Where do i add shipping to my products?

I'm new to using Adobe forms. Can you help me understand how to add shipping to my products?

If you have a flat shipping rate you can add an additional Paypal field and have folks add it to their order. If you are looking to do a shipping charge based on a calculated field we don't currently support that. Specifically we don't support calculated fields in HTML forms.
Hope this clears things up.
Andrew Yarborough

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    You will not get a reply from Apple in these forums. As stated in the information to which we all agreed when we signed up here, these forums are for user-to-user assistance, not for getting technical assistance from Apple. All you will get here is suggestions and commiseration from we your fellow users. If you want to express your displeasure directly to Apple, call the tech support line and ask to speak with Customer Relations and see if there's anything they can do for you. Please keep in mind that the CR rep will not have caused your problems, so keep your calm and be polite; they're just working stiffs too.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

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    To setup your Camera rather than using the CD setup you should use it's web interface...
    1. Connect your Camera to a computer, click on the Start button >>> Settings >>> Control Panel >>> Network Connections - Right click on the icon for Local area connection and go to properties- On the 'General' tab select 'Internet Protocol TCP/IP' and click on the Properties button- Select 'Use the following IP address'- Provide IP Address -, Subnet Mask - on Ok button to Save and Click on "Close" on main Properties window...
    2. Now open an Internet Explorer browser page on your wired computer(desktop).In the address bar type -
    Use admin for both Username & Password in lower case...It should open your Camera set-up...
    3. Once you get to the set-up page you can follow this link to change the Camera Settings...While changing the Camera settings you have to make sure that the Wireless Settings(SSID/Network Name and WEP Key) are identical on both the devices(router and camera)...Also make sure to change the camera's default IP to match your network and Gateway Address should be your router's address...ex. Camera's IP Address : your router's default address is, Subnet Mask :, Default Gateway :
    4. After configuring the Camera you should disconnect it from the Computer and go into Local Area Connection TCP/IP Properties and set it back to Obtain IP Address Automatically...Disconnect the Camera from the computer and power cycle both the devices(Camera and Router)...Your camera should be configured...
    In case if you don't get the Camera set-up just leave it connected to your computer and reset it for 30 seconds...
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