WELL, WHAT DO WE DO NOW  ??? you answered me !! The problem is across all actions on the display on screen . No matter what I do. I tried getting driver updates from INTeL but even if I tell them it is a Mac the system sends me Drivers for Windows..

well I'm sure this MacBook Pro 13' (right outa the box) needs driver updates. Is it a retina version ?? I don't know..?? but before I take it back. I want to try everything.

MacOS X should already include the correct drivers as part of the OS. Figure it out: they built the MacBook Pro and they built the operating system...  they knew what they would be working with.
Mavericks is brand new and may have the odd fault, but if you're having basic display problems with a new machine it's probably hardware. Take your machine to a Mac Store. This is why they have warranties.
ps: using very large and/or bold characters is equated with shouting and is considered rude. plain old font works best.
p.s.s.: You posted in the Mac Pro forum (for the big workstation systems) not the MacBook Pro forum (for laptops.)

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