WebUI with minimized navigation panel

Hi all,
Could you please share any ideas regarding the starting webui with the navigation bar in closed/minimized state?
We were searching through settings in Navigation Bar profile but not succeeded yet=(
maybe there is a tag in url command line or it can be done via skin CSS  templates modification?
thank you in advance,

1) Go to the Object Navigator (transaction SE80)
2) Search for BSP application "CRMCMP_NAVBAR"
3) Go to the views node "Picture"
4) Edit page "Picture.html" adding string lv_navbar_state = 'HIDDEN'.
5) Save page, purge browser cash and restart WebUI
Credits goes to Nicolas Busson answer:
Start WebUI with collapsed navigation bar using URL parameter

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    The navigation panel is displayed only if there is content to be presented in the DTN, otherwise it is collapsed.
    There is a very simple way to "hide" the navigation panel.
    *I think this will be a good soloution if you don't have a lot of content
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    Regards, Dalit

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    You should download the .par file of the existing Detailed Navigation iview and import that into NWDS. Then you can modify that and create a new .par file to upload into your portal. Create an iview from the new app.
    Create a copy of the default framework page and edit the Desktop inner page and insert the new iview in place of the standard one.

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    > That could work if all of the group items were the same size.
    Why would that matter? Each GroupItem has its own controlBounds, height, width, position properties. Each Document has its own height, width, pageOrigin properties. The script would reference those properties to position the Group in the center of the document.

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    Hi there
    Sorry, but I'm a bit confused. What you are describing sounds like perfectly normal behavior.
    Can you share a link where this is happening? Not so we can click it, but so we can see what the link looks like.
    If you want a topic to open with the surrounding navigation (TOC, Index, Search, Glossary) you need to click the Show link, then look at what's in the Address bar. Copy that link and you should have what you need.
    Cheers... Rick

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    display: new desktop
    if role = X
    display: default desktop
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    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Aditya Deshpande

    Then you have to create Role Y without workset or Page only with iViews, so no Navigation will be generated. :h1
    But if you habe Workset and Page in your role , just go to all Page and workset and set this properties>navigation>Invisible in Navigation Areas  to false.
    I Hoppe it will help
    Take care

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    Hi Frank,
    if you have navigated to the room / within the room to the room part you want, check the page toolbar, choose "Add to Portal Favorites", add it under some name; then in IE choose Favorites, right-click on the favorite just added, right click, properties (or just call it). The upcoming URL of the form http://portal:50000/irj/portal?NavigationTarget=navurl://1f9eaddf81792cb6f2b9f05381cce360&&NavTargetAsRoot=true should do the trick (this at least holds from SP14 on).
    Hope it helps

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    Thanks in advance all.

    Thanks Brend,
    Worked perfectly. Some very useful settings in there as well.

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    Insert vertical navigation - ok (style to my pref)
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    Any suggestions?

    If you DO want the slideshow overlaping the navigation try the below css:
    .sidebar1 {
        float: left;
        width: 225px;
        margin: 60px 0px 60px 60px;
        color: #FFFF0D;
        background: #595FFF;
        border-radius: 13px;
        -moz-border-radius: 13px;
        -webkit-border-radius: 13px;
        padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px;
        border: 3px solid #F7F723;
    .box {
    float: left;
    border-radius: 13px;
    -moz-border-radius: 13px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 13px;

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    Could anybody give me a hint or a link to some good documentation about this topic.
    Any help will be apreciated

    make use of ActionMap and ImageMap:
    //the action
    Action theAction = new AbstractAction("New") {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        //do action
    //accelerator for action
    theAction.putValue(AbstractAction.ACCELERATOR_KEY, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control N"));
    //input map and action map from table
    InputMap im = table.getInputMap(JTable.WHEN_FOCUSED);
    ActionMap am = table.getActionMap();
    am.put("New", theAction);
    im.put((KeyStroke)theAction.getValue(Action.ACCELERATOR_KEY), "New");

  • Remove/hide navigation panel header

    I tried making the expand and collapse icons to 0px and also made the detailed navigation iView "tray" property to false but it did not help me.
    I have to hide or remove the navigation panel header(the expand/collapse panel). Thanks in advance.

    Hi Patel,
    To hide the navigation panel header there is nothing to do with the theme editor. For that you have to edit the default frame work page.
    Open PCD>>Portal Users>>Std Portal users>> Default frame work page
    Select the Desktop inner page from the default inner page and edit>> select the delatiled navigation iview and choose edit...
    Select the Apppearence Tray from the Property Catogary drop down.
    Make the <b>Show Tray</b> option to NO... save and close ...
    This will hide the detailed navigation header.
    If u want to hide the header of other iviews like portal favorites in the navigation pannel these are the steps to follow.

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    You could edit the top-level navigation iview and set the <b>Number of Display levels</b> property's value to 0.
    you can reach the Top-level navigation iview by going through the following path
    1) <b>Content Administration --> Portal Content --> Content Provided by SAP --> Admin Interfaces --> Top-level navigation</b>
    However, note that once you do this the whatever menus that are available in the top level will not be available anymore.
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Maybe you are looking for

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