What is BT Broadband "Anywhere" now?

A great idea three+ years ago; broadband anywhere with BB talk and VOIP on the handsets of Anywhere.
But where is and what is it now?  It is a HTC Hero and HTC Touch2 unbranded without any BT software on it.  There is no VOIP / Snap and Send app on either, so the handsets are factory ready, but not in any sense related to BB Talk.
Some customers will still have their 620 / 710 on contract for £5 a month, many of us have long gone, seeking greener and better pastures with other operators sadly
So, the brilliant (IMHO) of Anywhere appears to be no-where in particular, except for a windows and an android phone that has been long since overtaken in the charts. 
So, what, (rhetorically) is next I wonder? Is BT in the mobile market, or has the rest of the world got it wrong, and we will all be on land-lines and mobiles/smartphones are a thing of the past (not).
"Welcome to Royston Vasey - You'll never leave."

Having recently moved from 3 to Orange as my main mobile phone provider, and on to a Samsung Galaxy Europa (a vast improvement on my Touch 2, though I know I am not comparing like for like), I was also wondering what the future of BTBBA is for me.
I pay what, £15 per month for 10mb of data which is pointless.
I use the phone as a wifi MP3 player using BeyondPod. I did use MyPlayer but the BBC Iplayer seems to have gone off this and frankly the free apps for the Touch are so limited I rarely check the Market for any thing new.
Ok, maybe the point was that the Anywhere component came from BT Openzone/Fon, but I read so many threads about problems logging on that this does not really appear feasible, even less so for me in Middlesbrough where I struggle to find a working hotspot.
With hindsight the concept was good but the execution has been poor. My plan to ditch the real mobile phone provider which I wanted to do in favour of BTBBA has been shelved. The £15 per month is simply not good value. I could have a wifi MP3 player that would be as much use as the Touch 2.
Add to that the fact I can get my BT email on either my 3 or now my Orange phone anywhere but can't, without paying even more to BT, on BTBBA handset, and the experiment seems to be heading in one direction with the end of my BTBBA contract when the term ends. Sorry BT. Love the BB and Vision, but BTBBA is going the way of the Dodo for me.

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    Thanks for replying to my post.

  • Unhappy with BT Broadband anywhere mobile phones

    BT Broadband anywhere mobile phones
    £210 to buy a HTC Hero or HTC Touch 2 for £107 for a secondary account
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    Strange this isnt mentioned in the terms and conditions.
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    @Dodcobbler - no its not bad for a mobile phone.  How much data usage do you have?
    Interesting sum to do is phone + usage (inluding data) +b b option 3 = ?
    I dont think you can price these phones standing alone from the BB package that has to go with them.  IMHO it is that £ which is the salient point.  We kept ping-ponging that point back week after week last year prior to the news being announced, but the data usage and composite price in the round was never really taken up.  Neither was the second handset.  Neither was the lifting of 'bundling' legislation which now allows BT to offer a 'one stop shop' of BB, TV, landline + mobile.
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    "Welcome to Royston Vasey - You'll never leave."

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    Try updating to iPhoto 9.4.1. If it's not appearing in your Software Update yet, try updating using a .dmg installer downloaded from the following page on the Apple website: 
    iPhoto 9.4.1
    From the release notes for the new version:
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    Fixes an issue that could cause iPhoto to quit unexpectedly when using the Export command 
    Addresses an issue that could cause iPhoto to quit unexpectedly when upgrading multiple books, cards, and calendars 
    Resolves an issue with downloading and viewing photos synced from Facebook albums



    Welcome to the Apple community.
    iTunes and iCloud and different accounts, you will need to delete both accounts from your device before adding the new details in their place.
    For iCloud go to settings > iCloud, scroll down and hit the delete button. You can then sign back in using your correct details. For iTunes go to settings >store, tap your account ID and then sign out, you can then sign back in using your correct Apple ID.

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    Activation Lock in iOS 7  >  http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5818
    hannibalfromlemery wrote:
    .I cant activate my Iphone 5. I bought this from someone
    The Apple ID and Password that was Originally used to Activate the iDevice is required.
    If you cannot get this information from the seller
    Removing a device from a previous owner’s account
    You need to return the Device for a refund, as you will not be able to re-activate it.



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    On the right of the To: field you will see a circled plus sign:
    Click it.

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    Message was edited by: Mombasa Flash

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    > Likes and Dislikes
    > Keep it clean and use English please
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    we don't have FB in mainland...
    and everything is more expensive in here.
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    I have very similar problem, have you resolved yours yet?

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    anything with it and all the words have gone once CONVERTED & Saved  can
    this be sorted or can I just get my MONEY back and I will try other avenues
    to get what I want.
    Kind Regards
    Hugh Sneddon
    E: [email protected]
    O: 01772 797904
    M:  07447475117
    N W Energy Management Solutions Ltd
    Company logo 2
    P Please consider the environment before printing this email

    Please post in the right forum, and stop spamming this forum with new threads on the same issue. And don't forget that you are not addressing Adobe here, just fellow users who cannot give you your money back.
    Finally, I don't think it's very wise to post all that personal information in a public forum such as this...

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    Error -1 generally indicates a hardware failure.Your phone's broken.  Buy a new phone, replace the phone through Apple or an authorised service provider, or find a 3rd party repair shop to attempt to fix it.

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