Westell 327 with Linksys

I have possibly a stupid question, but here goes.  I have a Westell model D90-327W15-06, issued to me by Verizon several years ago.  I've used it only as a modem, with a Linksys 802g router since about 2007.  My question is this: I want to upgrade to an 802n router. Would I need a newer or different modem from Verizon?  If so, would they provide this free of charge? Is this modem/router the newest equipment they have issued?
Thanks in advance.

You can upgrade the router without upgrading the modem.

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    I am trying to bridge my modem so I can setup a personal web server on port 80. First off, will verizon allow port 80 to even function outside of their modem? If so, why is it that I set my modem to bridge mode and turn off private LAN DHCP Server Enable, and setup my Linksys to PPPoE with my correct username and password, and my router is unable to obtain an IP address? Can anyone assist on this issue?
    Go to Solution.

    You are mistaken as port 80 is not blocked. Just wanted to let you know but thanks for trying.

  • Can no longer connect to internet wirelessly with Linksys WRT54G...

    Hi, all...
    I'm at my father-in-law's house. His home network setup is as follows:
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    But... I don't understand why this used to work, but doesn't any longer. I would be very grateful for any help any of you great folks could provide, and I will gladly post here any detailed info on the setup that might be of help!
    Many thanks,
    Bill J.
    MacBook 2.0   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   iMac 17in Core 2 Duo 2.0, AirPort Extreme, AirPort Express, IBM NetVista M42

    Thanks for your reply.
    Actually the Linksys 2Wire modem works fine in OSX and when connecting via a Compaq PC I also have in the house. It is just on the MacBook running XP that it fails to "connect". XP see's the network but cannot connect.
    Also, I downloaded again bootcamp and created a fresh driver CD, reinstalled the driver and received the same error: 1706 No valid source could be found for product Macintoish Drivers foir Windows XP.msi.
    I looked at the directory on the CD and it appears that there are no driver files, only documentation.
    I called Apple, got no help, called Microsoft, spent 1.5 hours talking to them
    they were no help either.
    I sent a messge to the bootcamp beta mail address informing them that it seems the drivers are not being downloaded with bootcamp.
    Thx again.

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    Hello all. Please forgive me if I mispost or forget something. I am new to the discussion boards. I recently purchased an iMac and could not connect to the internet by using the wireless on the Westell 327 but could connect if I used a cable. I found a modem firmware update through a link on the Dell website. A Dell wireless card had an issue connecting to the Westell and the link went to the Verizon download site for the firmware update. I could not get it directly from the Verizon site, only by using the link listed at the end of this post. I updated the firmware late last night and just now tried to connect with the Airport and was pleasantly surprised -- It works. I am using the WEP security. Do not forget to place an '$' in front of the WEP key to identify it is a hexidecimal value. Hope this works for you. It did for me. Notice: "Update your modem firmware at your own risk."
    Here is the link: http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/dsn/en/document?docid =125CFDEB0AFE10E1E0401E0A55174E79&journalid=BC50966C27EA11DB96E995E8363E7F84
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  • Need Help with Linksys router broadband-b

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    So i call linksys the have me download   some up dated firmware that would not install on my notebook or my wife computer after being on the phone for hours with linksys they come to tell me that  the router is ok and working alright after all the test   and steps they took me through with the router. Linksys tells me that there is something wrong with my PCM slot  on my notebook or either  my linksys wireless card. Ok  First of all i can pick up signal  on other networks  and go on line like the Hilton  Hotel  when i go in there parking lot, Second  i can pick up othr networks and get on line that are not secured  sometimes  so this tells me that there is Nothing wrong with my PCMI slot or the wireless card.
    Now i took my router across the street to a friend house and guess what he gets a signal  off the router with his notebook  but i can not and when we plug the router in the AC outlet  the internet light was flashing like crazy and my wireless card was not even in my notebook so that tells me that someone close was pulling signal off my router  but i cant.
    Can someone please explain this to me  i want to get another router wireless - G this time but if there is something that can be done to get this one working like it should that would really help.
    The Notebook has been checked out and config  and that works well when i hook the either net plug in from the modem  the  router was config as well but i just can't get a connected to the router when i use the wireless card.   

    Yes press and hold the reset button in back for 30 seconds and release.  Wait 10 seconds and power cycle the router.  Now connect to username blank, password 'admin'.  Now try.

  • I'm looking for some help connecting linksys IP Cameras to my home network to monitor my property when I'm travelling. I used to do this with linksys WAPS, but since I've discarded all my old linksys networking and standardized on airport, I can't get the

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    However, the roaming network requires the AEBS's to be set up in bridge mode, rather than sharing an ip address.  When the AEBS is set to  bridge mode, you don't see a DCHP table or have the ability to identify your IP Cam through the AEBS - and hence, no port forwarding. 
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    I'm hoping I'm missing something here and that the solution isn't to set it up at the FIOS router level, but I'm beginning to think that's my only hope.  What concerns me there is that I should be able to see the IP cam on the network without port forwarding since I'm not coming from outside, and I can't even do this unless it's connected hard wire.
    I'd appreciate any insight into this that anyone might have.  I've hit the wall with what I know.

    In a roaming network, your "main" router is the device that would require port mapping/forwarding to be configured in order to access the IP camera from the Internet. This router is also the one that would be provide the private IP address for the camera which you will want to be a static one.
    So as you described your network, the IP cameras should be getting an IP address or you assigned it a static one and this is the address that you would enter in the Private IP address (or equivalent depending on the router used) field when setting up port mapping.
    If you are not able to access this camera from the local network, then this should be troubleshot first.

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    Do you guys have any idea how I could be able to solve this problem? Has any of you guys have encounter something like this with Linksys?

    If your Mac is truly running MacOS 10.2.x, you are limited to using 128-bit WEP security - WPA is not supported.
    On the Linksys router, select 128-bit WEP and enter a passphrase. The router will generate, from the passphrase, four hexadecimal-format WEP keys. Copy down the FIRST of those four WEP keys - and use that WEP key on your Mac when prompted.

  • Back to my Mac with LinkSys WRT54GX4

    Verizon FIOS at home with Linksys WRT54GX4 UPnP enabled in front of Mac Pro. No issues with BtmM on the local LAN or WLAN (shares & screen sharing) from Mac Book Pro. Feature is enabled on both with the same .Mac account. iDisk and sync to .Mac both work on the machines.
    Any clues to why BtmM doesn't show either host when away from the LAN/WLAN?

    A little more information...
    On the Mac Pro, I did a fresh install from scratch on a clean disk, then used the migration assistant only to move my user folder. All apps re-installed from media/downloads. On the MacBook Pro, I did a full backup to an external drive, then used the migration assistant to transfer all apps and user settings.
    On the Mac Pro under the 'SHARED' section of the side bar, I see only my MacBook Pro. On the MacBook Pro, I see 'All', then I can browse to find my Mac Pro. This to me seems to be the problem. The MBP has been used on a windows network at the office in a Windows 2003 AD setting. I wonder if somehow this is the problem.
    TIA for your help!!!

  • Why can't I extend my wired TC port with linksys switch?

    Why can't I extend my wired TC port with linksys switch?

    Temporarily, connect a laptop to one of the LAN <-> ports on the TC using an Ethernet cable. Turn off wireless on the laptop. Can the laptop connect to the Internet?
    If yes, you know the port is working and the Ethernet cable is working.
    If yes, connect the switch to the same Ethernet cable. I assume that you are using an "unmanaged" switch. Some switches may need to be powered off and restarted.
    If no on the first test, try another Ethernet cable that you know is working. Try another LAN <-> port as well.
    The whole idea is to start at the TC and work outward step by step, checking each connection and step along the way.

  • HT4972 can't connect to network with linksys e2500

    Can't connect to network with linksys E2500. Can anyone help me?

    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections  http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1398
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks  http://support.apple.com/kb/ts3304
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4199
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at http://macintoshhowto.com/advanced/how-to-get-a-good-range-on-your-wireless-netw ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwWtIG5jUxE
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Apple TV gen 3 not working with Linksys EA6700

    Hello, I have Apple TV 3 with 5.3 Firmware connecting to Linksys EA6700 is so far impossible. It has always worked with a Technicolour 582n. No problems. But with this Linksys EA6700 Smart router no result of connecting. This is wireless as well with Cable. It stays stuck on Activation as well Setting date and Time. Which results into only Computers and Settings. Been in contact with Linksys. They don't want to burn their fingers on it, so no solution. Before I was able to use it with Firmware 5.02 but now I have tried to restore this and it is not accepting this and gives a fault. Did a wireless restore, did a cable restore, did a micro usb restore. Nothing, nix, nada, horror, horror ! Why is it that Apple TV is NOT working with Linksys routers ? After so many updates from Apple still no inclusion. What is the problem ? Tried also to set DNS server to Disconnected everything, on and off, you name it. It can't be that difficult is it ? Why can't we manually activate and set the time and date by hand ? Something is wrong here. Does Apple refuse to talk to Linksys about this or do they just hate Linksys routers ? Further Linksys EA6700 is working great with every other hardware. Easy installation. No problem with Switches, Computers, Laptops, Ipads, Iphones, Android, ................... But not with Apple TV !

    Nobody ?

  • Repeater with Linksys for US.Robotics wireless modem

    Hi everyone
    I want to repeat my us.robotics wireless signal with linksys repeater.Can ı do this with linksys. This occur any problem? Which product ı must choose for linksys repeater?

    have you followed the instructions:-
    Reverse Telnet from the PC to the modem.
    Use a terminal emulation program on the PC, such as HyperTerminal, and access the PC modem through the COM port you connected to in step 1. Once you connect to the PC modem through the COM port, you need to apply the initialization string (see step 4). For an example, refer to the Example HyperTerminal Session section of Configuring Client Modems to Work with Cisco Access Servers.
    Type this initialization string which writes the desired initialization string settings to NVRAM:
    Note: The 0s in this string are zeroes. See the Miscellaneous section of this document for information about initialization strings.
    Note: You should receive an OK response from the modem. If the modem does not respond, verify that the modem hardware and cabling function correctly.
    Enter this initialization string in order to disable Echo and result codes:
    Change DIP switches 4 and 8 to down and keep the rest as up. Then power cycle the modem.
    Unplug the rolled RJ-45 cable from the RJ-45-to-DB-9 adapter of the PC and attach it to the console port of the ASA.
    Also refer to:-

  • Extreme as Remote using WDS with Linksys WRT54G router ??

    I have seen that the Extreme cannot be used as a remote using WDS with a D-Link wireless router. Is the same true with Linksys wireless routers? I thought I would pose the question before purchasing my 3rd (2 dead, bad luck?) Express or purchasing two Extremes.
    I will eventually gravitate towards using an Extreme as my main base station but I do need a remote for wireless printing. I was hoping to put off purchasing an Express until a later date.

    Since it doesn't appear that everyone has gotten it to work with this router does that mean special tweeks are required? Is it hit and miss? The wireless router has the latest firmware updates and my network is running with WPA2. Comcast is my provider.

  • Re: Lorex Security Camera with Linksys WRT320n Setup Help

    I setup a Lorex security camera system that allows for to view them via remote acces.  I am able to view them through the local network but not via outside network connection.  I believe lies within the network settings that i have in place.  I have tried to apply the port forwarding settings but still not able to.  If someone has this type of system setup or know where to point me I would appreciate the help.  The default web port is 80 and the TCP port 6100. 

    1)  I assume that you have set your security camera to a fixed (static) LAN IP address  -- is this correct?
    2)  And that you are forwarding the appropriate port to that address   --  is that correct?
    Rules for using fixed LAN IP addresses on Linksys routers:
    With Linksys routers, a fixed (static) LAN IP addresses must be assigned in the device that is using the address. So you need to enter the fixed address in the computer , printer, or camera, not in the router.  This is the best way to assign a fixed LAN IP address.   In your WRT320N, there is an alternative method  --- you could use the "DHCP reservation" method to assign your camera the same fixed LAN IP address each time you boot up your network.
    When using a Linksys router, normally, any fixed LAN IP address must be outside the DHCP server range (typically thru, and it cannot end in 0, 1, or 255.  However, if you are using "DHCP reservation" your camera's address should be within the DHCP server range.
    Therefore any fixed LAN IP address would normally need to be in the range of thru or thru
    assuming you are still using the default DHCP server range.
    Also, in the computer, when you set up a static LAN IP address, you would need to set the "Subnet mask" to and the "Default Gateway" to and "DNS server" to
    It is also important that no two devices on your network be set to the same static LAN IP address.
    Also note that many cameras cannot use the proxy DNS server located at .  In this case, enter your true Internet DNS server address (found in the router)  into you camera.
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 10-11-2009 03:27 AM

  • Problem with linksys repeater

    I am using a linksysWR54 G wireless router. I recently purchased a linksys repeater to extend a signal throughout my house. I cannot get the repeater to work. I press the reset button and then the button for automatic configuration. But it does not seem to recognize the wireless router. However when I take it to my neighbor's house, who has a similar model wireless router, and push reset, then automatic configuration at his house it functions perfectly. Is this a software problem? I hate to sound stupid, but because I using a Macintosh, I'm not even sure how to download the latest software or what is available. Currently I am using
    version 3.03.6 thanks

    Although I am having a similiar problem with the wre54g extender and mac laptops I can tell you that the easiest way to configure the extender if it is a Version 2 wre54g is to run an ethernet cable from the router to to the port on the front of the extender (small tab can be lifted). After that open your browser and type and enter, user name is blank and password is admin. From there configure it exactly as your router is configured. It could be that your router is encrypted etc...
    If it is a version 1 you will have to reset the extender (paperclip for 15 seconds on side) then plug into a socket and look for it on the list of available networks (linksys r.....). connect to it using a static IP of and a gateway of - check with linksys to verify. Once connected open safari and type and follow above.
    Make sure to change the ip address to something like 241 or maybe a static within the range of the routers addressing scheme. I think this is the problem I am having... The mac is not picking up the extenders ip. I am waiting to hear back from tech support to verify.
    Hope this helps

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