Where is Media Encoder CC?

Can anyone tell me where to find Media encoder CC,
I have the cloud but cn't find it there?

Hi jetgrob1,
Adobe Media encoder is installed with along with Premiere Pro CC.
Romit Sinha

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    Hi So,
    Premiere Pro and other applications employ Adobe Media Encoder, a standalone encoding application. When you specify export settings in the Export Settings dialog box and click Export, Premiere Pro sends the export request to the Adobe Media Encoder.
    For more info please refer to http://helpx.adobe.com/premiere-pro/using/workflow-overview-exporting.html#adobe_media_enc oder

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    You don't need to do that. Just scroll to the right and read the output file location.
    Since my answer was correct to begin with, at least give some points for a helpful answer, now that you bypassed the correct one.

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    While the output range will default to the work area you can adjust the range using the triangles shown on the left hand lower portion of the export settings dialog box just below the preview screen.  Move the top indicator to the desired “in” timecode position and then press the left triangle next to the screen size pull down menu – repeat for the out point only use the right triangle.

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    Hi Wayne,
    You are correct. In the iMovie Projects folder in your User>Movies folder, right-click (or Control-click) on the name of your project. From the pop-up menu select Show Package Contents. There you will see a Movies folder where your shared movies for that project will be located.

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    >trial version of Premiere Pro CS5
    what is NOT in the trial http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/407/kb407938.html

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    In the case of the trial mode, the license to MXF OP1a format as well as MPEG2 format are not activated if you install only Media Encoder only.  If this is the case, in order to activate those formats in the trial mode, please also install Premiere Pro, After Effects or Prelude and launch it at least once.  After this, re-launching Media Encoder should make MXF OP1a format available.

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    Please check if these links could help:
    Adobe - Adobe Media Encoder : For Macintosh : Adobe Media Encoder CC 7.2 for Mac
    Adobe - Adobe Media Encoder : For Windows : Adobe Media Encoder CC 7.2 for Windows

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    Deinterlacing is now automatically applied if the source and the destination differ as far as their field order is concerned. In other words:
    Interlaced source --> interlaced destination = no deinterlacing
    Progressive source --> progressive destination = no deinterlacing
    Interlaced source --> progressive destination = automatic deinterlacing
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