What is webkit2webprocess.exe?

what is webkit2webprocess.exe? It keeps crashing and is quite the resource hog...

There was a similar discussion in the past. I suggest you to read it: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3201439?start=0&tstart=0.

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    The website in particular ishttp://www.gameinformer.com/p/replay.aspx. Other sites like facebook, gmail, and hotmail occassionally do the same thing but that is VERY infrequent. It seems game informer's website is the major culprit (and I love this site for my gaming news).
    Interesting. It's cranky on my 7 x64 system too, although I don't get the webkit2webprocess.exe crash.
    I cranked up the error console (in Safari) for the page, and it complains about the javascript being used for the Google plusone button. So it could be that your webkit2webprocess.exe is being unusually sensitive to that ... although it's not clear why your one dies when mine doesn't.
    Are you able to do a "Help > Report Bugs to Apple" from the page before it crashes?

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    Hi drkdrgn74,
    If you are having this error during or after an attempted update to iTunes, you may find the following article helpful:
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    If the error is occuring in the context of a security software alert, this article may be of use:
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  • How to solve the webkit2webprocess.exe problem ?

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    By uninstalling Safari. It's long discontinued on Windows, unsupported, buggy, and probably unsafe to use.

  • Safari for Windows:  WebKit2WebProcess.exe - Application Error

    Scratching my head over this one...
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    WebKit2WebProcess.exe - Application Error
    The exception unknown software exception (0xc00000fd) occured in the application at location 0x00ce30f8.  Click OK to terminate the program.
    Norton is installed on this machine (No arguments, please).  Also using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and SUPERAntiSpyware.  I'm currently performing scans...starting with Malwarebytes.  Not sure if its an infection but, it sure behaves like it may be.
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    Any suggestions?
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    Thanks in advance.

    Here's a typical report:
    Stopped working
    9/7/2012 9:00 AM
    Report Sent
    Problem signature
    Problem Event Name:      APPCRASH
    Application Name:           WebKit2WebProcess.exe
    Application Version:         7534.57.2.4
    Application Timestamp:   4f97642d
    Fault Module Name:        StackHash_a769   (the hexcode here changes each time)
    Fault Module Version:      6.0.6002.18541
    Fault Module Timestamp:                4ec3e3d5
    Exception Code:                c0000374
    Exception Offset:              000b06b7
    OS Version:        6.0.6002.
    Locale ID:           1033
    Additional Information 1:                a769                              (the hexcode for 1-4 here changes each time)
    Additional Information 2:                9b5e4c40c82d003ab9a9d7b33adceca6
    Additional Information 3:                e08b
    Additional Information 4:                5487ca3c1736cf0af5b973a19b24bb30

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