Weird issue after charging

I have an iPOD, that when connected to the Power Adapter, shows a full charge.
When I connect it to my PC it shopws the charging icon and nothing else.
If disconnected from either it goes off and I cannot bring it back on again.
I have tried to resetting it, resetting it after one day, moving it to disk mode.
I restarted my PC, but this issue is still seen.I also treid the USB port with another device and it worked fine.
Could someone pleae let me know how to get this iPOD working again?

The iPOD is on full charge and the following is showing up on the Diagnostics when I run the checks:
power > A2D tests
id = 0x57
VCC = 840 (4968mV)
Battery = 504 (4180mV)
ACC=255 92550mV0
Battery A2D
Battery = 507 (4188mV)
VCC Main
VCC = 839 (4965mV)
ACC = 255 (2550mV)
ChargingADC Test
USB DP = 354
USB DN = 490
RUN: BL on
PASS: BL blink
Would anyone know how to interpret these?

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    I finally tracked this down last night with help from the folks at  I hadn't deactivated my Debugger which runs off of a desktop AIR application - so the server was trying to reach my localhost to run its trace statements.  Deactivating the Debugger fixed the problem. 

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    Hi Chris,
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        at mx.core::UIComponent/validateDisplayList()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks\pr ojects\framework\src\mx\core\]
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        at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback()[E:\dev\4.5 .1\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\ ]
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    Use the profiler to see what is hanging onto the old memory.  But my main point is not about memory.  It is about sizes.  An empty container has no default size.  When it gets a child it often picks the child size, and then if that child is removed and another child is provided, instead of picking that new child’s size, it might still use the old child’s size, and that might cause the new child to layout at a different size than if it was the first child.

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    I noticed two thing in your log file that are worth a check:
    I noticed a 404 error in your log file that might indicate an issue with some files that can't be found. Check the IIS log file for more information;
    I noticed that you're using HTTPS. I've seen weird issues after a CU update in which the distribution point certificate got missing. In that case, check the distribution point properties and update the boot image.
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude
    I did miss the 404 message... silly me.
    This definitely pointed in the right direction.  What we found was that it wasn't an issue IIS or the https certificate, but our certificate chain had issues.  We cleared out the certificate chain issues and re-installed the MP role.   This
    cleared the issue immediately.
    Thanks Peter for the guidance! 

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    Charge the phone for 15 minutes with the Apple charger. Then hold the HOME and SLEEP buttons at the same time until an Apple logo appears.

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    Thankyou !

    2) that is normal if you want the home launcher to rotate without the need of the dock or magnetic cable you'll need to download a third party home launcher.

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    Can anyone please help ?
    - Thanks

    It's a bug and you will need to apply a patch for that.
    You can find all explanation in Oracle Support Id ID 1194228.1.

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    Phone charges to 100%, I disconnect and use an app like Instagram BETA, Internet Explorer, Lumia Camera, or any game--after no more than 5 minutes of use, the phone gives a "Critical Low Battery" alert and shuts down. If I try to restart phone immediately, it makes it to the AT&T splash screen or lockscreen and then same battery message appears and shuts down. If I wait 10-15 minutes after the shutdown to restart phone (without recharging) the phone will stay on, but battery level will report to be in the low 20s or 10s (whereas no more than 20 minutes ago, it was 100%).
    When phone is at 100% battery: I take 2-5 photos or record mere seconds of video and I get the same "Critical Low Battery" alert. Upon restarting, some of the photos or video are nonexistent or corrupt files and battery level is reported at 2-5%.
    However, if my phone is plugged in to charger, none of these "Critical Low Battery" alerts come up and I am able to use phone as usual. Considering that I cannot take a vacation and capture nature's beauty with an AC adapter always connected, this is a serious drawback.
    Steps I've Taken:
    Full factory-reset
    Moved all apps off microSD card (this improved situation maybe 5%)
    Disabled almost all background app use in Battery Saver
    Replaced microSD card when I thought this was a memory write/read issue
    Installed "Battery" app to monitor battery use. After 750 data points were logged, my average battery life is reported at "16 minutes," which sounds about right.
    My warranty should be expired since I purchased the phone December 2013, so I'm checking in here if anybody has had any luck with battery replacements or with a solution to this issue? At the same time, this issue arose strictly after updating to Denim and I've seen other users report this EXACT scenario. Is there any hope for Lumia 1520 users on this?
    Other reported cases:
    Battery Issue after Denim update:
    Battery critically low and shutdown:

    Hi albertico, TeJazz, and Samgh. Welcome to the Microsoft Mobile Community. We understand your situation and in response to this issue, we suggest that you perform the suggestions in the photo attached. If the issue persists, we recommend recovering your phone's software using the Windows Phone Recovery Tool. This link will work regardless of your location. If the same thing happens, it's best to take your phone to the nearest Care Point in your area for evaluation. Backup first to avoid data loss.
    Battery drains fast.JPG ‏147 KB

  • I am using iPhone 5 and tried to Erase All Contents and Settings but it is just showing an apple sign on the screen and nothing is happening now for about 3 days now. All it does is eat up my battery and still show apple sign after charging! Help!!!!

    I am using iPhone 5 and tried to Erase All Contents and Settings but it is just showing an apple sign on the screen and nothing is happening now for about 3 days now. All it does is eat up my battery and still show apple sign after charging! Help!!!!

    Hi DaVince Vince,
    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with your iPhone. I also apologize, I'm a bit unclear what issues you were having that led up to the attempted Erase All, and/or exactly what behavior you are seeing now (restarting, not responding at all, etc). If you are seeing an Apple Logo screen and your iPhone does not appear to be starting correctly, you may find the following articles helpful:
    If your iOS device restarts, displays the Apple logo, or powers off while you're using it - Apple Support
    If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond or doesn't turn on - Apple Support
    - Brenden

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