Website not loading -- NEED HELP ASAP

Hi everyone,
I created a site using the business catalyst domain, and it has been working fine until 20 minutes ago. The page won't even load. I have a student account for the Adobe Creative Cloud Package, does anyone know what the problem might be?

We are aware of the situation and working actively on resolving the issue.
We will update our status page with investigation progress :
BC Status
Apologize for any inconvenience caused !

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    No Start Page
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    Hey, is on the new Australia datacenter, so you need to point the A record to This forum document lists all the IP addresses, depending if your site is hosted on the new or old datacenters:
    Please let us know if you have any questions on this.

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    Best of luck.

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    You realize that you are not using Premiere Elements 12/12.1 optimally on Windows Vista be it 32 or 64 bit. You still have a Premiere Elements 12/12.1 32 bit application which has computer resource issues when trying to get a larger project taken to completion successfully. With the 32 bit system, the maximum supported installed RAM = 4 GB, typically with 3.2 to 3.0 GB or less of that available. And, you appear to have only 3 GB RAM to start with.
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    You could go through the usual drill
    a. Latest version of QuickTime installed on your computer with Premiere Elements 12/12.1?
    b. Running program from a User Account with Administrative Privileges?
    c. Video card/graphics card up to date according to web site of the manufacturer of the card?
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    f. Did you install the program to the default location on the Local Disk C?
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    Thank you.

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    OK. Since the issue is specific to your original user account, you can proceed in two ways. One is to log into your new account, make a list of the preference files (plists) located in /username/Library/Preferences/, including any in the ByHost subfolder, log back into the original account, move everything on that other account's list from the original account's Preferences folder into a newly created folder on the Desktop, log out and back in, and see if the problem goes away. If so, you can copy the ones in the Desktop folder (one at time) back into /Preferences/, restart, and see if the problem returns. If so, you've identified the corrupt/conflicting one. Continue with all of them until isolating the bad ones. That'll save you the trouble of resetting preferences.
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    it seems like apple's activation servers have gone down under the weight of the overwhelming amount of activation requests. you will be able to activate your phone once the servers are able to catch up with the activation requests.

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    Here are a few ideas off the top of my head:
    Try playing the file using a different xtra, sometimes different ones will work better.  If you have Director 11.5, there is a native flv playback xtra.
    You can build a player easily in Flash using the flvPlayback component, then bring that into Director as a swf.
    Once you have the video in Director, try making the member Direct To Stage (DTS).  If it is already DTS, try making it not DTS.
    Make sure the video is not transparent, and nothing in Director overlaps the video... in fact, when the video is playing, nothing should be moving at all, and try to keep the amount of code that is running to a minimum.
    Try lowering your video's data rate further or try using a different codec.
    Using VBR (Variable Bit Rate) compression often makes the video appear to play smoother.
    Try compressing the flv with different software.  FFMpeg, for example, is free and does a very good job, often better than the Flash Video Encoder that comes with Flash/Creative Suite.

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    Can you give us a LOT more info?
    What email client? What version of Reader (I can only assume you even have Reader at this point)?
    Please wait? I'm sure it says more than that, right?
    Have you tried simply saving the PDF (it IS a PDF correct?) to your desktop and opening it from there?
    Did you get this form from the IRS or did it come from somewhere else? If the IRS again, what version of Reader?
    Help us help you.

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    thank you
    ส่งจาก จดหมายของ Windows
    จาก: ambersenos
    ส่งเมื่อ: อา. 11 มกราคม 2558 21:23
    ถึง: thang dinhvan
    Need Help ASAP. Deleting Underline in Adobe Reader Touch.
    created by ambersenos in Adobe Reader Touch for Windows 8 - View the full discussion 
    I don't understand why it won't let me delete the strikeout or underline in my Adobe Reader Touch. There is no clear option when I highlight it and write click and the "Ctrl-delete" option is not working either. I need to get rid of both of these. Did them by mistake....simple task but so frustrated that I have spent 30+ minutes trying to figure this out. Please help.
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  • Objects outside of workspace show in SWF... Need help ASAP!

    When I export a flash movie (.swf file)And play it on full screen, the objects that are outside of the workspace show. Can anyone tell me how to fish this problem? need help ASAP! Thanks :]

    If what follows isn't sufficient for you to figure out, you'll have to spend some time learning how to work with Flash.  While you'll often get help solving problems in these forums, it's less likely you will get tutoring services.  Google is a very good resource for tutorials.
    To create a mask you draw a shape to the size you want and place it on a layer above all the content you want to mask.  A mask is actually not well named because masks normally hide things, while in the graphics world, masks define the are where things are shown... so when you apply a mask to something, only what is under the mask shows.  To finalize, you right click on the label area of the mask's layer and select Mask from the menu that appears.  You may have to drag lower layers up towards the mask layer to get them included, whicxh is why I mentioned creating the rest of the content as a movieclip (a single layer object).
    To control the visibility of objects you set their visibility to true or false (AS2: mcName._visible = true (or false),  AS3:mcName.visible = true (or false)).
    To create a frame around the stage, add a new layer atop everything and draw a rectangle big enough to hide all the content you don't want showing that is off the stage.  Then draw a rectangle that is the same size as the stage on top of that first rectangle, placing it over the stage, and then deselect anything that is selected.  Then reselect the smaller rectangle you just drew and delete it.  The larger rectangle is now framing your stage.

  • Error when extracting data with extractor 2lis_04_matnr - NEED HELP ASAP !!

    Hi experts!
    Got an error when extracting data with extractor 2lis_04_matnr.
    System says (short dump):
    Runtime error:    CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_COMP_TYPE
    Error when attempting to import object "MC04P_0MAT_TAB".
    The current ABAP program "SAPLMCEX" had to be terminated because one of the statements could not be executed. This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program. When attempting to import data, it was discovered that the data type of the stored data was not the same as that specified in the program.
    An exception occurred. This exception is dealt with in more detail below. The exception, which is assigned to the class 'CX_SY_IMPORT_MISMATCH_ERROR', was neither caught nor passed along using a RAISING clause, in the procedure  "MCEX_BW_LO_API" "(FUNCTION)".                                                                             
    Since the caller of the procedure could not have expected this exception      
    to occur, the running program was terminated.                                
    The reason for the exception is:  When importing the object "MC04P_0MAT_TAB", the component no. 5 in the dataset has a different type from the corresponding component of the target object in the program "SAPLMCEX". <b>The data type is "D" in the dataset, but "C" in the program.</b>
    Please, can someone explain me how to solve it? 
    Really need help ASAP!
    Thanks in advance,
    Message was edited by:
            Jaume Saumell
    Message was edited by:
            Jaume Saumell

    Check this note: 328181
    So you need to delete entries in SM13/LBWQ for application and also detup table content.
    And then refill teh set up table.
    If you are in production clear the entries by running collective run no of times for this application 04.
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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    how do you overlap PDF's and finish with one PDF file?
    Need help ASAP

    I'm not sure if you can do that with CreatePDF.  Try it; you got one free use when you sign up with
    If not, you will have to use Adobe Acrobat; there is a full-use 30 days trial.

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    User with a paid CC acct, getting "" is an unknown format' when trying to open new file. Computer was recently attacked by ransomeware and wonder if I need to re-install Creative cloud software....need help asap!!

    First, ask in the forum for the program you are using
    This forum is about the Cloud as a delivery process, not about using individual programs
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll
    Second, do a complete scan with a good anti-virus program to be sure your computer is clean... I use Norton, there are others

  • My Curve 9300 lost service need help ASAP

    I lost all serivce on my blackberry curve 9300 and the only way I get service is if I go outside my house. Sometimes I get service in my house but it's for 5 seconds and then I get "searching for network" then it goes to "SOS" I need help ASAP.

    yankeegirl32491 wrote:
    My carrier won't do anything about it because I'm not an authorized user of the account which is stupid. I wasn't having a problem with service for about a year and yesterday my service just cuts out for no apparent reason.
    Hello...well, that's a bit disconcerting...aiding and abetting what could be an unethical use of service...but I'm hopeful that there are further details that mitigate that suspicion. In any event, review this KB for perhaps helpful information:
    KB03448 Network status indicator shows "SOS" on the BlackBerry smartphone
    It is possible that they have a tower out, and you now are receiving service from a more distant tower, which does not have adequate signal strength to work through the walls of your house. But, sadly, there is no way for you to actually find out if such is the case or not.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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