What happened to my previous TB email system? Suddenly it's changed and I DO NOT LIKE IT.

How can I go back to the previous TB email system? This new release is very difficult to use. I can no longer delete a message without opening it. When my mouse hovers over a message in the inbox, it does not open. I cannot immediately see that there's a new message; now I must notice that an existing message has been lightly underlined, then click on the arrow by that message to see the new message. I did not ask for this and it has thrown a major monkey wrench into an already stressful week.

I use Saved Searches, or '''View|Folders|Unread''' if I'm in a hurry to find new and unread messages. But then when I've read a message, I file it. So I rarely have to sift through many previous unread messages to find the new ones.
But all of your complaints about "new" behaviour, apart from the mouse-hover thing, seem to me to be entirely normal Thunderbird operation. So I'm very puzzled by what you see as changes.

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