What has changed in itunes 7 re adding files?

I used to be able to add multiple files just by selecting them and clicking open. Now in itunes 7, it seems that you can only add one or two files at a time, and sometimes it won't even allow that. Is this a bug? and is there a fix?

J.Me wrote:
The biggest, and best improvement for me, is that in "LIST" view, the "Artist" column can now be moved to the first column. Previous versions had this "locked" and "Title" was the only thing allowed in the first column.
IIRC, "Name" has always been fixed as the first column; it is in iTunes 9. If you went to View>View Options, you could uncheck everything except for "Name" which wasn't even in the View Options!
Unfortunately, PING, is still viewable. And no, the colored Icons are not back.
Bummer. I wish I was a programmer then I could change the code in my copy of iTunes. You'd think there would be an option under Parental Controls to disable Ping for children's safety.

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    J.Me wrote:
    The biggest, and best improvement for me, is that in "LIST" view, the "Artist" column can now be moved to the first column. Previous versions had this "locked" and "Title" was the only thing allowed in the first column.
    IIRC, "Name" has always been fixed as the first column; it is in iTunes 9. If you went to View>View Options, you could uncheck everything except for "Name" which wasn't even in the View Options!
    Unfortunately, PING, is still viewable. And no, the colored Icons are not back.
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    Hi HayCam,
    Sounds like you accidently got changed to another store....
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    Click: Restoring your iTunes Library backup (from an external drive) here >  iTunes: Back up your iTunes library by copying to an external hard drive
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    On my Mac it normally runs fine and fast. The SUID errors your getting are harmless. See this.
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    Thank you,

    Please check if you can post this question in Discussion below:
    CRM On Demand (MOSC)
    Thank you,

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    1. open Terminal
    2. cd to the directory containing the timestamped backup folders. This will be /Volumes/<yourbackup_drive>/Backups.backupdb/<your_computername>
    3. run the following:
    sudo diff -qrN firstbackupdir secondbackupdir
    sudo diff -qrN 2007-11-20-172936 2007-11-21-111113
    Files 2007-11-20-172936/.Backup.log and 2007-11-21-111113/.Backup.log differ
    Files 2007-11-20-172936/.com.apple.TMCheckpoint and 2007-11-21-111113/.com.apple.TMCheckpoint differ
    Files 2007-11-20-172936/MacBook/Applications/.DS_Store and 2007-11-21-111113/MacBook/Applications/.DS_Store differ
    Files 2007-11-20-172936/MacBook/Applications/OmniGraffle Professional 4.app/Contents/Frameworks/GraffleShapes.framework/GraffleShapes and 2007-11-21-111113/MacBook/Applications/OmniGraffle Professional 4.app/Contents/Frameworks/GraffleShapes.framework/GraffleShapes differ
    Files 2007-11-20-172936/MacBook/Applications/OmniGraffle Professional 4.app/Contents/Frameworks/GraffleShapes.framework/Versions/A/GraffleShapes and 2007-11-21-111113/MacBook/Applications/OmniGraffle Professional 4.app/Contents/Frameworks/GraffleShapes.framework/Versions/A/GraffleShapes differ
    A bit verbose but it does the trick.

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    * ni_httpClient.dll is version 1.1.0f14 in Lv2010 and version 1.1.0f0 in LV2010SP1. They have stepped back??? Why?
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    Many thanks

    Frank, thanks for the reply and the info.
    However, I'm having trouble getting this resolved.
    SAP Note 1549532 appears to provide more useful information - however it looks like you need a PhD in computer science to actually understand the SAP instructions and and find the data needed even for the temporary workaround.
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    Thanks again

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