What is easiest way to mount /OVS on our SAN?

Hi All,
We are running Oracle VM Server 2.1.5. We have /OVS on the local machine and want to place it on the SAN. Can we just move the mount point after formatting the SAN storage?

I'm still learning all of the VM server configuration and best practices as I'm new to Oracle VM Server but I can tell you the problems/solutions I hit when configuring the SAN storage.
The best way I have found iis to configure multipath SAN then use the OVM repositories to manage the luns.
If you do not have the multipath configured your devices have a chance to shuffle around when you present a new lun to the server and you have to update the information in the /etc/ovs/repositories and fstab. Or if your SAN card fails over to the other path you will have problems. (this was my first problem)
Once you get that configured you can remove any /OVS entries from your fstab and register the cluster root (/OVS) using the repositiory tools.
For example mine was added using:
/usr/lib/ovs/ovs-makerepo /dev/mapper/mpath1p1 C 'Cluster Root'
then I added a couple other luns for extra shared storage
/usr/lib/ovs/ovs-makerepo /dev/mapper/mpath2 1 '400G Storage'
/usr/lib/ovs/ovs-makerepo /dev/mapper/mpath3 1 '1T Storage'
Seemed to work for me.

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    Follow these instructions step by step to prepare a Mac for sale:
    Step One - Back up your data:
           A. If you have any Virtual PCs shut them down. They cannot be in their "fast saved" state. They must be shut down from inside Windows.
           B. Clone to an external drive using using Carbon Copy Cloner.
              1. Open Carbon Copy Cloner.
              2. Select the Source volume from the Select a source drop down menu on the left side.
              3. Select the Destination volume from the Select a destination drop down menu on the right
              4. Click on the Clone button. If you are prompted about creating a clone of the Recovery HD be
                  sure to opt for that.
                   Destination means a freshly erased external backup drive. Source means the internal
                   startup drive.
    Step Two - Prepare the machine for the new buyer:
              1. De-authorize the computer in iTunes! De-authorize both iTunes and Audible accounts.
              2, Remove any Open Firmware passwords or Firmware passwords.
              3. Turn the brightness full up and volume nearly so.
              4. Turn off File Vault, if enabled.
              5. Disable iCloud, if enabled: See.What to do with iCloud before selling your computer
    Step Three - Install a fresh OS:
         A. Snow Leopard and earlier versions of OS X
              1. Insert the original OS X install CD/DVD that came with your computer.
              2. Restart the computer while holding down the C key to boot from the CD/DVD.
              3. Select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu; repartition and reformat the internal hard drive.
                  Optionally, click on the Security button and set the Zero Data option to one-pass.
              4. Install OS X.
              5. Upon completion DO NOT restart the computer.
              6. Shutdown the computer.
         B. Lion and Mountain Lion (if pre-installed on the computer at purchase*)
             Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible because
                       it is three times faster than wireless.
              1. Restart the computer while holding down the COMMAND and R keys until the Mac OS X
                  Utilities window appears.
              2. Select Disk Utility from the Mac OS X Utilities window and click on the Continue button.
              3. After DU loads select your startup volume (usually Macintosh HD) from the left side list. Click
                  on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
              4. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Optionally, click on the Security button
                  and set the Zero Data option to one-pass.
              5. Click on the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
              6. Quit DU and return to the Mac OS X Utilities window.
              7. Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion and click on the Install button.
              8. Upon completion shutdown the computer.
    *If your computer came with Lion or Mountain Lion pre-installed then you are entitled to transfer your license once. If you If your computer came with Lion or Mountain Lion pre-installed then you are entitled to transfer your license once. If you purchased Lion or Mountain Lion from the App Store then you cannot transfer your license to another party. In the case of the latter you should install the original version of OS X that came with your computer. If this is not possible then simply erase the drive. You need to repartition the hard drive as well as reformat it; this will assure that the Recovery HD partition is removed. See Step Three above. You may verify these requirements by reviewing your OS X Software License.

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    These are two possible approaches that will normally work to move an existing library to a new computer.
    Method 1
    Backup the library with this User Tip.
    Deauthorize the old computer if you no longer want to access protected content on it.
    Restore the backup to your new computer using the same tool used to back it up.
    Keep your backup up-to-date in future.
    Method 2
    Connect the two computers to the same network. Share your <User's Music> folder from the old computer and copy the entire iTunes library folder into the <User's Music> folder on the new one. Again, deauthorize the old computer if no longer required.
    Both methods should give the new computer a working clone of the library that was on the old one. As far as iTunes is concerned this is still the "home" library for your devices so you shouldn't have any issues with iTunes wanting to erase and reload.
    I'd recommend method 1 since it establishes an ongoing backup for your library.
    If you have an iOS device that syncs with contact & calendar data on your computer you should migrate this information too. If that isn't possible create a dummy entry of each type in your new profile and iTunes should offer to merge the existing data from the device into the computer, otherwise the danger is that it will wipe the information from the device.
    If your media folder has been split out from the main iTunes folder you may need to do some preparatory work to make it easier to move. See make a split library portable.
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library, or a backup of it, then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device for advice on how to set up your devices with a new library with the maximum preservation of data.

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