Which USB controller keyboard?

hey all. getting my first USB controller for GB. Need something really really simple and of plug and play variety. have my sights fixed on M Audio 25 key machines as they are readily available in India. Which one to go for? The Keyrig 25 or the Oxygen O8 v2? Or any other? Smaller simpler lighter the better. Also the M Audio tech specs said that the Keyrig 25 is NOT compatible with Intel macs. Is that right?

thanks for the revert! have a space problem. would ideally need a 25 key machine. any idea on which is better - the Oxygen series, the Keyrig series or the Keystation? Went on the M Audio site to fig out but couldn't really decide. Need someone with actual hands on experience to tell the merits of one over the other.
thanks again

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    I guess the only way is to manually connect your device and see which USB xHCI it maps to that conflicts with your TV card IRQ.
    With the 876P (and 865PE) you have 8 USB 2.0 ports which gets mapped into 4 Universal Host Controllers (2 USB1.x ports per UHCI) and a single Enhanced Host Controller (all 8 USB2.0 ports). Find out where each of your host controllers gets mapped into when you connect a USB1.x device.
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    I'd suggest going to the Harmony Central KSS forum and browsing/lurking for a couple of days. The controller question has been covered there tons and tons by quite a variety of players.
    It's at: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=18
    Message was edited by: waldohefernan

  • Req any examples of how to use a USB midi controller​/keyboards with Labview TIA

    Req any examples of how to use a USB midi controller/keyboards with Labview TIA

    To access the MIDI ports you will need to call the Windows SDK. To send MIDI commands is relatively easy, here is an example that shows you how to send data to a MIDI controller or keyboard.
    As far as input goes, this is the hard part. There are a series of functions that you need to call to open up the device, set some buffers and and possibly a callback to get notifications on the incoming data.
    Reading MIDI data will not be an easy task, your best bet will be to implement this in a DLL and call that DLL in LabVIEW, there should be some code available o the web.
    = "http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url​=/library/en-us/multimed/htm/_win32_multimedia_... is a link to the Windows multimedia functions that you could use for MIDI input.
    Let me know if you have any further questions.
    Juan Carlos

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    I decided to try going through an Firewire Audio Interface instead. Keyboard-(MIDI)->MOTU Traveler-(Firewire)->MacBook Pro.
    Same corruption/hiccups/choppy playback.

  • Very slow boot due to USB controller?

    Hi all,
    I bought your barebone MS-6251 with combo DVD-RW. (other params are pentium IV 2.8 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 120 GB HDD Seagate, NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra). I already installed your LiveUpdate software.
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    Many thanks for you help and nice day
    Vladimir Buzalka
    Czech Republic

    Thanks for the reply. After a lot more googling- it turns out this is a general Oracle problem and is not solely related to use of the GEOMETRY column. It seems that sometimes, the Oracle optimiser makes an arbitrary decision to do bitmap conversion. No amount of hints will get it to change its mind !
    One person reported a similarly negative change after table statistic collection had run.
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  • USB controller in Macbook Pro 15 (late 2013)

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    My question is, what usb controller is used in the Macbook Pro 15, I'm thinking either Broadcom or Intel, and obviously I'm hoping Intel.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Thanks sanjampet, I'm using Mavericks.
    Info is:
    USB 3.0 Hi-Speed Bus:
      Host Controller Location:    Built-in USB
      Host Controller Driver:    AppleUSBXHCI
      PCI Device ID:    0x8c31
      PCI Revision ID:    0x0005
      PCI Vendor ID:    0x8086
      Bus Number:    0x0a
    Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad:
      Product ID:    0x0263
      Vendor ID:    0x05ac  (Apple Inc.)
      Version:     2.25
      Speed:    Up to 12 Mb/sec
      Manufacturer:    Apple Inc.
      Location ID:    0x14c00000 / 3
      Current Available (mA):    500
      Current Required (mA):    40
    BRCM20702 Hub:
      Product ID:    0x4500
      Vendor ID:    0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.)
      Version:     1.00
      Speed:    Up to 12 Mb/sec
      Manufacturer:    Apple Inc.
      Location ID:    0x14800000 / 2
      Current Available (mA):    500
      Current Required (mA):    94
    Bluetooth USB Host Controller:
      Product ID:    0x8289
      Vendor ID:    0x05ac  (Apple Inc.)
      Version:     0.78
      Speed:    Up to 12 Mb/sec
      Manufacturer:    Apple Inc.
      Location ID:    0x14830000 / 6
      Current Available (mA):    500
      Current Required (mA):    0
    It doesn't look promising!

  • USB controller performance

    I have a 15' MBP of the most recent generation, no problem with it. But I was wondering if the USB controller was known not to be very efficient. Explanations :
    I am developing an application under Windows, that manages high-rate transfers with an USB device from a third party company. On my old PC/WinXP, that rate can be up to 38MB/s (with no other software connected). On a brand new PC laptop/Vista, this is the same. I expected my MBP to behave the same.
    I have installed WinXP on my MBP, and run it natively (no virtualization). In the same conditions as previously described, the rate I get is about 31 MB/s. I tried on both USB ports of my MBP, of course with no other devices plugged in. The difference is big from 38 to 31.
    So, I suspect that the USB controller may not be very good on the MBP. Is it known ? Am I missing the point ?
    Pierre Chatelier

    That's really not that big of a difference with respect to the type of comparison you are making. If you had to MacBook Pros (same generation) sitting side-by-side and getting different results, that difference might mean something. In this case, you are comparing totally different hardware. Each of the machines you are talking about likely have different chipsets, USB controllers, processors, and a slew of other things that can impact the throughput. Note that the USB controller supports other devices which may impact it's performance:
    USB 2.0 Controller
    The South Bridge includes an integrated USB 2.0 controller supporting the Bluetooth module, IR receiver, built-in iSight camera, built-in trackpad and keyboard, ExpressCard/34 slot, and 2 external, high-powered USB 2.0 ports. The USB ports comply with the Universal Serial Bus Specification 2.0. For more information, see Universal Serial Bus Developer Note.
    http://developer.apple.com/documentation/HardwareDrivers/Conceptual/15inMacBookP ro_0802/Articles/ProductDeveloperNote.html

  • Usb controller driver

    my wireless keyboard will not work and device manager is showing a USB controller driver missing.  When i tried to update driver it didnt fix the problem.  i downloaded chipset driver and that didnt fix the problem.  the wireless mouse works fine but the keyboard wont work.  Any sugeestions  my warranty just expired and i have tried everything that i could find on google.  thank you

    You are missing a letter or something from the model number you posted.
    Please post the product number which can be found on the same sticker as the serial number.

  • Z68-GD65 Hangs on Starting Windows because of USB Controller. Any fixes?

    Issue: During Windows 7 (32 bit & 64 bit) installation and startup, the computer hangs at "Starting Windows". It will display a pixel or two of the first red part of the logo animation and then stop.
    System Setup/Hardware:
    Mobo - Z68-GD65
    RAM - Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4GB)
    HDD - Corsair Force 3 60GB SSD
    CPU - Intel i5-2400 (Sandybridge)
    PSU - Antec Earth Watts 650W
    GPU - Asus Geforce GTX 560 Ti
    Cause: I found that when I disabled the USB Controller completely from the BIOS, everything worked smoothly (install & startup). If I left the USB Controller enabled and just disabled the Legacy Controller, I would be left with a blinking DOS cursor after POST.
    This is an issue because both keyboard and mouse are USB. I had to borrow an old PS/2 mouse to even install windows.
    Troubleshooting tried:
    - Tried disabling EVERY (and yes, I mean every, I've rebooted this thing 50+ times [stopped keeping track]) setting that can possible be disabled individually
    - Tried unplugged every component except: board, hdd and dvdrom
    - Tried swapping RAM
    - Tried swapping HDDs (to Sata non SSD)
    - Tried swapping PSUs
    - Tried changing Windows 7 install discs (one 32 bit, one 64 bit)
    - Tried removing all motherboard connections (FP audio, FP usb, etc, everything but 24+8pin power)
    - Tried clearing CMOS and resetting BIOS
    - Tried enabling USB Controller via ClickOnce BIOS and restarting
    - Tried fully updating Windows 7 and all drivers (video, mobo, etc)
    - Tried updating BIOS with Live 5
    - Tried leaving only USB 3.0 Controller enabled and plugging mouse/keyboard into those ports (blue on back)
    - Tried Windows repair
    - Tried Windows boot logging (got to file CLASSPNP.sys)
    - Tried booting to Safe Mode
    - Tried banging head on wall  (this was successful in giving me a headache, but not booting the computer)
    I mainly list the troubleshooting above to convey the amount of frustration I've had with this board.
    The USB Controller simply seems bad or the driver (or the way the board interacts/loads the Windows driver) is bad. I must have USB on my computer.
    If I need to RMA, please let me know, however, I would hope there is a solution out there to fix the USB Controller issue. The RMA deadline is the 20th, I hope I can get an answer one way or the other before this as if there is no answer, I will be forced to RMA and go with another product from a different manufacturer (I really wanted to get over my "Asus only" attitude and try you MSI! I've been impressed up until this point, please don't let me down).
    Please help?
    -Frazzled not tech illiterate personal system builder.

    I was having the exact same issue with a new build (Mobo MSI Z68-GD65-G3).  I had been banging my head against the wall for a while and then I came across your post.  Subsequently, I disabled the USB controller in BIOS and my Win 7 install ran fine (minus the fact that I had no access to my USB keyboard and mouse).   I set the BIOS back to default settings which re-enabled the USB controller, and thus was able to re-plug the mouse and keyboard in after the windows loading screen, where the 4 colored orbs come together to make the Windows flag.  This seemed to do the trick.
    Now the problem is, everytime the computer restarts (i.e. for any Windows updates), it freezes at the same point it would during the installation.  This is again assuming the mouse and keyboard are still plugged into the rear panel USB ports.  Which of course they're going to be!
    Anyone with a recommendation as to how to fix this?  Is this a hardware defect or can it be solved with some sort of driver or firmware update?  I'm at a loss... but I certainly shouldn't have to unplug all USBs before starting the computer, that's just nuts.
    I'm considering RMA as well, but would like to see if any MSI staff members or forum members might be able to share their insight.

  • K8N Neo USB Controller Drivers

    System is
    AMD Athlon 64 3400+
    1GB Ram
    MS-7030 K8N Neo Mobo
    ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
    Creative Audigy 2 ZS
    Western Digital 160GB Serial ATA
    Athena Power ATX-450W PSU
    Well, I recently did a fresh install of XP Pro, which went smoothly. I was OCing and went a little to far and my system wouldnt boot. After a bunch more problems and flashing my BIOS, I got everything working again. Now the only problem that I have left is my USB controller drivers won't install.
    I had all my drivers backed up using Driver Genius and I currently have 18 drivers loaded. When I go to restore it has my High Speed USB Bridge, USB mouse, and keyboard (the 3 drivers Im currently missing) backed up but when I restore they don't do anything.
    I installed Nvidia's 5.10 system drivers which I thought had the USB drivers on them and USB is enabled in BIOS, so, I dont know what to do.
    Oh and in Device Manager, under USB controllers it has PCI to USB Host Controller, 2 standard OpenHCD USB Host Controllers, and 3 USB Root Hubs; but none of my 5 USB ports will work so whats the deal. Thanks in advance, Stealth

    An sp2 bug workaround is to right click the "Standard Enhanced Usb Controller" (usb 2.0) and choose update driver and let it be done automaticly.
    xp will then make a new copy of the neccesary files (if needed) from driver cache and dll cache .
    Do the same for the two "openHCD controller" 's (usb 1.1) also if needed.

  • Problem with USB travel keyboard on Windows 7 (some letters become a number)

    I have an USB Travel Keyboard with trackpoint and touchpad. Have used for years in XP.
    Now I have bought a new computer, using Windows 7 and Asus P6X58D Premium motherboard.
    After installing Windows 7 I noticed that when I press some keys I get a number instead of a letter.
    I have managed to install drivers for the USB travel keyboard. And can enter the place where I can change speed of TrackPoint etc....
    Now some weird stuff:
    The keyboard actually work if I e.g. enter Internet via "Asus Express Gate".
    (This is a feature with the motherboard which enables me to run some small numbers of applications without having to start windows, thus enabling superfast access to Internet etc.)
    If I let Windows 7 start, then some keys/letters only show numbers.
    To me it sounds weird if keyboard only works in "Asus Express Gate" applications and not in when I e.g. use Internet or any text editor in Windows 7.
    Maybe there is a settings in BIOS that is set automatically when entering "Asus Express Gate", that I might have to set manually to make the USB keyboard work while in Windows 7 (64bit) ???
    I have looked in the BIOS UI without any luck...
    Any suggestions?

    Before you spend money, see Javascript Error! Error number: 45 error string: Objects is invalid line: 387, Line 428

  • USB travel keyboard vs non-IBM PC

    For some time I've been using a USB keyboard with ultranav - the kind with the keypad, which has been discontinued - on my non-IBM PC running XP.  That keyboard worked fine, and I could modify all the attributes of the trackpoint and pad.  For me, it's especially important to be able to reduce the force necessary to use the trackpoint or I'll hurt my hands.  Over time, though, it reached the end of its lifespan.
    I bought a USB travel keyboard with ultranav.  Essentially the same thing, but without the keypad.  I've tried a variety of driver installs, including generic Synaptics drivers, and I can't modify the trackpoint's beavior.  Both the pad and the trackpoint work, controlling the mouse, but there is no way to reduce the force necessary.  At one point, I got the message that the trackpoint was disabled and I needed to re-enable it in the BIOS... but this isn't an IBM machine.  It has an ASUS motherboard, and the bios has nothing relevant as far as I can tell.
    A potential clue:
    Watching the device manager, I've plugged in my old keyboard and the new travel keyboard.  The old keyboard is recognized as a "HID Keyboard Device", "Synaptics Composite USB TouchPad", and "Synaptics Composite USB TouchStyk".  The _new_ keyboard is recognized as a "HID Keyboard Device" and "HID-compliant mouse."  I would have expected two mice, actually, one for the trackpoint and one for the touchpad.
    I have tried various installs and drivers, including drivers from Lenovo and generic ones from Synaptics, without luck.  It's still an HID-compliant mouse which won't let me change the amount of force necessary.
    Any ideas?

    I feel your pain ringrose.
    My beloved IBM T42, circa 2005, has been retired from work duties and soldiers on in limited duty at home. I have recently attempted to re-create the well-designed keyboard, particularly the Synaptics touchpad and the TrackPoint, for my office PC, which is a clone (but with 'name-brand' internals, an Intel motherboard and processor, Kingston RAM, OCZ SSD) running 64-bit Windows 7 Professional, SP1.
    So, for the princely sum of $35 I purchased a new keyboard, an IBM Part No. 89P8500 and IBM Model No. SK-8840. It's labeled IBM, not Lenovo. The keyboard's cord ends in two PS/2 plugs, one for the keyboard and one for the mouse, the latter I believe refers to the integrated Synaptics touchpad, and the integrated Trackpoint. My office PC has no PS/2 inputs, so I purchased a Ziotek PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse to USB Adapter (ZT1040444) to make the connection between the keyboard and the PC.
    The keyboard does achieve basic functionality by simply plugging it into the PC through the Ziotek adapter. But the Synaptics touchpad and the TrackPoint are capable of considerably more functionality. I know this because on my T42 the touchpad and TrackPoint were controlled by UltraNav software, which created a tab in the Mouse Properties in Control Panel. There, many adjustments and customizations were possible.
    But having spent more hours than I will admit to (yes, it's in double digits), I am still unable to achieve UltraNav levels of functionality. Worse, and even though the keyboard functions, if I open Control Panel, Mouse Properties an error message appears saying:
    "Unable to connect to the Synaptics Pointing Device Driver.
    If you have installed another PS/2 Pointing Device Driver please uninstall the Synaptics driver by clicking on the Yes button. You then need to reinstall your pointing device driver for your external device again.
    Do you want to uninstall the Synaptics driver now?"
    I select "No" and the Mouse Properties dialogue box opens, sans any indication of UltraNav or any functionality beyond the basic functions provided in Windows.
    It finally dawned on me that the UltraNav software is IBM's proprietary version of Synaptics' generic touchpad / trackpoint driver. And it just doesn't want to and/or isn't going to work on my clone PC. I have literally tried dozens of USB and PS/2 drivers from Lenovo's website. The generic Synaptics driver from Synaptics' website imparts none of the UltraNav functionality, as best as I can tell.
    My guess is that IBM probably didn't plan on selling enough of the now-priced-at-$35 keyboard (89P8500 / SK-8840) to merit going to the trouble and expense of preparing an UltraNav driver for non-IBM computers to run the thing. But, is there a version of UltraNav that will run on non-IBM/Lenovo PCs? I haven't found it.
    The keyboard uses PS/2 and the Ziotek adapter, at least in theory, maps the PS/2 interface over to work with the USB interface. But is Windows 7 Professional 64-bit treating the Ziotek adapter-connected keyboard as a PS/2 device (which it is), or does the Ziotek adapter cause windows to treat the keyboard as a USB device? Thus, is the adapter's mapping over process so complete that the PS/2 device is now treated as a USB device? I have inquired with Ziotek and I am awaiting a response, which may never come.
    I posted here in desperation. Please help, if you are able.
    Thank you,

  • Driver issue? with docked T61, and 31P9490- IBM USB Travel Keyboard w/ UltraNav and sleep mode

    Can someone from Lenovo please advise me on which version drivers need to be installed for the external keyboard and mouse, and/or the proper power setting(s) to use with this configuration so the machine will react and wake up from its nap with a Fn+F4 on the external keyboard?
    T61  7658-CTO,  3GB RAM,  Vista Business Ultimate.  These are the external IBM/Lenovo devices used:
    I have an issue with waking my T61 up from sleep mode while it’s docked and using the external keyboard, mouse, and monitor.  When the machine is docked, the blue Fn keys or the Think Vantage button do not function on the external keyboard.
    The external keyboard seems to be the same as the internal keyboard installed in the TP- which I thought would react the same as the internal keyboard when I installed the driver that it came with.  I had hoped something this simple would be easier than it now seems. 
    Thanks in advance! 
    Cheers, Mark  
    Message Edited by masnider on 12-16-2008 03:33 PM
    Message Edited by masnider on 12-16-2008 03:42 PM
    Message Edited by masnider on 12-16-2008 03:42 PM

    Thanks for the advice Izzy.  After installing both sets of keyboard and hotkey drivers it does respond to most (but not all) blue Fn key combinations as marked on the external keyboard.  The blue ThinkVantage button still does not respond. 
    Oddly enough, I am able to use the Fn+F4 key combination to put it into sleep mode and to bring it back out, but when the display comes back I have no control of the UltraNav pad, track pointer, or mouse.  I had to open the TP cover slightly and use the pad to get past the login screen to the desktop.
    Incidently, just after using the UltraNav pad on the machine as it was slightly open a couple of messages popped up onscreen involving the USB port(s).  One indicated it was searching for a new device driver for a USB connected device, and the other indicated I could benefit from connecting the device to a high- speed USB port by unpluging the low-speed hub and connecting directly to an available high-speed USB port.
    Interestingly, I don't have any external hub connected. It may have identified the docking station USB ports as low-speed, which I don't believe they are...any ideas for what to do with this new set of issues? 
    Thanks, Mark

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