White Borders Appearing (Captivate 6)

I am receiving feedback from testers that white borders are appearing in the project window.
This usually happens when navigating to a page, and then clicking a button that leads to another screen. Upon arriving at this new screen, a white border will appear at the bottom, the right side of the screen, or both. Sometimes borders appear just by clicking around the screen, inside the project window.
I'm not able to reproduce this reliably- sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't, which is why I'm not sure why this is happening.
The background and media should match the project size. I have borders turned off in the skin editor.
This is published as a flash file, scalable.

Including an example screenshot of the amound of white space left around the bottom and right side of the project.

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    It doesn't matter if the picture is taken in portrait or landscape, it has a thick white border around the picture.

    No, the white borders do not appear in iWeb. As far as the browser, sometimes I can export the site and it renders fine, other times the white borders appear.
    Like I said before, the graphics with the borders aren't consistent. Different fraphics have the white border if I re-publish the site to a folder.
    Please note... unlike other questions posted in this topic, my white lines do not disappear when the page is loaded. They stay there... and ONLY on the index page.

  • White screen appears when using AS3 wrapper file with Captivate 7

    We had no problems with this in the past but now a white screen appears instead of the captivate running. The file is used when we use Captivate, streaming video, or HTML assessment. It triggers a complete signal to our LMS at the end. Is there anything that we are missing? The file is:
    package  {
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.Loader;
        import flash.events.MouseEvent;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.net.URLLoader;
        import flash.system.Security;
        import BrightcovePlayer;
        import flash.media.SoundMixer;
        import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
        import caurina.transitions.properties.ColorShortcuts;
        import pipwerks.SCORM;
        import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
        public class MainWrapper extends MovieClip {
            public var loadedSwf:URLRequest;
            public var contentLoader:Loader = new Loader  ;
            public var contentContainer:Sprite;
            public var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
            public var videoList:XML;
            public var currentLoadedSection:Number;
            public var nextEnabled:Boolean = false;
            public var currentModule:Number = 0;
            public var currentContent:Number = 0;
            public var currentContentType:String;
            public var advanceBehavior:String;
            public var prevBehavior:String;
            public var previousPage:String;
            public var moveAdv:Boolean;
            public var timesAdvanced:Number = 1;
            public var numPages:Number = 1;
            public var furthestPage:Number = 0;
            public var scorm:SCORM;
            public var lmsConnected:Boolean;
            public var lessonStatus:String;
            public var success:Boolean;
            public var suspend_str:String;
            public var suspend_data:String;
            public var arrayToParse:Array;
            public var videoChoice:Number = 0;
            public var vidChoice:Number = 0; // Picks up button selections from loaded swf...default is 0 if only one ID supplied
            public var vidID:Array = new Array(); // Recieves XML supplied video IDs
            public var MC:MovieClip;
            public var swfURLChoice:Number = 0; // Picks up button selections from loaded swf...default is 0 if only one ID supplied
            public var swfURL:Array = new Array(); // Recieves XML supplied swf URLs
            public function MainWrapper() {
                // constructor code
            public function init(e:Event):void {
                contentContainer = new Sprite  ;
                exit_btn.visible = false;
                main_HUD.home_btn.visible = false;
                textPanel_mc.mask = panelMask_mc;
                BrightcovePlayer.initialize(this,onBrightcoveVideoComplete,onBrightcoveInitComplete,onBri ghtcoveVideoPlay);
            public function loadXML():void {
                xmlLoader = new URLLoader  ;
                xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("playlist.xml"));
            public function showXML(e:Event):void {
                trace("Line 95: Loaded XML");
                XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
                videoList = new XML(e.target.data);
                numPages = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent.length();
                trace("Line 100: numPages="+numPages);
            public function mainMenuVisibility(setVis:Boolean):void {
                main_HUD.visible = textPanel_mc.visible = setVis;
            private function onBrightcoveVideoComplete() {
                trace("Line 107: video has stopped");
            private function onBrightcoveVideoPlay() {
                trace("Line 111: player is playing");
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
            private function onBrightcoveInitComplete() {
                trace("Line 118: init is complete");
            public function loadContent():void {
                if (currentContent > furthestPage) {
                    furthestPage = currentContent;
                    trace("Line 125: The furthest page so far: "+furthestPage);
                saveCoursePos() //SCORM Bookmark
                var loadedContentType:String = String(videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent]. @ type);
                currentContentType = loadedContentType;
                switch (loadedContentType) {
                    case "cap" :
                        trace("Line 133: loading a Captivate swf");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                        loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                    case "swf" :
                        trace("Line 146: loading an interactive swf");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                        loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                        trace("XXXXXXXXXXXXX "+(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]))+" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");
                    case "quiz" :
                        trace("Line 158: loading a quiz");
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        prevBehavior = "prev";
                          loadMsg_mc.visible = true;
                        swfURL = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].pathToContent.split(",");
                        loadedSwf = new URLRequest(String(swfURL[swfURLChoice]));
                    case "bcVid" :
                        advanceBehavior = "next";
                        trace("Line 172: loading a Brightcove video");
                        //vidFrame_mc.visible = true;
                        //videoBG.visible = true;
                        //setChildIndex(vidFrame_mc,numChildren - 1);
                        vidID = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].videoID.split(",");
                        BrightcovePlayer.instance.alpha = 0;
                    default :
                        trace("Line 183: unrecognized type. check the node's 'type' attribute");
            public function contentFadeOut():void {
                if (currentContentType == "bcVidBranch" || currentContentType == "bcVid") {
                    trace("Line 190: fading BC vid");
                } else {
                    trace("Line 193: fading something else");
            public function movePanel(moveDir:String):void {
                switch (moveDir) {
                    case "up" :
                        if (textPanel_mc.y != 145) {
                    case "down" :
                        if (textPanel_mc.y != 645) {
                    default :
                        trace("Line 211: WAT. That is not a valid direction");
               public function getSWFChoice(e:Event):void {
                   MC = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                   swfURLChoice = MC.swfURLChoice;
                   contentLoader.content.removeEventListener( "getSWFChoice" , getSWFChoice );
                   trace("YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY swfURLChoice="+swfURLChoice+" YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY");
               public function getVidChoice(e:Event):void {
                   MC = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                   videoChoice = MC.vidChoice;
                   contentLoader.content.removeEventListener( "getVidChoice" , getVidChoice );
               public function playOn() {
                   moveAdv = true;
            public function loadComplete(e:Event):void {
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
                Tweener.addTween(main_HUD.progBar_mc.progFill_mc,{scaleX:(currentContent) / int(numPages - 1),time:.4,transition:"easeOutSin"});
                if (currentContent == 0){
                    main_HUD.pgNum_txt.text = "Welcome";
                } else{
                    main_HUD.pgNum_txt.text = "Page " + currentContent + " of " + int(numPages - 1);
                switch (currentContentType) {
                    case "cap" :
                    case "swf" :
                    case "quiz" :
                        var loadedContent = MovieClip(contentLoader.content);
                        var xmlQuizContent = videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].question;
                        var numQuestions = int(xmlQuizContent.length());
                        var questionArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var choiceArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var correctChoiceArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var responsesArray:Array = new Array  ;
                        var passedImageArray:Array = new Array();
                        for (var i = 0; i < numQuestions; i++) {
                            var tempString:String = "";
                            for (var j = 0; j < xmlQuizContent[i].answerChoice.length(); j++) {
                                tempString +=  xmlQuizContent[i].answerChoice[j] + "%";
                            tempString = "";
                            correctChoiceArray.push(xmlQuizContent[i]. @ correctChoice);
                            passedImageArray.push(xmlQuizContent[i]. @ dispImage);
                        loadedContent.populateQuiz(questionArray,choiceArray,correctChoiceArray,responsesArray,pa ssedImageArray);
                    default :
            public function endContentHandler(e:Event):void {
                //here, we will enable navigation again
                trace("Line 295: END OF CONTENT");
                loadMsg_mc.visible = false;
                nextEnabled = true;
                if (currentContent == int(numPages - 1)) {
            public function checkFurthestPage(evalNum:Number):void {
                if (isNaN(furthestPage[currentLoadedSection])) { trace("Line 312: furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] is NaN"); }
                if (evalNum > furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]) {
                    trace("Line313: currentLoadedSection is a Number");
                    furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] = evalNum;
                    trace("Line315: furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] = "+furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]);
            public function endPageNav():void {
                trace("Line 321: On page " + currentContent + " of " + int(numPages - 1));
                setChildIndex(main_HUD,numChildren - 1);
                if (currentContent < int(numPages - 1)) {
                    main_HUD.next_btn.visible = true;
                } else {
                    exit_btn.visible = true;
            public function hideNavControls():void {
                main_HUD.next_btn.visible = false;
                main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = false;
                exit_btn.visible = false;
            public function loadNext(me:MouseEvent):void {
                moveAdv = true;
            public function quizNext(e:Event):void {
                moveAdv = true;
            public function loadPrev(me:MouseEvent):void {
                trace("Line 350: loading prev");
                moveAdv = false;
            public function doLoadNext():void {
                switch (advanceBehavior) {
                    case "next" :
                    case "noAdvance" :
                    default :
                        for (var i in videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent) {
                            if (advanceBehavior == videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[i].contentTitle) {
                                currentContent = i;
                trace("Line 372: loading next");
                if (contentContainer.numChildren > 0) {
            public function doLoadPrev():void {
                switch (prevBehavior) {
                    case "prev" :
                        if (currentContent < 0) {
                            currentModule = 0;
                            currentContent = 1;
                            timesAdvanced = 2;
                            numPages = 2;
                    default :
                        for (var i in videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent) {
                            if (prevBehavior == videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[i].contentTitle) {
                                currentContent = i;
                trace("Line 400: loading prev");
                if (contentContainer.numChildren > 0) {
            public function addContent():void {
            public function loadProgress(pe:ProgressEvent):void {
                var percentageLoaded:int = (pe.bytesLoaded / pe.bytesTotal) * 100;
                trace("Line 415: Loading..." + pe.bytesLoaded + " out of " + pe.bytesTotal);
                loadMsg_mc.loadText_txt.text = String(percentageLoaded) + "%";
            public function updateNav(contentTypeCondition):void {
                trace("Line 420: Checking nav. On Page " + currentContent);
                if (currentContent == 0) {
                    main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = false;
            public function checkForBeginning():void {
                trace("Line 427: Check for beginning");
                if (currentContent != 0) {
                    trace("Line 429: Is not beginning");
                    main_HUD.prev_btn.visible = true;
                } else {
                if (currentContent < furthestPage) {
                    main_HUD.next_btn.visible = true;
            public function textPanelListener():void {
                if (videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[currentContent].panelText != "_noText") {
                    trace("Line 443: should move up");
                    textPanel_mc.panelText_mc.gotoAndStop(videoList.module[currentModule].listedContent[curre ntContent].panelText);
                } else {
            public function addNavListeners():void {
                main_HUD.prev_btn.mouseChildren = false;
                main_HUD.next_btn.mouseChildren = false;
            public function beginGlow(me:MouseEvent):void
                switch (me.target.name)
                    case "next_btn" :
                        if (nextEnabled == true)
                    default :
            public function fadeGlow(me:MouseEvent):void {
            public function determineSkip():void {
                if (contentLoader.numChildren) {
                    var thisContent:MovieClip = MovieClip(contentLoader.getChildAt(0));
                trace(currentLoadedSection+ "Current content: "+thisContent.currentFrame);
                trace("Line 486 - Furthest page is "+furthestPage[currentLoadedSection]+" and the current page is "+thisContent.currentFrame);
                if (furthestPage[currentLoadedSection] >= thisContent.currentFrame) {
                    trace("can skip this page");
                    nextEnabled = true;
                } else {
                    nextEnabled = false;
                    trace("can't skip");
            public function navHandler(me:MouseEvent):void {
                    switch (me.target.name) {
                        case "next_btn" :
                            if (nextEnabled == true) {
                                nextEnabled = false;
                            } else {
                                trace("can't proceed yet");
                        case "prev_btn" :
                            exit_btn.visible = false;
                        case "exit_btn" :
            public function exitCourse(me:MouseEvent):void {
            public function initializeTracking():void {
                scorm = new SCORM  ;
                lmsConnected = scorm.connect();
                if (lmsConnected) {
                    lessonStatus = scorm.get("cmi.core.lesson_status");
                    if (lessonStatus == "completed" || lessonStatus == "passed") {
                    } else {
                        success = scorm.set("cmi.core.lesson_status","incomplete");
                        suspend_data = scorm.get("cmi.suspend_data");
                        if (suspend_data.length > 0) {
                            arrayToParse = suspend_data.split(",");
                            currentContent = parseInt(arrayToParse[0],10);
                            furthestPage = parseInt(arrayToParse[1],10);
                } else {
                    //connectionStatus_txt.text = "Could not connect to LMS.";
            public function saveCoursePos():void {
                trace("Line 554: Saving position at " + currentContent);
                var suspend_str:String = String(currentContent)+","+String(furthestPage);
            public function setCourseToComplete():void {
                trace("Line 561: Saving complteted course");
                success = scorm.set("cmi.core.lesson_status", "completed");
                   lmsConnected = false;
            public function navToTop():void {

    You'll have to do two things.. Elaborate on exactly what you mean by a white screen appears. What is turning white? Are you generating a SWF from captivate of a screen capture session, then trying to load that SWF with a wrapper and when you do so it turns white? (In that scenario, if Captivate was looking for external assets it can't find, that'd be why). Please include more details on that.
    Second, code of this size pasted into the forum really doesn't help. You'll need to do the work to isolate exactly what part of the code you're seeing this white box appear. Run it in a debugger line by line until you witnesss it turn white and only share that small portion of code. And if you do choose to share a ton of code, please use a site like pastebin.com which will retain formatting and color coding, making it much easier to read, and then share that pastebin link.

  • Spry Menu Widget puts white borders around menu items in IE7

    I have adjusted the Spry Menu css field to work with images
    rather than block style menu items to achieve an aesthetically more
    pleasing result. It all works fin in
    When I have a look at the very same page in IE7, I can see
    borders or margins drawn around all menu items.
    Interestingly, when I remove the background image, I still
    bet right hand side border/margin on the menu bar, but none for the
    submenu items.
    I thought first of an IE7 vs. Firefox incompatibility issue,
    but then removed the SpryMenu.js from the file and got
    result in IE7...
    Of course the menu does not work anymore, but the rendering
    is correct in IE7 and FireFox.
    Any idea or suggestion, whether I am looking at a
    compatibility issue or a bug in SpryMenu.js? More important, any
    suggestions to make the page behave in IE7 just as in Firefox? Any
    suggestion is welcome.
    inluding html code
    css code

    It appears to be a bug in the SpryMenuBar.js v0.12 after all.
    I found an acceptable solution by commenting out line 163
    , this.isieClass);
    // this.addClassName(items, this.isieClass);
    Now the menu is rendered correctly without the white
    I guess it is not always IE's fault ;-)
    Something for the Adobe crew to pick up for their next

  • White borders on images

    Is it possible to remove the white borders that appear on all my import and export images?
    The white interferes with what I am reviewing in folders on my desktop and in Aperture. Would
    rather have just a solid neutral color around them. Thank you.

    Welcome to the user-supported Aperture forum.
    Is it possible to remove the white borders that appear on all my import and export images?
    "Import" and "export"? Do you mean that your images start with a particular white border before you import them into Aperture, and you would like to make a modification to your image so that you don't see those borders? Somehow I don't think that's quite what you are asking, but I have never seen white borders while running Aperture except for the "selection" border.
    You can perform a crop to get rid of a part of the image that "borders" what you want, but again, I'm not sure that's what you mean. Can you maybe post a picture somewhere for the forum to see precisely what you mean?
    Would rather have just a solid neutral color around them.
    Aperture will not replace your white border with anything -- you can crop it away, though.

  • White borders around Firefox entry boxes

    Hi. I'm trying to fix / work around a quirky cosmetic bug that occurs in Firefox (OpenOffice, too) with Murrine SVN and, unfortunately, other GTK engines. There are white borders around entry boxes, that disappear if I mouse-over them, but reappear when I do, well, anything. I was going to work around it by theming the entry boxes with Clearlooks instead of Murrine, but it suffers from the same problem (it's more glaring there, actually). Standard Murrine from community, and Murrine from Ubuntu (aur package) do not suffer from this problem, but unfortunately, it cannot co-exist with Murrine SVN.
    Here's a screenshot of the problem in question:
    How would you suggest I work around, or preferably, fix this problem?
    Last edited by TiZ (2009-02-27 03:22:57)

    It appears to be a bug in the SpryMenuBar.js v0.12 after all.
    I found an acceptable solution by commenting out line 163
    , this.isieClass);
    // this.addClassName(items, this.isieClass);
    Now the menu is rendered correctly without the white
    I guess it is not always IE's fault ;-)
    Something for the Adobe crew to pick up for their next

  • Problem rotate Image black borders appear??!!

    Hi I'm using a method to rotate an image file (exactly a buffered image inside the rotate method).
    That works fine, i get a new image which has been rotated but black borders appear!!!
    Is there a way with the renderinghints or something else to remove these borders (or put them in white)??
    here is what I use for the moment :
    Any idea would be appreciated...

    I haven't seen that happen. Perhaps your math is off by one? Could you post a minimal program
    that demonstrates this, using a generated image, or an image from an accessible URL?
    To change the color of the "border", you could fillRect() your target image with white first...

  • Quiz problems, white screen appears, quiz freezes, cannot get consistent responses when adding click-through assessment questions to the quiz.

    Why would I get a white screen after answering a quiz click-through?

    You'll have to do two things.. Elaborate on exactly what you mean by a white screen appears. What is turning white? Are you generating a SWF from captivate of a screen capture session, then trying to load that SWF with a wrapper and when you do so it turns white? (In that scenario, if Captivate was looking for external assets it can't find, that'd be why). Please include more details on that.
    Second, code of this size pasted into the forum really doesn't help. You'll need to do the work to isolate exactly what part of the code you're seeing this white box appear. Run it in a debugger line by line until you witnesss it turn white and only share that small portion of code. And if you do choose to share a ton of code, please use a site like pastebin.com which will retain formatting and color coding, making it much easier to read, and then share that pastebin link.

  • After starting Creative Cloud just a white Window appears, no Apps or something else Windows 8.1, more uninstallation and re-install didn't bring a solution

    After starting Creative Cloud just a white Window appears, no Apps or something else Windows 8.1, more uninstallation and re-install didn't bring a solution. I have had installed Photoshop CC Trial Version, but had to re-boot the system, so I lost the Software. After re-installing the Creative Cloud Desktop appeared just a White window. I tried to delete the file of OOBD in AppData but no reaction. It still appears as a clear window.

    See if the following helps:

  • MacBook Pro 13", late 2013. At First a translucent White rectangle  appeared on screen. One day later the entire screen became white and I can't see anything else.ô

    MAcBook-Pro, 13", 2013 with OS X 10.10 (Yosemite).. At first a translucent white rectangle appeared on the screen. One day latter tthe entire screen turns white and nothing else can be seen.

      Reset PRAM.   http://support.apple.com/kb/PH18761
    Reset SMC.     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
      Start up in Safe Mode.  http://support.apple.com/en-us/HT1564

  • White lines appear on videos since my new Mac Pro - Why?

    I'm the happy owner of a Mac Pro 2,7 GHz 12-Core Intel Xeon E5 / 64 gig RAM / 2X AMD FirePro D700 6144 Mo running on OS X 10.9.3 (13D65).
    I'm using CC latest version but also Red Giant Magic Bullet LOOKS to color grade my videos (on an adjustment layer). I have 3 HDD (1 SSD in the computer with the programs + 1 external (Thunderbold) G-RAID for cache files + 1 external Pegasus R6 2 (Thunderbolt 2) for the footage).
    Sometimes, when reading (but more often when exporting in Media Encoder) white lines appear on the video (see image below). Why?
    Is that a Premiere problem? Is something going wrong with my Mac? I have already reinstalled everything from scratch but the problem remains...
    I was working with the same programs on my previous iMac and I didn't have this problem.
    Any idea ?

    Nicolas.Olivier wrote:
    Is it an Adobe or a Mac Pro 2013 related problem? Does everyone using the GPU acceleration have the same problem?
    So far, it appears to be an issue with OS X 10.9.2 and up.  Some folks that are beta testing 10.9.4 have reported that the strange artifacts no longer appear while using Hardware mode, but a few folks are still having Premiere crashes with it.  My suspicion is that we're seeing two separate problems with Premiere on the new Mac Pro when using Hardware mode: 1) artifacts, lines, etc on exports and 2) application crashes.  Neither of these appear to happen when Pr and AME are put into Software mode.  Given the commonality of the problems (using GPUs on the new Mac Pro) some folks seem to think they're directly related.  My gut tells me they aren't.
    The challenge for the folks at Adobe and other third party app developers is that the boys (and girls) in Cupertino are changing things within OS X a bit too quickly, for better, for worse.  Some of these changes are what I call "ninja patches" where they don't really explain what they're changing or why.  I strongly suspect that's what's going on here.  They sneaked something into OS X 10.9.2 and haven't un-sneaked it yet.  Folks are strongly encouraging Adobe to address this issue pronto, but if Cupertino keeps altering the guts of the OS, how can they?

  • Why are white lines appearing in images in PDF files but not the original InDesign files?

    Hi folks!
    Let me just start out by saying that I'm not a graphic designer and have basically no experience with graphic design programs, aside from the little futzing around I've tried to do with InDesign. My company (which publishes a monthly magazine) has decided that it would be a great idea to get the files to our magazine from the graphic design firm that actually handles the production end of things so that we may offer back articles, etc., and modify them as needed. Somehow I've gotten assigned the task of handling this. However, I've encountered some problems along the way. The graphic design firm uses Quark, we own InDesign (CS3) and use Markzware to convert the files. Most things seem to work okay in this arrangement but I'm having problems with the images in the file when I create PDFs. Although the images look fine in the InDesign files (and are of print quality), when I create PDFs of some files, thin white lines appear over the images in the PDF document. I asked our graphic designer about this but she has no idea, and she isn't very familiar with InDesign.
    So, my question is, where are these lines coming from and how do I stop them from appearing? As a reminder, I'm not a graphic designer and am fdairly ignorant in design software terminology. If you're kind enough to try to help me with this problem, I'm going to require an explanation in plain English. Basically explain it to me like you would to a 10 year old.
    If anyone can help, I'd greatly appreciate it!
    Thanks in advance,

    I think Bob was typing too fast and meant to ask if you were distilling, not to tell you distill.
    Distilled PDF (you get distilled by printing to PDF rather than exporting) always flattens transparency, which is what makes those white "stitching" lines.
    You can make the stitching disappear on screen by turning off smoothing in the Acrobat prefs, and it shouldn't print on a press, but it sounds like you may be doing the output on a digital machine and it's likely to show on the lower resolution output.

  • Importing a video in Photoshop CS3, only white background appears?

    Uhm, hello. I have googled about this for a couple of hours and I can't find an answer. Ok, so here's what I do.
    File>Import>Video Frames to Layers>Then I choose the video and also the parts I want>OK. But only white background appears. Also the frames are all white. Please help me. Really want to know how to create .gifs. Thank you!

    You must have the video codec installed to edit video files
    This information is from the Premiere forum
    Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037?tstart=0
    What is a CODEC... a Primer http://forums.adobe.com/thread/546811?tstart=0
    What CODEC is INSIDE that file? http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037?tstart=0
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below
    For PC http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ or http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en
    For Mac http://mediainfo.massanti.com/

  • Hi When going from Develop module to print module a white boarder appears on screen which also prints via my epson r3000 printer. I can get round this by exporting photo to Elements and printing from there but can i get rid of the boarder and print from l

    Hi When going from Develop module to print module a white boarder appears on screen which also prints via my epson r3000 printer. I can get round this by exporting photo to Elements and printing from there but can i get rid of the boarder and print from lightroom?

    In the printer driver (accessed through the Page Setup button) set the Advanced tab to borderless. Then in the right hand panel under Layout set all the margins to zero.

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