What can i see/do on my Mac Pro when i am away from my internet service?

i ride the bus, sit and wait different places for the bus and i wanted to us my macbook pro retina. i remember seeing something about being able to read articles that i put in reading list but i thought there were other things as well.  thank you.

You can do anything you want that does not require Internet; read books, watch movies, write papers, write a book, write email for sending later, prepare a presentation, work on your finances, create a spreadheet to track your blood pressure, create an app, play games, ...

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    You have to do it on the Apple TV itself while it's plugged into a TV so that you can see its screen.
    I quote
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    MS Office '11 for Mac:    Mac:http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products or http://www.apple.com/iwork/pages/, or http://www.libreoffice.org/, or http://www.neooffice.org/neojava/en/index.php, among many others

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    Are you certain your work is compute-bound?
    Insufficient RAM memory or too much competition for too few drives causes a system to have unused processor power, but complete the work too slowly.

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    Yes. You can actually upgrade it all the way to Lion should you so wish, although you would need to first purchase and install Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
    I would skip Leopard as it's more expensive and obsolete. You can purchase a Snow Leopard DVD at any Apple retailer - $29.00. You can update it by downloading Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1. The use the App Store to purchase and download Lion should you choose to do so - $30.00.
    I would consider expanding your RAM to at least 4 GBs or more especially if you decide to upgrade to Lion. Before upgrading see the following:
    How to Install OS X Updates Successfully
    A. Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions:
    Boot from your current OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. Then select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now restart normally. 
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger) and/or TechTool Pro (4.5.2 for Tiger) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    B. Make a Bootable Backup Using Restore Option of Disk Utility:
    Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder.
    Select the destination volume from the left side list.
    Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
    Check the box labeled Erase destination.
    Select the destination volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
    Select the source volume from the left side list and drag it to the Source entry field.
    Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    Destination means the external backup drive. Source means the internal startup drive.
    C. Important: Please read before installing:
    If you have a FireWire hard drive connected, disconnect it before installing the update unless you will boot from this drive and install the update on it. Reconnect it and turn it back on after installation is complete and you've restarted.
    You may experience unexpected results if you have installed third-party system software modifications, or if you have modified the operating system through other means. (This does not apply to normal application software installation.)
    The installation process should not be interrupted. If a power outage or other interruption occurs during installation, use the standalone installer (see below) from Apple Downloads to update.  While the installation is in progress do not use the computer.
    D. To upgrade:
    Purchase the Snow Leopard Retail DVD.
    Boot From The OS X Installer Disc:
    Insert OS X Installer Disc into the optical drive.
    Restart the computer.
    Immediately after the chime press and hold down the "C" key.
    Release the key when the spinning gear below the dark gray Apple logo appears.
    Wait for installer to finish loading.
    E. If updating:
    Download and install update(s) 
    Use Software Update, or
    Download standalone updater(s).

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    First, if you have a MACBOOK PRO (a laptop), you should post in that forum. MAC PRO (desktop) and Macbook Pro are different things, so when you use those terms interchangeably, it's impossible to know what you're talking about.
    Second, even guessing that you have a laptop, I still have no idea what your question means. Are you trying to load Microsoft Windows on it? Every Mac can run Windows using either Boot Camp or Parallels/Fusion/VMWare solutions. Please explain in more detail what you're trying to do, and we'll try to help. But post in the Macbook Pro forum if you're talking about a laptop.

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