Weird iPod Behavior 3

So I get told by iTunes that my iPod is corrupted. Being a compliant person, I restore the iPod like I'm told to. It said that the Pod will appear in the source list when it is done, but I've been waiting for hours for it to appear. How long does it take? The Pod is fully charged, just not showing up. I'm really ticked as my mother and sister have not had nearly as much trouble with their iPods as I have.

I would suggest that you upgrade to, if you haven't already. Updating to the latest software of iTunes/iPod is one of the initial troubleshooting steps to try when you have iTunes/iPod problems sometimes.
Also, in what stage of the restoring was your iPod?
Had you gone past:
The progress bar in iTunes, iTunes will tell you instructions 1 and 2 on the screen, then the iPod will partially restart, showing the Apple logo and the progress bar underneath it.
Then iTunes will tell you that your iPod will appear in the source list momentarily. After it restarted itself after the restore, and didn't appear in the source list, is that where you got "Do Not Disconnect", and the iPod not appearing in the source list?
Is that where you were in the restore process?
By the way, try putting your iPod into disk mode, then connecting it to your computer; see if your iPod is recognized after trying that.

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    take a look at this article ( click here) to see if it helps. it provides information on id tags that are embedded into the song file at the time the cd is imported, i'm assuming the songs came from cds. remember that itunes connects to to get each songs info including the tags the give the songs artists name etc.
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    Hello zazu90,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    To troubleshoot this issue where your touchscreen is behaving erradically on your iPhone, please follow the steps below.
    Restart your device
    Hold the On/Off button until "slide to power off" appears. Slide to power off your device. When it is off, press the On/Off button to turn it back on.
    If you can't restart your device, reset it by pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for a least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    Clean the screen with a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth.
    Avoid using the device while wearing gloves, with wet hands, or immediately after applying hand lotion.
    If you have a protective case, or if you are using a plastic sheet or film on the display, try removing them and testing the device without it.
    If the steps above don't resolve your issue, please schedule a service appointment with an Apple Retail Store for evaluation. If an Apple Retail store is not an option, contact Apple to find out your best service option or see the Service FAQ for your product.
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Troubleshooting touchscreen response - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    This isn't foolproof but there are usually two things that contribute to songs not appearing under Artist on the iPod, both due to information either in or missing from the Get Info>Info tab against the song in iTunes. 1) the song has no album name associated with it or 2) the song is marked as part of a compilation.
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    Also if the tracks are ticked in the Get Info>Info tab as part of a compilation, they will not appear under Artist on the iPod. Highlight a song in iTunes that you know is not appearing correctly on your iPod. Right click on it and choose Get Info and click the Info tab (alternatively choose Get Info from the File menu), if "Part of a Compilation" is marked untick it and afterwards update your iPod, you should find it now appears as normal. Compilations are stored in a separate folder in iTunes so the songs don't appear inside the normal Artist>Album folder which may be why this happens.

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    You are making me dig into nightmare-ish memories here.
    Ok, I'll share.
    This is how turned out:
    Needed to send my MBP to another town with an Apple authorized service provider and asked to change the keyboard for a new one.
    It was ~20 days waiting until they got the new keyboard part from Apple and about ~3 more to get it fixed and ~2 more to get it again in town.
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    Grant Hiesterman wrote:
    Out of curiousity, how were the issues fixed/resolved other the past?  With IOS updates? Other?
    The problem has always been an errant app that got stuck in a loop. It can happen any time, but is more likely to happen right after an update. My hypothesis is that the update process suspends running apps, and sometimes after the update they "lose their place" and spin their wheels trying to find it. (It's easier to say it that way then to talk about race conditions.) What will frequently fix it is to run the battery all the way down until the phone shuts off. This terminates all processes, even those that cannot be killed from the Quick Launch screen.
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    It really just a matter of trying things like these one at a time. One of them will work.
    Do you or Trevor have a CPU monitoring app you believe is a quality application?
    I've tried several, and haven't found any that I like. I like Trevor's answer.

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    Last edited by mrz87 (2011-05-11 09:12:21)

    This was a problem with apache-2.2.17-2. Don't worry, it's fixed for good.

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    Does anyone else have this problem, and how can it be solved.
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    I have all updates of PS CS3 installed

    I feel so stupid, but that also crossed my mind.
    And to be honest, I think that is really the reason.
    Why didn't I think of that before...

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    I am seeing weird behavior, though. When I compress the reference movie, the frames look fine although every now and then there are artifacts, pieces of the image that break down. I think of them as compression errors, and I suspected that the compression markers at the beginning of each clip were not being exported in the reference movie.
    So I tried a few things and finally got Final Cut to connect to compressor directly. This worked in that the compression errors I was seeing are gone--HOWEVER, the overall quality of the encode has decreased markedly! The black lines around shapes are all jagged, and the whole image looks inferior to the one compressed in Compressor standalone.
    The thing is, both of these were compressed using the exact same preset! Does anyone know what the deal is? I would like to get the image quality from the standalone Compressor encode, but without the artifacts.
    Thanks for any advice,

    Your mileage may vary with Compressor 2. Some like it, some don't.
    As for your original question, I've never seen unexplained changes like what you describe in a preset's behavior with FCP HD and/or Compressor 1.2.1.
    As for the "unable to connect to background process" problem I've seen that once in just over one year of use with Compressor and Final Cut. On this one occasion I just manually relaunched QMaster and everything was fine from then on.

  • Strange stacks icons and weird dock behavior

    I got leopard for Christmas and on the first day of the install my icons on the right side of the dock- i guess the stacks for applications and downloads icons look weird. It's not a combination of all the icons in the stack like someone else wrote, it is a weird green, white, red rectangular shaped image with weird black and grey squiggles going through the middle. Also-I'm not sure how to describe it but what used to be a clear line I guess to separate the stacks stuff with the other icons on my dock it's next to about this mac icon on my dock has turned into a weird pink rectangle with a really small picture of the weird red, green, and white rectangle on top. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My husband is a windows guy and after me bragging about how much better mac is, I don't want him to know that I'm already having problems with leopard

    No, this is not "normal behavior." The problem is that it is not consistent, either, so it is hard to tell what is going on. It may happen after using some full screen programs, but I am not sure. I am not able to reproduce the issue, myself. It just happens from time to time.
    The icons are not changing after they are used. The ones in the download folder will usually have their normal appearance, the dmg file or a pdf file with its "preview" icon or whatever. Then, for some reason, I will notice some of the icons have become blocky and pixilated, not resembling anything, usually almost a solid color.
    Again, the way to get them to change back is to remove the downloads folder from the doc and return it. Then all the icons return to their normal view.

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    Okay, so i took my ipod to my dad's house over the weekend and his computer messed it up. Now when i import songs, they appear to convert to the ipod when I'm in itunes, but once i unplug the ipod from the computer (and yes i do eject it first) the songs disappear. For some reason i can't ad any songs to my ipod anymore. Earlier some weird message about a corrupted file chklis/file7 or something along that line at least came up. And well, I have no idea what to do. Ive been searching for help all night and i havent found any yet.

    Assuming that your computer recognizes the iPod is connected, check out the instructions/suggestions here.
    Music from iPod to computer.
    There's also another method I've seen posted. I've successfully tested this across several different Windows PCs.
    Open iTunes and select edit/preferences/advanced/general. Put a check mark in the box marked "copy files to iTunes music folder when adding to library" and also "keep iTunes music folder organized", then click 'ok'.
    Connect the iPod whilst holding down the shift/ctrl keys to prevent any auto sync, and if you see the dialogue window asking if you want to sync to this itunes library, click 'no'.
    Then go to file/add folder, open 'my computer', select your iPod and click 'ok'.
    The music files should transfer to your iTunes.
    However it appears that no playlists or any other info such as ratings/last played etc will transfer.
    If this is important to you, you may want to use other options.
    There's Yamipod. This is a free program that transfers music and playlists etc from iPod back to the computer.

  • My weird iPod

    hey my ipod is acting kinda weird. about four days again i was going to skool and i was going out the door to the bus stop and tried to turn on my ipod. on click it should have turned on but it didnt and it wasnt on hold. so i had to press around the wheel to try to get it to turn on because i new the ipod was charged. well it turned on and everything was fine. then at the end of the day i was listening to it and the sound was normal and then it got really low volume then all of the sudden a loud ear crenching sound came from the earphones and the music got unbearibly loud. then i turned it off. then it was fine for a day or two and then the same thing happens wen i try to turn on the apple logo is there before it turns on and then i could listen to music wen suddenly my ears are bumbarded with loud sounds and wen i took the earphones out and just leave it on for a minute the ipod suddenly turns off. wats all that about? help me someone it would be greatly appriciated.

    Someone earlier on today had EXACTLY the same problem. Someone else pointed out that this is a known issue. It happens when iPods are near certain mobile phones. You iPod is probably not broken.
    Here's a similar thread I've found for you.

  • Weird application behavior - solution

    I recently had a major series of disk meltdowns. I suspect part of the problem may have been caused by letting my startup disk get too full and working with very large photoshop files (with photoshop using the startup disk as a scratch disk). Anyway, I managed to restore a clone of my startup drive, update all apps, and get back to work. I've cloned the startup drive to my second internal drive and intend to religiously update the clone whenever I update any applications (we'll see if I return to agnoticism). Anyway, several applications had weird behavior. Cleaner would succesfully compress one file and then quit. I could then restart cleaner and the batch list had successfully updated but again, just one compression and then a quit. DiskWarrior would successfully rebuild a drive directory but then quit without any notice. Today, I restarted from my cloned startup drive and ran diskwarrior on my main startup drive. Problem solved. Figured a few people out there might benefit from my experience.

    Often, the Quits are caused by a corrupt Property List file. When a number of apps have the Quits, that's another story. Back in v10.2, that was often caused by a hidden user prefs file
    (~/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist) where ~ is your user Home folder. You could try deleting it in Terminal, but I haven't heard of this causing these problems since Jaguar.
    Maybe you could try creating a new user Account, log into the new Account and see if things improve. At least that would prove whether the cause has something to do with user prefs, including that hidden global prefs file.
    I'm thinking it's a hardware problem, though.
    EDIT: FWIW, here is the step-by-step for deleting that global prefs file and replacing it with a fresh copy:
    1) Log in as an Administrator.
    2) Create a new user account, called NewUser.
    [The name isn't important, because you're going to delete this account when we're done].
    2b) If the affected user account is not an administrator account, go ahead and make it one. You can revoke this privilege later, but it will make things easier for now.
    3) Log out, and log back in as NewUser.
    [This will initialize the account and create undamaged preferences.]
    4) Log back out, and log in again as the user affected by the crashed (who, according to step 2b, is an Administrator).
    5) Launch the "Terminal" application, located in /Applications/Utilities/
    6) Type the following command (for all of the following, copy and paste):
    cd ~/Library/Preferences/
    7) Type this command:
    rm .GlobalPreferences.plist
    8) Type this command:
    sudo cp /Users/NewUser/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist .
    [it will ask for an administrator password to allow you to log in as root for this action]
    sudo chown USERNAME .GlobalPreferences.plist
    10) Log out.
    10b) If you enabled Admin access on an account that shouldn't have it, log back in as an Administrator and disable that Admin access.
    11) Delete the NewUser account.
    12) Log out, and log in to the affected acount.
    There will be some System Preferences you'll need to reset afterwards.

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