Wga600n with a deskjet printer

Does anyone know if I can connect a wga600n to a HP Deskjet printer to make it a wireless printer?

Try a wireless print server. That'll make your deskjet printer go wireless.

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    I have a HP Deskjet 812C printer, and I have connected it to my brand new MacBook. Everytime I try to print a document, it comes out with half of each line printed then shoots out about five extra pages with a little bit of printing on them.
    This printer worked fine for years with my iBook. I have never had this much trouble printing - anywhere. Heck, I could l print from my old iBook to my crappy Dell printer at work when the school's Dell laptop didn't even have the correct drivers to print on the Dell Printers, so this really gets me mad.
    I tried deleting the printer and setting up the printer again with the Printer Set Up Utility. No go. I checked all of my settings. No go.
    I have trouble printing from any application not just MSWord, so go figure.
    Is it a problem with the drivers that came with this new machine?
    Help, someone please!!!!!!

    I checked for a hp driver and the only one is this one http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/softwareDownloadIndex?softwareitem=dj-13823-4 &lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=58152&os=219&lang=en
    have a look at that and try that driver for osx and hopefully it works.

  • Scanning, Copying issues with HP deskjet printer 4515

    I bought a brand new HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 4518 e-All-in-One Printer 2 weeks back and was able to setup the printing facility in the printer quite easily. But I didnt try the scan and copy features. Today when I try to scan a picture, the printer took a very long time and was displaying the message "Scanning in progress" but really nothing happened. Same is the case with copying as well.
    I did try the web scan feature from my printer's webpage (I have connected my laptop and the printer through WiFi), but that also didnt help.
    Any ideas on how to solve these issues ?

    Welcome to the forums @vijaybadri ,
    I read your post about your Deskjet Ink Advantage 4518 not scanning or copying correctly for you. I have a couple of suggestions for you to try. If they do not help, I'd then recommend calling HP directly to see what your options are for a replacement or a trade in.
    1. Update the Firmware: Getting the Latest Firmware and Product Updates
    2. Power reset:
    Press the Power button to turn on the product.
    With the product turned on, disconnect the power cord from the rear of the product.
    Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
    Wait at least 15 seconds.
    Plug the power cord back into the wall outlet.
    Reconnect the power cord to the rear of the product.
    If the product does not turn on by itself, press the Power button to turn it on.
    3. Ensure the printer is plugged in directly to the wall outlet, avoiding power bars and surge protectors. This ensures the printer is receiving full power and may help greatly.
    If the troubleshooting does not help resolve your issue, I would then suggest calling HP's Technical Support to see about further options for you. If you are calling within North America, the number is 1-800-474-6836 and for all other regions: click here.
    Have a great day
    R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
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    “Thanks” for helping!
    Click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution!

  • Help with Old Deskjet Printer

    I have an old 660C and it goes through the process of printing but the pages are blank.  HP wont support it anymore!  I am looking for someone to help me fix it.  Will pay!  HELP!

    The most likely suspect would be dried out or empty print cartridges.  I would start by printing a diagnostic test page as shown here.  If the page is totally blank then skip to the next paragraph.  If there are some wisps of black or color then try running a cleaning cycle up to three times.
    If the page is blank then remove the cartridge and gently blot the printhead on a damp tissue.  If you do not get a strong black or three color stripes on the tissue the cartridge is at fault and will need to be replaced.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • Trouble printing with my HP Deskjet printer using CUPS and hplip

    tl;dr This 1,646 word post describes my frustration with CUPS and hplip. I cannot get my HP Deskjet F4400 set up with CUPS, and all the solutions I've tried don't work.
    I'm running Arch Linux ARM on my Seagate DockStar, a small ARM-based "plug computer" that I use as a home server. My printer is the HP Deskjet F4480, which is part of the HP Deskjet F4400 series.
    I previously had CUPS set up to share my printer with my home network, using hplip for the printer driver. I never upgraded CUPS or hplip because those versions worked fine, and I didn't want to break anything avoid breaking anything. The versions that I was using had to have been at least one to two years old.
    Everything was working very smoothly... until a few days ago. The drive I was running Arch Linux ARM on became corrupt, so I had to install a fresh copy of the operating system. That meant losing all of the working versions and configuration files each application I had installed, including CUPS. I thought I had a backup image of the drive, but it didn't work when I tried to restore it. (Yes, it was stupid of me not to test my backup.)
    Setting up CUPS was one of the first things that I wanted to do after reinstalling, since my family depends on the network printing functionality almost daily. Unfortunately, I could not get CUPS to work with my printer correctly. It wouldn't be able to display a list of drivers, HP's setup utility encountered an error adding it, and it threw various errors when I tried to print test pages. I ended up reading hundreds of forum posts, wiki articles, and CUPS/hplip tutorials to try to figure out how to properly set it up. I ended up spending a total of nearly ten hours trying to get the printer to print with CUPS, and it's still not working after all that work.
    I'm going to explain in this post some of the many things that I've tried so far. I just removed all of the printing packages from my system and any extra files that were left behind. I'm now going to be installing all of the packages again and documenting everything that I have been trying to do to get it to work. I'll try to include exact error messages and logs where necessary.
    1. I first found this article on the Arch Linux ARM website on how to set up a CUPS printer. I didn't really want to use webmin, but I did it anyway so that I could follow the guide. I installed all the packages mentioned except for cups-pdf, since I didn't need print to PDF support. Everything installed smoothly, and I configured CUPS and webmin to allow access to other computers on the network. I started to notice problems in the instructions - /etc/rc.d/cups was actually /etc/rc.d/cupsd, /etc/printers.conf was actually /etc/cups/printers.conf, and webmin didn't actually add anything to the printers.conf file. I uninstalled webmin at this point because I didn't need it, and I decided I wasn't going to follow that guide with incorrect information.
    2. I then tried to set up the printer on my own using the CUPS web interface listening on port 631. I clicked the Add Printer button and it switched me to the HTTPS web interface. I then logged into the root account and was presented with the list of printers. My printer was listed as "HP Deskjet F4400 series (HP Deskjet F4400 series)", so I selected it and continued. I saw a list of printer models (PPD files) ending in CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.9. There was no entry for my printer, so I tried the "HP DeskJet Series (en)" one. I set the default options and chose Maintenaince->Print test page. I then got a ridiculously simple error: "Unable to print test page: No such file or directory". How do I even know what file or directory it's referencing? I read online that it may be because I'm not in the lp group, but root is indeed in there. I saw in the error log "Avahi client failed: -26". I started dbus and avahi-daemon just in case, but I still got that silly error. I restarted cups and the same error message occured.
    3. I researched online that pretty much the only way for my printer to have a driver would be to install hplip. Before installing hplip, I uninstalled CUPS, leaving cupsd.conf but deleting printers.conf. Then I installed CUPS and hplip together, with hplip requiring foomatic-db, foomatic-db-engine, and foomatic-filters. Everything seemed to install correctly. I started CUPS again and then ran hp-setup -i to try to install my printer. I selected USB and it found my printer, hp:/usb/Deskjet_F4400_series?serial=[printer serial number here]. I entered a simple name and then was told that no PPD file was found for the printer but that I could specify one manually. There were none I could find online; everywhere it just said to install hplip. I used the find command to find "f4400" and finally found 2 compressed PPDs located at /usr/share/ppd/HP/hp-deskjet_f4400_series-hpijs.ppd.gz and /usr/share/ppd/HP/hp-deskjet_f4400_series.ppd.gz. I gunzipped both of them and pointed hpsetup to the hpijs one, knowing that I was using the hpijs one when it was working before. It told me "Description for the file: HP Deskjet f4400 Series hpijs, 3.12.6". Hooray! I selected to use it, but then setup failed: "error: Printer queue setup failed. Please restart CUPS and try again." Ugh!
    4. I restarted CUPS and went into the hp-setup process again. It gave me the same printer queue setup failed error. I don't know if these entries in the CUPS error log are related or not, but these errors relating to foomatic showed up. I restarted CUPS again and this time used the non-hpijs file with hp-setup. This one was called "Description for the file: HP Deskjet f4400 Series, hpcups 3.12.6". It failed again with the same error and the same entries in the error log. I found lots of posts online about this error, but none seemed to have a solution that would work for me. Now I tried running hp-setup in debug mode with -g. Here is what it said before the error. I then tried to Google "debug: addPrinter() returned (0, Unable to connect to CUPS server)". I saw on an Arch bug report to install dbus-python and python2-gobject, as well as create a symlink for /usr/bin/python2 to /usr/bin/python. It didn't work - same error.
    5. I then tried to add the printer to CUPS via its web interface. Now there were two listed,  HP Deskjet F4400 series (HP Deskjet F4400 series) and HP Deskjet F4400 series USB [printer serial number here] HPLIP (HP Deskjet F4400 series). So, hplip added the second one. I tried both of them, but after clicking Continue the page started to hang. I got another stupid, undescriptive error. "Unable to get list of printer drivers: Success". I saw the same foomatic errors in the error log as before. I then started reading the ArchWiki page on CUPS, located here. I tried the blacklisting usblp. I tried changing the permissions on the device node, although this starts to become ridiculous that it is even required to do that. Nothing was working; the printer installation still didn't work with hp-setup or with CUPS. Then, I found what I was looking for: the exact error I had on the wiki page! It said for "Unable to get list of printer drivers" you should "Try to remove Foomatic drivers." WTF? Foomatic is required for hplip, and hplip is required for my printer. I can't do that. Forum posts say to try that or do the permissions or usblp thing. Nothing is working.
    6. I tried various other things to get it to work, even though I knew they probably wouldn't make it any different. I copied the PPDs from hplip to another folder and uninstalled hplip and foomatic. I then added them to /usr/share/cups/model and CUPS successfully found them and set up the printer. I reinstalled hplip and foomatic since they're needed for those PPDs to function, and I tried printing a test page. It failed. I tried using the CUPS web interface to modify the printer driver; nope, that wasn't going to happen: "Unable to get list of printer drivers: Success".
    That concludes the list of some of the things that I have tried so far. I really want to get this printer working, but right now I am really fed up with CUPS and hplip. It's things like this that make me hesitant to recommend Linux to anyone else. So much manual configuration and tinkering the inner workings of things is required to do tasks that would be quite simple on Windows. For example, I can plug this printer into my Windows 7 machine right now, wait for the driver to automatically be installed and configured, and have a test page in my hands less than a minute after I first plugged in the USB cable. I can share the printer with any other Windows machine on the network by checking a single checkbox.
    But back to my problem with getting the printer to work on my DockStar. I just uninstalled all of CUPS, hplip, and foomatic again and removed all of their files. I can walk through things to try that you guys post and then give you full logs of everything - just give me exactly what to do and install and the exact order to do it all in. I just don't know what to do at this point and am so frustrated with this that I'm about to give up.
    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this printer working? I know this was a very long post, but I just wanted to explain everything that I've tried and how nothing worked. I really hope that we can figure this out so that I'll be able to print, and maybe it'll solve a few other people's problems with their printers, too. Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for the help.

    Had similar issue with my HP Deskjet F4500C All in one printer, here's what I did:
    make sure these packages are installed or install them
    pacman -S cups cups-pdf hplip pyqt3 python2-pyqt
    pacman -S system-config-printer-gnome
    rc.d cups start
    To add device and install hp driver:
    1. Run ‘hp-setup’ as root.
    2. Click ‘Show Advanced Options’ button and check-enable ‘Manual Discovery’.
    3. Enter IP address in the ‘…device ID…’ entry and click ‘Next’ to install driver.
    run system-config-printer as root, to add printer
    # system-config-printer
    click “Add”, Select Device -> Network Printer -> input the IP address of the printer such as “″, click “Find” -> “Process”
    you should be ok from here, if not some further steps:
    If you encounter the following error:
    File “/usr/share/system-config-printer/newprinter.py”, line 1531, in getNetworkPrinterMakeModel
    debugprint (host + “: ” + args)
    TypeError: cannot concatenate ‘str’ and ‘list’ objects
    You should comment out the error line at 1531 of newprinter.py, and then continue to add the printer.
    4). Finally, you can run hp-check to see what problems exists for the printer.

  • Network Printing issues with HP DeskJet 3054A

    Basically I'm not able to get past the wireless setup - I get the unable to find  printer error.  I've tried to set it up with and without the USB cable. I was able to print using the USB cable, but not wirelessly.  I used the WPS option to connect my printer to my network, both by pushing the button, and by entering the PIN.  
    Ok here goes for system config...I have a ActiontecM1000 DSL modem that is connected to a netgear WNDR3400 router. From this router, I have a desktop running Windows XP connected directly.  I have several other devices connected wirelessly to the router, including a macbook pro running the most recent version of OS which was not able to connect to the printer wirelessly (just bought it last month with the Deskjet pronter).  I am currently using WPA2-PSK [AES] security without MAC filtering.
    On my router screen, when I click on "Attached Devices", I am able to see the printer, and it is assigned an IP address.  Most of the documentation says to type this IP address into your web browser, but whenever I do this, I am unable to access the printer (so for whatever reason, I'm unable to communicate to this device.  I currently have my desktop, macbook, 2 work laptops, an IPad, and 2 Iphones that are able to connect thru this router, so I don't think my router is malfunctioning, although it could be some weird printer setting that needs to be done...   
    Some other info which people may find useful - the print out of the HP Network config page shows that there is connection, the correct SSID, signal quality 5, the same IP address as shown on my router config page, as well as the correct authentication type - actually it says WPA-PSK vs WPA2-PSK.  It also says port 9100 is enabled, and bonjour is also enabled. 
    The print out of the wireless network test results shows that the wireless on/working is pass, signal quality is excellent, and no other networks detected mating your network name.  I will say that after 4 hours of trying this, I had a view choice words when I saw at the top of this sheet "No problems found.  Congratulations on the successful setup of your wireless printer."  
    I'm running AVG, and have attempted to disable this in the off chance that this is a firewall issue of some kind.
    I've also powered off the router, the printer, and the computer to try and resync everything.
    I have downloaded the "Troubleshoot HP installation failure - network" application and have attempted all 7 solutions, and have not been able to resolve the problem.
    Any assistance would be great!

    Currently my actiontec M1000 does not have the wireless module (in the qwest modem configuration, it says "no wireless module detected" - when I first got the modem I called qwest to confirm the dsl modem has no wireless capability,  which is when I ended up getting the Netgear router.
    Is there a point where I can get warranty service for the printer?  I'm beginning to wonder if there's just something wrong with the printer itself...

  • Two-sided printing with HP deskjet 1050A?

    How to complete two-sided printing with HP deskjet 1050A? I looked through the properties / options menu at print preview but no options were available for this function.
    Please advise.

    You should be able to print on two sides using this method for your product:
    NOTE:You can print your document on both sides of the paper, instead of just one side. Click on the Advanced button on the Paper/Quality or Layout tab. From the Pages to Print drop-down menu select Print Odd Pages Only . Click OK to print. After the odd numbered pages of the document have been printed, remove the document from the output tray. Reload the paper in the input tray with the blank side facing up. Return to the Pages to Print drop-down menu and then select Print Even Pages Only . Click OK to print.
    Reference link:
    Hope this helps.
    I work for HP.

  • Deskjet D4260 does not work with an ethernet printer server

    I am attempting to attach a Deskjet D4260 printer to a home ethernet network using a StarTech PM1115U printer server. The printer has been connected to the network through a desktop computer, and worked perfectly.  The printer server will also work with a different printer (Canon i550).  However, it doesn't work with the D4260.  The server's port will not go online, and it does not appear to recognize the printer.
    This occurs regardless of OS (Windows XP, VIsta, 7, and 8 preview all don't  work).
    StarTech says there is no incompatibility issue with the server and host-based LIDL printers in general or the D4260 in particular.  Does anyone know of any issues, or how to get the D4260 to work with this printer server?

    Yes, that is how the instructions with the server tell you to install it.  The server is connected to the network via ethernet cable and the printer to the server via USB.  The server's instructions (as well as those given to me from StarTech support) say to install the printer as a local printer using a TCP/IP port using the server's IP address, which must be on the same subnet as the computer you are installing the printer on.  All this I have done.  There are a number of settings for the port.  It can be raw or LPR and there are other options.  I have attached it as instructed, and I have tried both raw and LPR, and tried various other settings.  I was able to install a Canon i550 on the server with no difficulties.  I was able to print to the printer, and the server, when I accessed it using either StarTech's server management software or a browser pointed to the IP address, showed the server's port on line and identified correctly the printer attached to it.  When I attach the D4260, however, it shows the port off line and does not identify the printer.  I got this server as a replacement for one that I bought without knowing that, according to its own documentation, it does not work with LIDL orinters.   StarTech did not have any such warning, and the StarTech support people said that there should be no problem with a LIDL printer.  They told me to consult HP support (to which this forum is the closest thing I can find).  It looks to me as if either there is something about the printer that needs to be reset, or the server does not work with this printer.  So far changing the driver does something, but not enough to print.

  • HP 301 cartridges compatible with HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2515 All-in-One Printer

    I would like to to ask you to assist in  Case Number : 3015257645, where I have explained I have bought a HP 301 combo ink cartridge pack (black + tri-colour) and I understand that it is possible to make it compatible with HP Deskjet 2515 through a regionalization reset proceedure.
    Thank you in advance!

    The HP 301 ink cartridge are not intended for any printer of the HP Deskjet Ink Advantage Series, it cannot be used with the HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 2515.
    The printer series is only available in specific countries, for Europe you may use the HP 650 ink cartridges for the printer, if those are available in your country (those are not avaiable in any european country but mostly in Eastern European countries).
    Please let me know what country you have moved to, I will do my best to guide you further as possible.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos thumb up in the post.
    If my post resolve your problem please mark it as an Accepted Solution

  • Unable to print PDF file in HP deskjet printer ink advantage 1515

    Hi , currently i have difficulty in using my printer(HP deskjet  printer ink advantage 1515 ) to print PDF file, but Microsof word and powerpoint is ok,, so , any idea?

    You are welcome!
    I have a few more suggestions for you to try that might help. You can try printing your PDF file by using another program, or you can try running the Print and Scan Doctor. This diagnostic tool will check for any conflicts that could be causing the issue. The tool will show you a report at the end. If there was a problem that the tool could not fix, you will notice it in the results.If there was no issues detected, you can also try Uninstalling the Printer Software from the Control Panel, restarting your PC and reinstall the full driver here: HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 1515 All-in-One Printer 
    If the PDF's not printing was due to an issue with the printer software, the issue would be resolved by uninstalling and reinstalling the printer. If the problem continues, try posting this issue in the Adobe Forums for further assistance.
    Have a great day
    R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say
    “Thanks” for helping!
    Click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution!

  • How to connect hp deskjet printer 2060 to a wifi router

    I have a Deskjet 2060 AIO deskjet printer and want to connect to the Netgear Router N300 DNG2200 on the usb port on the router. When the printer is connected there is no notification on the USB port on configuration page. If I connect usb drive it is dected. Thanks for help in advance. 

    I really feel bad that I bought a product for which the customer support is so poor.
    Yes you can add the printer to the router and the router should be able to direct your requests. Due to the printer software restrictions, the other utilities like cleaning/alighning etc would not work and you'd have to connect via USB.
    I am using the same printer with my Belkin N600 router and the printing works fine.
    And on a side note, just try to figure out things yourself. The support (as evident from the above two replies) is outright pathetic and misleading.

  • Problem with HP DeskJet 845c in 10.4 Tiger

    Recently I migrated an iBook G3 from Mac OS 9 to MacOS X (Tiger 10.4.10). And we also use a new MacBook.
    But there's a big problem with the *HP DeskJet 845c* Printer:
    - printing works with Word, but *doesn't with AppleWorks or Mail (2.1.1)*
    - I have the latest Updates and looked for the latest HP DeskJet software, but this is the newest, version 3.3
    - I spoke with HP support, but they said that this is a problem in OS X
    - until now in MacOS 9 the printer worked fine
    The problem is:
    - from Mail only the header will be printed, but not the message itself
    - from AppleWorks is ssems as if only the first "pixel-rows are printed from each line
    Any help?

    Hello, Same problem with HP Deskjet 895Cse. I had printer on my G4 tower running 10.3. My macbook pro was networked through the G4 to printer, all good. I just moved my printer and plugged in directly to macboook pro USB port................ Iregular printing. With normal size fonts, 12, just the top few pixels of each sentence gets printed. With larger fonts like 36 or 48, the print is pretty interesting, but not readable. Sometmes it just spits out pages with 1 sentence, top bit only, on each page. Appleworks, word & pdf's from preview, all print the same. HP alignment, HP test , HP clean all show normal. ?????????????????????

  • Problem with HP Deskjet 3055A J611-n wireless connection

    i'm a newbie in the forum. I have to fix a problem i had this morning with my new printer HP Deskjet 3055A J611-n.
    First of all I'd like to know the reason why I found the 3050A J611a installer CD in the box, I hope it's not a mistake and drivers are the same I should use to install the machine.
    Then, I have a problem with the wireless connection. When I tried to connect my printer to the router, my printer found the connection and suddenly it kicks out all the laptops connected to the same network. It brought to the failure of the installation, because the printer found the router but it also couldn't finish the installation properly given that the laptop was disconnected.
    Can anyone help me in fixing the problem, please?
    Thank you in advance.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    OK, restart the router by pulling its power plug momentarily.
    Next, on the front of the printer push the Wireless button and then go to Restore Defaults.
    Make sure the USB cable is NOT connected to the printer, then download and install the latest software for your printer from the "Support & Drivers" link at the top of this page.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • Problem with HP-DeskJet 1120c

    HP-DeskJet 1120c driver has a specific billbord option which caused the priter to split the image on two or more pages, even if we turn off this function. This thing appear only on Developer 6 under Windows 95
    Best regards

    Hello, Same problem with HP Deskjet 895Cse. I had printer on my G4 tower running 10.3. My macbook pro was networked through the G4 to printer, all good. I just moved my printer and plugged in directly to macboook pro USB port................ Iregular printing. With normal size fonts, 12, just the top few pixels of each sentence gets printed. With larger fonts like 36 or 48, the print is pretty interesting, but not readable. Sometmes it just spits out pages with 1 sentence, top bit only, on each page. Appleworks, word & pdf's from preview, all print the same. HP alignment, HP test , HP clean all show normal. ?????????????????????

  • Problem with HP Deskjet D1320

    HP Deskjet d1320, has always worked well, now whenever printing BLUE it comes out RED/PINK. All cleaning and test printouts appear normal. Replaced cartridges and cleaned again, still same results? Any ideas?
    Thank you

    Hello, Same problem with HP Deskjet 895Cse. I had printer on my G4 tower running 10.3. My macbook pro was networked through the G4 to printer, all good. I just moved my printer and plugged in directly to macboook pro USB port................ Iregular printing. With normal size fonts, 12, just the top few pixels of each sentence gets printed. With larger fonts like 36 or 48, the print is pretty interesting, but not readable. Sometmes it just spits out pages with 1 sentence, top bit only, on each page. Appleworks, word & pdf's from preview, all print the same. HP alignment, HP test , HP clean all show normal. ?????????????????????

Maybe you are looking for