Where is encore CS 6?

where do I find the download link of encore CS 6? Since I joined CC I cannot find it...

Learn Encore CS5 | Adobe TV
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In order the use Encore you need to export from Premiere CC14 with mpeg2-dvd preset (you can always tweak the settings)
Import the two files (audio and video) into Encore, make menu, burn, done.

Similar Messages

  • Where is Encore ? How do we make DVD/Blu-Ray now ?

    I purchased CC subscription last month and we just finished all the mp4 of the wedding movies.
    Now its time to burn them to BluRay.
    Earlier we simply opened the Encore and set the end action as the starting frame of the mp4 and then used to burn it.
    Thats all.
    Now when I try to search encore , I dont see it in the list ?
    Where has it gone ?
    What to do ?

  • Where is Encore with the Creative Cloud?  It is not in the list of 'apps' to download.

    As the subject says, there is no link in my App manager at all for Encore.  I thought it was a part of the CC or am I mistaken.  Thanks.

    Same problem - no encore in the download list and no installation with premiere
    The employee responding there says its there...

  • Where's Encore? I've already watched all the tutorials I can find to no avail.

    The information from Dav's tutorials (an Adobe guy) make it sound so simple, as do the other tutorials I can find on YouTube (because the Adobe TV site does not address the issue). But do I really have to download the WHOLE Premiere Pro CS6 simply to gain access to Encore, only to have to delete the Premiere CS6 files from my computer, just so I can use it with CC?? What kind of sense is that?
    Why can't I just download Encore and be done with it? I'll tell you why: because Encore cannot be found anywhere in the list of available Apps, or here on the CC website, at least not that I can see, and I've spent the last hour searching for it and have made absolutely no progress. I'm supposed to deliver seven projects on DVD tomorrow for a client, so this is a REAL problem, the kind of problem that makes me long for the days when you could pick up the phone and call someone (there are no contact numbers on this website) or drop a note to support (there is no e-mail address for support on this site either). Of course in this day and age, if there was a live chat option, it would probably not be included in my membership and I would incur additional charges for opening a support ticket. Excuse me for being cynical.
    Another beef: I subscribe to CC, but the school I attend runs CS6. I can open a CS6 project in CC, but if I work at home, I can't access the changes I've made in CC because they won't open in CS6.
    So, if I have to download CS6 in order to get Encore, I feel I should delete CC and work in CS6 just for compatibility. The problem with that is that I'll lose access to the couple of dozen projects I've completed for clients in CC already, plus the others that I'm currently working on.
    Please, someone provide me a fix.

    Bro Dan CC Encore CS6 was only included and installed with Premiere Pro CS6.  There is no separate installation.  You can find more details at Encore CS6 not installed with Creative Cloud - http://helpx.adobe.com/encore/kb/encore-cs6-installed-cc.html.
    In regards to your inquiry regarding compatibility I would recommend posting in the forum specific to the software title you are utilizing.  You can find a list of available forums at http://forums.adobe.com/index.jspa?promoid=JZEFM.  There maybe compatibility settings which can be utilized depending upon the software title.
    If it is necessary for you to install Creative Suite 6 software titles to ensure compatibility then please be aware that Creative Suite 6 is included as part of your Creative Cloud membership.  You can find details on how to install the Creative Suite 6 versions of the Adobe Creative software titles, included with your Membership, at Download previous versions of Adobe Creative applications - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/download-previous-versions-creative-applications. html.

  • Where is Encore?

    Is Encore not a part of Adobe CC? What is the best DVD authoring program if Encore is not available?

    CS5-thru-CC PPro/Encore tutorial list http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1448923 will help
    The bottom section of the link above has several Adobe links, and other information, on downloading Premiere Pro CS6 and the bundled Encore CS6, and the TWO ADDED downloads for the Encore library content, to author a DVD or BluRay... and the tutorial list includes learning how to use Encore... pay particular attention to the picture in reply 3 at this link - https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1516173

  • Encore installed but no buttons or photo objects appear. Where do I load these?

    I recently purchased CC Premier CS6 and I am going through the Lynda.com tutorial on how to use Encore and when it says select a Blank HD menu there are not buttons or photo objects available. Also, it will not allow me to import a custom button. Any suggestions?

    Did you extract the contents of the file?  Yes, I did extract the contents of the files and placed them within the Encore Folder within Applications.
    Where did you put the contents?   They are currently in the Encore Folder
    Where is encore looking for it?  I don't know if Encore is looking for them or not.
    I'm wondering if I uninstall Encore and then reinstall it, if it will find the files this way.
    I will have to say that I'm surprised that Adobe doesn't have a help desk number that a user can call to get some basic answers. I am paying $21/ month for the programs and right now not using them.
    On a side note, I am using Photoshop CS4 but when I downloaded the entire suite it didn't download Photoshop CS6. Do I need to uninstall CS4 then download CS6?
    Thank you again for your help. I really do appreciate it.

  • Encore CS4/Windows 7 64-bit--When trying to "Build" Encore quits.

    After clicking Build, new window opens showing a double bar for burning to DVD. Almost immediately I get error message from Adobe saying Encore has quit, wanting to send Adobe engineers details.
    Updated Roxio-Sonic DVD Drivers: "pxengine4_18_16a.exe", Encore still Crashes.
    Have tried defrag/restarts....Nothing works.
    How do I get Encore to Build to a DVD?? Or What is going on with W7 64-bit and Adobe.

    Thanks for the taking the time to respond. Nothing suggested works.
    You suggested: build an image of your author or build the DVD in your HD?
    I tried both and still get "Program Quits" window, with Encore shutting down without any error message.
    You suggested:  disk problem.
    I tried different Sony, and then Verbatim disks. Same problem.
    Additional Project Info:
    Time Line: 1:18:07
    Preferences: Playback Quality: Automatic.
    Disc Info: free space thermometer: Blue all the way across.
    4.7 GB Used.  3.309 MB free.
    Same problem also exists with Premier Pro CS4. PPr will just quit for no reason that is detectable/No error message. I do frequent saves so have not lost anything in PPr, just have to restart program. The problem with PPr is not consistant, whereas with Encore it happens every time when attempting to "Build". I suspect fault is within Encore/PPr  and Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit and latest updates from Microsoft. Both programs ran without problems before. By the way. I tried to update PPr & Encore, and I could not, as I have latest versions.
    By the way....You are writing from Italy? Where? My grandparents came to New York from Italy around 1907.
    Thanks for your effort,
    Tony Salso

  • "Stream not Initialized" message when trying to build Encore project.

    I have been using Adobe Encore CS6 for a while now, using three video camera models.
    9 times out of 10 I have no problems making my DVDs, yet every so often, the video clips will have audio and video of different lengths.
    Whenever this happens, if I try to build the project, I get an error message pop up stating "Stream not initialized".
    I can adjust the clips so that the audio and video are the same length, thus eliminating the tiny, often two frame gap in the timeline, but this only fixes the problem some times.
    Today it isn't fixing the problem at all.
    I've tried transcoding the clips, even though they are in DVD format directly from the camera, yet still get the same error message.
    Any help with this issue would be a god send as it is starting to drive me potty!

    Thanks for the taking the time to respond. Nothing suggested works.
    You suggested: build an image of your author or build the DVD in your HD?
    I tried both and still get "Program Quits" window, with Encore shutting down without any error message.
    You suggested:  disk problem.
    I tried different Sony, and then Verbatim disks. Same problem.
    Additional Project Info:
    Time Line: 1:18:07
    Preferences: Playback Quality: Automatic.
    Disc Info: free space thermometer: Blue all the way across.
    4.7 GB Used.  3.309 MB free.
    Same problem also exists with Premier Pro CS4. PPr will just quit for no reason that is detectable/No error message. I do frequent saves so have not lost anything in PPr, just have to restart program. The problem with PPr is not consistant, whereas with Encore it happens every time when attempting to "Build". I suspect fault is within Encore/PPr  and Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit and latest updates from Microsoft. Both programs ran without problems before. By the way. I tried to update PPr & Encore, and I could not, as I have latest versions.
    By the way....You are writing from Italy? Where? My grandparents came to New York from Italy around 1907.
    Thanks for your effort,
    Tony Salso

  • Encore CS6 produces Pixelated and Grainy DVDs...????

    I edited my video clips in Premiere Pro CS6 (as I usually do), then sent it to CS6 Encore.  The video looks grainy and pixelated on the monitor window in Encore and records it this way as well.
    The image in PPro's monitor is crisp and in great focus.  I shoot in HD.  I've never experienced this before.  Is this a bug???

    I'll do my best.. I shoot achd full hd   MTS files are used.
    I don't change any settings in Encore.  It doesn't give me any real choices.
    My settings in PPro CS6 (upgraded from CS5.5) I use the Master Collection.
    Win 7
    Sequence Settings:
    AVCHD 1080i  Square Pixel
    29.97 frame/sec
    1920x1080  16:9
    Square Pixels  1.0
    Fields: Upper field first
    Preview File Format: I-frame only mpeg
    codec: MPEG I-Frame
    In PPro the video looks great. 
    I used Adobe Dynamic Link to send my file to Encore.
    It transcodes once I have set up the location where the Encore file will be saved.
    Max Audio bitrate: 8.0
    Codec: MPEG 2
    720 x 400
    I don't seem to have any options to change these except for the bitrate that can go up to 9...
    Below is a screen shot of my PPro project.. its a bit small... but I think you can make out how clear the image is.
    Image of screen I receive when I send to Encore:
    Image of settings:
    Screen shot of project in Encore...to be built onto a DVD.
    A close up of the pixelation.
    Screen shot of image in PPro.. you can see the difference.
    All updates are current as well.
    If I have missed anything you feel would be helpful please ask. 
    Cheers Kate.... and thanks in advance.

  • Encore laggy sound glitches

    I'm very new to Encore and began constructing a DVD which contains simple menus with links to videos, songs with .psd backgrounds, and a slideshow with audio.
    When I preview the project, any song that should be playing will cut in and out and will remain absent for the majority of the duration. The song I assigned at the main menu also cuts out once in a while. The song assigned at for the slide show will glitch in preview and also glitch when just playing in the monitor.
    Is it just my computer being slow? Will these glitches in preview carry over and screw up the burn?
    More info:
    -All songs and audio are .mp3s
    -Song time-lines are just songs with still .psd "video" layers
    -Adobe Encore DVD 2.0
    -All files (.psd, .jpeg, and .mp3) imported as assets, menus, and time lines with no further alterations

    Try burning a DVD-RW (or a DVD+RW) and see!
    Other possible causes/solutions could be a fragmented Hard Drive - have you checked this? Previewing is a very intensive process, and a fragged drive will not help your cause.
    Also - are you using the OS/Encore/Assets all on the same HDD? Again, this will not help much as you're effectively asking your read heads to be in several places at the same time. Buffering is one solution which we will come to in a moment - but it only does so much.
    Next - Audio Hardware. What are you using, and how is it all set up in Encore?
    System details - can you please tell us what your PC specs are? Also, Operating system, and any other relevant info you have. It is again possible your system cannot handle real-time muxing/previews. This is unlikely though. How much HDD space is there where the Encore Project files are located?
    One other thing to try - use PCM instead of MP3.
    It could be a bottleneck caused by your system having to decode MP3 files. Again, unlikely as this should be handled to 32-bit Floating Point internally by Encore. Again - fragmentation will be your enemy here.
    Hope something here helps.

  • Video looks terrible after imported into Encore CS3

    I have a great looking m2v file (for Blu Ray) that I compressed with Squeeze. After I import it into Encore CS3, it looks poor in preview. The clips starts off with white text on a black background. In preview mode, the text looks aliased or "jagged". I thought this was a preview issue, but it looks just as poor after I burn it to BD-R and play it back on our PS3.
    Encore project specs : 1280 x 720 59.94fps MPEG2
    The specs of my m2v file: 1280 x 720 59.94fps av, bitrate is 28000 kbps.
    Naturally, our client is getting impatient for an explanation. Any help on solving this would be greatly appreciated.

    You should wind up with an encoded asset (your clip) as 1920x1080 m2v which should be automatically created, if you use a BluRay Project and select MPEG2 under the project settings.
    Why don't you try that and then burn a BluRay folder and burn the disk with IMGBurn, using a BD-RE disk, so you won't waste money on several BD-R disks?
    I'm not sure where the "encore specs of 1280x720" come in.
    I'd be interested as to how this comes out.

  • CCP: how to include Kuler, Story Plus and Encore?

    I'm trying to set up a deployment package for some machines. Unfortunately I cannot add the three mentioned programs to my package, allthogh they are listed here http://www.adobe.com/de/products/creativecloud/tools-and-services.html

    so, where is Encore exactly? I don't see it when creating the package in the CCP or even after installation in the Creative Cloud Destktop Application where I only see Premiere as a trial version, and if I follow the documentation here http://helpx.adobe.com/encore/kb/encore-cs6-installed-cc.html I don't see a cs6 version at the step 5.
    .Click the button marked "Download Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
    And anyway is the doc saying that we should install Premiere Pro CS6 after installing Premiere Pro CC to have Encore?? And then desinstalling it right after ?
    Once you have installed Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, you can go through the uninstall process for that application. During the CS6 uninstallation, you are given a chance to select which components to uninstall. Leave Encore deselected, and check Premiere Pro to remove just the Adobe Premiere Pro components.
    Like what kind of process is that? Not entreprise/deployment friendly at all.
    If I'm wrong please point me to the correct documentation
    An answer would be appreciated Adobe thanks
    (entreprise/education agreement licence) for me

  • Encore CC

    Where is Encore CC in creative cloud CC

    Encore is no longer updated with the other Creative Cloud apps, there is nothing like Encore CC.
    Check this link for more details :-

  • Where Do Transcoded Assets Live?

    Apologies if I've missed something very obvious, but where does Encore 2 place Transcoded assets on your system?
    Is it within one cache folder or a folder specific to the project?
    And can you then copy/archive these MPEG2/AC3? files somewhere else before Encore deletes them?
    I've used Procoder in the past and am used to seeing the assets for myself!
    Any pointers would be great.

    Actually, the information lives in two places: the transcodes folder, as previously stated, and an associated entry in the media cache folder. Normally, this folder is stored under Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\adobe\common\media cache, but it's location can be changed. If you move the project to a different drive, or move the drive to another computer, you need to copy the information in the media cache to the other computer as well. If you don't, Encore will not know about any previously encoded assets, and you'll have to do them again.<br /><br />--skip

  • NO Sound in Flash Export?

    Just exported a large Project to Flash, but the sound is missing? Same project as DVD File and burned as DVD works fine. Please help.

    I am having a similar project where CS4 Encore builds flash project that is missing sound from the initial intro, but the sound is fine elsewhere in the Flash. On the DVD build, all the sound is fine.
    How I made the project: I had a single sequence dynamic linked from Premiere pro. I duplicated the sequence to "Title Sequence", and then trimmed the "Title Sequence" to just the first five minutes which was credits with a song which was audio track copied from a later section of the video that came from a camera (these were the first two chapters). I set the DVD to start with the Title Sequence, then go to the main menu. Play on the main menu goes to third chapter.
    * The DVD starts, shows the two chapters with the song just fine, then goes to the menu. The flash app also shows the first two chapters before the menu, but no sound. If I click on play, it jumps to chapter 3 and there is sound, and if I use the chapter back button, I can go back to chapter 1 & 2, and they have sound. However when doing that, the chapter 1 & 2 being viewed is probably part of the original sequence.
    I am using Windows XP.
    I looked at Audio Hardware Settings for input, and I have no devices to Enable.
    * My notes: http://www.bobsgear.com/x/BABwAQ

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