What do I do with an old Extreme Flying Saucer and AX?

A friend just gave me an old Airport Extreme Base Station (the old flying saucer model, number A1034) and an Airport Express (A1084). We wired our house for a LAN, and I have a Netgear wireless router, so I don't need a primary wireless service. However, I'd like to use both devices to extend my wireless. I could connect both to the router via ethernet. Is this a good use? Should I bother? I'm pretty sure the NGear router is a G, not an N. Blazing wireless speed is not a huge issue. How do I configure each device? Thanks!

With your house wired for LAN, you could use both of the AirPorts, along with your Netgear router, to establish a "roaming" network. With this type of network, you could literally roam with a laptop from one part of the house to another without switching wireless networks.
Basically, you would place the AirPorts at locations where you are not getting a strong wireless signal from the Netgear. Each AirPort would connect to the same Ethernet backbone that ties back to the Netgear, and thus, all of the routers would be on the same Ethernet subnet. In turn, each of the AirPorts would need to be reconfigured as bridges and use the same Network Name (SSID) as the Netgear.

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    AppleMacCider wrote:
    Does anyone know why Apple have removed the 35 x wipe from Lion and Mountain Lion other than it's an overkill.
    Gutmann algorithm 35-pass secure erase is not available as an option from the GUI, but is still available from command line aka Terminal.
    diskutil secureErase
    Usage:  diskutil secureErase [freespace] level MountPoint|DiskIdentifier|DeviceNode
    Securely erases either a whole disk or a volume's freespace.
    Level should be one of the following:
            0 - Single-pass zeros.
            1 - Single-pass random numbers.
            2 - US DoD 7-pass secure erase.
            3 - Gutmann algorithm 35-pass secure erase.
            4 - US DoE 3-pass secure erase.
    Ownership of the affected disk is required.
    Note: Level 2, 3, or 4 secure erases can take an extremely long time.

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