When I tab, a hashtag is added

I am using Pages 09.  I am creating an itinerary, and want certain items to line up.  I added a tab, but whenever I tab, a hashtag is added before the typing.  It looks like this:
Day 1:#  Atlanta, GA
#            Sheraton
What the heck is going on, and more importantly, how do I make it stop?  I've checked ever option I can think of, and none of them seem to have anything to do with this.

Figured it out.  It's a function of the font I was using.  Once I changed that, no more hashtag.

Similar Messages

  • Invalidate connection to BlazeDS server when closing tab in browser

    There is an issue using IE and blazeds. When you establish a connection to blazeds from a tab of your browser, even when the tab get closed, she connection remains. The session doesn't get invalidated. It looks like it works fine in Firefox but it's an issue in IE.
    It is especialy important if you are build a chat room for example ... you want to know precisly when someone is leaving the room.
    I finally found an answer to this problem. I didn't find any answer on the Internet so I felt that I should share it.
    I invalidate the session on the server side using a servlet.
    Here is the code:
    In my flex app html template I add:
    <script langugage='javascript'>
        function disconnectAll(){
                if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
                      xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");    // Trying Internet Explorer
                          xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                if (xhr) {
                    xhr.open("GET", "../disconnect", false);   
    <body scroll="no" onunload="disconnectAll()" >
    This call to ../disconnect does a http request to my servlet that will invalidate the connection.
    Here is the servlet code:
    public class Disconnect extends HttpServlet {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        public void doGet(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, HttpServletResponse response) {
            System.out.println("doGet disconnect called !");
    This has to be added in the web.xml for the servlet to be accessible:
    That’s it ! On the unload of the page, an Ajax request is made to the servlet that will invalidate the http session.
    Your browser’s connections get invalidated and blazeDS catches the disconnection.
    Hope this will help


  • Pausing swfs and audio in a browser when the tab is out of focus

    I'm trying to code my flash file so that the html will pause all swfs AND audio when the tab is out of foucs.  I found this code on http://frontenddeveloper.net/wiki/index.php?title=JavaScript_and_VBScript_Injection_in_Act ionScript_3 and it works,but not completely. It only pauses the movie clips that are in the Flash file and not any that are exteranlly loaded with audio included.
    How can I adjust it to pause the externally loaded swfs that are loaded to a mc within my main movie clip and the audio OR what should I use in place of this code?  Someone mentioned on a different post that I needed to use a window.onblur funcition, but they didn't give details.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.utils.setTimeout;
    // This is a more "safe than sorry" setting, since multiple domains
    // have entry into my site. Can be removed or hardcoded if you feel
    // secure or insecure, as you see fit.
    // Throw any errors around to make sure somebody actually gets them.
    ExternalInterface.marshallExceptions = true;
    // This is not the most ideal way to toggle animations on and off, but
    // it's thorough, generic, and simple. Iterate all movieclips within
    // clip, shutting them down each in turn. A better, but much more tedious
    // method would be to target specific clips using dotpath notation, telling
    // each in turn to turn off or on depending on what we need.
    // BUT this is just a demo, and what we're really interested in is the
    // event-handling mechanism that actually calls this routine, and not the
    // routine itself.
    function toggleAllClips(doAnim, clip) {
    if ( clip is MovieClip) {
      if (doAnim) {
      } else {
      for (var i = 0; i<clip.numChildren; i++) {
       toggleAllClips(doAnim, clip.getChildAt(i));
    function animOn(e:*=null) {
    toggleAllClips(true, this.mainMC);
    function animOff(e:*=null) {
    toggleAllClips(false, this.mainMC);
    function injectPrep(e:*=null) {
    try {
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("jsanimOn", animOn);
      ExternalInterface.addCallback("jsanimOff", animOff);
    } catch (e) {
    function injectListeners(e:*=null) {
    try {
      // Object/Embed ID of this movie needs to be inserted into the
      // JavaScript before we actually wrap and send it to the browser:
      var jsfix=js.toString().replace(/xxx/g, ExternalInterface.objectID);
    } catch (e) {
    // Using timeouts ensures the movie is actually done loading before
    // these fire, helping compatibility for a few browser versions.
    JavaScript needs to be wrapped in a tag, a cdata, and a closure
    function in order to be wrapped up and sent to the browser.
    Note that an ActionScript function will replace all instances
    of "xxx" with the actual ID used for this SWF.
    We're battling some major bugs and crossbrowser idiosyncrasies
    1) In Internet Explorer the 'onblur' event is implemented
        incorrectly (as opposed to Firefox/Mozilla browsers). It is
        wrongly fired when focus is switched between HTML elements
        *inside* a window. As a result, we have to use onfocusout
        instead of onblur, and keep track of which element is active.
        If we focusout and the active element is not the previous
        active element, then we haven't actually "blurred" and dont
        want to trigger Flash.
    2) Firefox has problems interpreting both getElementById and
        document["swf"] when dealing with "twicebaked" object/embeds.
        Adobe's method of finding the swf fails to address the fact
        that document["swf"] sometimes returns an array in this
        situation rather than an object ref, and getElementById
        sometimes confuses name and id.
    3) When a window is created in Firefox, it doesn't actually have
        "focus" (event though it appears to) and therefore won't "blur"
        unless you actually click in it first, i.e if you open up a
        window, then immediately send it to the background, it never
        gets the command to halt the flash. So we have to explicitly
        focus the blasted thing to get it to work properly.
    4) Because of irregularities caused by Ajax, the way browsers shut
        down, and other factors, there's a good chance our swf won't
        be there when a blur (or focusout) event occurs. Therefore we
        need an explicit check within the event handler itself.
    5) Finally, we want to wrap everything inside a wrapper-closure
        function, to keep everything safe from being stepped on. Lucky
        us, we have to do this anyways to get everything to fit inside
        a single ExternalInterface.call event.
    var js:XML = <script><![CDATA[
    ( function() {
      var active_element; // tracker for ie fix;
      var bIsMSIE = false;
      // Modified version of Adobe's code resolves a bug in FF:
      function getSWF(movieName) {
        if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) {
          return window[movieName];
        } else {
          // Resolves a bug in FF where an array is sometimes returned instead of a
          // single object when using a nested Object/Embed.
          if(document[movieName].length != undefined){
            return document[movieName][1];
          return document[movieName];
      // Need to check for swf each time we try this because the swf may actually be gone
      // because of ajax or a window closure event. Prevents error dialog from popping up.
      // Future release should check for this condition and then remove the calling event
      // so it doesn't keep triggering.
      function animOff(){
        if (bIsMSIE && (active_element != document.activeElement)) {
          active_element = document.activeElement;
        } else {
          var logoThang = getSWF("xxx");
      function animOn(){
        if (bIsMSIE && (active_element != document.activeElement)) {
          active_element = document.activeElement;
        } else {
          var logoThang = getSWF("xxx");
      // Add the listeners. Hear ye, here ye.
      if (typeof window.addEventListener !== "undefined") {
        // Firefox, Mozilla, et al.
        window.addEventListener("blur", animOff, false);
        window.addEventListener("focus", animOn, false);
      } else if (typeof window.attachEvent !== "undefined") {
        // Internet Explorer
        bIsMSIE = true;
        window.attachEvent("onfocus", animOn);
    // Another bug: window.onblur ALWAYS fires in IE, so
    // we have to keep track of what we're clicking using
    // another method:
    active_element = document.activeElement;
    document.attachEvent("onfocusout", animOff);
      // Necessary to trigger toggling in FF if the page hasn't actually been clicked in and the page
      // is sent to the background. Can be commented out if necessary, e.g. if you don't want the page
      // popping to the top or want focus to remain somewhere else like a form field.

    I added this code and it removes the externally loaded swfs.  I don't want that, I want them to pause and then resume when the tab is back in foucs.  Also, the main code restarts the main movie clip upon refocusing too.
    Added code:
    function toggleAllLoaders(doAnim, loader) {
    if ( loader is Loader) {
      if (doAnim) {
      } else {
      for (var i = 0; i<loader.numChildren; i++) {
       toggleAllLoaders(doAnim, loader.getChildAt(i));
    I added the new function to all of the places that had the "toggleAllClips" function.

  • Call a Function when switching tabs in TabbedPanel

    I am using Allan Jardine's DataTables javascript library , along with the Spry TabbedPanel. I have one table in each of a number of Tabs. The table in the tab opened by default (or if I use ShowPanel()) is fine. However, if I switch tabs, the other tables, which were hiden when the page was opened,  are not correctly initialised, and don't display correctly. Doing anything that causes the displayed table to be redrawn results in the table displaying correctly, and from then on I can switch tabs and the tables are fine.
    DataTables has an API function fnDraw(), which will cause a specified table to be redrawn. Is it possible to cause TabbedPanel to call a user specified function when the tabs are swapped, so I can call fnDraw()? I think this woiuld solve my problem.

    But I found a simpler way. At the end of the jQuery(document).ready(function(), which initialises the datatables, I added
    var ret=TabbedPanels1.showPanel("expiredquotes");
    var ret=TabbedPanels1.showPanel("confirmedquotes");
    var ret=TabbedPanels1.showPanel("openquotes");
    Which opens each of the "other" tabs and redraws the respective DataTable while they are "visible". Then at the end I display the 'default' Tab. I only need to do this once, when the page is opened, after which the tables are correctly formatted.

  • Focus-requests when switching tabs in JTabbedPane

    I have a tabbed pane with a JTextArea in each tab. I would like to switch focus to the corresponding area each time I select a tab or create a new one. A ChangeListener can detect tab selections and call requestFocusInWindow() on the newly chosen tab's text area.
    For some reason, the focus only switches sporadically. Sometimes the caret appears to stay, sometimes it only blinks once, and sometimes it never appears. My friend's workaround is to call requestFocusInWindow() again after the setSelectedIndex() calls, along with a Thread.sleep() delay between them. Oddly, in my test application the delay and extra focus-request call are only necessary when creating tabs automatically, rather than through a button or shortcut key.
    Does the problem lie in separate thread access on the same objects? I tried using "synchronized" to no avail, but EventQueue.invokeLater() on the focus request worked. Unfortunately, neither the delay nor invokeLater worked in all situations in my real-world application. Might this be a Swing bug, or have I missed something?
    Feel free to tinker with my test application:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    /**Creates a tabbed pane with scrollable text areas in each tab.
    * Each time a tab is created or selected, the focus should switch to the
    * text area so that the cursor appears and the user can immediately type
    * in the area.
    public class FocusTest2 extends JFrame {
         private static JTabbedPane tabbedPane = null;
         private static JTextArea[] textAreas = new JTextArea[100];
         private static int textAreasIndex = 0;
         private static JButton newTabButton = null;
         /**Creates a FocusTest2 object and automatically creates several
          * tabs to demonstrate the focus switching.  A delay between creating
          * the new tab and switching focus to it is apparently necessary to
          * successfully switch the focus.  This delay does not seem to be
          * necessary when the user fires an action to create new tabs, though.
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              FocusTest2 focusTest = new FocusTest2();
              //Opens several tabs.
              for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                   try {
                        //adding the tab should automatically invoke setFocus()
                        //through the tabbed pane's ChangeListener, but for some
                        //reason the focus often doesn't switch or at least doesn't
                        //remain in the text area.  The workaround is to pause
                        //for a moment, then call setFocus() directly
                        //without this delay, the focus only switches sporadically to
                        //the text area
                        //extra delay simply for the user to view the tab additions
                   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         /**Adds a new tab, titling it according to the index of its text area.
          * Using "synchronized" here doesn't seem to solve the focus problem.
         public static void addTabbedPaneTab() {
              if (textAreasIndex < textAreas.length) { //ensure that array has room
                   textAreas[textAreasIndex] = new JTextArea();
                   //title text area with index number
                        textAreasIndex + "",
                        new JScrollPane(textAreas[textAreasIndex]));
         /**Constructs the tabbed pane interface.
         public FocusTest2() {
              setSize(300, 300);
              tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
              //Action to create new tabs
              Action newTabAction = new AbstractAction("New") {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
              //in my real-world application, adding new tabs via a button successfully
              //shifted the focus, but doing so via the shortcut key did not;
              //both techniques work here, though
                   KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("alt T"));
              newTabAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "New");
              newTabAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer('T'));
              newTabButton = new JButton(newTabAction);
              Container container = getContentPane();
              container.add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              container.add(newTabButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              //switch focus to the newly selected tab, including newly created ones
              tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
                   public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
                        //note that no delay is necessary for some reason
         /**Sets the focus onto the selected tab's text area.  The cursor should
          * blink so that the user can start typing immediately.  In tests without
          * the delay during the automatic tab creation in main(), the cursor
          * sometimes only blinked once in the text area.
         public static void setFocus() {
              if (tabbedPane == null) //make sure that the tabbed Pane is valid
              int i = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();
              if (i < 0) //i returns -1 if nothing selected
              int index = Integer.parseInt(tabbedPane.getTitleAt(i));

    Did you ever get everything figured out with this? I have a similar problem ... which I have working, but it seems like I had to use a bunch of hacks.
    I think the problem with the mouse clicks is because each event when you click the moues (mousePressed, mouseReleased, mouseClicked) causes the tab to switch, and also these methods are called twice for some reason - for a total of 8 events giving the tab the focus instead of your textarea.
    This works, but seems aweful hacky:
         class TabMouseListener extends MouseAdapter
              private boolean switched = false;
              public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) { checkPop( e ); }
              //public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) { checkPop( e ); }
              //public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { checkPop( e ); }
              public void checkPop( MouseEvent e )
                   if( e.isPopupTrigger() )
                        mousex = e.getX();
                        mousey = e.getY();
                        int index = tabPane.indexAtLocation( mousex, mousey );
                        if( index == -1 ) return;
                        tabMenu.show( tabPane, mousex, mousey );
                   else {
                        if( !switched )
                             switched = true;
                             int index = tabPane.indexAtLocation( e.getX(), e.getY() );
                             if( index != -1 )
                                  tabPane.setSelectedIndex( index );
                                  TabFramePanel panel = (TabFramePanel)tabPane.getComponentAt( index );
                                  if( panel != null ) panel.getInputComponent().requestFocus();
                        else {
                             switched = false;
                             TabFramePanel panel = (TabFramePanel)tabPane.getSelectedComponent();
                             if( panel != null ) panel.getInputComponent().requestFocus();
         }Do you know of a better way yet?

  • Make firefox tabs auto-size similar to chrome rather than having the tab navigator arrows when the tab width is full???

    I want the tabs to auto-size/shrink when the tab bar width is full as opposed to adding the annoying extra step of navigation arrows...
    any suggestions?

    Suggestion:<br /> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/custom-tab-width/

  • How do I only execute code in a certain tab when that tab is selected?

    I want the code inside one of my tabs to only run when that tab is selected. I'd like to read the value of the tab chosen to compare it to a constant (that tab), and if true, run it.  I don't know how to read the value of a tab selector though, I don't understand the structure.
    Go to Solution.

    Ravens is absolutely right. Don't over-engineer your code. Sections of code
    should run when needed and should not depend on a mostly cosmetic
    feature on the front panel.
    Still, you can wire the tab terminal directly to a case structure.
    You can also listen for a "value changed" event of the tab control.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Safari warning before quitting when multiple tabs are open?

    I'm a rather clumsy typist who often uses Apple+Tab to toggle through my open programs. This works great 99% of the time, but that other 1% is rather frustrating considering that the Q key is right next to Tab.
    Apple guys, please implement a pop up/drop down warning when attempting to quit Safari when multiple tabs are open (or at least the option to enable or disable it). I use this browser for work and often have many tabs open, so accidentally quitting the browser only impedes on my workday. I know I should be more accurate, but isn't that what part of progress is? The empowerment of laziness? =)
    Thanks for your time, and hopefully we see this included in soon-to-come upgrades!
    Oh, and if this feature is already available, feel free to show me the way.
    G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    I created and modified the Safari Keyboard Shortcut
    Quit (⌘+Q) command to (⌘ControlQ) by using System
    Preferences...>Keyboard Shortcuts.
    Great suggestion! But, the default Quit (⌘+Q) command is still in effect. I've looked about in trying to deactivate it, but can't seem to find it. How did you get rid of yours?
    G5   Mac OS X (10.4)  

  • A lot of memory is used when multiple tabs are open

    Is there anything that can be done about the insane memory usage in Firefox when multiple tabs are open? I often have 20+ tabs open and the amount of RAM that Firefox uses when I have it open with this many tabs is just ridiculous. As an example of this, I just restarted Firefox after checking the Windows Task Manager. The Task manager said that Firefox was using 1.2 GB of RAM. I did have 32 tabs open, but this seems excessive even for this many tabs. Some of the tabs were image heavy, but none of them had any video in them. I'd think 10 MB per tab of RAM would be plenty to cover these kinds of pages, maybe 20 MB at most. The upper end of that range would be 640 MB of RAM. Instead, it appears to be using an average of 40 MB of RAM per page when this many tabs are open.
    Is there anything that can be done to reduce amount of memory being used when multiple tabs are open? It really shouldn't need this much RAM to serve this many pages.

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem.
    *Switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance
    *Do NOT click the Reset button on the Safe Mode start window

  • WHEN Illustrator is likely to be adding "rotate view" tool, (like they have in Photoshop) or are they NOT GOING TO?!

    Hi everyone, I am trying to find out WHEN Illustrator is likely to be adding "rotate view" tool, (like they have in Photoshop) or if they are not going to do this at all.
    I hope someone from Adobe Illustrator reads these forums and responds. There is an existing thread that has no official response from Adobe, and it has literally tens of thousands of views!? Please Adobe Illustrator, can you give people the official response they need so they can plan their workflow.
    Apparently Affinity Designer is going to be adding a Rotate View Tool shortly and their app is only $50 one-off payment too, so perhaps you ought to respond before other people start making the switch? The rotate view tool is something illustrators really need, we already have it in Manga Studio, and it makes life so much easier. You can't really draw on a CINTIQ in vector form without it, at least not as well as you should be able to.
    Can you please update your paying customers so we can make an informed decision.
    Look forward to receiving a response.

    Tell Apple
    Apple - iTunes - Feedback

  • Creation of HR master record For a user when a time entry role is added

    Description summary:Automating creation of HR master record For a user when a time entry role is added to a user account
    Description detail:When time entry role is provisioned to a user account,the HR master record is linked,It is compleated after a user is created because a user id must exist .
    It is part of the record.In addition the user must be hired into SAP in order for the HR Master Record to Appear in SAP.
    What we need to do is when a 'Time and Personal Data Maintainer Role "is Added by the VIRSA_ADMIN user,automate the creation of the HR Master Record.
    Transaction code :SU01 to add the role to the Account.
    How to Create the User Exists For this Request…Its very urgent pls help me on this.

    Why do you need a User Exit? You can create a BDC on PA40 & kick it off upon adding the role..

  • I created a new itunes, but when i add the music i added it from my external hard drive by accident, so when i disconnect it and wish to play music without having it connected, obviously it asks me to located my songs, i dont want to locate each song help

    i created a new itunes, but when i add the music i added it from my external hard drive by accident, so when i disconnect it and wish to play music without having it connected, obviously it asks me to located my songs, i dont want to locate each song and i dont want to have to add all my music again, is there anyway of changing the location to a new folder all at once? for example, if it is my computer/harddrive/music/.... can i change it to mydocuments/musis/...
    and having the exact same music folder so all the further directions are accurate?
    please i need help

    pass the music on your external hard drive to the computer then drag the to Itunes

  • Mountain Lion freezes for few seconds when closing tabs

    Hi all,
    When closing tabs on Google Chrome, usually after "heavy" navigation (HD flash video or several pdfs opened for examples), Moutain Lion sometimes freezes for less than 10 seconds and then back to normal. The trackpad is still responsive but I can't do anything appart moving the pointer. It appears around two times in one hour. In never appends with other applications like Photoshop or games.
    This may be already a known issue on ML, but all the reports I read were pretty old and not exactly similar. Here some details :
    Recent Mid 2012 Retina MBP (only 15 battery cycles)
    Os X 10.8.2 ; 2.6Ghz ; 16GB
    I *nerver* connected it to any external displays.
    Console logs :
    stampWait: Overflowed checking for stamp 0xa3694c3 on MAIN ring: called from
    timestamp = 0xa3694c2
    ****  Debug info for *possible* hang in MAIN graphics engine  ****
    ring head    = 0x00000000, wrap count = 0
    ring tail    = 0x00000cf0
    ring control = 0x00000000   disabled, auto report disabled, not waiting, semaphore not waiting, length = 0x001 4KB pages
    timestamps = 0xa3694c2
    Semaphore register values:
    VRSYNC: (0x12044) = 0xa3694c2
    BRSYNC: (0x22040) = 0x0
    RVSYNC: (0x 2040) = 0x0
    BVSYNC: (0x22044) = 0x0
    RBSYNC: (0x 2044) = 0x0
    VBSYNC: (0x12040) = 0x0
    CGXMuxAcknowledge: Posting glitchless acknowledge
    Received display connect changed for display 0x4280380
    Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003d
    Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003e
    Received display connect changed for display 0x3f003f

    Those log messages indicate a fault in the graphics processor. Take the machine in for warranty service. Make sure you can reproduce the problem.

  • When filling out a form, some fields copy to others when I tab to the next. How can I make this stop?

    When filling out a form, some fields copy to others when I tab to the next. How can I make this stop?

    You can't using Adobe Reader. It looks like whomever created the form used the same identifiers (names) for various fields. Each field with the same name will populate with the information used in another field of the same name. This is intentional.
    Normally when I see this, it tells me that someone created an initial field then copy/pasted it to make additional fields but forgot to change the names.

  • How to stop a while loop when using tab control

    How do you use a tab contol to stop what is happening on one tab when you switch to another tab?  In the test example I attached, I have a while loop nested inside a case structure controlled by the tab control.  When I tab to page two the elapsed timer starts but when I switch to another tab it does not stop.  I can't come up with an easy way to stop or exit the while loop when I change tabs. 
    Thank you
    tab control.vi ‏24 KB

    I played with it a little more and came up with this fix.  This fixes it but is not tied to the changing tabs as I was looking for.  Is this just too many nested loops and a bad idea?
    tab control fix maybe.vi ‏26 KB

Maybe you are looking for