Where is archived mail?

Hello everyone
I am using Mail application in OS X 10.10 to manage my gmail.
Today I misclicked to the Archive button, so an email disappered (actually I want to delete this mail).
How can I get this e-mail back and delete it?
Thank you very much

Hello brenden
Your answer is great one, thank you very much
When I open Archive folder, suddenly I saw many messages, but I have never archived them (I only misclicked only one time I mentioned above).
The storage of Macbook is small and I do not want to waste any GB to store something I do not have to.
So, is my situation a correct one (see emails in Archived folder when I did not archive them)?

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    Nevermind, I was trippin'...lol When you archive via the "Archived Mail" script you're prompted for a location to archive to.

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    in the settings menu then specific mail account advanced above where it gives you the option to tick send discarded message to archive folder there is another box above that about behaviour ....my iPad was set to send archive mail to the "all mail" folder.you have to change this to the archive folder to then see that folder.
    this should do it!

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    I actually found it myself.  Way down at the bottom of the left mail panel, there are some ghost/grayed-out mailbox names. (gmail, etc).  If you hover on the right of the bar, the word "show" will appear.  click this and the archived mail for each account will appear. 

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    # the time we want to archive from
    set theArchiveCutoffTime to ((current date) - (32 * days))
    property theCount : 0
    tell application "System Events"
      set targetProcess to count (every application process whose name is "Mail")
    end tell
    tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
      set thisAccount to pop account "TargetProcess"
      set thisFolders to mail folder of thisAccount
    # find the "Inbox" of topFolder and "Mail ARCHIVE" of on my computer
      repeat with thisFolder in thisFolders
      if name of thisFolder is "Inbox" then
      set theInbox to thisFolder
      else if name of thisFolder is "Mail ARCHIVE" then
      set theARCHIVE to thisFolder
      end if
      end repeat
    # find the archive "Inbox"
      repeat with thisFolder in mail folder of theARCHIVE
      if name of thisFolder is "Inbox" then
      set theArchiveInbox to thisFolder
      end if
      end repeat
      set theArchiveTarget to theArchiveInbox
    # archive the Inbox
      repeat with theMessage in message in theInbox
      if time received of theMessage < theArchiveCutoffTime then
      move theMessage to theArchiveTarget
      set theCount to theCount + 1
      # we get messages from oldest to newest
      exit repeat
      end if
      end repeat
    # archive sub-folders
      repeat with thisSubfolder in mail folder of theInbox
      # find the archive subfolder corresponding to this
      repeat with thisARCHIVEubfolder in mail folder of theArchiveInbox
      if name of thisARCHIVEubfolder is name of thisSubfolder then
      set theArchiveTarget to thisARCHIVEubfolder
      end if
      end repeat
      # archive messages
      repeat with theMessage in message in thisSubfolder
      if time received of theMessage < theArchiveCutoffTime then
      move theMessage to theArchiveTarget
      set theCount to theCount + 1
      # we get messages from oldest to newest
      exit repeat
      end if
      end repeat
      end repeat
    end tell
    I'm working in AppleScript Editor v2.6.1 (152.1), Microsoft Outlook 2011 v14.3.5, OSX 10.9.4 Mavericks.

    Ok, red_menace above me had a shorter and more elegant solution to the question, I'm adding this just for another example.
    To solve your problem I'd make a mail rule that looked for any messages with "Filename:" in them (along with whatever criteria you wanted, like sender, domain, etc). The mail rule would execute the Applescript. My assumption is that the "Filename:foobar" text could be anywhere in the email, not necessarily the first thing in a paragraph, so I had to parse it differently.
    The results end up in a datalist, (theFilename {} ) that you can parse later to collect all filenames found in whatever messages were processed.
    I realize this could be cleaner, hope it's not hard to follow, but I did it really fast. It works flawlessly for me, picking out the name of the file no matter where in the email it appears.
    using terms from application "Mail"
    on perform mail action with messages theSelectedMessages for rule theRule
    repeat with aCounter from 1 to count theSelectedMessages
    set theMessage to item aCounter of theSelectedMessages
    set theContent to content of theMessage
    set theWords to every word of theContent
    set theFilename to {}
    set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
    repeat with thisLoop in theWords
    if (text item 1 of thisLoop) is "Filename" then
    set end of theFilename to (text item 2 of thisLoop)
    -- rest of your logic goes here the display is just to show it finds the filename, take it out!
    display dialog theFilename ¬
    buttons {"OK"}
    end if
    end try
    end repeat
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
    end repeat
    end perform mail action with messages
    end using terms from
    Message was edited by: stephen.bradley Typos for the win!

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    I'm unclear on exactly what happened, but note that a Smart Mailbox is not an actual storage location, it's just a saved search. If you had a Smart Mailbox that you thought was an archival storage location, and you deleted the messages from other mailboxes, then they would have disappeared from the Smart Mailbox as well.
    Of course, if the Smart Mailbox has disappeared, something's wrong. The upgrade to Mountain Lion would require some updates to your mailboxes, and if they were corrupt to start with, something easily could have gone wrong in that update process. Do you have any kind of backups from before the upgrade?
    As for archiving messages, just create one or more mailboxes in the location where you want the archives stored (probably "On my Mac") and move the messages there. I have every message I sent or received since the beginning of 2005 in a series of "On my Mac" mailboxes.

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    If you have iTunes set to consolidate your Library, then yes, you have 3 copies of the movie, USB, ITunes library folder, and iPad.
    If not, then iTunes merely adds a pointer to the current location of the file, and then copies it over to the iPad.
    If the USB is removed, the movie is still technically part of the library, but will not be accessible, it will show up grayed out and not be playable.

  • HT204093 Where is my mail folder on my mac

    Okay I hope to make sense here....
    I had all my mail in the icloud.  I then created a folder on my mac for mail older than 6 months.  Then mail that was older than 6 months in cloud I moved to my mac. 
    In mail I had renamed the older than 6 month folder.  I still see my old mail in mail.  I can't find the corresponding folder on mac, or when I do it really is odd size.  Mail in folder on mac is housing 10 years worth of email and coming in at 300MB when I think it would be way bigger, like 1 TB.
    I created a new folder in mail, but I can't find the coorseponding folder in documents---> mail folder.
    Where is the mail folder on the mac?  Where does it naturally default too?

    Thank you of the quick reply and I kind of now have more info. 
    Since posting my question I "exported" the mailbox and voila, 2.6GB of info.  So I think I have some solution. 
    "Are you desiring to Archive mail older than six months and remove that from Mail?" Not from Mail, but the iCloud, but when I did remove from icloud, I want to make another back up, even though I have time machine.  I want to basically burn a DVD or put old email on other storage media.
    "With a better understanding of your goal -- I can help you to a solution." Okay great, appreciate it! I hope I made/make sense.
    "If you haven't done a Rebuild lately, I'd highly recommend you start there:"  Ummm  I've never rebuild.... so I also wanted to back up the data before I rebuild I think, right?  I have no other copy, these emails were removed from the iCloud, and put in a mail folder on my mac (which I can't find the mailbox (mbox) on the mac, user name--->documents---> mail folder---> there is no corresponding mbox that I just created, this folder/get info says circa 2012), so the mail on my mac is not copied from iCloud. Technically I do have the time machine backup.... but you never know if that gets corrupted.
    So my thought prior to rebuild is to export, as a back up, then rebuild?  As to mailbox naming, since I have no idea where the corresponding folders are on my mac, exporting first, might be best option.  If I rebuild, will that break or possibly lose data?

  • Where does archived email go?

    Where does archived email go? And how do you retrieve it?

    Looking at other discussions, I think I answered my question. Please let me know if this is correct- I have gmail and when emails are archived they go to my "all mail" box.
    Thank you for replying

  • How do I access archived mail?

    Please advise how I can check archived mail and mabe find something that was put in the trash a few months ago and I need!!!
    I do have a time machine but can't find a Mobileme/mail icon.
    THANK YOU!!!

    If you put it in the trash, but never deleted the trash, it may still be in there.
    Even if it has been deleted, if you've been using Time Machine, it should be easy to get back.
    Launch Mail and make its main window the front window.  Select the mailbox where that deleted item existed.  Click on the Time Machine icon in the Dock, to go to the flying through space screen. 
    Note:  I noticed there was a bit of "lag" when I did this with the Mail window, for the first time.  If it seems unresponsive (or slow) initially, just wait a minute or so on that screen and responsiveness should improve.
    Go "back in time," using the timeline on the right edge of screen, until you see the item that was deleted.  Select that item.  Click Restore.

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    The help file on organizing mail tells me to go to the mailbox screen and hit Edit.  There is no edit button on that screen.  I want to add a folder to save or archive mail messages as a local file, not take up room on the server.

    Tap the back arrow that saysMailboxes until there is no back arrow just a title saying Mailboxes. You should see two sections under it, one that says Inboxes and another one that says Accounts. Under the Accounts you should see a list of your mail accounts (if you have more than one), select the account you want to add the folder to and it will take you to the lists of folders for that account. Inbox, Drafts, Trash... At the top you will see the Edit button that will allow you to add a folder.

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    Do you have a backup?
    Go to Finder and select your user/home folder. With that Finder window as the front window, either select Finder/View/Show View options or go command - J.  When the View options opens, check ’Show Library Folder’. That should make your user library folder visible in your user/home folder.  Select Library. Then Mail/V2/Mailboxes

  • Outlook 2013 Won't Display My Archived Mail PST Files

    Hi there,
    I have recently upgraded to Outlook 2013 from 2010. I have archived mail in PST files going back many years. I managed to open the first one I tried (Outlook 2003 archive) but noticed it wouldn't display sent items on a common search. I then clicked on the
    name bar to sort by name and it did do it. Later when I went back in it wouldn't display any sent items; it just has the "thinking" dots moving at the top. I left it for 3 hours but nothing. I then closed the archive and moved the PST file to my
    C drive and tried again; nothing. I opened another PST file but still nothing shows.
    Does anyone know what could be causing this? I'm thinking of going back to Outlook 2010 but would rather get 2013 to work properly.
    Ross Bevin

    Hi Ross,
    From the description, the problem is that the archive.pst file you created in Outlook 2003 doesn't display anything when opened in Outlook 2013, right? If I've misunderstood something, would you please provide a screenshot so that we can understand this
    issue more clearly? 
    What's the file size of the PST file? It may cause unexpected problem if the file size exceed the limit. See:
    In addition, we can try to use the Inbox Repair Tool to scan and repair the PST file to check if it helps:
    Please let me know the result.
    Steve Fan
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

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    Jneklason wrote:
    I know this email is confusing and really hard to understand...perhaps now you will know how i've been feeling--lost and confused with all the mis-information, with a hit and miss phone, and out of time with all the 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs EACH wasted on this issue.
    On top of all this, I can't even find out how to file a complaint with anyone higher up than Customer Service.
    I hate to tell you this, but you didn't write an email. You wrote a discussion post on the Verizon Wireless Community forum which is a public peer to peer forum. Unfortunately since you didn't mark your post as a question, the VZW reps that roam this community won't ever see your post. Before you re-post it, don't. Duplicate posts get removed from the community.
    I see there were several missteps both by the reps and yourself in your post. First you should have insisted on returning the phone within the 14 day return policy period. Second which Samsung Galaxy mini model did you purchase? The S3 mini or the S4 mini? Did you do any research prior to deciding on this device. The reps at that time deflected the easiest course of action, by trying to get you to replace the phone under insurance instead of returning the phone. The Early Edge payment option requires the current phone on the line using the early Edge must be returned to Verizon Wireless. Did you once considered going to a third party site like Swappa to purchase a gently used device for your daughter?

Maybe you are looking for