What to do about bad posture when it comes to laptops?

I've had my Macbook Pro for a couple of years now and I love it but I feel my posture has gotten worse compared to owning a desktop.
I don't intend on buying a desktop Mac anytime soon so is there any suggestions as to how I can maintain a good posture when owning a laptop?

Some people are having a bad day, it seems...
What's worked for me for over 14 years of laptop use is to change positions a lot. It's easy with a laptop. Use it on the desk; then use it on the sofa; then use it lying down on your belly on the bed.
Posture problems come from the belief that you have to sit there, completely still, in one and the same position. That's not good - it's not going to work, no matter what kind of setup you have.
If you're in the office (say) and you can't really lie down (people would stare, maybe?!) - I've had some good success with using a ball for sitting on. One of those large inflatables they use in pregnancy prep classes. Barring that, get a chair that allows for lots of movement.
If you can only do desktops - creatures of habit, aren't we - just get an external monitor + keyboard and you have pretty much exactly the same as a desktop. A 24" screen is a few hundred bucks, Apple external keyboard is beautiful and excellent at around $50. MacBook Pros have very good support for this: If your MacBook Pro is sleeping (lid closed) and you connect power, an external monitor, and an external keyboard, it will wake from sleep and use the peripherals. The process is seamless. If you are willing to spend a bit more, Apple's 24" monitor provides an even better all-in-one solution.

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