When I connect my hard drive, Lightroom opens. Can I turn it completely off?

It's so frustrating! Every time I connect my hard drive or USB, Lightroom decides to open itself... How can I turn that function completely off? Thanks!

Open your Lightroom Preferences.  On the General Tab > Import Options, uncheck "Show import dialog when a memory card is detected."
In Windows, that's Edit > Preferences.

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    I have a disconnect between my external hard drive and lightroom 5.6.  The recommended steps do not connect 11000 photos on the hard drive.  How can I connect?  I am concerned I have lost my edits in lightroom.

    after some sorting out your article, I clicked on a question mark with the message find the missing folder.  This brought me to a page where I could choose a folder by year and click on it.  The question marks disappeared and the photos were available.  In some cases I had to click on the year folder for each subfolder by date.
    The find missing folders message did not bring me to the finder window in which I could click on folders in the hard drive itself.  I appreciate your help big time!!

  • External hard drive isnt opening on iMac

    Hi everyone, I was advised to post a different discussion instead of having two questions in one, (good tip thank you)
    So here is my second questions.
    My other problem is that i want to get all my photos onto the imac.  My hard drive wont open on my imac - (buffalo HD-PXT500U2/B)  it recognises its there but wont aloow me to actually open it to view any file. (Also mac compatible.)
    I called apple support again to see if there was anything i can do, the only thing they suggested was that i have to reformat my hard drive (which would mean loosing all the info on there).  They suggested putting all my info on my PC, reformatting the EHD, then sucking up all the info again on my EHD, then giving it to my imac.  Apart from the fact that i dont think my PC could handle 500 GB of info on it at this stage - this would take days.  (currently to download 15GB of data takes an hour or so)
    I asked about migration assistant or something similar which was at my start up (i didnt use it) which says it can transfer info from PC to mac - they said it wouldnt work, although i am still unsure as to why.
    I have used google again to see what i can find as a fix, but its a mindfield out there and my brain is beginning to get fried - i have spent days trying to find out what fixes there are.  I cant even find migration assistant anymore on the imac ( i dont know where it lives)
    Please please please help me as I am just about ready to throw in the towel - it shouldnt be this hard or this much of a headache should it?
    I am trying to start up my own photographic business which is why I was advised to make the switch, but I am already 2 weeks behind on editing as I am constantly waiting on the delivery, fix, help to get my imac up and running properly.
    I do need simple step by step instructions as I am new to mac.
    Thanks so much for reading

    Reading between the lines, basically you have a drive that's Windows-formatted, that already has a lot of files on it, which you want to read with your Mac.
    The usual drive format for Windows drives is NTFS, which in theory Macs can read, but not write to. An older format is FAT, which Macs can read and write to. Since you're not able to even read the drive, I'm a little puzzled.
    When you attach the drive to the Mac, what happens? Do you see a drive icon appear on the desktop? If not, make sure that the Finder is set to display drives. Go to the Finder menu, click Preferences, General, and make sure external drives are set to show on the desktop.
    If you still don't see it, open Disk Utility (in your Applications/Utilities folder). Do you see the drive there? If so, click on its partition/volume name (not the drive model line, there should be another line beneath it which displays the drive "name" that you've given it). The information at the bottom of the screen should tell you what format the volume is.
    If it's NTFS, you could TRY installing Paragon NTFS. As I say, in theory with NTFS you certainly should be able to read the drive, but it might help. Worse case, you're out $20.
    Failing that, does this hard drive have any kind of protection or encryption built into it? Some drives have proprietary encryption which relies on software that you install on your system. In that case, you would only be able to read it from your Windows system. If that's the case, maybe you can turn the encryption off on the WIndows side, then try again connecting to your Mac.

  • IMovie Project from External Hard Drive not Opening?

    Please help!!
    Fairly new to MACs, iMovie and iDVD, I didn't have a clear understanding of how saving iMovie projects worked. Reading various tutorials, I thought I had a clear understanding of how they work. Apparently not with my recent frustration with iMovie.
    I created several iMovie Projects but needed more space in order to make more projects for my internship thus I did what I thought was common sense -- get an external hard drive.
    I exported iMovie projects into my user account and from there, dragged the saved projects into an external hard drive and then deleted the iMovie projects from my user account.
    However, when I needed to retrieve these projects, I simply turned on my hard drive and clicked on them to open. However, whenever I tried opening them, they wouldn't open. Is it because I didn't export them to the hard drive in the first place?
    What I don't understand is why iMovie is not opening or recognizing the saved iMovie projects from the external hard drive when the size and kind clearly indicate that it should open with iMovie automatically.
    What is the proper way of saving my iMovie projects and events so that I can always have access to whenever I need to open up an old project or simply edit?

    Freeing up space on your Mac hard drive in iMovies ’08.
    The application iMovie ‘08 has two main libraries displayed in the iMovie window: Events and Projects. Events are the main imports from your video camera, say. These files are big and you have the option to save them on an external hard drive and so iMovie knows to find them there. Projects are your editing instructions like what clips you want and where. The files are small and you save them on your Mac hard drive. They are NOT the clips only signposts where to find them (in Events on your external hard drive). You can move Projects to your external hard drive as back-up but iMovie will not find them there. If you then delete Projects from your Mac, iMovie can no longer make use of them unless you manually export them back into iMovie from your external hard drive. See Apple Article HT1026 iMovie '08: Moving iMovie footage to another drive (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1026). Here the external hard disk is used for moving Projects from one computer to another and, by implication, back to the source computer.
    Sharing the projects to iTunes for syncing with Apple TV creates (publishes) movies that take up the same amount of space on your Mac as the source Projects. You can still burn DVDs in iDVD using the iTunes Movies as your Media so provided you have iMovie Projects backed up on your external hard drive you can delete them from your Mac and just use the iTunes Movies (for Apple TV and iDVD). In addition, publishing iMovie Projects in iTunes for syncing to Apple TV results in these files being duplicated in both Movies/iMovies Sharing/iTunes AND in iTunes/iTunes Music/Movies so delete them from here and get even more GBs back! Tell iTunes in Advanced not to save these iTunes published movies anymore in order to stop further duplication ocurring.

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    How do I point iMovie to events in my external  hard drive so I can play projects which use them?
    MacBook, iMovie 9.0.4

    You can do this - by not doing it the way You describe as it will not work.
    a. the external hard disk - MUST BE - Mac OS extended (hfs) formatted -
    UNIX/DOS/FAT32/Mac OS Exchange - will work for most things - BUT NOT FOR VIDEO (iMovie, iDVD or FinalCut doesn't matter)
    b. Do not alter or move any folder named
    • iMovie Event's - or -
    • iMovie Project's
    on DeskTop/Finder - at all
    All moving's of Events and Projects must be done within the iMovie Application - then connections will not break.
    (move them back and see if iMovie remembers them - then do move as described above)
    Yours Bengt W

  • How can i connect a hard drive attached to my router?

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    my mac asks me to enter a user name and password like bellow and i don't have any. in PC i dont need any user name and password. the guest option is not letting me connect.
    here is my question how can i connect my external hard drive attached to my router ?

    You need to connect as a Registered User Create a USERNAME and a PASSWORD it has to be something you will remember not something you will forget in a week.  Click to Remember this Password in my Keychain. After you are finished restart your computer and then connect.

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    The USB port your Mac is high powered. The port on the AirPort Extreme is not.
    So, it tends to be borderline as far as its ability to supply sufficient power to a hard drive...even if the hard drive has its own power supply.
    Often, users...including me....need to use a powered USB hub when they attach any drive to the USB port on the AirPort Extreme.
    You might want to give that a try. Double check to make sure that the drive is formatted in FAT32 as well, since Windows NTFS or exFAT will not work with the AirPort Extreme.
    Powering down and restarting the entire network.....modem first, then router, etc.....is something that you would always want to do after any change or addition to a network.

  • External Hard Drive mounts, but can't be selected or opened

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    having the same issue with a mounting a hard drive that drovers is. any solutions? funny thing as that the drive will mount on a G5 running 10.5.8. have spent several hours on the phone with apple help to no avail. final suggestion was to wipe drive and reformat. cant't do this as I do not have enough space to back-up to. Would appreciate any suggestions.

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    I'll explain. I downloaded the trial version of ps for 30 days.
    I connect my hard drive to compuuter, I open raw files in bridge load a file into ps, after which I would like to elaborate the new hard drive to save it, but it opens a window that says'' can not save the file because it was not granted write access.'' sorry for the inconvenience and thank you

    Means the folder you are trying to save to is read only.  This is an OS thing about permissions.

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    After connecting the Hard Drive to the airport extreme, where can I find the File Location (to access my files from my Hard drive)

    Try this select to check backup history:
    (case r1.[type] when 'D' then 'Full database backup' when 'I' then 'Differential database' when 'L' then 'Transaction Log Backup' else r1.[type] end) as BackupType, 
    from msdb.dbo.backupset r1 
    inner join [msdb].[dbo].[backupmediaset] r2
    on r1.media_set_id = r2.media_set_id
    inner join [msdb].[dbo].[backupmediafamily] r3
    on r1.media_set_id = r3.media_set_id

  • When adding an external hard drive, should you hook it up to your iMac or your Apple Extreme router?

    When adding an external hard drive, should you connect it directly to your iMac or to your Apple Extreme router?

    That depends on what you are using it for. The advantage of connecting it to the router is that you can share the drive over your home network and/or over the Internet. That can be convenient but drive access is performed at network speed - slower than when connected directly to the computer. If you need/want to share the drive, connect it to the router, otherwise connect it directly to the computer.

  • CI********C13 is the serial no. Mac book pro. Blinking folder unable to connect the hard drive why?

    CI********C13 is the serial no. Mac book pro. Blinking folder unable to connect the hard drive why?
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    That means that a valid startup disk can't be found.
    A flashing question mark or globe appears when you start your Mac - Apple Support
    Your startup disk could be corrupted, the disk failed, or poor connections
    Reset the SMC and NVRAM
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    About NVRAM and PRAM
    Try booting to Recovery and repairing the HD
    OS X: About OS X Recovery - Apple Support
    Next reinstall the OS if Disk Utility in Recovery can see the HD
    OS X Yosemite: Reinstall OS X
    If the HD can be found check the connection. Next replae tthe HD
    Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

  • Finder locking up when browsing Time capsule hard drive

    Finder locking up when browsing Time capsule hard drive
    I am able to browse the hard drive preview some videos or open files for around 5-10 mins then Finder locks up. Internet still works and I can relaunch Finder and then works for a while again. It sounds like the hard drive is just going to sleep. I watch some films directly off of the hard drive through VLC and these just stop wilst viewing them.
    I am on 10.6.2 working on the 5GHZ channel on dual band time capsule.
    It is really annoying I have tried a few things like resetting the DCHP Lease. But it seems to be specific to the hard drive as the internet still works fine. It is really annoying as it jams up the finder really awkwardly.
    Ant ideas most wanted

    Are you browsing/viewing files in Time Machine backups on your Time Capsule, or files you've put there yourself?
    If the files are Time Machine backups, use the Time Machine interface (the "Star Wars" display), via the Time Machine icon in your dock (or in your Applications/Utilities folder) to see what's there. Backups are not meant to be used; they're duplicates that can be restored in case of a problem with the originals on your system.
    If the files are things you put there, you'll do better browsing, searching, or re-posting in the +Time Capsule+ forum, hiding in the +Digital Life+ section, at: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1253

  • Using AirPort Extreme Base Station to Connect a Hard Drive

    I have a wireless network set up using a wireless device provided by my network provider. What I would like to do is to use my Airport Extreme Base station only to connect a hard drive to it. However when doing so, Airport Utility does not recognize or see the Extreme. The Extreme can only been seen if connected to the router provided by my network provider. How can I set up a wireless hard drive or printer with the Extreme without connecting to the network?

    Samir, why you wanna use service provider wireless instrument when you have world class wireless device
    you don't need 2 wireless ???
    I am not expert but I used common sense, I had linksys N series router but recently I bought TC 1TB
    so what I dumped my N router in store and went ahead with TC installation, Trust me it took me 10 minutes to configure my 4 HDD 5 computer printer etc with TC
    I am sure you have a ethernet modem too separate from your wireless instrument
    try to do a clean installation ( thats where all these people who has problem, trying to connect to their existing network
    try setting up your AEBS as fresh wireless device connect to your modem and run Airport Utility
    I am sure you will be a happy apple customer
    good luck

  • Trying to restore after getting a new hard drive.  I can see the backup on the Time Capsule and on the correct date but it is Greyed out.  That is it wont let me open it and restore the machine.  Have tried also Migration Assistant, no luck.

    Trying to restore after getting a new hard drive.  I can see the backup on the Time Capsule and on the correct date but it is Greyed out.  That is it wont let me open it and restore the machine.  Have tried also Migration Assistant, no luck.

    At startup hold down the Command+Option/Alt+r keys until you see a globe on the screen. Then use disk utility to partition and format the drive HSF+ and then select Reinstall Mac OS X. whatever version of OS X that originally came on your system will be installed and then you can upgrade back to Mavericks.

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