What color should light up on my car charger when my iphone is plugged in


That depends on the manufacturer of the charger...check the user guide that came with it.  Apple typically uses amber when charging and green when running on line power.

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    Battery condition says normal but cycle count is on the high side.
    May be better off with a new battery.
    Hope everything turns out right.

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    My setup in my car is this: I have a 3-foot USB to USB extension coming out of my factory USP port in my vehicle, and attached to the end is a short Apple lightning cable. I ran this combo through the console and up and out by the steering column - with a Bracketron holder that clips into my vent. Worked great with my iPhone 5. I tried it with my iPhone 6 and after about 30 seconds of being plugged in (while driving) it said the accessory was not compatible. I unplugged and tried multiple times ... no dice. Today I went into my local Apple store and discussed it with genius. He said the iPhone 6 phones have an special chip inside of them that will detect third-party charging devices (in my case it was the USB extension). They did this because of some instances of fires with non-Apple lightning cables. I purchased a 6-foot Apple lightning cable, and replaced the old setup and it works fine now.

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    You can do this all by yourself.
    Find a car charger for the iphone 5 - you can use the internet to do so, then look at the price
    Click Store at the top of this page to look at the Apple Store if you like

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    Texasgirl97: You do not need a car charger "with a Lightning connector on it". Car chargers have a USB port; all you have to do is use the cable that came with your iPhone 5, which has a USB connector on one end (plug it into the car charger) and a Lightning connector on the other end (plug it into the iPhone 5). Car chargers are cheap, much less than $50 or even $30. I've seen some advertised for around $10. Some even have two USB ports. Extra cables are becoming available now at around $10. Search Amazon.com or other on-line vendors.

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    AppleIsMyHobby wrote:
    I would just advise that you be careful with old model chargers that were built for 30 pin to USB connectors for the old iPhones. They may not work for the iPhone 5 and/or they might damage the phone/battery etc. The best plan would be to wait for some kind of charger that was made for the iPhone 5.
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    Your phone is jailbroken. You'll have to look for an answer somewhere else or buy a new phone.
    Discussing jailbroken phones is forbidden by the terms of service here.

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    Personally I use a USB plug that goes into Car Accessory Socket and then you can use the normal Apple cable and also have a 2A output as well if you want to charge an iPad
    That way you have no need to worry about certification with the lightning plug
    As long as you  stick to a Premium brand 12v Plug  such as Scosche ,Belkin Griffin et al  you will get a stable 5V as required by the iPhone
    best to ignore cheap eBay ,no name offers  cheap means ...............

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    Not Charge
    - See:    
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    - Try another cable. The cable for 5G iPod (lightning connector) seems to be more prone to failure than the older cable.
    - If a 5G iPod               
    Iphone 5 lightning port charging problem - SOLUTION!
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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