successfully. I checked the whole filesystem but could not see any generated files. I'm using weblogic 8.1 on windows 2000. The command I type in a DOS window is "java weblogic.rmic MyClassImpl".
    Could someone experienced in WebLogic please shed some light on this?

    I encountered the same problem. Check out the following discussion http://newsgroups.bea.com/cgi-bin/dnewsweb?utag=&group=weblogic.developer.interest.rmi&xrelated=134&cmd_thread_next.x=22&cmd_thread_next.y=13.

  • Weblogic.ejbc - ClassNotFoundException

    Executing the following
    1. cd c:\weblogic
    2. setenv
    3. java weblogic.ejbc -classpath
    and getting ClassNotFoundException when trying to generate deployment JAR if
    I put all classes from the C:\VisualCafeEE\Projects\Util\CLASSES in to the
    _JspBO.jar then it works fine.
    The stdErr is attached
    What am I doing wrong? Please help.

    Yes, it works fine with wlfullclient.jar. But I am trying to avoid forcing the user to get a 60MB jar file to run 10 lines of code. Since my other client/ejb works fine with only wlthint3client.jar, I'm trying to figure out what is different with this client/ejb.

  • Weblogic.ejbc client.jar

    weblogic.ejbc creates a client.jar when run from command prompt but when called from ant tool it does not create client.jar

    Hi Arvind,
    Do you get any errors when calling ejbc from ant?
    Slava Imeshev
    "Arvind Naik" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    weblogic.ejbc creates a client.jar when run from command prompt but whencalled from ant tool it does not create client.jar

  • Regarding weblogic.ejbc

    i tried to do java weblogic.ejbc temp.jar new.jar in weblogic 8.1
    Follwoing is the error what i am getting ,while doing above one
    C:\ramana>java weblogic.ejbc raman.jar nnn.jar
    ERROR: Error creating descriptor from jar file raman.jar:
    ERROR: Error from ejbc: [EJB:010120]Error: The deployment descriptor 'META-INF/e
    jb-jar.xml' was not found in 'raman.jar'. Please add this file to the JAR and tr
    y again.
    ERROR: ejbc couldn't load descriptor from jar
    Could you help me out from this problem.My mail id is:[email protected]
    Thanks in advance

    Come guys be Mentally present while posting a response,Its not that somebody forgets and raises a question.Its that they encounter that while deploying, Even i am getting hte same error when i am using ddconverter to upgrade from one version to other Some one please Hellp me

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