When to use Power cord...

Should I keep my Mac plugged in with the power cord or is it better to only charge it when the battery life is low. I have heard before that its not good to leave the charger plugged in all the time. or does that not matter.

If you keep it plugged in, it will prevent the battery from gaining excessive cycle counts, which can be a determining factor of a batteries lifespan. However, cycle count is a highly debated topic because there is no perfect evidence for either argument. At any rate, it's probably best to keep it plugged in, if you let the computer under 50%, plug it in, if you wait till it gets too low and plug it in it will generate more cycles. I keep mine plugged in most of the time, unplug occasionally.
Read this for more information:

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    I have exactly the same problem, and it only started yesterday after a year of using my MacBook Pro with no problems. My system profile is as below:
    Battery Power:
    System Sleep Timer (Minutes): 45
    Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes): 10
    Display Sleep Timer (Minutes): 45
    Wake On AC Change: No
    Wake On Clamshell Open: Yes
    Display Sleep Uses Dim: Yes
    Reduce Brightness: Yes
    Hardware Configuration:
    UPS Installed: No
    AC Charger Information:
    Connected: Yes
    Charging: No
    Battery Information:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: Sony-ASMB012-36ed-758f
    Manufacturer: Sony
    Device name: ASMB012
    Pack Lot Code: 0003
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 102a
    Hardware Revision: 0500
    Cell Revision: 0303
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 3855
    Fully charged: Yes
    Charging: No
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    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 324
    Battery health: Good
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): -1
    Voltage (mV): 12487
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    Powerbook G4 1.5, 512 RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    See there are separate Energy Saver settings for with power cord and without in Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Energy Saver. If indeed the Energy Saver is set to put the display to sleep after one minute while the power cord is plugged in, that would explain your behavior.
    If that is not what the settings are set for, then I suggest trying to reset the power manager as this article describes:

  • Why when I use Power Meter I have many message of error?

    I use Power Meter NRTZ43 of Rohde &
    Schwartz, but I have a driver, but when i put icon of Getting
    started on desktop compare this message:
    "RSNRTZ Application Measure Power.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\RSNRTZ
    Reset.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtz.llb\RSNRTZ Reset.vi".
    RSNRTZ Config Measurement.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi".
    RSNRTZ Error Query.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi".
    RSNRTZ Initialize.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi".
        - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Utility Default
    Instrument Setup.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Utility
    Default Instrument Setup.vi".
        - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\RSNRTZ Reset.vi" was loaded from
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtz.llb\RSNRTZ Reset.vi".
        - The subVI
    expected to be at "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ
    Utility Clean Up Initialize.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files
    (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Utility Clean Up Initialize.vi".
    RSNRTZ Measure.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi".
    RSNRTZ Select Forward Measurement Mode.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi".
    RSNRTZ Select Reverse Measurement Mode.vi
      Virtual Instrument
    - The subVI expected to be at
    "C:\work\RSD\drivers\rsnrtz\lv6_vi\rsnrtzu\RSNRTZ Write And Read
    Response.vi" was loaded from "C:\Program Files (x86)\National
    Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\instr.lib\rsnrtz\rsnrtzu.llb\RSNRTZ Write And
    Read Response.vi"."
    What's means???
    Maybe I have old driver for LabVIEW6? Can u help me to find correct driver?
    Respond me soon please...
    Sweet, Beautiful and Young Female Physicist (SBYFP)
    (I speak a not very good english, so If U are Italian LabVIEW expert speak in Italian, if U speak in Eglish... please speak easy )
    My e-mail for personal contact: [email protected]_NO_SPAM_PLEASE

    OK, I see what's happening. When the driver was originally saved it was saved from a working directory instead of from the instr.lib. It's still OK. LabVIEW updated the links. Just re-save the VIs once they open.
    I have seen that there are also a driver "Virtual NRT for Power Meter NRTZ43", but I have the version for WIN 95/NT. And I don't find a version to WIN XP. Can u help me to find the correct version for my pc?
    That's an application that Rohde&Schwarz wrote. I think the latest version is here: http://www2.rohde-schwarz.com/file/NRT_ZV2_1.EXE.
    vanny wrote:  I have connected Power Meter to this port:
    but I haven't istalled my Power Meter. I have only put in instr.lib the folder of driver taken by site of Rohde & Schwartz.
    In the manual (if u want to help me really with heart read please) there is write that I must set the PORT COM, but when I have seen in Panel Control of Windows and after in System the Power Meter is unrilevated (NOT DETECTED). But with labview I have illogical miasurement.
    If I find the program to see the power in and reflected maybe I can understant if labview function is correct.
    I wait you... but now Are u sleep? Eheh, kisses...
    If you connected the power meter to the computer it's installed. The power meter will not be detected because it's a serial connection. An instrument connected over the serial port cannot be automatically detected in MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer) like a GPIB instrument can. In LabVIEW you have to tell it which serial port you connected it to.
    In MAX you will see the COM ports:
    In the LabVIEW driver you set the COM port this way:
    COM 1 --> ASRL1::INSTR
    COM 2 --> ASRL2::INSTR
    Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 01-15-2010 04:25 PM
    MAX serial.png ‏49 KB
    Power meter VISA resource control.png ‏26 KB

  • My flat screen won't connect to the internet, even when I use the cord from my working iMac.

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  • MBP dies when I unplug power cord

    Anyone have any ideas? The battery wasn't in the best shape, it had "check battery" for about a year now.
    Of course, Apple refused to do anything for me, as it's out of warranty. Until last week I was getting maybe an hour out of it. But ever since upgrading to 10.5.7 last week, as soon as I disconnect the power-cord, 1 sec later, the laptop just dies, requiring a reboot.
    Tried resetting PRAM and the PMU/SMC. Reinstalled 10.5.7.
    Here's the bat info:
    Model Information:
    Serial Number: Sony-ASMB012-364d-7644
    Manufacturer: Sony
    Device name: ASMB012
    Pack Lot Code: 0003
    PCB Lot Code: 0000
    Firmware Version: 102a
    Hardware Revision: 0400
    Cell Revision: 0303
    Charge Information:
    Charge remaining (mAh): 3408
    Fully charged: Yes
    Charging: No
    Full charge capacity (mAh): 3517
    Health Information:
    Cycle count: 287
    Condition: Check Battery
    Battery Installed: Yes
    Amperage (mA): 0
    Voltage (mV): 12347

    "The battery wasn't in the best shape, _it had "check battery" for about a year now. "_
    Why did you wait so long for help?
    Try the following:
    HD/System/Library/SystemConfiguration & look for a file called batteryupdater.bundle. Select Get Info for the file.
    If its version number is 1.2 or 1.3 you should be fine If not, or if you cannot locate a batteryupdater.bundle file (by using Spotlight, searching manually or using a 3rd party search feature) then download an update from Apple's website & install it. *If installing has no effect, you probably need a new battery.*
    Your battery may be replaced for free. Take your computer to an Apple Store. _The staff will be able to check to determine if your model MBP qualifies for the free battery program._
    MacBook and MacBook Pro Battery Update 1.2 Or you can take your case up w/Apple Customer Relations - 1-800-767-2775.
    Good luck!

  • Black screen when plug the power cord

    yesterday I bought a new laptop : hp 15-r138
    When I  plug the power cord - or unplug it .. the screen turn black for a second and then goes back to normal ..
    Is this OK  ? 

    I've heard of this. Where when you do the update, if you let the screen go dim, or something you can't get it back because you can't see anything due to those controls running in the background at this stage of installation. I'm pretty  sure you need to plug it into an external monitor to get it back maybe?

  • Battery issues::its dead::only using power cord

    i'm ok with only using the power cord. i can't afford a new battery right now. if i put it to sleep and then unplug the computer, is this ok? or should i shut it down? if i want to move my computer around my house (using wifi) what should i do everytime? thanks
    iBook G4 2004   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    matarazzo, Welcome to the discussion area!
    You should shut it down to guarantee no data loss.

  • Using power cord in china

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    yep, it works

  • Satellite C855 closes when power cord disconnected

    +Message was translated by Google translator+

    Well, this means that your battery isnt detected.
    Did this problem appear using Win 8 system too?
    The update from Win 8 to Win 8.1 should be performed as recommended on this Toshiba [Update to Windows 8.1|http://www.toshiba.eu/innovation/generic/windows8_1-message/] website.
    Did you follow the instruction?

  • Need a new g5 power cord/cable

    where can i get one? anyone know? i don't want to end up with an old G3 cable that does not work, etc.

    It's been a couple months, so you may have taken care of this already, but I thought I'd post the following links as I wait to hear back from Apple regarding the problem with our order:
    We just ordered three refurbished "Late 2005" G5s for the office, ourselves. One of them arrived with a power cord for an earlier model, so I can't even plug the thing in. I now have to wait "72 hours" to hear back from tech support because it seemed no one was available to handle this yesterday. Hopefully they get this straightened out. I tried to explain that the power cord was wrong and that I just needed to swap it for the correct one. That turned out to be, apparently, the most confusing thing in the world yesterday, after the first guy thought I wanted to return the whole computer, the second guy in tech support (I was transferred there by the first guy) told me it was a sales issue and directed me back to sales (where the first guy was from) and the woman I spoke to said she wasn't a sales rep and didn't quite sound as tech savvy, asked, "Now, when you say 'power cord,' do you mean 'power adapter?'" Uhhh...no, I mean the stinkin' cord from the back of the computer to the wall outlet! Sheesh!). After all was said and done and she was verifying the e-mail address associated with our account, somehow I got suddenly disconnected from her ("We're sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed, please hang up and try the toll-free number again" -- ummm...no, thank you, I was just on the phone for about 30 minutes, I need to get back to work), so hopefully they have all the info they need from me.
    If all does not go smoothly, at least there are places from which to purchase the proper cord. I shouldn't have to, though.
    Oh, well, hope the above links help. Forgive my rant...had to get that out.

  • What is the necessity of the AC power cord (with Mac Book Air)? When should it be used with the power adapter?

    what is the necessity of the AC power cord (with the Mac book Air)? when should it be used?

    Gary, you wouldn't believe some of the questions people ask on this site.
    Why are both cords necessary?
    They are not.
    Other than the two reasons dominic23 sited are there any other reasons to use the AC power cord rather than the power adapter cord alone?

  • Macbook Pro: both external screens go off when unplugging power cord

    I have my Macbook Pro set up with two external screens one connected thru HDMI and the other with Thunderbolt, I keep the lid always closed. I always have the power cord plugged in but when I for whatever reason unplug the cord both screens go dark and don't seem to "wake up" anymore. When I plug back in the cord I have to open the lid first to make the login window appear but after login my screens are switched. When I close the lid again it goes back to my original set up. The same when I turn on the Macbook and don't close the lid after it right away, the screens are switched until I close it.
    Any idea on this?

    As this article points out, there are very stringent requirements for using a MacBook in "closed clamshell" mode. #1 is to have the power adapter plugged in:
    How to use your Mac notebook computer in closed-clamshell (display closed) mode with an external display - Apple Suppor…

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    I went to back up my iPhone4 and it said there was an update.  So I clicked  on 'update and backup' (or something close to that.)  It took FOREVER...way longer than usual. When it was done, it showed the power cord w/an arrow to iTunes.  ***???  I restarted my computer and tried the whole process again and still...the power cord with an arrow to iTunes.  And I know this means I have to go to Apple and get another phone and will lose anything that wasn't backed up. Anyone else have this happen or have a solution so I don't have to do a restore???

    Reboot your computer.
    Disable your antivirus and firewall.
    Connect the phone to a USB port directly on your computer, not to a hub. If your computer is not a laptop and has ports on both front and back use a port on the back.
    If iTunes does not recognize the phone when you connect it see: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808
    If it STILL doesn't work open a command window and type:
       netsh winsock reset
    Then try again. (It seems that a recent Microsoft Windows update may have corrupted network settings; this restores them to the factory default).
    BTW, was there an error number associated with the failed update?

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