When playing podcasts, the video is very choppy

So since the new update to itunes. Everytime i play a podcast or video. The Lagg in the video is unbarable. the audio is fine though.
I have tried, video driver versions, uninstall and clean install itunes. nothings seems to work.

i disabled hardware acceleration, and now everything is fine. so maybe its a bug.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Contact the developer of the Air Video app.

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    Yes, that is what the problem was.
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    Along with Steve comments, also see this ARTICLE, for some of the possible reasons - all of which boil down to a mis-match between the Source Footage and the Project Preset.
    Good luck,

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    Without a link, it's anybody's guess.
    It could be a problem the video rendering itself.  Which software did you use?
    Did you export to the 3 file types -- MP4, OGG and WEBM to support all browsers?
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    Nancy O.

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    Try updating to QuickTime 7.7.3. (That has helped a few people who were getting that when trying to play the videos with version 7.7.2.)

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    Hi Sinious,
    Interesting to know about 10.8 and Flash. I'll hold off upgrading until they work together. Currently using 10.6.8 at home and same on the Universtity's computers.
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    My method is to use the DAW in standard recording mode, and set up the camcorder entirely separately.  After recording, I automate the audio mix with fader moves and effects, then export ("bounce to disk") a full-fidelity AIFF, 16-bit 48 kHz stereo file (most videos use 48, not 44.1).  I use iMovie '11 to import the video from the camera, then import the stereo audio file and match it up to the camera audio by dragging it into the iMovie Project.  Make the waveforms visible, it's not too hard to align.
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    Thanks for asking for clarification. Appreciated. I did not see you post 8 until after I posted my post 9.
    Important that we define the issue as being related to just preview or to preview and export.
    Project Preset....
    When you start a new project, a project preset (project settings) need to be set by you or the project. The program
    is designed to do that based on the properties of the first video file that you drag to the Timeline. Sometimes the program
    does it right, sometimes not. If not, then you set the project preset manually assuring that the description of the project preset
    matches your video properties for at least frame size, frame rate, etc. A major function of the project preset is to direct
    the program to give you the correct space in the Edit area monitor for editing. If you select a project preset which includes
    1920 x 1080 in its description, then the space in the Edit area monitor will reflect that 16:9 format.
    If you or the program have set the correct project preset, then, when you drag your video to the Timeline for the first time, there
    will be no colored line over its content. That means that you are getting the best possible preview in the monitor. Once you
    edit that video, you will get an orange line over it. That is the program telling you that you no longer have the best possible preview
    and to get it you Timeline render using the Render button above the Timeline. When that Timeline rendering is complete, the orange
    line turns to green. That is the program telling you that you have the best possible preview which will be in effect until you edit the
    file again. Then orange to green again.
    Right now I would prefer to stay with trying to get your photos to an acceptable preview stage. No matter what the project preset,
    these will need Timeline rendering after they are dragged to the Timeline. Several have reported that the use of the DSLR project preset results in sharper images pre and post export. I want to see if any of that can enhance your situation.
    Please review and consider and then let me know if I am going in the right direction for the explanations. I will adjust
    my instructions/suggestions accordingly.
    More later.
    Thanks again for the follow up.

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    Purchased iTunes TV episodes
    Streamed video trailers in the iTunes Store
    Works fine:
    All music files, including protected files purchased through iTunes
    The standalone Quicktime player performs normally with MOV files. Windows Media Player still performs normally.
    I found an old support doc complaining of a similar issue with a previous iTunes release and tried the suggested fix: Uninstalling Quicktime and reinstalling it using the standalone installer (Quicktime 7.4). I also reinstalled iTunes. Neither solved the issue.
    I'm very disappointed that I can no longer access the files I've purchased. I hope this is fixed very soon.

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    Several times every day YouTube shuts down some of their servers to update stuff. Be patient if YouTube is slow, stuck or mangled. Transmissions from YouTube to your computer are done in multiple tiny packets of data and flash at a time. That's why sometimes you may get any of these scenarios: bits and pieces of text/thumbnails in weird places; sluggish loading/buffering; the spinning circle going on forever; or the player being blank. This problem could fix itself within a few hours or by the next day.
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