Weird DVD-RW issue

Only some DVD-RWs seem to work in my t-430. I tried updating the driver but the issue persists. It plays DVDs and CDs, I think it might just not play the rewritable ones. Any ideas?

I should point out that this is occuring on 3 of my t-430s

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    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    by design courtesy of Microsoft the Media Player is not capable of playing DVDs unless an appropriate DVD-Decoder is installed.
    You can use an alternative media player like VLC
    But this should not affect the usage of Windows Games, since usually a Games manufacturer puts all needed software to run his games onto the games CD/DVD, so it has to be something else preventing Fallout 3 from running.
    Time-outs when trying to read/check the disc can be sometimes caused by 'dirt' on the disc (fingerprints, scratches, etc.).
    Check for that.
    Also make sure to have not installed programs for 'Virtual-Disc-Drives' like Daemon-Tools and/or Disc-Burning software like Nero, since these can also hinder the game from running.
    Hope it helps

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    That's good that it is in device manager, but what about in Computer with the rest of the drivers?
    Also, are the drives listed in Computer and device manager or just device manager?
    I want to verify if the symptoms are present for a particular software issue before looking at other issues.  I really doubt it is a driver issue at this point.  If it was, then I suspect the issue would be present from day one. 
    It could be that the lens has dust buildup preventing it from working properly.  They do make CD cleaning kits that have a special CD designed to clean the laser as it passes over the lens.  If you happen to have one of these, or access to one, I recommend trying this step to make sure it isn't as simple as dust buildup interfering with the laser. 
    It could also be hardware failure, but I would like to try a few other steps before coming to that conclusion. 
    It may be worth reviewing this document as it covers a lot of the most common issues behind DVD drive issues. Feel free to skip any steps you have already tried. 
    Let me know what happens. 
    ↙-----------How do I give Kudos?| How do I mark a post as Solved? ----------------↓

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    That's good that it is in device manager, but what about in Computer with the rest of the drivers?
    Also, are the drives listed in Computer and device manager or just device manager?
    I want to verify if the symptoms are present for a particular software issue before looking at other issues.  I really doubt it is a driver issue at this point.  If it was, then I suspect the issue would be present from day one. 
    It could be that the lens has dust buildup preventing it from working properly.  They do make CD cleaning kits that have a special CD designed to clean the laser as it passes over the lens.  If you happen to have one of these, or access to one, I recommend trying this step to make sure it isn't as simple as dust buildup interfering with the laser. 
    It could also be hardware failure, but I would like to try a few other steps before coming to that conclusion. 
    It may be worth reviewing this document as it covers a lot of the most common issues behind DVD drive issues. Feel free to skip any steps you have already tried. 
    Let me know what happens. 
    ↙-----------How do I give Kudos?| How do I mark a post as Solved? ----------------↓

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    Has anyone else seen this issue or do I have a unique problem?

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    Your point has been taken that it may be a software issue with the third party players.
    Some update at some point may have broken them, be it OSX or their own.
    I've beaten the Apple DVD player issue enough, let's just consider the topic dead.
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    no silver bullet solution to all.
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    Mini chipset does not have the "protected" path for pass through of
    these technologies) or a MakeMKV/XBMC combo in OSX. The OSX
    solution doesn't give you the fancy menus and all or HD audio if present,
    but if I only want to watch the movies it's fine. If I ever do want the other
    nonsense, I just use PowerDVD 10. And please note this is BluRay disk
    in player, not "ripped" or transcoded.
    I do appreciate your help, but was primarily curious if others had issue
    as well.
    Message was edited by: woodmeister50
    Message was edited by: woodmeister50

  • 2.1.2 update does not fix DVD Navigation issues :(

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    Yeah, I have experienced this as well. Ridiculous -- how could this issue not have come up in product testing by the time the software has reached version 2.0? The solution on Apple's end should be obvious. All 4 directional buttons must act only as directional commands when using a DVD, and all other functions (such as volume) can only be accessible by hitting MENU first to bring up a list of other options.
    I'm all for simplicity, but this is the fault of the boneheaded 6-button Apple Remote. It requires their software to overload buttons with different commands depending on context, which is clearly an unacceptable limitation. They'll have to break down and roll out a proper remote with more discrete buttons one of these days and come to terms with the fact that shoehorning everything onto 6 buttons is not an elegant solution.

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    Previous posts from other people: rdrive-fake-glitch-possibly.html

  • Weird broken DVD drive issue

    +(crossposted from here, this forum seems to get much more traffic.)+
    A couple of weeks ago, my Macbook's DVD drive stopped working. It won't load discs (physically) at all. This is not a software issue, it won't load under Windows or external boots either.
    I figure the drive is dead, and I'm not that broken up about it… I almost never use it.
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    So… is there any chance my drive is not dead? Does the fact that it always made strange noises have anything to do with it? And how does the phantom typing figure in? Is there a way to see what characters the system if dumping into my password box?
    Thanks for any help. Again, I'm not worried about it, more curious. I'm also well out of warranty.

    I can't speak to the specifics of your situation, hudgie, but I can tell you that the SuperDrive on my first MacBook conked out and had to be replaced. Fortunately, it was still under AppleCare. The symptom my MacBook presented was that it would not mount CDs. It would accept them and then spit them right back out. Curiously, it played DVDs just fine. This was a progressive failure. At first, I could rotate the CD and have it accepted. Then I would have to fiddle with it longer in order to get it to accept the CD. And, finally, it would not accept a CD at all. I did try a cleaning disc on the drive, without success. If you haven't tried a cleaning disc, I would suggest trying that, especially since you are out of warranty anyway.
    Good luck!

  • DVD Drive issues, plays CDs but not DVD data or regular - Satellite (unknown series type)

    I tried to update the firmware but ran into some strange issues. First of all according to google, the drive is manufactured by Panasonic. Toshiba doesn't make their own drives? For this reason I wonder if it is improperly detecting the drive make/model.
    Anyways I downloaded the firmware update for it, version 1.03. It is a MAT**bleep**A UJDA760 (going from memory, model may be slightly diff like UDJA). When I run the firmware update it doesn't detect the drive at all and says it is for a THINKPAD?? Weird...
    Also, if you have a link to a guide for removing this drive I would appreciate it. I want to verify that windows is detecting the model/maker correctly. It is not one of the simple hotswap types, it looks like I have to remove at least the entire bottom of the laptop.
    I am working on this for a client, I do tech repair on craigslist but my laptop hardware expertise is limited most of my experience is with desktops.

    joe7dust wrote:
    I tried to update the firmware but ran into some strange issues. First of all according to google, the drive is manufactured by Panasonic. Toshiba doesn't make their own drives? For this reason I wonder if it is improperly detecting the drive make/model.
    Anyways I downloaded the firmware update for it, version 1.03. It is a MAT**bleep**A UJDA760 (going from memory, model may be slightly diff like UDJA). When I run the firmware update it doesn't detect the drive at all and says it is for a THINKPAD?? Weird...
    Also, if you have a link to a guide for removing this drive I would appreciate it. I want to verify that windows is detecting the model/maker correctly. It is not one of the simple hotswap types, it looks like I have to remove at least the entire bottom of the laptop.
    I am working on this for a client, I do tech repair on craigslist but my laptop hardware expertise is limited most of my experience is with desktops.
    Typically if the optical drive can read CDs but not DVDs (or vice versa), there has been a hardware failure of the DVD or CD circuitry.  Drivers/firmware aren't going to solve the problem, only replacement of the drive.
    Find the correct drive at
    Find unofficial disassembly instructions at

  • DVD Drive issues with A700

     Hi there!
                  I am having problems with my DVD drive in my A700 machine. The drive is a Sony Optiarc DVD RW AD-7640S. When I put in in a disk I hear the drive spin but when I click to open the drive in My Computer it prompts to insert a disk and ejects the one in there, sometimes it will show two drives one as DVD and one as CD. I have tried many different types of disks as well as using the Lenovo Toolbox, which also asks me to insert a disk. I have removed the DVD drive in the device manager and reinstalled, the driver is listed as being Microsoft and up-to-date.
                  I have not been able to locate a different driver for this device even off of Sony's website the product is not listed. I considered a possibilty of a bad lens and wanted to replace the drive but notice that there is a seperate eject button in the casing of my machine, powered from the board. This DVD drive has the eject button to the far right and most that I am finding are off-center. Has anyone experienced this issue and believe it to be a driver problem and know where to get a driver? Or if I need to replace the drive can I use any notebook SATA drive or does it have to be this model because of the button in the casing?
                            Any suggestions are appreciated!

    hey kristin7522,
    welcome to the forums.
    i do find it weird that in My Computer it shows two optical drives when clearly you only have one and thus i would like you to get into device manager and uninstall the current driver for the DVD drive.
    this should then prompt windows to install generic drivers, let it do so.
    try again.
    if this does not work, head over to
    check your system and if there is anything out of date; update it.
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  • Encore DVD Writing Cancels won't play on DVD player issue

    So I have a very confusing issue with encore.
    When I press build everything works fine. Then writing begins. The moment the writing reaches the end of the progress bar (the exact moment)  the progress bar goes to empty and the bottom bar says canceling and ejects the DVD. Usually (not every time) a pop up menu saying "end of file" appears next. When I press ok for end of file message the pop up disappears and suddenly the DVD progress bar is filled and the DVD says completed (as if nothing just happened). So I'm confused whether it worked or not!
    I reinsert the DVD that just ejected into my Mac and it works! Then I put it into a DVD player and it won't play, it won't play on my old Xbox 360 either, but it WILL play in a Bluray player?! 
    Everytime I rewrite the files I get different results. They all work on my Mac and blu ray but only 1 of 4 works in the Xbox. The one that does work in the Xbox will read in the DVD player but plays choppy and  skips  around as if the DVD is scratched or damaged?
    ! Other differences involve the write speed, sometimes the options are 8x or 4x. Other times its 3x,2x, and 1x. When the latter write speed options occur I cannot press "test before writing" it's greyed out. When 8x and 4x are the speed options I can check it.  I used different DVDs and it didn't help.
    I work for a company that needs to copy the DVDs but they can't be copied. Don't know why? 
    Here are my settings
    Mpeg 2-DVD exported from Pr.
    Codecs: Mpeg video, Mpeg layer
    Duration: 1:10:26
    Encore DVD transcode status: Don't Transcode
    Encore Project/assets
    2 Menus
    1 Mpeg video
    1 Timeline
    Format: DVD
    Output: DVD disc
    Source: Create Using current project
    4.7 gb disc
    Has 510mb free
    All regions
    Unlimited copies
    First Play and title button are a menu
    Check build is good.
    I really need help with this weird issue quickly thanks.

    Just an Update, I've tried many things to no avail still have a few others to try. Being a Large file it takes a while to try things.
    I went ahead and got Toast, but considering that the Image Iso and the DVD Folder both gave me the End of File Error and the Disc "Failed Completed" Error I figured it a no go and it was. It did however give me something that Opened everywhere (Mac,Xbox,Dvd) , but it did not play on the Dvd correctly.
    I've done numerous things in the Mac permissions end Like trying as a different user and running as the Root User, but it was also unsuccessful.
    I've Re- Exported the file many different ways, but finally had a breakthrough using a version of M2v.  It's definitely an error with Finalizing. My disc previously began to mess up and give "END of File" after it finished writing, it never even made it to the "Writing Lead Out" stage. I beleive this is why it plays it certain places fine, but probably not as well in systems (like Dvd players) that require those last few steps like writing Lead Out. 
    The only issue I have now is that when I put it into the DVD player it say "No title"!?!? AY CARAMBA!!!
    Now I'm working on trying to figure this NEW problem! I have all my menus and links in place, but no go. I think it may be related to the previous problem in that something beneath the surface is wrong with my computer. Being a used Mac with a restored Hard Drive there are probably endless possibilities, but I hesitate to think that way because it may also have absolutely nothing to do with it.
    So any help is greatly appreciated
    whether it be a specific issue you know of dealing with used Macs and issue similar to mine
    or just on the "NO Title" error as a separate issue. I'm hoping this "No Title" is something simple and unrelated,  I've already burned through about 13 discs and even more pain pills for the headaches!!

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    1. When I run Maintenance or Onyx they both said my start up has a problem and I need to install the original start up disk and have it repaired. I did so, it checked and said there were NO start up issues.
    2. After shutting down for 3 days as I was away on holiday, I came back, started her up and there was the sound of the computer's drive being on but no start up process and nothing on the screen. I turned off for a while, did again, and on the third attempt it started up as normal.
    3. Most weird of all, after downloading and watching a TV episode from iTunes, my dock disappeared. I put it to sleep and this morning it is still the same. I can only access Mail and Safari through the 'recent item's drop down menu.
    Are these things connected? Why on earth does Onyx say I have a problem when the disk says I don't, and where might my dock be....?

    Hello and thanks for your reply/
    The Maintenance version is 1.2.0 and was just downloaded.
    It says "the volume needs to be repaired. To repair your start up disk, start up from your OSX DVD..."
    No more specific than that I'm afraid = start up volume?

  • Weird Laptop LCD Issues

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    I don't know what is causing the issue and I don't know know when its started.
    T500, Win XP Ati HD 3650.
    (NOTE: The apps DO work on other machines... )
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    T500 2081 CTO ~ T9600 2.8GHz ~ WXP Pro 32bit ~ WSXGA+ 15.4 LED ~ATI 3650 ~ 4GB DDR3 RAM ~ 500GB WD 7200rpm
    Camera ~ AT&T WWAN ~ CD/DVD Combo Drive ~ Intel WiFi 5300 AGN

    what if you switch to the intel gpu mode?
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • DVD Playback Issue

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    Of course this shouldn't be happening.
    If by chance you are trying to view a DVD that was burned on a PC and the software that was used didn't have the correct settings selected this can cause the problem.
    If this is a Commercial DVD and it is doing that you may have to try a Lens cleaner to fix the problem.
    You may also want to try to Repair Permissions.
    Another side note. If you have done a lot of burning and you are expiriancing this issue, sometimes running the freeware shareware that is mentioned in Gullivers post will also do the trick,
    Macjanitor, Cache Cleaner, Onyx, are all good.
    If you have a smaller amount of ram, the storage of these video files needs to be cleaned to eliminate these problems sometime.
    Cheers Don

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