Webservice1 TO RFC TO Webservice2 ----all Synchronous

I am running a scenario Webservice1(EP)--RFC-Webservice2(client). i am able to send the request to RFC , RFC response is able to send to  webservice2 request, and webservice2 response is has to go to webservice1 response(problem is here).
the problem i am getting is Timeout Error ... the time is expering before the webservice2 response reaches the webservice1 response.
as per Michale blog https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/weblogs?blog=/pub/wlg/3802... [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] i have increased the HTP_TIMEOUT time as well. but still i am facing the same problem..
the error shown in sxmb_moni is below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <!--  Call Adapter
- <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
  <SAP:P1 />
  <SAP:P2 />
  <SAP:P3 />
  <SAP:P4 />
  <SAP:AdditionalText />
  <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
  <SAP:Stack>Pipeline timeout condition satisfied</SAP:Stack>
can some one help me out...

Hi Bhavesh,
please find the error
<SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
  <SAP:P1 />
  <SAP:P2 />
  <SAP:P3 />
  <SAP:P4 />
  <SAP:AdditionalText />
  <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
  <SAP:Stack>Pipeline timeout condition satisfied</SAP:Stack>
as u said i have opened new thread for this...

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    Hi Vijay,
    Yes, You will indeed need a BPM in this case...
    Based on my understanding of the Scenario u have explained, here are the steps that would be needed.
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    6. Transformation ( BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_SAVE Response and the source Response)
    7. Send Asynchronous (to make the 3rd BAPI call)
    8. Send the Source Response and close the Sync-Async Bridge.
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    Hi Vishal,
                       For HTTP to RFC Synch Scenario, check out the following link...
    /people/community.user/blog/2006/12/12/http-to-rfc--a-starter-kit  -- HTTP to RFC Starter kit...
    for RFC lookup, if it needs to connect to an SAP System, u need to configure a receiver RFC Adapter in a separate communication channel through which you will connect to the SAP System. You will access the SAP System using the communication channel through an API..you need to create an UDF and import the following api...
    and for further info, kindly check out the following links..
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/a03e7b02-eea4-2910-089f-8214c6d1b439 -- Mapping Lookups function calls API by Michal Krawczyk,
    https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/05a3d62e-0a01-0010-14bc-adc8efd4ee14 -- Easy RFC Lookup From XSLT Mappings Using a Java Helper Class by Thorsten Nordholm Søbirk
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    please refer this URL before you start "Webservice1 TO RFC TO Webservice2 ----all Synchronous
    I hope u remember you have guided me to do the scenario Webservice1 (EP)—
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    Hi Azias,
    The sync-async bridge usage and the other details of the BPM design will not be reflected in the integration scenario.
    This is what you need to do to create an IS for the steps you have mentioned.
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    - The second one would be a representation of the Integration process, as mentioned in the earlier post you need to choose the Integration process when you create this slimline, i.e when you create an application component.
    - The third and the fourth slimlines would be for the receiver business systems.
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    - From slimline2(IP) to slimline4(receiver business system2), you will have another connection, where you need to give the corresponding receiver communication channel details.
    Also have you created communication channel templates? If not, create it and use them.
    Hope this information is sufficient to help you design the Integration Scenario.

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    Hi, I found the solution to my problem!
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    Please explain RFC to SOAP in Synchronous. but sending is one RFC and Receiving is another RFC.
    So you mean to say the RFC that you include in the Request of message interface is RFC1 and that in the Response of the same MI is RFC2?
    If the sending Business System  (SAP) is the same then this should be like any other RFC to SOAP sync scenario.
    You may need to mappings RFC1_to_SOAPReq and SOAPResp_to_RFC2
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    Hi Henrique,
    Read this page carefully:
    "Do Not Transfer Application Logic
    Do not use integration processes to transfer application logic from the application systems to the Integration Server.
    No Replacement for Mass Interfaces
    Check whether it would not be better to execute particular processing steps, for example, collecting messages, on the sender or receiver system."
    I so recommend to rewrite the sending interface to collect the messages before sending.
    Andother idea is sending the messages with an asynchronous call.

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    Request will be send from php developed web pages to R/3 (RFC) to get data back to web page.
    I think to resolve this scenario 1u2019ve two options
    1: SOAP to RFC (synchronous)
    2: HTTP to RFC (synchronous)
    Can you please suggest me the scenario?
    Thanks for you time
    Farrukh Ghani

    Hi Ghani,
    The two options you mentioned we can use,but it depends on how PHP web site going to  send data,if it is going to send webserive then use SOAP adapter,you are expecting response ,the RFC wil work as synchronous.
    If it is not  Web Service other option is HTTP,receiver would be RFC only.
    How to configure SOAP->XI>RFC or HTTP->XI-->RFC scenarios,simple search in sdn will give many blogs,search in sdn,
    if you unable to find right one let me know..

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    Sorry, i still dont get it. Here i will illustrate my problem.
    I got an abstract sync message interface (lets call it: MIAS_RFC) with structure like this:
    1. Output Msg: From RFC
    2. Response Msg: From RFC.response
    3. Fault Message: From RFC.exception
    I use MIAS_RFC in a SEND node in my BPM inside a block with exception handler branch for my RFC exception handling.
    My purpose is to map the RFC.exception to other message interface abstract async inside the exception handler.
    How can i do this? You said earlier that i should create another sync abstract message interface (MIAS) then use it in a mapping...Am i correct? Could you please describe to me more detail (sorry about this ) Thank you so much....

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    I know this can be done by using BPM but how many Message Interface will i have.
    thanks in advance..

    Closing this thread as there was no response so far

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    Since it's SOAP to RFC , you don't need to create any RFC destinations and all the stuff. Just give your SAP system details in the Receiver RFC Communication channel, that should be fine.

  • RFC -- XI --- SOAP adapter -- XI -- RFC

    Hi all,
    I need develop this scenario.
    Currently I have this one works:
    RFC <> XI <> RFC
    But we need change it connecting to a new XI system with SOAP adapter, and I don't have experience with SOAP.
    Could somebody give me documentation or help?
    Can I do this without changing nothing in the mapping except the communication channel in the old XI system?
    What it is necesary in the 2nd XI system? mapping?
    How I can configure both SOAP channels?
    Thanks a lot.

    please refer
    An Overview of SOAP
    Could somebody give me documentation or help?
    --> refer above links
    soap-rfc-file:how to start
    Help SOAP to RFC Scenario using BPM (Synchronous communication)
    Can I do this without changing nothing in the mapping except the communication channel in the old XI system?
    --->Then you need to release the receiver RFC as Webservice
    RFC WSDL file
    What it is necesary in the 2nd XI system? mapping?
    -->the mapping will be same provided the structure of RFCs are same, or you could import the wsdl and use as external defination.
    How I can configure both SOAP channels?

  • Synchronous to Asyncronous Bridge problem

    Hi Experts,
    I'm working in a RFC->XI->Mail scenario. I have created a BPM that uses the sync to async bridge with 5 steps,
             1 - Receive1:   Opens S/A Bridge
                                 Message - Abstract Asyncronous message from RFC
                                 Sync Interface - Abstract Synchronous message Output RFC signature
                                                                                    Input RFC.response
             2 - Transformation1 Transforms RFC format to XML format
             3 - Transformation 2 Transforms XML to Mail package format
             4 - Send 1: Mode - Asynchronous
                           Message - XML in mail package format
             5 - Send 0: Mode - Closes S/A Bridge
                              Message - Abstract Asynchronous message from RFC.response
    All works, the mail is sent, but it fails in the last step, I have a time out error.
    What is wrong?
    Best Regards,
    Alfredo Lagunar.

    >>I have modified my BPM and eliminated the Sync-Async Bridge. Now I have the problem in the RFC call 'STARTING NEW TASK'.
    why starting new task?
    just call it like this:
    call function
    destination XXXX
    in background task
    nothing more
    Michal Krawczyk

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