Weird box in IE PC

When Rick Vandivier's site is displayed on a PC in Internet Explorer, a weird box appears out of nowhere that doesn't connect with anything I can find on the design page in iWeb. How can I get this to display properly?
You can see the issue by downloading the files: "Rick Bad" and Rick Correct" at
Please help.

Evidently no one else does this.  Any ideas at all by anyone as to what I can try next?

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    Do a Command A in iWeb to Show All. Drag your objects aside to see what's lying underneath.
    Also note that almost all your text has been converted to an image due to adding the drop shadow. This means that the SEO spiders cannot crawl and index this text.
    Use web-safe fonts and turn on the Text Imaging Indicator in iWeb preferences.
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    Trilby wrote:
    Timelaw, being new and needing to learn is fine, but you will be expected to do some of your own research.
    JWR linked to an article about how to ask questions in a manner that will yeild useful results.  One of the underlying themes - and even one of the specific examples - describes someone being given advice on a forum when they are told to check the value of some setting (like, say, $TERM).  The bad response described in that article is to immediately respond "What is TERM?".
    We are here to help solve your problem, but we are not here to reiterate basic facts that could be found through a 5 second google search.  Google "Linux TERM" or "WM DE" and I have no doubt the first results will tell you exactly what these are - then we can focus on solving the actual problem, rather than the trivialities which you are certainly capable of determining without help.
    Please actually read the article JWR linked to.  You can keep your eye out for the short example on a "stuck zentry" for the example I'm referring to.
    I did google the DE and WM thing but I didn't found anything that related to the matter. I guess I did it with other keywords or something. (What I googled was "WM/DE means/meaning" etc)
    I did check the link, and I have it here in a seperate tab, reading bits as I keep going. If it looked like I didn't care, that's not the case.
    Also, when I wrote $TERM in the console it said
    -bash: linux: command not found
    And now when I have googled, it said that linux is the most common thing the variable is set to, in new systems etc, and I suppose that is why it says linux there?
    Also, I'm quite busy with a lot of stuff and I'm trying to fix this issue with my Arch when I have spare time, and so I wrote this in the hope that I could get it explained until I actually had time to look at this again.
    I'm sorry for the trouble.
    Last edited by timelaw (2013-04-03 12:24:09)

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    Not all browsers display a site the same because they implement web standards differently.  Tried to log onto you site but it wouldn't load.  Just kept the loading wheel going and going and going.
    However, this tutorial might be of some help: #7 - Converting Photos w/Frames, Drop Shadows and/or Reflections into a Single JPG Image.  It certainly will help in making sites more compatible with Internet Explorer and older versions of Firefox.
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    Yes in the Document raster effects setting under Effects there is a input filed that says Add (pixel input field) Around Object.
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    Power Mac G5 2.0    

    I suspect that VoiceOver has been activated.
    Go to System Preferences...>Universal Access>Seeing>VoiceOver: (Click) Off

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    That sounds like the Enhance Call Audio feature. To turn it off hit the green telephone button, then hit the menu button and choose Options. Next go into General Options and change the Enhance Call Audio to Normal
    If someone has been helpful please consider giving them kudos by clicking the star to the left of their post.
    Remember to resolve your thread by clicking Accepted Solution.

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    Allow this website to use additional space on your disk?
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    Then one box to click DON'T ALLOW and ALLOW
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    It's a normal feature of Safari when visiting an HTML5 site. You can change the amount of data that sites are allowed to store in Safari > Preferences > Advanced. You can delete the stored data in Safari > Preferences > Privacy.

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    Any clues? My library is still in exactly the same place as before, under the same username (checked in settings, everything is fine).

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