What Puzzles Me About Apex

Recently I needed to rearrange nearly 50 columns in a "classic" type report in one of my Apex 4.0.1 applications. It was so laborious and tedious. In the "Report" tab, one by one I had to click the up or down arrows on each successive row, all the while keeping my eyes focused on where I was in the report lest I overshoot my target destination and, horrors, lest I mistakenly move the "wrong" column. It was an exercise in patience. How I longed for a simpler way to do this. Even having the option to move an item entirely to the top or entirely to the bottom of the column stack (as supplied for a "shuttle" item, for example) would have helped. But, alas, not even this amenity exists.
After finally completing this task, I began dwelling on other areas in Apex that I (and if one searches through just this past year's posts in this Forum, others as well) find frustrating. I wanted to know what others and, especially, members of the Apex development team, think about these things. Hence, the reason for this post. I am puzzled why the following things have not been addressed.
1) As mentioned at the outset, there is not an easier way to rearrange column ordering in both "classic" and IR reports. When reports (commonly) have 25 or more columns, and especially if one requires one or more columns to be moved from one end of the stack to the other, this is a productivity killer.
2) The Apex API makes it easy to create all sorts of objects within a region: text fields, display only items, dropdowns, popups, and now even JQuery like dynamic actions. But the one item that Apex does not make it easy to create is a hyperlink. This has always puzzled me. Surely one of the fundamental constituants of the web is the hyperlink. All Apex offers are fields (on forms, within SQL queries, etc.) in which the developer may construct a link. But there is no interface that walks the devleoper through the process of creating a link. One may say that creating a link should be one of those basic things every Apex/web developer ought to know. But one may equally apply that logic to most of the other aforementioned items. And I believe creating a hyperlink is more complex than creating, say, an input text field. Instead, one must muddle through the docs or look at previous examples to figure out how to construct an appropriate link. Why is there no step-by-step interface in the Apex API to help with this? There is for, say, a text field or a dropdown, but not for a link. Strange.
3) You need to create a form with 10 columns and 15 rows. Forget it. Apex complains about "a 100 cell limit on a form". This is another one of those puzzlements. What is the rational for this limit? It is so un-realistic and does not jive with today's business requirements. I first ran into this limitation on a form way back in version 1.x. And here we are three major versions ahead and we are still looking at this limitation. Why?
4) A fellow developer recently needed to import a page (not the application, just one of the pages) from one workspace to another. These two workspaces happened to reside in different Oracle instances (Dev and Prod).
Unlike importing an entire application, there is no intuitive way to do this. Instead, one must go into the actual export .SQL file and modify several of the included parameters. And even this is not straightforward. Surely, there needs to be an easier way (meaning, automatic way as in clicking a few buttons).
5) Years ago I used Microsoft's FrontPage tool to create a website. One of its nice features is the ability to automatically generate a "site map" of your website. A diagram would be created in which one may easily see which page "calls" or "redirects" to another page. Over the years I have either created (or inherited) Apex applications that sport 50 or more pages. Starting with, say, page 10, have you ever tried to figure out what page(s) called or redirected to page 10? If your Apex app only has 5 pages total, this is not a big deal. But with 50+pages, this is a big deal. A sitemap would have proved an invaluable productivity enhancer at this point. You might think, well, this would be a great Apex plugin idea. And you would be correct. But what puzzles me is that shouldn't this be a builtin "feature" of the Apex API, especially in a fourth major release of the product? Yes, I'm aware that Apex provides views from which one could gather this type of "which page called another page" information. It's just that I am using an API for the main purpose of making database/web development faster/easier. From a business perspective, this means saving money. For example, strictly speaking one need not bother with JQuery. Everything JQuery can do can be done using straight Javascript. It's just that JQuery provides an API making it much easier to implement common Javascript tasks. It's the same with the Apex API. I should not have to wait for someone to create a "sitemap" plugin. I realize that creating such a sitemap is not trival. Still, the logic/algorithm has existed for years as seen in FrontPage, DreamWeaver, and other APIs. I am puzzled why the APEX API does not already include this feature.
6) Recently, I needed to position several text fields within a given region of a page. It proved to be another exercise in patience. I needed to muddle with css style tags. Save my work. Refresh another browser window in order to see the results. Then go through the whole exercise over and over. Worse, while positioning a field I unitentionally moved other fields and regions into un-expected places on the screen. Worse yet, IE (version 8 and 9) caused these items to appear one way while Firefox (version 3.x) positioned them a different way. When the dust finally settled, I fould myself pining away for a tool like DreamWeaver in which I could just use my mouse to position items on the screen, all the while in the background the tool writes the necessary css style tags (cross browser compatible to boot). Yes, I realize that the Apex API is a "declaritive" environment, not a "GUI" based one. Still, in my code-tempered brain, I believe there is some way to meld the two and make it easier, more intuitive to position fields and regions on a page. This, too, is a great puzzlement to me.
Reading this, one might conclude that Elie is really "down" on Apex. This would be wrong. On the contrary, I like Apex quite alot and have been using it at my various work places over the past seven years. As mentioned at the outset, I wrote this out of my frustration in completing a task that I would have thought should not be so tedious.
Things like dynamic actions are, indeed, useful and even "cool". But in my experience I have found the more "mundane" tasks like rearranging report columns and positioning fields on a page and deciphering the page flow in a website are the things that developers spend the most time on. These are the things that any database/web development API should be attempting to streamline.
So, I am wondering why the above issues (and likely there are others) have not been addressed despite the fact that we are now in the fourth major release.
Thank you.

I want to thank you for your comments.
With respect to:
[1]: I did not realize that the "tree view" offers report column rearrangement. I'm so used to using the Component View that I did not bother to check the Tree View all that thoroughly. I guess, then, "I need to".
[2]: I was referring to an Apex interface that allows developers to create different types of links (absolute; relative; specify targets such as "_self", "_blank"; specify anchor tags; mailto links). Especially, I was looking for an interface making it easy to specify the various parts of an Apex link such as the debug flag, the printer friendly tag, and the "pass item/value" pairs tags. I realize none of these things are terribly difficult. Still, I at least cannot always remember the correct syntax for these different types of links. And this is especially true for the syntax needed for the Apex type links. I often need to refer to online docs and such. It just would be a time saver if the Apex API would offer such an interface much like it currently does for many other web ytype components like input fields and such.
[3]: I had always thought that the 100-item limit refers to"100 cells" in a form. I did not realize that this is referring to 100 page items. That said, I would have sworn that I had received an error about this limit on a form page. And I definitely did not have more than 100 page items on that page. I am not sure if the 100-page item limit also includes "page 0 "type items since these appear on every page in the application. In any case, I seriously doubt that I had anywhere close to 100 page items (page 0 or otherwise) on my form page when encountering this limit. Also, considering the numerous comments on this Forum about this "limit", I doubt that these unfortunate souls also had more than 100 page items on their page when they experienced this same "limit". In any case, it's an easy thing to check out, and so, I will do that.
[4]: What I had hoped for was a GUI type interface that just makes it "drop dead simple" to copy a page from one workspace to another, similar to the intuitive interface Apex provides to importan entire application. I had not heard of the apex_application_install utility. I'll defintely be checking this guy out. Thank you. You said it offers some flexibility. By this, do you mean that it offers a way to import a page from one workspace to another?
[5]: Ah. We do agree here.
[6]: Thanks for mentioning the drag-and-drop feature. I had tried this out and unfortunately it just doesn't really help with respect to positioning regions and items on a page in a cross browser compatible fashion. A WYSIWYG interface would be a great feature in such a robust API as Apex.
Since creating my post, I thought of yet another couple of "puzzlements" I have with the Apex API.
7) I wonder why one may include only a single IR report on a page. This has always baffled me. I am aware that one can create a page containing multiple iframes. And then populate each iframe with an IR report that really resides on its own separate page. I've tried this technique and it works very nicely. Still, I can only wonder if the good folks at Oracle/Apex will one day make multiple IR reports ona single page a builtin feature rather than having to rely on this iframe workaround or a JQuery set of page tabs workaround.
8) Again with respect to IR reports, I am puzzled why an IR report can be based solely on SQL as opposed to PLSQL. I did find a workaround to this limitation by using an Oracle table function as the underpinning of the IR report. This works. Still it is a kludge. And so, as with (7), I can only hope a future release of Apex will remove this limitation.
Thank you.

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    1. I can access 'http://chen_rong' , 'http://localhost' , '' without input username / password for realm 'XDB' in IE6;
    2. I can access 'http://localhost/apex/apex_admin' , '' , and I can be redirected into apex administation page after input admin/<my apex admin password> for realm 'APEX' in IE6;
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    then, the first question is :
    Q1: What is the difference among 'http://chen_rong' , 'http://localhost' , '' ? I have already include site 'chen_rong' into my trusted stes! why the cookie was blocked by IE6. I have already tried firefox and google browser, both of them were ok for 'chen_rong', no cookie blocked from site 'chen_rong'!
    1. I have tried to use the script in attachment to test http authentication and also want to catch the cookie by utl_http .
    2. please review the script for me.
    3. I did:
    SQL> exec show_url('http://localhost/apex/apex_admin/','ADMIN','Passw0rd');
    HTTP response status code: 401
    HTTP response reason phrase: Unauthorized
    Please supplied the required Basic authentication username/password for realm XDB for the Web page.
    Web page http://localhost/apex/apex_admin/ is protected.
    MS-Author-Via: DAV
    DAV: 1,2,<http://www.oracle.com/xdb/webdav/props>
    Server: Oracle XML DB/Oracle Database
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="XDB"
    Date: Tue, 04 Aug 2009 02:25:15 GMT
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=GBK
    Content-Length: 147
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    4. I also did :
    SQL> exec show_url('http://localhost/apex/apex_admin/','ANONYMOUS','ANONYMOUS');
    HTTP response status code: 500
    HTTP response reason phrase: Internal Server Error
    Check if the Web site is up.
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> exec show_url('http://localhost/apex/apex_admin/','SYSTEM','apexsite');
    HTTP response status code: 401
    HTTP response reason phrase: Unauthorized
    Please supplied the required Basic authentication username/password for realm APEX for the Web page.
    Web page http://localhost/apex/apex_admin/ is protected.
    Content-Type: text/html
    Content-Length: 147
    WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="APEX"
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    my second questions is :
    Q2: After I entered into realm 'XDB', I still need went into realm'APEX'. how could I change the script show_url to accomplish these two tasks and successfully get the cookie from site.
    the show_url script is as following:
    (url IN VARCHAR2,
    req UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    resp UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    name VARCHAR2(256);
    value VARCHAR2(1024);
    data VARCHAR2(255);
    my_scheme VARCHAR2(256);
    my_realm VARCHAR2(256);
    my_proxy BOOLEAN;
    secure VARCHAR2(1);
    -- When going through a firewall, pass requests through this host.
    -- Specify sites inside the firewall that don't need the proxy host.
    -- UTL_HTTP.SET_PROXY('proxy.example.com', 'corp.example.com');
    -- Ask UTL_HTTP not to raise an exception for 4xx and 5xx status codes,
    -- rather than just returning the text of the error page.
    -- Begin retrieving this Web page.
    req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST(url);
    -- Identify yourself.
    -- Some sites serve special pages for particular browsers.
    UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER(req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');
    -- Specify user ID and password for pages that require them.
    IF (username IS NOT NULL) THEN
    UTL_HTTP.SET_AUTHENTICATION(req, username, password, 'Basic', false);
    END IF;
    -- Start receiving the HTML text.
    resp := UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE(req);
    -- Show status codes and reason phrase of response.
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('HTTP response status code: ' || resp.status_code);
    ('HTTP response reason phrase: ' || resp.reason_phrase);
    -- Look for client-side error and report it.
    IF (resp.status_code >= 400) AND (resp.status_code <= 499) THEN
    -- Detect whether page is password protected
    -- and you didn't supply the right authorization.
    IF (resp.status_code = UTL_HTTP.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) THEN
    UTL_HTTP.GET_AUTHENTICATION(resp, my_scheme, my_realm, my_proxy);
    IF (my_proxy) THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Web proxy server is protected.');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT('Please supply the required ' || my_scheme ||
    ' authentication username/password for realm ' || my_realm ||
    ' for the proxy server.');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Please supplied the required ' || my_scheme ||
    ' authentication username/password for realm ' || my_realm ||
    ' for the Web page.');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Web page ' || url || ' is protected.');
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Check the URL.');
    END IF;
    -- RETURN;
    -- Look for server-side error and report it.
    ELSIF (resp.status_code >= 500) AND (resp.status_code <= 599) THEN
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Check if the Web site is up.');
    END IF;
    -- HTTP header lines contain information about cookies, character sets,
    -- and other data that client and server can use to customize each
    -- session.
    UTL_HTTP.GET_HEADER(resp, i, name, value);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(name || ': ' || value);
    -- Read lines until none are left and an exception is raised.
    -- UTL_HTTP.READ_LINE(resp, value);
    -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(value);
    --END LOOP;
    FOR i in 1..cookies.count LOOP
    IF (cookies(i).secure) THEN
    secure := 'Y';
    secure := 'N';
    END IF;
    -- INSERT INTO my_cookies
    -- VALUES (my_session_id, cookies(i).name, cookies(i).value,
    -- cookies(i).domain,
    -- cookies(i).expire, cookies(i).path, secure, cookies(i).version);

    I use oracle database enterprise edtion I have already figured out the epg on to support apex 3.2.
    And as I described above, the apex site works fine for ip address , and localhost. but the cookie will be blocked by IE6, if I want to access the site by 'http://computername:port/apex/apex_admin'. This problem does not occured in firefox and google browser. Could someone give me answer?

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    Do a clean reinstall and delete the Firefox program folder.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser_will_not_start_up#XULRunner_error_after_an_update

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    Message Received: May 04 2015, 04:52 PM
    From: "dj_paige" <[email protected]>
    To: "Carlo Bragagnolo" <[email protected]>
    Subject:  I have just sought  to update my lightroom and am now unable to access the develop function and get a note stating that I have
    reduced functionality what it this about and how do I get my product back
    dj_paige  created the discussion
    "I have just sought  to update my lightroom and am now unable to access the develop function and get a note stating that I have reduced functionality what it
    this about and how do I get my product back"
    To view the discussion, visit: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7510559#7510559

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    John Black3 wrote:
    Many of my songs in my iTunes Library no longer play.  I get this error message: "The song xxx could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?
    this usually happens when a user moves or deletes files in the finder - a sure way to upset iTunes.
    did you move or delete files in the finder ?
    I cannot locate the song.
    if you let iTunes manage your library, all your content will be in <MacintoshHD>/users/<yourname>/music/iTunes/iTunes music (or media)/music. did you look there ? tried a spotlight search ?
    if the files are really gone, and have been purchased from the iTunes store, see Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store.

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    yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda badda.
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    When you edit this file, do you get the same result?
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    Am I missing something incredibly obvious?

    Nancy O:
    Thank you for your response, which gave me  valuable clues to understanding the issues.   (Specifically, it led me to re-read and understand better the nitty-gritty of the HTML4 specs,  section 7, "The global structure of an HTML Document", especially 7.5.1 The BODY element.)
    I believe you are saying --in sum--  that to be reliably edited in DW, each source file must comprise a syntactically correct and complete HTML Document. 
    I am attaching a second file, "badcode2.html", modified substantially as you suggest.  It passes the DW validator, the validator.w3.org test, and the www.totalvalidator.com test.    No errors or warnings. 
    I do this:   Launch DW, open this file, choose Design View if necessary, select the final word of text, "badda", and activate Edit-->Cut (or Delete).   As before, all the other text is deleted as well. This is repeatable. 
    It seems to me this sample code satisfies your general principle.  Could I be misapplying the three validation tests?  Or that passing these tests does not assure the document  is syntactically correct and complete?   Can you recommend other tests? 
    I'd like to add the following two points as a matter of background and a bit of niggling: 
    --I'm aware  that complete HTML pages must contain <html> , <head>,  and <body> tags, although the HTML4 specification seems to say <body> tags are optional.   All my production pages, as served, contain these tags.   My underlying design is a php template with individual content files incorporated by inclusion.   There may be only one set of <html> , <head>,  and <body> in  a  page. The  "outer" template code provides these tags, and individual content files cannot contain a nested set -- so they must be "bare" markup.   Is DW able to support this design, in which "bare markup" files are seemingly unavoidable?    Is there a mechanism analogous to DW Design-Time Style Sheets to provide virtual existence of these tags so "bare markup" files can be successfully edited?  I've looked for such a mechanism but not found one.    Or some completely different method?   
    --You specify the inclusion of <p> or <h1> tags within the  body.    Is there some special significance of <p> or <h1>  with respect to stable editing in DW?  My reading of the HTML4 spec indicates that a single block element is the minimal requirement for body content. Either of these tags qualify, right?   But so does <div>, and that's what I use in my current example.    Am I misunderstanding something? 
    Bottom line,  I'm looking for a pragmatic solution for my problem:   Once in a while, among hundreds of  structurally similar "bare markup" pages I edit in DW without any problem,  I lose data.   If inserting an additional tag into all my content include files eliminates these occasional problems, I'm  willing to do that, as long as:  (1) There is an arguable technical basis for the addition,  (2) the added tag does not  produce anything visible on the served page, and (3) the validators don't flag the extra tag.     
    Suggestions, please! 

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    after upgrading to mountain lion, i find that my mail app does not have a "VIP" Tab. Was wondering if anyone else has this issue and what it is about?

    First, select sender(s) as VIPs. Then the VIP category will appear.
    To select a sender as a VIP, open an email from that sender, then hover over their name and a star icon will appear to the left. Click the star, and that sender will be set as a VIP (and the category will appear in the pane on the left).

  • I purchased a used 2008 iMac. And although the previous owner said he deleted all of his information his iCloud account is still the primary. I don't have a clue about what to do about it. I signed him out and logged in with my info, but still no go.

    I purchased a used 2008 iMac. And although the previous owner said he deleted all of his information, his iCloud account is still the primary. I don't have a clue about what to do about it. I signed him out and logged in with my info, but still no go. Is there any way to eliminate his iCloud account and make mine the primary without rebooting it back to factory settings? There was an update, I believe, that I couldn't install because i didn't have his password that is what made me aware that his acct. was still active. I don't know what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Before buying a second-hand computer, you should have run Apple Diagnostics or the Apple Hardware Test, whichever is applicable.
    The first thing to do after buying the computer is to erase the internal drive and install a clean copy of OS X. You—not the original owner—must do that. Changes made by Apple over the years have made this seemingly straightforward task very complex.
    How you go about it depends on the model, and on whether you already own another Mac. If you're not sure of the model, enter the serial number on this page. Then find the model on this page to see what OS version was originally installed.
    It's unsafe, and may be unlawful, to use a computer with software installed by a previous owner.
    1. If you don't own another Mac
    a. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.4 or 10.5, you need a boxed and shrink-wrapped retail Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6) installation disc from the Apple Store or a reputable reseller—not from eBay or anything of the kind. If the machine is very old and has less than 1 GB of memory, you'll need to add more in order to install 10.6. Preferably, install as much memory as it can take, according to the technical specifications.
    b. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.6, you need the installation media that came with it: gray installation discs, or a USB flash drive for a MacBook Air. You should have received the media from the original owner, but if you didn't, order replacements from Apple. A retail disc, or the gray discs from another model, will not work.
    To start up from an optical disc or a flash drive, insert it, then restart the computer and hold down the C key at the startup chime. Release the key when you see the gray Apple logo on the screen.
    c. If the machine shipped with OS X 10.7 or later, you don't need media. It should start up in Internet Recovery mode when you hold down the key combination option-command-R at the startup chime. Release the keys when you see a spinning globe.
    d. Some 2010-2011 models shipped with OS X 10.6 and received a firmware update after 10.7 was released, enabling them to use Internet Recovery. If you have one of those models, you can't reinstall 10.6 even from the original media, and Internet Recovery will not work either without the original owner's Apple ID. In that case, contact Apple Support, or take the machine to an Apple Store or another authorized service provider to have the OS installed.
    2. If you do own another Mac
    If you already own another Mac that was upgraded in the App Store to the version of OS X that you want to install, and if the new Mac is compatible with it, then you can install it. Use Recovery Disk Assistant to prepare a USB device, then start up the new Mac from it by holding down the C key at the startup chime. Alternatively, if you have a Time Machine backup of OS X 10.7.3 or later on an external hard drive (not a Time Capsule or other network device), you can start from that by holding down the option key and selecting it from the row of icons that appears. Note that if your other Mac was never upgraded in the App Store, you can't use this method.
    3. Partition and install OS X
    a. If you see a lock screen when trying to start up from installation media or in Recovery mode, then a firmware password was set by the previous owner, or the machine was remotely locked via iCloud. You'll either have to contact the owner or take the machine to an Apple Store or another service provider to be unlocked. You may be asked for proof of ownership.
    b. Launch Disk Utility and select the icon of the internal drive—not any of the volume icons nested beneath it. In the  Partition tab, select the default options: a GUID partition table with one data volume in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. This operation will permanently remove all existing data on the drive.
    c. An unusual problem may arise if all the following conditions apply:
              OS X 10.7 or later was installed by the previous owner
              The startup volume was encrypted with FileVault
              You're booted in Recovery mode (that is, not from a 10.6 installation disc)
    In that case, you won't be able to unlock the volume or partition the drive without the FileVault password. Ask for guidance or see this discussion.
    d. After partitioning, quit Disk Utility and run the OS X Installer. If you're installing a version of OS X acquired from the App Store, you will need the Apple ID and password that you used. When the installation is done, the system will automatically restart into the Setup Assistant, which will prompt you to transfer the data from another Mac, its backups, or from a Windows computer. If you have any data to transfer, this is usually the best time to do it.
    e. Run Software Update and install all available system updates from Apple. To upgrade to a major version of OS X newer than 10.6, get it from the Mac App Store. Note that you can't keep an upgraded version that was installed by the original owner. He or she can't legally transfer it to you, and without the Apple ID you won't be able to update it in Software Update or reinstall, if that becomes necessary. The same goes for any App Store products that the previous owner installed—you have to repurchase them.
    4. Other issues
    a. If the original owner "accepted" the bundled iLife applications (iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band) in the App Store so that he or she could update them, then they're irrevocably linked to that Apple ID and you won't be able to download them without buying them. Reportedly, Mac App Store Customer Service has sometimes issued redemption codes for these apps to second owners who asked.
    b. If the previous owner didn't deauthorize the computer in the iTunes Store under his Apple ID, you wont be able to  authorize it immediately under your ID. In that case, you'll either have to wait up to 90 days or contact iTunes Support.
    c. When trying to create a new iCloud account, you might get a failure message: "Account limit reached." Apple imposes a lifetime limit of three iCloud account setups per device. Erasing the device does not reset the limit. You can still use an iCloud account that was created on another device, but you won't be able to create a new one. Contact iCloud Support for more information. The setup limit doesn't apply to Apple ID accounts used for other services, such as the iTunes and Mac App Stores, or iMessage. You can create as many of those accounts as you like.

  • Does anyone know what to do about iCal colors changing.

    Does anyone know what to do about iCal colors changing.   Ever since ios7 came out I have many problems.  I kind of feel like Apple has become Microsoft at twice the price??  Anyway, today all my calendars (iPhone, iPad, iCloud and on my Mac) all changed colors from the customer colors I had set.  I have about 5 calendars.
    I was able to change them back on my Mac, my iphone and my ipad, but not in iCloud.   Once each of the ones I changed updates / syncs it reverts to the incorrect colors again.  I have tested back and forth, and it is definetly coming out of the iCloud.com.  The web site will not let me chance colors, so once it updates / sync, all my other devices and calendars sync to the purple in iCloud.
    I could go on and on about my frustrations with the apparent lack to testing, and the irony around Microsoft and their "bugs".  It is more important that I find a cure, as this is really annoying.
    Has anyone else seen this today

    Don't spend a lot of time trying to change it. It's an iCloud problem that's happened before, and when it happened in August it went back to the correct colors in a few days. Just be careful when you add new items to the calendar to use the right calendar (even if the color is wrong), otherwise you'll have things out of synch when the correct colors come back.

  • What is new about CRM 7.0 pricing

    Hi Folks,
    Please help me In knowing what is new about CRM 7.0 Pricing compares to CRM 2007?
    Edited by: nnrsdn68 on Oct 27, 2011 12:36 PM
    Moderation: Locked. Rule number one: Try to find the answer first. [See rules of engagement|https://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/HOME/RulesofEngagement]
    Edited by: Joaquin Fornas on Oct 27, 2011 9:07 AM

    One thing that is mentioned, but not really emphasized, is that the zooming when opening and closing Apps is now gone when the reduce motion setting is enabled. I guess too many people where claiming sea sickness and Apple wanted to avoid lawsuits.
    Now the nay sayers will have to refocus their efforts and complain about the font and the icons.

  • When I phone people can hear me without any problem, but I hear very very bad. The sounds is metallic and it is very difficult to understand. Have anyone idea of what is it about. I guess is not a software problem but I am not an expert. Thanks in advance

    When I phone people can hear me without any problem, but I hear very very bad. The sounds is metallic and it is very difficult to understand. Have anyone idea of what is it about. I guess is not a software problem but I am not an expert. Thanks in advance

    Make sure that you allow pages to choose their colors and that you haven't enabled High Contrast in the Accessibility settings.
    *Firefox > Preferences > Content : Fonts & Colors > Colors : [X] "Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections above"
    See also:

  • The drop down view by menu (Song, album, etc) at the right side of the iTunes window is like a ghost. It flashes into view for a millisecond once in awhile but never lets me click on it. Anyone know what this is about and what to do?

    The drop down view by menu (Song, album, etc) at the right side of the iTunes window is like a ghost. It flashes into view for a millisecond once in awhile but never lets me click on it. Anyone know what this is about and what to do?

    Short answer:
    Click Hide Song(s), it is what you wanted to do...
    Long answer:
    iTunes in the Cloud is a feature of your iTunes store account that allows you to redownload or stream your past purchases. When you delete a purchased track that is downloaded to your computer (like the first one shown here) you are asked if you also want to hide the song from iCloud. This would remove it from the computer and also stop it showing up with the iCloud symbol as the other tracks from that album (which are not downloaded) do.
    If a track shows with the cloud symbol you can play (stream) it by double-clicking the title, or click the cloud symbol to download a local copy to your library. If you try to delete one of these tracks you get a slightly different message confirming that you want to hide the track. Clicking hide will remove the listing from the library and any other device that shows your past purchases.
    Should you want to retrieve any item hidden in this way at a later date use Store > View My Account > iTunes in the Cloud > Hidden Purchases > Manage.
    To hide all your previous purchases that are not downloaded to your computer use Edit > Preferences > Store and untick Show iTunes in the Cloud purchases.

  • I downloaded a free game and my credit card informed about a spending of 1 dol...  What is it about?  Was it not a free game?

    Hi.  I've just downloaded a free game (gizmonauts) and inmediatly my credit card informed about a spending of 1 dol...  What is it about?  Was it not a free game?

    You may well get additional temporary authorization holds on your credit card.  Anytime you use the iTunes or App Store and you are asked to verify your account, which happens periodically (especially if you have not used it in awhile), an authorization hold may appear.
    Again, they are not actual charges - think of it as Apple's billing system simply asking the credict card issuer "if I charged a dollar to this account, would the charge be honored?".  When the bank's system replies affirmative, the hold is removed and disappears from your account.  But no charge is actually submitted to the bank, nor processed by the bank.

  • Please , help me for apple id.......  i made new id but there is a credite card option and that's why i am not able to download any free application for iphone,.....so,.....what i do about this problem..???

    please , help me for apple id.......  i made new id but there is a credite card option and that's why i am not able to download any free application for iphone,.....so,.....what i do about this problem..???

    You can create an Apple ID without a credit card by following this guide exactly: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2534.  Note that you have to start by downloading a free app, then create the ID.

  • OK, what is it about G4 towers suddenly w/o power?

    I got my dual Gigabit Ethernet G4 tower from work when they got rid of Macs about 4 years ago (keep hoping they'll change their minds). When I first got it I had the typical no power problem and a new battery solved the problem (but I had to order it from OWC, the one I got at a local store didn't work).
    Right before Christmas we shuffled furniture around in the family room and unplugged the Mac. Now it's dead again. I've tried two different new batteries (one from OWC), I've done the simple reset and the sit for 30 min reset and the sit overnight reset and the take out all the ram and the cards reset. Still nothing.
    Now, it appears I'm getting something from the power supply because when I had everything plugged in, the monitor was showing that it was getting power. Does that mean that it's more likely the motherboard than the power supply?
    I know it's had a good long life, but I'm really sorry to see it go. I got a good deal on a core2 duo Mac Mini. I think the g4's likely dead; if the problem is the power supply, it's going to be a bear (and $$$) to replace, and although I see motherboards on eBay for a good price, I know I could get that in, struggle to figure out how to replace it, and the darn thing still might not work. Plus the motherboard I just purchased would also be like 8 years old.
    So...what is it about G4 towers and suddenly not starting up? I see this problem frequently on the support boards. I love Apple (right now I'm stuck on a Vista laptop and...ugh), and I know that this tower had a long life, but doggone, why do they just suddenly drop dead without any warning?

    If you have a meter, unplug the AC power plug from the wall and wait a minute, then measure the battery in the holder, working. If you do not see 3.2 Volts or higher, the battery, regardless of its history, is not working.
    After fiddling with any Hardware, you should press the tiny reset button for a quarter minute \[with the Mac nominally off, but the AC power plug plugged in]. Then wait at least five seconds before proceeding. Avoid momentary presses, they can crash the microprocessor that controls the clocks and drain your battery in a day. If nothing seems to change, do the procedure again.
    If you still have no response, disconnect the drives, remove everything except the processor and memory, do a reset, and try for a startup chime.
    If no chime, use this diagram to look for Standby Power on pin 9 of the main DC power connector:
    58561- Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White) and Power Mac G4: Power Supply Voltage Test

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