WF deadline - last end issue

Iu2019m having a trouble with a deadline work item.
Customer requisition:
If the approver reserves the work item for 7 days without execute it, it will have to go back to every original approvers.
I have implemented this logic in that way:
Work itemu2019s latest end: &_WORKITEM.ACTUALSTARTDATE& + 7 days.
In the deadline outcome there is a condition to continue with the loop and go back to the work item.
There we have 2 different problems:
1)  When the work item is created, the expression &_WORKITEM.ACTUALSTARTDATE& is empty, so the system defines the latest end as: creation date + 7 days, which is not correct. The correct latest end will be: reservation date + 7 days.
2)  When the work item reach the latest end and it is recreated, the new work item's latest end is identically to the first work item latest end: first work itemu2019s creation date + 7 days.. for this reason, the new  work items are always missed the deadline and the workflow is stack into a loop :S The second work item will have to update the latest end date.
Please, somebody know why these 2 problems are happening and how can I fix them? Maybe somebody know any other way to implement customeru2019s requirement.
Iu2019ll really appreciate any help on this issue.
Thank you very much!

Try this:
METHOD if_swf_ifs_workitem_exit~event_raised.
  TYPE-POOLS: swlc.
  CONSTANTS: c_selected TYPE sww_wistat VALUE 'SELECTED',
             c_wdreserveddate TYPE swc_elem VALUE 'WDReservedDate',
             c_wdreservedtime TYPE swc_elem VALUE 'WDReservedTime'.
*Get context of work item.
  DATA: wa_header      TYPE swr_wihdr,
        wi_container   TYPE  REF TO      if_swf_ifs_parameter_container,
        wa_wi_return   TYPE swwwiret,
        v_date         TYPE swwwiret-wi_asd,
        v_time         TYPE swwwiret-wi_ast,
        v_wf_id        TYPE sww_wiid,
        wa_wf_container TYPE swr_cont,
        i_wf_container TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF swr_cont,
        v_sy_subrc TYPE sy-subrc,
        v_workitem  TYPE swlc_workitem.
  me->wi_context = im_workitem_context.
  IF im_event_name EQ swrco_event_state_changed.  "when the wi status change.
    CALL METHOD wi_context->get_header
        re_workitem_header = wa_header.
    IF wa_header-wi_stat EQ c_selected.
         wi_id       = wa_header-wi_id
         wi_return   = wa_wi_return
         read_failed = 1
         OTHERS      = 2.
     IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
      v_date = sy-datum.
      v_time = sy-uzeit + 3900.
*- read workitem
          wi_id    = wa_header-wi_id
          workitem = v_workitem.
update it
      v_workitem-deadlines-wi_led = v_date.
      v_workitem-deadlines-wi_let = v_time.
      v_workitem-deadlines-wi_ded = v_date.
      v_workitem-deadlines-wi_det = v_time.
      v_workitem-update_deadlines = 'X'.
          wi_id     = wa_header-wi_id
          do_commit = 'X'
          workitem  = v_workitem
          OTHERS    = 1.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.

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    Hi Francisco,
    What is the exact problem
    You have a Wait step with the Latest end - set with reference to the "Work Item" and the Time set as "x" hours or days.
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    Hi Pavan,
                  Thank you for the reply. I have changed the reference parameters as u suggested. but still  I am getting the same error.
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    Executed on                                                                                Error Message
    Result Processing                                                                              No Errors
    Result Processing                                                                              Error during result processing of workitem 404671
    Process_Node                                                                                Error when processing node ''0000000013"
      Create                                                                                Error when creating a component of type 'Step'
        Create_WIM_handle                                                                      Error when creating a workitem
          Create_Via_WFM                                                                        Deadline determination failed
             get_timestamp_via_expression                                               Date LE is nota valid (Plausibility check not found)
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    Basic Question : What actually happens when the Latest End reaches for the last step (for the WI With Initiator).
    I am sure it is not going to nuke the workflow initiator.....
    For 20 odd workflows, I do not see a requirement to develop something and make it go till production.
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    To issue 1: The report contains a report band called report footer. thsi is always at the last page. The report footer band initially is collapsed, so you have to expand it by dragging the last band divider.
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    Hi Soujanya,
    This is known issue in BEx tools in this latest release.
    We got the same problem and still facing.
    We are using BEx 3.5X to access all reports.
    Install BEx 3.5 too. Then you get two sub menus to access BEX tools.
    Make sure that you open reports in 3.5 BEx Analyser.
    I think all reports, which you tried to open in BEx(BI 7.0) are corrupted. try to copy to your datatargets/install (if they are BI Content Reports).
    Good Luck,
    Pls give points if this is useful

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