What OS files to backup ?

I am an Oracle DBA working on linux OS , a new linux admin has joined the company and is not aware what OS files need to be backed up on a weekly/monthly just in case the OS has to be installed again.
Is it possible to get such a list ?

Whether or not a system backup makes sense depends on what you are trying to accomplish, but it is usually not very useful.
If you backup a system, I suggest to backup all files, but you must not backup /dev and /proc. The footprint of a Unix or Linux system is relatively small so it does not make sense to bother with sophisticated backup filters. The situation was different 15 years ago, when setting up a system was rather complex, but a backup of a modern operating system is usually more of a hassle and a matter of discipline than real benefit.
To my experience, a document describing the system configuration and parameters will be more useful than a backup. You should use RAID 1 to protect your system from a hardware disk failure. In case of a catastrophic failure, you will most likely end up with new hardware or consider to install a newer version of the operating system anyway. It is faster to setup a machine from scratch than restoring from a backup and possibly restoring an existing or unknown problem.
You should however backup non-OS files. Which files these are, depends on your product. For an oracle database this typically means /etc/oratab, /usr/local/bin and home directories.
Edited by: Dude on May 17, 2012 5:00 AM

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    Is this TM you are using? TM to airport extreme connected hard disk are known to be fragile at best.
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    hi bravao,
    It's very simple...copy the ENTIRE iPhoto Library folder (found in your Pictures folder) to the external. That's it!
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    Question asked and answered several times.
    If you didn't save, nothing is recoverable.
    iWork apps don't create temp files so, as far as you on't save something, Time Machine can't archive it.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 5 juillet 2011 12:25:31
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    Thanks Mrinal and Ajay,
    On my experience I always use the full-backup: repository database backup + filestore folder backup (usually I recommend include BO folder installation and TomCat folder too because the custom configurations). That backup is essential, is basic.
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    Profile Backup successful : Event Log : Application. Source : Windows Backup. Event ID 4098
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    Log files related to File History can be found in Applications and Service Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows. We found following two interesting event files:
    WHC under FileHistory-Core
    File History Backup Log under FileHistory-Engine
    The entries of Information level in WHC appears whenever File History runs, stops, turns off or on. On the other hand, File History Backup Log records warnings or error messages, for instance, file was not backed up due to xyz error, unusual
    condition was encountered during finalization of a backup cycle for configuration, unable to scan user libraries for changes and perform backup of modified files for configuration.
    For more information about file history, you can refer to this link:
    Windows 8 File History Analysis
    Hope these could be helpful.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Thank you for using the Apple Support Communities
    From what I understand is that you deleted a backup file. Could you describe your problem with a little more detail please.

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    Please don't advise us to upgrade to 10.5.8, because her PowerBook freezes not infrequently with any OS later than 10.5.6, and I was just about to downgrade her from 10.5.7 to 10.5.6.

    Pondini wrote:
    odysseus wrote:
    This is a weird story. My wife has a PowerBook G4/1.33 GHz that she uses in clamshell mode with a 20" Cinema Display. One day under OS X 10.5.6, her Time Machine backups (to a networked 500 GB Time Capsule) failed with the error: Backup failed with error: The target volume is read-only. So I upgraded her to 10.5.7 and erased the sparseimage file, starting a new Time Machine backup. And it just happened again.
    Try repairing the sparse bundle, per #A5 of the Time Machine - Troubleshooting *User Tip,* also at the top of this forum.
    I've tried this before, but it can't be repaired, because it can't be mounted.
    Any idea how this sort of problem arises? My wife was doing something at her computer when the Time Machine error occurred.
    One possibility is, the HD in the Time Capsule is beginning to fail (all HDs fail, sooner or later).
    I'm backing up to my own sparseimage bundle just fine.
    Please don't advise us to upgrade to 10.5.8, because her PowerBook freezes not infrequently with any OS later than 10.5.6, and I was just about to downgrade her from 10.5.7 to 10.5.6.
    Those two things may be related. Whatever's going wrong may very well be what's corrupting the backups.
    I'd recommend finding out what's wrong with the Powerbook. It's impossible to tell, of course, but that may be the root of the problem.
    There's a problem with PowerBooks and Cinema Displays. I've posted a lot about this. Even after a motherboard replacement, my PowerBook G4/1.67 GHz had freezes, and eventually Apple gave me a MacBook Pro, but I think there's a failure involving hardware/software design.
    If you haven't yet, I'd start by dong a +*Verify Disk+* on it's internal HD (also per #A5);
    That checks out fine.
    if there are no errors, or they're fixed and the problem continues, run the +Apple Hardware Test+ from the disc that came with the Mac. (One of the discs should have that, and instructions for running it, printed in tiny type on the label).
    If still no help, I'd be inclined to do an +Archive & Install, preserving users & settings,+ of Leopard, then download & install the appropriate "combo" update. That's a combination (thus the clever name) of all the updates to Leopard since it was first released, so installing it should fix anything that's gone wrong since then, such as with one of the normal "point" updates. Info and download available at: http://support.apple.com/downloads/MacOS_X_10_5_8_ComboUpdate (change the last "8" to the desired number). Be sure to do a +Repair Permissions+ via Disk Utility (in your Applications/Utilities folder) afterwards.

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    I'm sorry bit this is not clear.
    I want to backup Library.iPhoto which is 3.8GB.
    This is a single file. Do you mean you want to back up your iPhoto Library?
    What I do for off-site back up is upload my pics to Flickr or SmugMug. Flickr has a free version. I also burn the Library to DVD (stored across town in a relative's home) and also have copy on an external drive that lives in my car. (Paranoid? Me?)
    If you enter the iPhoto Package File and try and extract parts, then you're no longer backing up the Library.
    So can you clarify what you want to back up: The iPhoto Library? Or the Pics? The pics will not include albums etc)

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    Also when Time Machine does a backup of your computer, then all the photos from photobooth should appear in the photobooth library file right?

    That's a backup copy of a file in your home Pictures folder. I don't know what it is.

  • LR4 Not Including Sidecar Files in Backup Destination

    I've noticed that when I import files (NEF's) into LR4 and back them up to a second location (external hard drive) the sidecar files are included in the primary destination folder but not in the backup folder. I checked my LR3 backup folders and the same thing is happening.
    I'm sure that there is an explanation for this, but I'll be @#$%^& if I know what it is.  Does someone have an answer?

    I usually import "raws" directly into Lightroom from a CF card (out of a Nikon camera), so I'm not sure what program could be generating sidecar files.  I've checked the cameras and they don't seem to be generating any   I also specify "no adjustments" in the import dialog. The side car files are always present in the primary import location. .
    This isn't a critical issue, but I sure am curious to know why it is happening.
    Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 06:52:58 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: LR4 Not Including Sidecar Files in Backup Destination
        Re: LR4 Not Including Sidecar Files in Backup Destination
        created by ssprengel in Photoshop Lightroom 4 - View the full discussion
    XMP Sidecar files may exist at the time of import, either because the files were edited in Bridge/ACR or Lightroom, itself, or another XMP-creating program such as GeoSetter that can create an XMP with GPS tags in it.
        Whether those XMP sidecar files should be copied to a secondary location on import remains an open question.
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4217723#4217723
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4217723#4217723. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
         Start a new discussion in Photoshop Lightroom 4 by email or at Adobe Forums
      For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

  • What happened to the Backup Assistant website?

    A few days ago it was working, and I was able to download all my contacts as a .csv file.  Now, when I try to go there I get redirected to a page trying to sell me ringtones or song downloads.  This happens whether I enter the url manually, using what shows on the backup assistant phone screen or when I click on the backup assistant link under Tools and Apps.

    My log of what happened:
    >> Login to your My Verizon site as normal here http://bit.ly/xB4iTc <<
    Did that.
    >> Hover over the My Verizon tab>Select "View All" under the My Device tab
    << Got a login popup, logged in.  Reached a page with this message:
    Restricted Account Access
    Why have I reached this page?
    Your current role is Account Member. You have reached this page because
    you have requested
    a function that is restricted to Account Owners and Account Managers ...
    I clicked Request Account Manager Status
    The page went white.  The bar at the bottom of the browser indicated a
    bunch of stuff being fetched from here and there.  After it was done I was
    back to exactly the same page.  I did this twice and got the same result.
    End of log.
    On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Verizon Wireless Customer Support <

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